Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M

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Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M Page 24

by Jamie Lake

  Buck wrapped his thick hand around my bicep and pulled me back towards our hut. The others had turned. Werewolves now, they slogged through the growing mud, readying their weapons for the inevitable battle to come. The earlier excitement was gone. They’d settled their dominance contests and each unit marched behind its leader, their backs ramrod straight, their dark pelts tight to their powerful bodies.

  I loved these werewolves. But my eyes could only rest on their legs and feet. I dare not look them in the eyes, not out of fear, but shame. I wanted to apologize to them all. Many of them — maybe all of us — would die in this war.

  And it was all because of me.

  After perhaps a century of peace with the pumas, I’d turned their ordered world upside down in a matter of days.

  I hazarded a glance at a unit of six fighters. Bared teeth and low growls served as their only reply. Elijah, a small blond wolf and so inexplicably jealous, snapped at me and I startled.

  Their unit leader stopped, his back to me. He grunted orders. The six fighters drew their curved swords from their backs and sparred in two groups of three, steel clashing and clanging, bodies twisting and hot breath steaming in the chilly evening air.

  Another group at the far edge of camp scraped stones along their blades, sharpening them for the bloodletting to come. Like claws on bone, it sent chills down my spine.

  The pack cook, a gentle werewolf with a dad bod named Max, threw generous cuts of meat on the table-sized grill next to our hut. They hissed and sizzled on the makeshift barbecue, smoke rising into the night air. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d eaten but no matter how delicious it smelled, I wasn’t hungry now.

  Buck left me and strode across camp. They all watched him, the other werewolves, and immediately moved in whatever direction he pointed or complied with whatever order he gave. He grabbed a young wolf, straightened his shoulders and made him hold his sword diagonally across his still youthful chest.

  A yearning welled up inside me for this commander of men, the sexiest alpha on the planet. Behind me, his hands everywhere, commanding, leading, directing, filling me, hot. The memories flashed in my mind and I needed him again in this twilight, likely the twilight of our lives if the pumas had their way.

  But he wasn’t the only one. Japheth burst onto the grounds and barked the order to assemble. Every wolf in the camp sprinted to him and formed up, bodies erect, muscles straining, faces grim.

  He swaggered to the front of his army, hips firming ever so slightly with each strong step, chest thrown out, his overwhelming pecs rising and falling. My eyes drifted to his crotch, where his python waited, and a weight descended upon me. My chest rose and fell. A jolt ran down my spine. What this man could do to me, no other came close.

  I walked over to the hut I shared with these two brothers and Buck joined me.

  “Why aren’t you up there with him?” I whispered.

  Buck shook his head and crossed his arms.

  “Buck, he needs you.”

  “He’s doing fine all on his own.” Buck studied his feet and kicked the dirt. “Are your things ready yet? You can travel under the cover of darkness.”

  “Buck, get up there. They need you and this is no time to be jealous.”

  Buck grunted and found a place behind the final row of warriors.

  Now that I knew about the patricidal power struggle between these two brothers when they were younger, I wasn’t sure they’d be able to put their differences aside. But they had to. The wolves must unite for the coming battle. That was their only chance to survive.

  “Listen to me brothers.” Japheth’s deep voice boomed across the camp and an excitement stirred deep in my gut

  “For too long have we been at peace. For too long have we denied our true natures. We are warriors, are we not?” Japheth raised his sword above his head and the others followed suit, their voices silent.

  “The pumas raise their weapons to us now. And we will not fail to answer them in kind. Reclaim your birthright, brothers! Blood is our heritage. In each one of you beats the heart of our ancestors. We will not disappoint them.”

  Grunts of approval rose from the warrior lines.

  “How this war began is unimportant now, brothers.” Japheth glanced in my direction.

  The warriors shifted in place and a few looked at me. I stepped back into the shadow of our hut and lowered my head, a bitter shame poisoning my every thought.

  “We put our differences behind us. Now! Summon your courage. Liberate your true nature. Let loose your fury. The pumas may be formidable but we will unleash hell on them and they will rue the day they declared war on us!”

  A cheer rose from the band of warrior wolves, more deafening than any I’d heard from them before. They raised their spears and clubs once more and shook them at the brightening full moon, howls merging with yells.

  A thrill ran down my spine and I knew I would never abandon this man.

  The two brothers made their way to each other, their faces hard, as the wolves broke into units again.

  “What have you achieved in my absence, brother?” Japheth asked Buck, his chin rising and his eyes looking down on the smaller brother.

  Buck shook his head and looked up at the sky. "No, brother, that’s not how this is going to work. You’re going to—”

  I could see where this was going and I didn’t like it. My heart thumped against my chest. I sprinted over, tripped on an exposed root and landed between them, my eyes on Japheth’s wonderful thighs. “Please don’t fight, you can’t do this—”

  Buck grabbed me, pulled me up and towards our hut.

  “But why are you fighting?” I looked back at Japheth but he looked away.

  Buck motioned to Andrew and Magnus, a younger wolf with flowing red hair that I didn’t know well. Each took hold of one of my arms. My mind raced with the possibilities but I had to contain my libido.

  “Don't let him out of your sight. You two are personally responsible for him. You know what they would do to him. The stakes are too high,” Buck said.

  “But what about the others?” Andrew asked. Dark and the same age as Buck, Andrew’s manner was strict and precise. I guess that’s why he intimidated me. Most of the wolves had long hair but Andrew’s scalp was bald and his eyes piercing. “I won’t see anyone else’s wife or children eaten alive. What they did last time—”

  “When they cut their guts out— And the smell of them burning—” Magnus started, his nose scrunched up.

  “That’s not going to happen again,” Buck said.

  I didn’t want to think about what the pumas would do to me. What they would undoubtedly do to some members of this pack today. Because of me. Because Buck and Japheth had killed that Houma princess. None of these good men could escape now. I’d marked them all. I’d condemned their women and children, too.

  Damnit, why was this happening to me! Why couldn’t I fix it?

  Andrew pulled me into the hut, his hand firm on my shoulder. Inside, the familiar four thick trunks held up their respective corners of the square, earthen dwelling. A dying fire burned in the center fire pit, the musty smoke billowing up through the central hollow trunk.

  On the trunk to my right, I ran my index over the familiar indentation of Buck and Japheth’s names. They wouldn’t tell when they’d carved it there, only that it held some special power for them.

  A large bed sat in each far corner of the tent, a wall of vine and chest-sized chunks of tree bark dividing Japheth’s bed from Buck’s. Moving from one bed to the other was a pleasant pastime and I hoped it wouldn’t end today.

  Behind the fire pit, the bowl of clean water warmed for quick cleanings. To the right, the kitchen consisted of nothing more than a grainy wooden table, some knives and a browning apple. To the left, a deep wooden cabinet held weapons, helmets and forgotten memories. The floor was bare earth.

  Japheth and Buck followed us into the hut and Andrew stepped outside.

  “Is he ready to go?” Japheth as
ked Buck.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying and fighting!” I tried to make myself taller but I don’t think it worked.

  Japheth grinned.

  Buck grabbed my shoulders, his fingers digging in under my collarbone, gripping and releasing. His eyes were lakes of passion, their dark pupils opening wider, taking me into him. “Hush now. You're more important than you realize. Not to mention that I need you more than you know.”

  My heart melted at those words. My guilt remained. I hoped it’d never leave me. But why was Buck doing all the talking? Japheth stood as a stone, arms crossed, at the entrance to his hut. Was he eavesdropping on Buck and I? Had they made a pact? For me?

  Japheth grunted and disappeared outside. I moved to follow him. I had to know if he still cared for me.

  “Wait. Take this. Just in case,” Buck said.

  I found a cold metal dagger in my palm and clenched the thick handle in my fist. I pulled it from its sheath, metal ringing. Covered in faintly familiar symbols, the curved blade ran at least six inches. Smooth metal rounded down to the sharp blade. It was heavy and I lifted it.

  “Careful.” Buck stepped back, a grin on his face.

  I fingered the blade and a drop of blood took shape on the pristine metal.

  “You’ve drawn first blood.” Buck took my hand and guided the weapon back into its sheath. “You never know when you might need it. I will be with you, always. But just in case something should happen to me.”

  “Don’t say that!” I grabbed his bulging forearm with my free hand.

  I wasn’t a violent person. To kill someone, anyone, to snuff out a living, breathing being — I rebelled at the idea. Some of the wolves’ bloodlust should have worn off on me by now. I slashed and stabbed pumas in my mind’s eye. But that wasn’t me. I was only human. What did these two warriors see in me? Why did any of them tolerate me? I needed to prove myself their equal. But I could only disappoint them.

  Buck grabbed my hand in his. “If anything were to happen to you, I don’t know what I would do,” he said, his voice rumbling with power yet tender nonetheless.

  I stuffed the dagger into my pants at my back and stepped toward him. “You mustn’t talk like that.”

  “Like what?” Buck stepped into me and we met, his earthy-musky scent penetrating me. I wanted to close my eyes and fall into him, for those strong loving arms to squeeze my body. But a swell of anguish hit me in the gut like a vise. I couldn’t fathom a world in which he didn’t exist — a world that denied me the fiery delight of his kiss and the tender heaven of his body against mine.

  I ran my hand across his chest and massaged his powerful chest. “We have to be strong. We have to believe we can survive this.”

  He brushed the back of his hand, rough and dry, against my cheek and offered me a smile. “I need to tell you something. Something very important that—”

  Andrew sprinted into the hut. “Hurry, Buck!”

  Buck’s hand dropped from my cheek and a dark longing came over me. This was the last time I’d see him alive. Somehow, I was certain. This war was going to be costly, but at what point would the price become too much for me?

  “Be careful.” Buck turned and left me in the unbearable void of his absence.


  Buck and Japheth argued out there and I was stuck, the intimidating Andrew and the quiet Magnus blocking my exit from our hut. I loved this hut. I loved the two men who’d had me so many ways here. But without them, it held only torture for me.

  They were going out soon. They’d try something. And the pumas were ready.

  I had to be there. I had to fight by their side, no matter how small or untrained I was compared to these brave wolves. If they were to die, I must die with them. Any other fate would scar my very soul.

  I sprinted toward the door and crashed headlong into Andrew’s rock-hard body. He grabbed my bicep and squeezed.

  “Let me go! I have to be with them!”

  Andrew bared his teeth. Magnus grabbed me under the armpits from behind, hefted me back to Buck’s bed and tossed me onto it. He held me down, one clawing hand at the small of my back. “I think you’ve done enough already.”

  “Stop!” Everyone in the camp was stronger than me. What chance did I have against them? I reached back and flexed my fingers around the cold steel of my dagger, ready to strike.

  Outside, someone yelled. What if Buck or Japheth were hurt? I rolled right and the wolf’s hand slipped from me. I bolted for the unguarded door. Once outside, I bounced off Andrew.

  “Japheth! Where is Japheth?” I yelled into the darkness. And why hadn’t he made time for me? Buck cared just as much about protecting their people but he’d taken some time for me. Had he spoken about me with Buck earlier?

  Andrew grabbed one shoulder, Magnus the other. They pulled me back towards the hut.

  Andrew leaned in close, his heavy breath tickling my ear. “You ungrateful wretch. We give you so much when we have so little. And we can’t even go out and defend our loved ones because you have to resist!”

  Elijah appeared next to him. “You’re going to get us killed!” His eyes darted to Buck, then back at the ground.

  Buck emerged from the darkness and strode past me. “Hold on. They’re coming. We have to leave now.” He took a last look around the camp.

  In the far corner to my right, Japheth commanded the main force of wolves next to a bonfire. I wanted to shout to him, to tell him goodbye, just in case I never saw him again. But I didn’t want to hurt Buck’s feelings either. They both needed to be strong right now and I needed to be strong with them.

  Leading an army suited Japheth. He was resplendent in the glow of the raging fire, as though he’d been forged by pure flame and heat.

  “Come on.” Buck pulled me ahead with him. Andrew and Magnus followed close behind as we plunged into the rainforest, the ground soft beneath us, the leaves around us wet and inviting.

  I left my concern for Japheth behind in the camp with his army. These three brave wolves were here to protect me, their chosen one.

  My face turned hot, even in the night chill of the forest. I didn’t understand the prophecy. They had to be mistaken. I couldn’t be the chosen one. I’d never been chosen for anything, always struggling to find my place, never belonging, never truly wanted.

  They wanted me to think this was my place. But I wasn’t worthy.

  I was an impostor.

  The prophecy said I would bring peace for both the wolves and the pumas. The wolf I chose would be alpha of the pack. My knees buckled at the thought of such power and responsibility.

  I should be fighting alongside them. But now there were three fewer warriors to protect the pack. Three more that I’d taken away from this beautiful community.

  If only they could survive, Japheth and the others. I couldn’t take another death because of me.

  “Faster.” Buck disappeared into the overgrowth ahead.

  I followed, picking my feet up, not seeing the ground and wondering when I would fall. My breath echoed in my ears and my feet smacked the ground but the wolves made not a sound.

  Strong and commanding my Buck — my heart swelled for him. Nobody else could get me out of this alive. There was no one else I’d rather be with.

  Buck turned right onto a wider trail, the full moon lighting our way directly ahead. Seeing in the dark wasn’t a problem for these wolves, of course, with their enhanced eyesight. But I could get lost at any time.

  I walked at Buck’s side now, struggling to catch my breath. I was safe with him, that was certain. A warm feeling filled my center. This was paradise. And yet we were running from war. It made no sense.

  A smile curved on his face. “I have plans for you. When this is all over…”

  My cock twitched at the thought of that. “Oh? What kind of plans?” I didn’t try to hide my smile

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” he said with a wink.

  He always anticipated my needs, and what
I most needed now was to relax and laugh. This great man knew me too well — inside and out.

  His hand brushed against mine and our fingers interlocked. Relief washed over me. Such strength I drew from him — it was amazing. Just his presence was enough to make me feel better. My hand was so tiny in his. I squeezed it and he squeezed back.

  “What were you going to tell me? Before we left?” I asked, my heart fluttering as I ran through the possibilities.

  He sighed and pursed his lips. He towered beside me, his gaze focused on the path ahead, his eyes always scanning.

  “I’m in love with you, Nathan. I've been in love with you since the first moment I saw you.”

  The words hit me hard and my breath refused to come. I could barely believe it. I replayed the sounds in mind and a deep calm came over me.

  I’d always suspected he felt this way. I couldn’t be sure if he was truly interested in me for me, or just pursuing the person he imagined I was — the chosen one.

  Why confess now? Was he worried? I stroked the back of his hand with my thumb.

  I wanted to confess my love to him, too, but it wasn’t fair to Japheth. The two brothers had such history and I was caught between them. Was it circumstance that had thrown Buck and I together at this moment? Or had he always intended to take me away from the camp? Did Japheth fight for me?

  I looked down the trail and a chill came over me. The trees grew closer together here and strange, screaming sounds came from all around us. Danger loomed ahead. But Buck would protect me, somehow. “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “It’s safe. Don’t worry.” He glanced at me, his face tender but sincere. “We have a future together, you and I. Seriously. I want little Nathans and Bucks running around.” He squeezed my hand.

  I suppressed a giggle. “Yeah? Just how many of these little rugrats are you planning on?” I’d always wanted a family but never found the right man to raise kids with. Buck and I with kids? That seemed so far away.


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