Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M

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Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M Page 11

by Jamie Lake

  Japheth snarled, springing into the air on his powerfully muscular legs. As he sprang towards Buck, his body transformed. Black, thick hair covered him and his fingers were tipped with long, deadly-sharp claws. His mouth was full of teeth as sharp as serrated knives. Though beaten and bloody, Buck transformed just in the nick of time. The two beasts squared off, snapping and growling at each other, their maws ringed in frothy saliva.

  I felt so torn, watching them slash at each other. Buck bit into Japheth's forearm and it was like he tore into me. I felt the pain too, not literally, but it tore into my heart to see them like this, viciously attacking each other. Blood spurted from the wound and Japheth howled in rage and pain.

  Roaring as he charged at Buck, Japheth raised his clawed hand and struck Buck across the snout, sending the other werewolf reeling. Buck stumbled back, clearly dazed from the blow. Japheth would clearly show him no mercy and stalked toward him, ready to finish him off.

  I couldn't bear it. I wouldn't just stand there and let Buck be killed before my eyes, not again. I'd felt so helpless the first time I thought he'd died, and I just couldn't go through that again. Gathering my courage, I took a deep breath and ran. I stopped between them, using my body as a shield, hoping Japheth would stop his attack if I were in the way.

  He did, but he snarled wildly at me, baring his sharp teeth.

  “Why would you want this savage?” Japheth asked, “He only wanted you because you were the Special One.” He shifted back, holding his arms out to me. He looked so hurt.

  “Shut up!” Buck said, in his handsome, human form again. “Don’t listen to him.”

  “Is it true, Buck? Is it?” I had to ask. I was tired of all the lies and twisted truths. I had to know.

  He tried to catch his breath, wiping the blood off his mouth, “At first. I will be honest, at first, when I saw you back then, I saw it as an opportunity.”

  His words hurt me, cut me deep, and I saw through the facade of who I thought he was slowly melting away. I didn’t want to hear it, but I knew that I needed to. I needed to hear every word.

  “But then it changed. I promise you. I watched you every day for 5 years, and I grew to love you, I grew to adore you, and then when we finally met face to face for the first time, then I knew, I was in love with you, Nathan. I was in love and there was nothing or no one that could change that.”

  “You’re an opportunist pig,” Japheth spat, “And now that you see that his heart has turned that he might very well love me-”

  “He does not love you!” Buck said, snarling at that thought. “Do you, Nathan?”

  I didn’t know how to answer. I was so confused. The man I thought I was in love with, the one that said he was in love with me, I had heard so many things, seen a side of him I wasn’t sure I could live with. The other man, Japheth, I thought I detested but the more I began to get to know him I realized maybe there was a lot more to him. And I wanted and needed to know all about him.

  “Nathan?” Buck repeated, “Tell me you don’t love this … this --”

  “Say it brother, call me what you wish. But I am the Alpha and you can never take that away from me.”

  “For now, but not for long.”

  “Oh?” Japheth said raising an eyebrow.

  “Not after I kill you and take my rightful place. The place my father intended me to take.”

  They squared off again and I couldn’t take it anymore. I’d seen so much blood, so much hatred. So much violence, and over what? I just wanted peace. I wanted quiet. I wanted things restored to the way they were meant to be.

  “Stop!”I said, my voice slicing through the chaos. They both turned to me.

  “Enough,” I said with conviction, raising my chin.

  I turned so they could both see me. I pinned them each in turn with a firm, harsh look and then I spoke. “Yes, I do love you,” I said to Buck, “But I’ve also become fond of Japheth too.”

  “Take back those words, my love,” Buck said, looking hurt.

  “I don’t know if I love him, or if that will take time, but it’s possible. It’s possible in time I could love him or fall in love with him.”

  “Then you must choose. You must choose who you wish to mark you.” Japheth said.

  “I can’t.” I said, looking at both of them. I was too confused and it was too big of a decision.

  “But you must, my love,” Buck said, “And I will respect your decision. Whoever you choose, but know this, wherever you are, wherever you go, I will always love you, I will always watch out for you, ‘till the day I die and beyond, in the afterlife.”

  “I do not have pretty words to give you, Nathan. I was not blessed with a silver tongue like my brother. For me, you’ll only have to judge me by my actions. Who was it that took care of you, who was it that gave it his all for all these years, who was it that fed you and clothed you and offered you his kingdom, his pack? It is only I, for I am the true Alpha. And you can be my mate for all eternity.”

  There was silence between the three of us as I looked at both of them. Both equally strong, handsome, loving men capable of protecting me, nurturing me, accepting me and loving me exactly as I am.

  But when I closed my eyes, and I listened to the sounds of nature, to their breathing and more importantly to my heart, there was only one choice. One choice that rang loud and clear.

  I opened my eyes and I couldn’t believe the words were leaving my mouth.

  “You, I choose you,” I said.


  Marked for Love Book 4


  “I told you to leave,” Buck said, his words heavy, an edge of cruelty to them.

  I knew I had hurt him deeply with my decision, and I only wanted to comfort him as he sat on the rock overlooking the river bend. It was dusk, and only the sound of crickets and the rush of the water racing over the rocks could be heard. I stepped forward, wanting to do something, to say something, to think something – anything that would make this already painful situation less anguishing. I thought about placing a hand on his shoulder, but my fingers twitched and I decided against it. Instead, I glanced past him to look at the foamy water as it coursed over the rocks. Waves crested as they hit the dark shards, the flow of the water momentarily breaking when it smashed against the rocks, then curling around and finding its path again, relentlessly gushing forward. Buck sighed and he turned towards me.

  “I’m not going to say it again, Nathan,” he said, his eyes cutting deep into mine.

  I gulped, and after the words were uttered, a tense silence hung between us. I froze in position, bending to the authority he wielded. My heart raced and every nerve in my body bristled. There was danger lurking in those deep, mysterious eyes of his, and it was naked now, no longer cloaked by the kindness and tenderness he had displayed in the intimate moments we had shared. I knew that, as much as Buck loved me, there was a side of him, an ugly side, that I didn’t want to cross. Though I doubted Buck had it in him to truly hurt me, there was a part of me that wondered, and as I started wondering, I thought about the crazy revelations of the past 48 hours.

  To think less than two days ago, my life had been pretty normal. Pretty boring, in fact. I’d been dumped off at a lonely gas station in the middle of nowhere by my so-called friend Max and had started to walk back to the city under the heavy rain when Buck, then a perfect stranger, picked me up in his truck. How was I to know that my life would change so dramatically, just by making the decision to hitch a ride with him? I wouldn’t usually trust a stranger so readily but the rain had drenched me to my bones and it was a long, lonesome walk back to the welcoming bosom of the city.

  To know that Buck had been following me, monitoring me, watching over me and protecting me all these years in secret, filled me with equal parts fear and affection. A desire sparked within, for it was flattering to be chosen by a man such as Buck … although he was more than a man. And yet to think of all those times I’d thought I was alone when in reality I
had been stalked by a lust-filled predator … that aspect was chilling. To know that this big strong Alpha male had been hurt so deeply by my decision – or my lack of a decision – by my choice between him and his brother, hurt me too. It was almost like we were bonded, tethered to each other. I knew Buck was much too macho to show how hurt he was and I wanted him to know he could express that side of him with me. Not that it would have done me much good to say that out loud. But I could tell by the way his shoulders were hunched over, and the flicker of hurt in his eyes that said, “You betrayed me” in so many ways.

  I took a deep breath, knowing Buck didn’t want to hear anything else from me, but I just had to say it. “Buck, I never meant to hurt you.”

  There was silence between us, and in that long moment I knew that Buck needed to be left alone. With a solemn look on my face, I turned and started to shuffle away. The grass crunched beneath my shoes as I heard Buck call out to me in a low, rumbling tone.

  “Nathan,” Buck told me.

  “Yes?” I answered, turning in his direction sharply, my eyes looking imploringly at him.

  Buck looked at me as if he wanted to say so much. His eyes softened and though he kept a stiff upper lip, I could tell there was a part of him that wanted to bury his strong manly head in my chest. The air was cool around us and the hair on the back of my neck was standing on end, but I wasn’t sure whether that was due to the cold or the heightened tension. I licked my lips, hoping that he would take me into a warm embrace and we could fix whatever had been broken between us. I reached out to him with my heart hopeful.

  But instead, he just said, “Good luck, whatever you decide.”

  My heart sank and my face fell. My eyes drifted to the ground while Buck turned back to the river. I stepped forward, wanting to pull his broad back around and say my piece, but I couldn’t. I exhaled deeply and felt the cold air rush to my lips as I drew in a breath.

  I spun on my heels and marched away, disappearing into the darkness and leaving him to watch the river as it washed by.


  Good luck? I knew I was going to need a lot more than that to make my final choice. I remembered the decision I’d made earlier that had cut me so deeply. The feeling of anguish gripped my heart so tight, I felt like I was suffocating. There I was, standing in the clearing in the middle of the woods, two men, equally amazing in every way, fighting for my love. I was torn between both of them and my mind had tried to work quickly to find a way out of it. I hated to see them tear chunks out of each other, blood matted to their bodies. In the dark, secluded woods, I’d made my choice.

  “I choose you,” I’d told them as I looked in Japheth’s direction. I could see the pain on Buck’s face, the look of betrayal and hurt that he tried to hide until I followed it by saying, “And you.”

  The two men looked at each other in confusion.

  “I don’t understand,” Buck said, turning to me.

  “You cannot choose the two of us,” Japheth added.

  “Why not?” I asked.

  I knew it wasn’t the best option but I thought it was the smart one. It had made them stop fighting, at least. I had feelings for both of them. Buck first, for introducing me to this impossible, unbelievable world of werewolves, and for protecting me and touching my heart first. And his twin brother, Japheth, for helping me see the other side of the story, of reminding me people aren’t always what they seem at first, that you cannot judge a book by its cover. They were so alike and yet so different; how could I choose one over the other? They both offered me so much, and I knew that whomever I chose, I would regret leaving the other.

  “Choose one,” Buck said firmly, staring at me with steely eyes. “It’s him or me.”

  My mind flooded with possibilities and consequences. “I … I don’t …” I stammered, my eyes flicking between both of them, wishing the ground would swallow me up.

  “Do what your heart tells you,” Japheth suggested calmly, though his intense stare made me feel as if he hoped I would choose him. His voice was smooth in contrast to Buck’s, which was like a growl.

  “I need time to think,” I finally told them, holding out my open hands in supplication. I spoke evenly, even though my heart was racing and I could feel sweat prickle on my brow.

  “Make a decision now,” Buck told me. “How could you even consider him, after all we’ve been through together? I gave my life for you.” He took a step forward but hesitated as Japheth bore his teeth and snarled. I glanced at them with worry, afraid that another vicious fight would break out.

  I knew he was right. Had I not gotten to know his brother and his side of the story, it would have been an open and shut case. But I had, and Japheth had shown me a side of him that I’d never expected. He’d also told me things about Buck that had hurt and disappointed me. That at first, I had been just a conquest to Buck, that there had not been any feelings. It made me question all we’d been through together – the evening of passion and what I’d thought were the beginnings of love. My heart and intuition told me one thing but my head told me something else.

  “No, let him think. What are you concerned with brother, that he won’t choose you?” Japheth taunted, the snarl turning into a malicious smile.

  The two of them bristled as tensions rose and they waited for my answer. Inside, my mind was reeling with possibilities but I just couldn’t pick one over the other. It was an impossible decision.

  Buck snarled at him and turned in my direction. He looked genuinely terrifying and I feared for my life. I felt incredibly vulnerable, for we were alone in the woods. If anything happened to me ... well, no one would be the wiser. When I was younger I had always believed that dark dangers lurked in the woods, but my father had told me that they were simple fairytales and I was just being foolish. I didn’t find any comfort in the fact that I’d turned out to be right.

  Buck seemed to be assessing the situation. It still struck me how they could look so similar, yet so different. Japheth was standing tall, his head held in the air, tilted up with an air of superiority. His stance was wide and his broad shoulders were held back, his chest puffed out in an effort to dominate the area. He appeared relaxed and in control. In contrast, Buck had a narrower stance and he was leaning forward, appearing shorter than he actually was. His hands were clenched in fists by his side, and his whole body was primed for action. And then there was me, doing everything I could to not faint. My body was swimming with nerves and anxious sweat trickled down my spine.

  “Fine,” Buck finally said. “You have one week.”

  I swallowed hard, and inwardly I breathed a sigh of relief. Truth was, I wanted to make the right decision, and right away, too. The pressure of having to choose a mate for life, the pressure of being what the brothers called “The Special One” was eating at me. I was glad to at least have a respite from it for a little while to try and figure out what to do. I hated being thought of as ‘The Special One.’ I’d never been special at anything in my life before and I had no idea how to handle it.

  “Okay,” I said, nodding.

  “And if you need anything ...” Japheth started to say as he stepped forward.

  Buck stepped in front of him, moving quick as lightning, so fast I almost jumped. My heart was already pounding. I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take. As the two of them stood in front of me, I breathed in their musky, masculine scents and I started to become intoxicated by them.

  “No, you are not to touch him. You are not to influence him in any way. This decision is his,” Buck told him in a terse voice, with the same sort of authority he had used with me before.

  “And you? You agree not to touch him, as well?” Japheth challenged.

  Suddenly I realized that this whole thing wasn’t just about me, but about them as well, and their need to battle with each other and decide who was the superior one. It wasn’t just my destiny that was at stake, but I’d be playing a part in determining which one of them was the strongest.

bsp; Buck sighed. “I will not need to. I know his heart is with me. In the end, it will be me that he marks. I have nothing to concern myself with.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, brother. And tomorrow night when your bed is cold and mine is warm in the comfort of his arms—” Japheth started to say.

  “In your dreams,” Buck barked at him as he rose to his full height.

  “Enough,” I told the two. Grown men acting like boys. It was driving me insane. “Just … just cool it. All right?”

  I didn’t even bother waiting for them to answer; I just turned around and walked in the direction of the woods. Japheth had carried me there but now, I needed time alone. It was a thick wood, shrouded in mystery and danger, but I knew the two brothers would be watching over me.

  One thing I knew they could agree on: they wanted me safe, they wanted me protected.

  For I was The Special One.


  Being around all these men – these werewolves, I should say – was driving me crazy. As I entered the tribe, they all looked me up and down as if I were a tasty piece of pork chop. It wasn’t my tender calves or my lean muscular body they were looking to eat; no, they wanted something else. I could see it in their eyes, smell it in their musty animalistic odors. They wanted to corner me in the darkened woods or within the shadowy portions of their tent-like dwellings and pummel my ass. They wanted to eat my ass and shove their massive, dripping cocks down my throat until I was drowning in their milk. They knew better than to touch me – neither Buck nor Japheth would permit it – but I knew, had I not been under the watchful protection of the brothers, these werewolves would have fucked me in half long ago.

  I kept my gaze from them but I could feel their steely eyes on me as I passed by. I was looking for Japheth and didn’t dare ask any of the men where he was. I didn’t want to give them any temptation. Had it been even days ago, the idea of that many incredibly attractive masculine men wanting me at the same time would have been such a turn on. The very thought of that many men wanting to do the things they wanted to do to me hardened my cock, but my mind was focused.


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