Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M

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Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M Page 18

by Jamie Lake

  He flexed his muscles and seemed to be processing everything while I cowered before him, lowering myself in the hope that he would take pity on me. Eventually, he turned around and glared at me with those terrible eyes.

  “Don’t try to play smart with me. I can’t believe what you did ... and with him,” he said. His every move felt heavy as if he were ready explode.

  At first I thought it was only anger or maybe jealousy but I’d recognized that feeling from him before, and it was much more than that. He reeked of unbridled sexuality, the type a man has when he hasn’t been relieved of his tension in a way that only another man can do. As he spoke he moved towards me. His long strides ate up the distance between us and soon enough he was towering over me. I could see right into his jaws as he spoke. Saliva dripped between them, and his hot breath rushed out, surrounding me like a whirlwind. I coiled back and held my hands up as I protested my innocence.

  “I only touched myself. You didn’t say I couldn’t touch myself,” I told him, trying to ignore the sexual feelings I was sensing from him, and my own swelling cock.

  The fucked up part of it all was that I was getting turned on. His raw power was intoxicating and I couldn’t help but be aroused by his sheer force of will. It didn’t help that I was so goddamn horny that my balls were about to burst. I was straining so hard to keep the sensations under control that sweat was popping out on my forehead. I had to remember to breathe and try and regain mastery over my body. I couldn’t let myself succumb to these sensations. Besides, I wasn’t going to let him push me around anymore. Yes, he’d caught his brother and I jacking off together. Yes, it had been hot and erotic, but we hadn’t done anything forbidden. We hadn’t touched each other. There wasn’t anything we’d done that had broken the rules the two had set up for each other. Rules, by the way, I was growing tired of. They were beginning to feel like bullshit to me, and just a way for the two brothers to keep me in the camp. I was beginning to doubt the prophecy. I felt like I was being held prisoner. It wasn’t like my real life was amazing, and before I’d encountered Buck I had been craving some adventure or excitement, but right now I would have loved to get back to normal civilization. Heck, I’d even have taken an awkward meal with my family over this … well, maybe I wouldn’t have gone quite that far. But I was going crazy, brimming with sexual energy. I was around these two hot brothers constantly, and the fact that I was forbidden to touch either of them made everything hotter and more intense. I needed to be penetrated, and soon. If one of them didn’t act soon on my need, I was going to have to take matters into my own hands.

  “You belong to me. Don’t you see?” he said, pointing to his taut chest. His long hair fell on his broad shoulders.

  “I belong to no one but myself,” I said, pointing at my own chest. “You two seem to think I’m a piece of property that you can just toy around with and bounce back and forth. This is not a pissing contest. I’m a human being.” Spittle flew out of my mouth as I said this, hours of frustrated rage firing out in one rasping breath.

  Japheth recoiled and shock flashed through his eyes. I didn’t think he expected me to stand up for myself like that. He and Buck had been so used to my submissive nature that any act of defiance surprised them. But I thought part of him liked it. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips and they slowly spread to give just a hint of amusement, which only served to infuriate me more. They never took me seriously and I was tired of it. I rose and craned my neck up so that I could meet him. Our faces were inches away from each other, his with an expression of mild amusement while mine glowered with anger. My wrist still ached but the pain was far away and absent. I felt like I was possessed, as though I could see my body and hear the words I was saying, but it wasn’t me in control. Something had snapped within me, and I was ready to unleash hell. However, just as I was about to rant and scream at him more, he shut me down by speaking first.

  “This is bigger than just you and me and my brother. Don’t you see? My father prophesied.” His words were steady and even, and he appeared to be far calmer than I was.

  I could feel the energy between us, though. The air was thick with tension and I sensed that his heart was pounding just as fiercely as mine. Since he was so close, I could smell his aroma. It was earthy and masculine, and it was just another distraction I had to steel myself against. I curled my hand into a ball and dug my fingers tightly into my palm, so forcefully that they pinched into my skin, and pain spread through me as my knuckles turned white.

  “I don’t care what your father prophesied. That’s all a bunch of bullshit and you know it.” The volume of my voice escalated as each word shot out.

  “Don’t mock my father’s words, Nathan. I’m warning you.”

  “Or what? What will you do? Buck won’t let you anywhere near me,” I said, getting in his face.

  There was something between us: tension – no, sexual tension – that seeped from our pores. Both of us close enough to touch, close enough to kiss, close enough to fuck, and yet we couldn’t. I could smell it on him, I could feel it; he wanted me more than a camel wants water. We lingered there for a moment. All it would have taken was one of us to take that final step forward and take the other. We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. For a second, I thought he was going to take me. I wanted him to take me. In my mind, I begged for him to grab my arms and slam me against the wall. I yearned for him to cover me in hot kisses and then play with my body like I knew he wanted to, to fuck me until I was senseless and breathless and silent. He turned away for moment as if to gather his thoughts. When he turned, he broke his gaze and the spell of attraction was broken for a moment. The heat of arousal dissipated and I started to get a semblance of control over myself again. Japheth cocked his head to the side, just enough to give me a hint of his profile as he spoke.

  “My father may have been dishonorable, a murderer, a cruel man to me but one thing he was not was … wrong. His prophecies always came true, and he told us that it was a human that would bring our people together. And that human is you.”

  “How do you know?” I challenged.

  I was tired of all these games. All of this was just a smokescreen of bullshit designed to keep me imprisoned here. As far as I was concerned, it was just some rambling of a madman that had somehow gotten twisted into a prophecy and caused irrevocable chaos to enter my life. I was tired of their insistence and their unwavering faith in their father’s word. It seemed ridiculous to me, but then again, I had never been very religious so it wasn’t like I had experience with blind faith. It just annoyed me that nobody had ever seemed to have taken a moment and actually thought about the prophecy. They just went blundering forward and ruined my fucking life in the process.

  I stepped closer to him, right in his face. Bile rose in my throat. “You don’t. Do you?”

  He glared at me and then turned away. I was furious. I couldn’t believe he’d just dismiss me like that, like I didn’t matter at all. I was tired of him and Buck looking at me as the special one rather than as a man in my own right. I started to doubt whether either of them actually wanted me. Could they have told me anything about me, like my favorite color, or favorite animal? Things had seemed so perfect at first, but this whole ordeal was becoming too much. Japheth continued lecturing me without looking at me, treating me like some peasant. “You will have guards at your side every moment of the day from now on. You’re too important to go frolicking off in the woods alone.”

  “Frolicking?” I repeated but he left before I could say any more.

  I was incredulous. I ran up behind him and started beating his back. He barely even flinched. The blows were shrugged off as though I had merely batted him with a feather. This only enraged me more. He had no respect for me and now that I was under guard, Japheth had all but admitted that I was, in fact, a prisoner. I hated him. I hated how he was so cruel and yet so sexy. As much as I was angry with him for trying to control me, there was a part of me that wished he would just
punish me. Not in a demeaning way, but punish me with his cock. I fell back onto the mat and crossed my legs. My head bowed down and I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling it back until my scalp started to scream. Then I bashed my fists against the ground in frustration. I looked around for something to smash but there was nothing. The hut was spartan in design and the wolves themselves didn’t have much in the way of material possessions. I wanted to burst out of the hut and run away into the woods, but the wolves were faster and stronger than I. Even a normal human in peak condition would have struggled to keep up with them, so I stood no chance.

  But part of me wondered what would happen if I did attempt an escape. Of course, it wouldn’t succeed but it might get Japheth’s attention, and he might even resort to tying me up. I didn’t know whether it was just because I was so horny, or whether my relationships with the two brothers had awoken something savage within me, but I found myself getting turned on by the thought. I wanted to be punished. Japheth had shown me once that he had it in him to be incredibly demanding and borderline cruel, and although I never thought of myself as one who liked to be humiliated, there was something about being tied up and spanked and teased and made to show respect that turned me on.

  But in the end, I knew that running out would just enrage Japheth more, and he wasn’t about to break the rules we had established. If he were, he would have done it in that hut, but the fact that he managed to restrain himself made me think he was placing more importance on the prophecy and the rules of the game than his lust for me. At least Buck had been willing to bend the rules to see me. And even though we couldn’t touch, we still found ways to share our passion for each other, ways that were incredibly erotic.

  I found myself thinking about Buck more and more, and my heart was once again twisting itself as I tried to make the horrible decision. How could I choose between them? It gnawed at me and I had nowhere to go and think. I was stuck in that damned hut in that damned camp with those damned werewolves, and there was nothing I could do about it. What had I done to deserve that fate? Why was I so cursed? I felt powerless and hopeless and my soul was on the brink of despair. I just wanted to escape but it was futile, so I fell back on my only recourse. The anger, rage, and frustration boiled up inside me. I flung my neck back and a howl rose from my mouth that could have curdled blood. It rang out and filled the tent, and soon my throat was raw and scratchy, and my body went limp. I breathed in deeply, although it hurt my aching throat, and a startling realization made a shiver run down my spine. My mouth fell open and my eyes grew wide. I had been howling like a wolf. The longer I was spending with them, the more I was turning into them. I felt like I was losing my identity. The desire within me was driving me crazy but it was more than just a need to get fucked. I could feel a transformation starting to take place within me. I felt wilder and more impulsive. It was as though a beast was being unleashed from inside of me, and I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to try and stop it.


  Japheth stormed out, leaving me in the hut. As soon as he was outside, I crept to the entrance and spied on him. Japheth paused and placed his hands on his hips. In an effort to escape the tension he had just experienced, he took a few deep breaths. It wasn’t easy to keep his desires in check, and it only angered him that his brother seemed to find loopholes to exploit. His eyes burned with a dark rage and it wasn’t just caused by mine and Buck’s transgression. No, my outburst had dented Japheth’s faith. Could he have been right? After all this time, could they have misinterpreted their father’s prophecy?

  No, impossible, he thought, shaking his head.

  He looked out over the camp and felt a swell of pride as he looked at the pack. They were tearing apart the meat and the aroma made Japheth’s gut growl. He made a note to go and get some meat soon before it had all gone. He needed somewhere to think, even though he hated thinking. He felt like I was going to choose Buck and he had to find a way to turn my head again. At that point he heard an almighty howl emanate from the hut and turned around, shaking his head at my outburst. The other wolves were shaken from their feasting momentarily too, but the allure of meat was too powerful. I knew Japheth intimately and I knew how he thought, and it was like I could read his mind.

  Outside the tent, Buck was waiting for Japheth. He was in seclusion and Japheth seemed preoccupied. Buck watched him closely, and I knew he felt bad for me, for he was bearing the brunt of Japheth’s ire. There was something about me that Buck found irresistible, and even though we had all agreed on the rules, Buck wasn’t going to sit by and blindly obey them. He’d always had a problem with authority; that was part of the reason he had left the pack in the first place. He glanced over at the feasting wolves and smirked, for they were eating the meat he had captured and he knew they wouldn’t forget that. He just hoped it made the meat leave a bitter taste in their mouths. He intended to wait until Japheth walked away and take a chance to creep into the tent to see me and resume what had been so rudely interrupted, but then my howl rang out. Buck stepped out from hiding as he thought that I was in trouble, for he knew how unpredictable Japheth could be and thought he might have gone back into the hut to punish me. He held his hands up in supplication as he walked out into the open.

  “Brother, I can explain—” he started to say but didn’t get much further before Japheth socked him right in the jaw.

  The shock of impact knocked him to his feet for a moment but in a split second he leapt up and tackled Japheth to the floor. He shook off the blow and was quickly upon Japheth, who yelped as he was barreled to the floor. By now, fights between the brothers were a regular occurrence so the rest of the wolves barely noticed, preferring to gorge themselves on meat. The glade was mostly peaceful as the warm sun bathed the hidden camp, except for the small corner in which the two brothers were fighting. They broke off and snarled at each other.

  “I don’t want to fight,” Buck said.

  Japheth didn’t say anything in reply. He merely unsheathed his claws and swiped at Buck. The two of them were evenly matched and they had fought so often over the years that they could anticipate each other’s moves, leading to a fight that looked more like a furious dance as they stepped and parried and punched and deflected, moving in a circle around the ground. They shoved each other off and circled, each one shifting and taunting the other with instinctive movements. Their eyes did not deviate from each other as years of jealousy and hatred simmered between them. Their muscles rippled and tensed, and the idyllic surroundings meant nothing to them. Japheth went to say something but the words never left his mouth. Buck leaped forward and roared as he attacked. Japheth braced himself, but Buck was strong and his will was inexorable. He grappled with Japheth and the two of them struggled together.

  It was a flurry of claws and jaws, a tornado of masculine energy as each man attacked the other. The energy must have piqued their fellow werewolves’ interests because watched in excitement, each cheering the other on. It was like a spectator sport, as if Buck and Japheth were gladiators in the arena, and they were there purely for the entertainment of the other wolves. They were wiping the juice of the meat from their jowls as they grinned and murmured, taking wagers on who would emerge victorious. The two brothers barely noticed them, though, for their attention was wholly focused on each other. What the other wolves didn’t realize was that this was no petty sibling quarrel. It was a battle of wills and hearts. Their rivalry had gone back to when they were pups, both competing for their father’s affection and attention. When Buck had left, Japheth finally thought he’d won. But now Buck was back, and Japheth wasn’t going to stand for that. Caught in the middle of this was me, an innocent torn between two insatiable lovers, neither one of whom were willing to give me up. The only question remaining was how far they would go to keep me from falling into the other’s hands … and bed.

  “He’s mine,” Japheth said through gritted teeth as they gripped each other’s arms, vying for superiority.

  “We did nothing wrong. He
only wished to be relieved of his tension. I merely guided him,” Buck said. Sweat peppered their brows as they strained against each other and exerted every ounce of their strength. But they were equals, and the contest between them was a struggle of titans so neither of them had the upper hand for very long.

  “Don’t twist your words. I saw what I saw,” Japheth said.

  “You know very well I speak no lies. If I say nothing happened, then nothing happened,” Buck told him.

  “Either way, stay away from him,” Japheth warned.

  “Or what?”

  “Or you’ll pay,” Japheth said.

  He summoned all his strength, reaching down deep into his soul to bring forth every bit of rage that had been festering inside him since he was born. Every bit of jealously, every morsel of envy, exploded into a burst of unrivaled strength. Japheth thundered forward and used this to knock Buck off balance. Japheth pressed his advantage and followed through with his momentum, pinning him down and punching him right in the nose. Buck growled at him and kicked him off. Japheth was thrown back and snarled. As Buck got to his feet, he rubbed his nose and looked down to see drops of blood staining his fingers. He placed a finger against his nose and blew the blood out, wiping the drops against his skin. Some of the drops dripped down to his lips and the thick, coppery taste only served to anger him. He stalked forward, eager to pay Japheth back for the wound he had just suffered. Japheth rose to his feet and prepared himself for another attack. He swung his fist but Buck was ready, batting it away and returning with a sharp jab to the abdomen. Japheth winced as Buck followed it up with a knee to the face. Japheth’s neck snapped back and he had to shake off the dazed feeling quickly, for Buck was relentless in his attack. His fists flew into Japheth’s chest and when Japheth looked up, Buck swiped down and tore the flesh of Japheth’s cheeks. Not enough to cause any lasting damage, but it looked like it stung like hell.


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