Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M

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Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M Page 4

by Jamie Lake

  “I’ve been waiting for you a long time,” he said tenderly. “I’ve been following you.”

  “Following me?” I repeated, perplexed.

  He realized that needed more of an explanation, so he explained. “Since you were 16. That was the first time I smelled you in the woods. I could tell that you weren’t ready then: it wasn’t time. But since then, I have known that you were the one for me. Once I saw you, once I smelled you, I wanted no one and nothing else the same way.”

  I didn’t know what he was talking about, but it all sounded good. He wouldn’t finish playing with me, though, until I fully understood. “You remember that night in the woods, when you were with your father and your brother? You were lost for hours and you called out to them, ‘Jerry! Dad!’ You pleaded.”

  I sat up in a fright. How did he know that? I hadn’t told him that. The memory of that night flashed back to me. I had strayed off the path. I wasn’t paying attention, probably looking down, fuming over why I had to be out here, and when I looked up, I was in a totally unfamiliar part of the woods. I whipped around, hoping to see that Dad or Jerry were behind me, but they weren’t. I had no idea how long I had been walking like that. They may not even know I wasn’t with them. Then, to my right, I saw a man move. He looked just like my dad, so I called out to him and started walking that way. He couldn’t hear me, and he didn’t turn his head, so I called again and started running towards him. Suddenly, he dropped down out of sight and he was gone. When I got to the spot where he should have been, there was nothing but trampled underbrush. Then I panicked. I had gotten even farther away from the trail. Looking behind me, the brush had woven back together as if I hadn’t run through it at all. I cried out for Dad and Jerry over and over, but they couldn’t hear me.

  That was when I heard several bodies moving through the trees, coming towards me. There were low snarls, and it sounded like wolves were converging on me. It happened so quickly and I was so terrified that I couldn’t move, I couldn’t even scream. Several wolves broke through the forest. They were rabid, their eyes were glazed over with lust. I didn’t stand a chance.

  “Then you saw another wolf. You saw me.” Buck explained, as if he had read the memory right from my face. “You were cornered and I protected you.”

  That was true. There had been another wolf that had jumped in front of the pack. He put himself between me and the rest. He snapped and snarled until the others fled in terror. My wolf must have been the alpha male, and he had claimed his victory.

  “I pinned you down. I had to know you were the one - the one I was waiting for.”

  The wolf had surveyed me with his piercing green eyes. He sniffed my neck, my shoulders, my crotch, as he circled around me. When he came back to me, he started nipping at my hand; not enough to hurt me, but enough to make me bring it out and show it to him. Without warning, the wolf gave me a sharp bite on the wrist. His teeth broke the skin in a way that I knew would leave a scar. He rubbed his snout into my hand, as if to apologize for doing that, and gave my wrist several long licks to stop the bleeding.

  “You were the one, so I marked you,” he said, raising my wrist to his mouth, and almost like magic, his teeth marks fit my scar perfectly.

  In the glistening light, I could see they weren’t just teeth that he had: they were canines.

  At first his story scared me, as I wasn’t sure how to take it. I’d heard rumors of them - werewolves - but like anybody else, I thought that’s all they were - just rumors.

  He reached for my cheek again and I flinched. He seemed concerned and almost offended by it.

  “I won’t hurt you. I promise to protect you,” he said. “Close your eyes. It’s still me.”

  I closed my eyes, partly because I was afraid, partly because there was still a part of me that wanted to obey him, and then his lips touched mine.

  His thick, soft, delicious lips, massaging my lips. His tongue was dipping into my mouth, running itself along my tongue, teasing my lips and my tongue, and I couldn’t help but kiss him back.

  His kisses were deep, they were passionate, they were memorable. I loved the way he exhaled as he kissed. I loved the way his head bobbed back and forth, and how both his hands held my face in his palms. It thrilled me how he growled with pleasure. My hole was aching for him again: it was calling, beckoning, for his thick cock to come back. I wanted - no - I needed him inside of me again.

  He must have sensed that: maybe he could smell the desire in my sweat. He lifted me up and allowed his cock to slip deep inside me until I was sitting on his balls.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. He rocked his hips back and forth as his hands gripped my rump.

  I lifted myself up and down his pole slowly at first, allowing it to slide in and out of me gently.

  “Uuuugh,” he groaned, and it turned me on even more. I wanted to please him: I needed to. So I rode it up and down faster, clenching my cheeks together as I did, swaying my hips to his rhythm. We were in perfect sync.

  The sensation felt electric. We kissed deeper and deeper, our rhythm getting faster and faster and faster until ....

  I felt his juices shoot deep inside me, and I couldn’t help but cum at the same time, all over his hairy chest.

  I collapsed on the bed and he collapsed beside me, both of us trying to catch our breath. He pulled me closer, and I could still feel his hardness behind me between my cheeks.

  “Mine,” he repeated, this time kissing me on the back of my neck. “Mine.” And I started to drift off with that promise still on his lips.

  I don’t know when I fell asleep, but it must have been two o’clock in the morning when my eyes cracked back open. Startled and suddenly feeling alone in the big bed, I tried to look around. But I couldn’t move properly. Something was holding my wrists together. It was coarse and scratchy, and it bound my wrists behind my back and kept me from being able to move myself. With a great shift, I rolled from my back to my side, and I saw the silhouette of Buck standing by his bedroom window. He had a look of concern on his face as he looked through the open drapes.

  “Buck, what is going on?” I asked, confused.

  He sighed. “They’re coming.”

  “Who?” I asked, his tone sounded concerned.

  “The pack,” he said, his voice steely and removed. Then I saw a beam of headlights flash across the window and turn into the driveway. Who was out there? Were they coming here?

  “What do they want?” I asked him.

  “You,” he said, looking at me for the first time. There was rage in his eyes, and the cut through his eyebrow throbbed as his knuckles clenched and unclenched angrily.

  He was angry again and I was afraid. “They want to kill me?” I gasped.

  He turned toward me, “No, Nathan. They want to fuck you. All of them. They want a gang bang. Tonight.”

  A cold shiver went up my spine. What was I going to do? As if sensing this, Buck came over to me, kneeled down, looked into my eyes and said, “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you. I have a plan.”


  Marked for Love Book 2


  There was a sliver of fright in his eyes, as Buck turned toward me, something I hadn’t ever seen before. His shoulder length dark hair spun around, resting on his broad shoulders as he said with trepidation, “No, Nathan. They want to fuck you. All of them. They want a gang bang. Tonight.”

  A cold shiver went up my spine. What was I going to do? He could see my slender shoulders shake in the pale moonlight, though I tried to control my fright.

  Streaks of the silver light shone through the thick window, broken up here and there by tree branches casting their shadows in his bedroom like bad omens.

  It was getting frostier in his room than before. Wearing nothing but a thin pair of boxers, I suddenly was feeling even more exposed.

  Buck came over to me, kneeled down, looked into my eyes and said, “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you. I have a plan.”

e put one hand on my bare shoulder kneading some of my tension away. His other hand smooth down my hair tousled with sweat. It was much shorter and lighter than his. I was much smaller and slighter than him, so it was fitting.

  Though his touch was comforting, it wasn’t enough to make me forget what he said.

  They were coming, that I knew for sure. But as I lied there in bed tied up, my hands bound above my head with a coarse rope, I didn’t feel as secure and safe with Buck protecting me as I had moments before.

  Why I was bound with the very rope, I had carried in with his bag just hours before, I didn’t know. That was before Buck had taken control of me, before I knew what I knew about him and how he’d been secretly protecting me, guiding me, defending me all these years like a ghost in the shadows.

  Buck rose from his kneeled position. He gazed out of the creases in the drapes out the window and seemed even more anxious, worried almost and I could tell he too was doing his best to control himself.

  He stood by the window, light shining off his sculpted abs and chest. Naked and barefoot, every inch of him was taut and ready to spring into action. Each time he moved, the muscles in his firm ass swayed back and forth, clenching and unclenching. It was driving me wild, memories of our time together the last few hours; him pumping and sweating, gripping me, biting and sucking in all the right places flooded my mind. I wanted to do nothing else but forget about everything else he said, about the dangers coming and have him join me in bed again, his thick meat between my cheeks, letting me get lost in the moment.

  I’d never been with a genuine werewolf before but I knew one thing. Buck knew how to control me, how to dominate me, make me plead for it, beg for it, whimper in ecstasy, never with force, always with the confidence and type of control a man with his endowment that knew what he was doing had.

  Yet, I knew the realities, the dangers of the situation. There I was, practically naked and vulnerable to a very real threat, and his body nearly distracted me away from the danger, again. His green eyes scanned over me as if he were deep in thought thinking about what was best for me, best for us, and I melted under their gaze. He was beautiful, there was no other word to describe him; beautiful in mind, beautiful in heart and perfection in body.

  But now his fingernails were growing into claws by the second as he paced in front of the window and tapping on the ridge of the window seal, scraping at the glass frame as if he were a diamond cutter. The paint peeled away under his nails. I looked around again and noticed things that I hadn’t last night.

  The furniture was solid and sturdy, but aging. His bed was thick, dark oak and he had a nightstand and dresser to match. There was a bookcase backed into the far corner, packed tightly with various kinds of books. Moonlight was all that brightened the room, so I couldn’t see their titles. For a second, I wondered if Buck would be able to read them from here with his canine eyes.

  Buck had left the door to the bathroom door open. I hadn’t even noticed that he had one before. Inside, the tile reflected the faint light. It was surprisingly clean, but simple. The entire white tile room characterized by the same Victorian features that coated the rest of the house. The neighborhood seemed older than I’d remembered ever seeing in Portland, Oregon and wondered how odd it was for them to be so far off the main road, tucked away along the Willamette River.

  Buck’s hands gripped each side of the window sill looking more intensely at something. I craned my neck to get a better view. His room was on the second floor and it overlooked the front yard. It was wide and deep, at least 50 yards from the little dirt road that brought us here. The grass was a uniform, short height, even in the night’s darkness I could see that. I wondered if Buck cut it himself or hired someone to do; probably himself, I reasoned. I didn’t think he was keen on having many visitors.

  One large oak towered up the side of the house and cast leafy shadows through the window. The window itself went from nearly the floor, maybe six inches away from the baseboard, to well above Buck’s head. It left Buck shrouded from head to toe in soft light.

  I doubted any of the intruders could see us up here. We had no light on, so Buck was probably hidden in shadow. I was tucked into the bed, so someone would have to be right up to the glass to see me. I wondered how good werewolves were at climbing. That tree may be exactly what they needed to get in.

  There were shadows moving across the perfectly lawn. They moved uniformly, a solid line, formed into a V with a larger wolf, leading them. The larger werewolf looked to be the same size as Buck. He was much bigger than the others, his fur was thicker and his paws were larger.

  He commanded the others absolutely. Not a single one got excited and ran ahead - they took their cues from him. The forward progression caused any other woodland animal to flee. We were deep enough in the woods that it wasn’t odd to see deer or rabbits moving through Buck’s yard. Not now, though. All the other animals cleared out, sensing the danger.

  Their heavy paws were kicking up clumps of grass and dirt with each stride. For some reason, that angered me more than anything. What right do they think the have to be here. Grass would be the least of my worries, though, if Buck couldn’t fend them off. What could he do with that many of them? There had to be at least 10 coming, each bigger than the next. He was only one man or werewolf and with that big of a pack, they were sure to have their way with me whether I wanted it or not.

  I tried to sit up, but Buck had tied me up expertly. My hands were held above my head, tied together and then tied to the headboard. Under other circumstances, this would have given Buck the perfect position to do whatever he wanted to me, and I would have loved it. He had even put a pillow under me head to keep me comfortable. It, along with his bed sheets, were white and very soft. The sheet was messed up from our romp and it billowed up around me.

  Now I was panicking under the restraints. The more I twisted and tried to get free, the more the rope dug into me. The headboard was the same sturdy wood as the frame and gave no indication of yielding to me any time soon. It rose up high above my head. One piece of wood arched from the right to the left side of the bed, and there were vertical slats with spaces in between then. The rope had been wrapped around one of those slats. The knot Buck used seemed designed to dissuade victims from making too much of a fuss. My cock hardened at the thought of what Buck had planned to do to me. but being tied to the bed with the rope that were almost cutting into my skin, they were bound so tight, didn’t make it any easier.

  “Why did you tie me up like this anyway?” I asked pulling on them with no avail.

  A small sexy smile spread across Buck’s sexy lips, “I thought we might have a little fun.”

  “Well, get me out of them.” I demanded, momentarily distracted by the danger coming.

  “There’s no time,” Buck said, peeking behind the drapes again.

  Buck moved away from the bed back to the window. He looked out at the converging shadows and grimace. I could see the silhouette of the men staggering their way toward them hoping over the wooden fence in droves, the full moon hanging low over the whisper of clouds.

  They men were picking up speed, blurring the lines between man and wolf. they ran on two feet, all of the stark naked, but it didn’t look like it’d be long before they took to going down on all fours. They were no longer moving slowly, like zombies rising out of a fog. Their eyes were blood-thirsty and their naked bodies were growing hairy.

  They howled up at the moon, each one with a different deep reverberation. The sound sent me convulsing from fear. I tried, again, to free myself. My effort was useless and only left me with rawer wrist.

  Instinctively, I tried to rub the scar that Buck had given me, but I couldn’t under the restraint. Just last night Buck had admitted that he was the one who saved me from a ravaging pack of wolves more than five years ago. I had been camping somewhere around here with my dad and brother, when I got separated from them. I was lost for hours, terrified and wondering around. Then, above the chirping of
the crickets and the mating sounds of frogs, I heard several bodies rustling through the leaves. The leader of a pack of wolves broke through the clearing I was in, only 30 feet away from me. I froze in panic, exactly the opposite of what I thought I would do in a dangerous situation. I would have been devoured for sure - maybe in ways that I didn’t know at the time - if another wolf hadn’t jumped in front of me.

  That was Buck, saving me for the first time. Now the same wolves, his new neighbors, were coming at a feverish pace and I had the feeling it wasn’t to come over and borrow some brown sugar either.

  “What do you mean they want a gangbang?” I asked wondering if he heard that right the first time Buck said it.

  Buck nodded, his fingernail scraped against the window as he turned around. “You stay here. Don’t move. I’ll protect you.”

  “I’m not just going to sit here like a sitting duck, Buck. I’ve got to get out of here.” I told him. “What about you? There’s so many.”

  “You’ll do what you’re told,” he said, pointing at me as he went out the door. “Trust me, this is the safest place for you. They’ll smell your scent wherever you go, they will track and hunt you down. I promise. and besides, nothing can hurt me.” He gave me a smoldering wink.

  Before I could protest, Buck shut and locked the door behind him and I struggled even more to get out of the ropes that bound me. I remembered the fierce eyes and rugged features that had scared me about Buck in the first place. When he had picked me up last night out of the rain, I was both grateful and terrified. He was powerful, you could tell that by just looking at him, and I was drawn to obey him. Out of generosity he had brought me back to his house for the night, because I had no where else to sleep.


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