Wild Life

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Wild Life Page 11

by Girl, Breukelen

  Bg looked up and around the club, trying to figure out who Addison meant, she lifted her nose, sniffed and smiled. Looking straight at Cassidy.

  “I invited her.” Bg stated smirking back at Addison, even as the blondes on either side of him, who she refused to speak to, rubbed their hands over his shirt covered chest. Bg earned herself a disgusted look from the woman hanging off Addison on the right. “She’s pretty. Love the dress.”

  “You really shouldn’t have.” Addison ground out between clenched teeth as Cassidy spied him and Wiatt waved at her. Addison growled at Waitt who dropped his hand quickly. He looked back towards Cassidy who was staring straight at him and the bimbos either side of him.

  She looked hurt, Addison thought. But it was better he hook up with werewolf women for the lunar week than her. She was human and he had to be in control. Cassidy stopped moving and stood staring at him. Her chest rising quickly.

  “When did you invite her?” Addison asked.

  “I phoned her an hour ago, I got her number when I called Provocation yesterday, to make a group booking and asked to speak to Cassidy. Paris said we should all go watch her show.” Bg smirked back at him, putting away her phone and picking up a drink off the table.

  Addison held her gaze and stayed his ground. Maybe this was for the best. Cassidy had a habit of making him feel very aware of need. Of reminding him that he wasn’t the man that could just be with her. That he needed to be on guard around her.

  “What did you say to her, about me?” Addison asked angrily. Damn fucking Bg and her smart mouth. He deliberately hadn’t called Cassidy all day. He’d even stated he was working, when she’d called after her show for the night had finished, and she’d been looking to do something with him.

  A funny thing happened. He’d never have thought it would. Cassidy narrowed her eye line at him, hardened her jaw and slowed her breathing down. He could hear her heart rate drop, ever so slightly.

  “Oh shit.” He muttered softly. Addison saw a fight when it was coming.

  “Nothing. I saw you were going to go slumming tonight and I decided to invite my new friend out, show her some New York hospitality.” Bg said over the top of her glass, smiling at him. “Told her to dress aggressively sexy and to ask for me or Paris on the door, in case you weren’t around.”

  Cassidy raised her arms, and shook her hair, as if puffing it up and strutted towards him. Her hips swinging from side to side, making her gate in her boots, long and beautiful. She walked straight towards him, without any further hesitation. Straight over to his table.

  “You call this,” She said looking at the woman pressed into his left side and with her arm over his chest, “Work?” Cassidy looked at the other woman on the right draping herself over Addison also. “It’s hardly work when it’s easy.” She said emphasizing the last word. The woman on the right cracked her free hand’s knuckles and growled at Cassidy, bearing her teeth. Cassidy frowned.

  “You scratch her, I’ll have you de-clawed.” Addison growled at the woman.

  “Okay ladies, time’s up, time to go for a walk.” Waitt said loudly jumping up suddenly and grabbing the woman on the left of Addison by the arm and pulling her upright.

  “Let’s go sweetheart, you had your shot and you blew it.” Jules said doing the same with the woman on the right and escorting them away from where they all sat.

  Addison continued to hold Cassidy’s gaze as she moved around the table and straddled his lap, instantly. Her leather pinafore dress rising up high around her hips.

  “Now me, I’m a piece of work.” She stated staring at him. Addison focussed his hearing on her heartbeat. It was racing like crazy. She’d just thrown a smack down in a club where she didn’t know anyone really, have any place and she’d just won. She’d won him.

  “Fearless.” He stated, his hands going to her leather clad ass and gripping it tightly, pulling her further into his lap, to his hard-on for her. “But I like that in a woman.”

  Cassidy leaned forward, resting her hands on the couch, either side of Addison’s shoulders. “Player, plays. I get it. I figured you for it. Just don’t lie.” She said disappointment coming through in her voice. “I hate liars and I thought we were just having fun, not mind fuck games.” And with that she pushed off the couch. But Addison had other ideas as he held onto her and pulled her back to him. His wolf was wound up. He was wound up. Cassidy jerked back against him.

  “Wanna play.” He stated looking at her red lips. “With you.”

  Cassidy flicked her hair over one shoulder and Addison leaned forward quickly, running his nose along her shoulder and up her neck. Inhaling the scent of her, he smelt the, body wash and perfume covering the freshness of her skin. “Here”. He said watching the nervousness creep into her expression. It was a challenge.

  Cassidy’s chest rose heavily as she held his gaze. Breaking eye contact she glanced about them, at the business of the club. The couples making out, heavily and openly in the darkened corners. She noted tops pulled down, hands on breasts, and looks of ecstasy on faces.

  “Well I’m not a play-thing.” Cassidy answered him and pushed off the couch, breaking his hold completely to stand up. Addison shot up straight beside her and grabbed her wrist as she turned to leave.

  “Addison, where’s you’re manners?” Bg said at him putting out her hand. “Cassidy right? I’m Bg, Paris’s partner, we spoke on the phone.” Cassidy looked at the younger woman with black wavy hair as she stood up too.

  “Hi.” She shook her hand, even as Cassidy looked over her shoulder back at Addison, briefly. “No Paris?” Cassidy asked trying to make conversation.

  “Oh, business, he’ll be along shortly.” Bg stated with a smile.

  “Business.” Cassidy quoted back at her. “What does he do that has him working at one am in the morning while his girlfriend waits in a club for him?”

  “Strategic consultancy work. Dealings never stop.” Bg answered her.

  Cassidy nodded her head, her mind ticking over. “Same line of work at Addison right?”

  “Right. Would you like a drink since Addison seems to have forgotten how to offer you one?” Addison let go of her wrist.

  “Bg’s right, I should’ve offered you a beverage, would you care for one?” He asked.

  “Sure.” Cassidy said looking at him as he pointed towards the bar on the second level of the club they were on to Bg.

  “Allow me. You kids talk.” Bg stated walking towards the bar.

  “Um, just a rum and diet coke, thanks.” Cassidy stated before turning to Addison.

  “What am I missing here? I get it, we don’t know each other, we only just met. But what are we doing? Are you just going to dance around me, or are we going to come to some sort of arrangement?” She said catching him off guard, as his eyes dropped back to the curve of her ass and the leather cupping it instead of his hands. “Cause I’m get weird mixed signals here. All last week its hot and heavy and intense and then, suddenly for no apparent reason, you’re avoiding me, not returning my calls. What gives?”


  “This club, this scene. That party scene. Those women. You clearly have a type of preference. Not to have sex with me, but to tease me till I come. What’s the deal?” Cassidy asked impatiently. “Because if we’re not…if you’ve had enough…of what we’ve shared over the past few nights, you just have to say so.” She said “And I won’t bug you, won’t call again. I’ll loose your number.”

  Addison’s jaw set hard. She was practically handing him a way out of this thing he’d started with her, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to be hearing it from her. Or at all. “I don’t want that.” He said, looking down. “I don’t want that at all.”

  “When you do know what you want, look me up.” Cassidy stated turning to walk off on him. She shook her head, men, she could never wrap her head around them.

  Addison looked over at Bg who was waving her hands at him to run after Cassidy. As she stayed, leaning against the
bar top, sipping a wine. He growled as his finger nails extended to talons and receded again. Dating in itself was hard enough to figure out. Dating when you were werewolf was complicated beyond all of Addison’s ability to think logically, laterally and strategically.

  Women were a mind field he had never successfully been able to manoeuvre around. And now there was Cassidy on a lunar night, when he tended to feel a little crazy under the moonlight that drove his body to torturous pleasure. Addison Sighing leapt towards Cassidy before she could leave him their area and grabbed her, pulling her back hard towards him..

  Cassidy barely knew what hit here, when Addison came up behind her, She lost her balance, tripped over her own high heeled feet and fell to the small low table before them, on her hands and knees, chest first. Cassidy tensed, then his hands gripped her hips and an all too male body pressed into her backside, holding himself to her. Against the hiked up hemline of her leather dress from hell. Then the lightest touch, a mouth, ghosting over her shoulder, kissing her neck.

  “Is this why you came here?” Addison murmured in her ear. His tongue flicking out behind her ear. “Did you come for the scene?” He asked, moving his hands around to the front of her leather dress and roughly slipping a hand underneath it. “Or did you come for me, to come for me.” He asked keeping the pressure against her, his erection pressing into her back as he slipped a finger brushing against sensitive nub.

  Cassidy gasped as his thick finger slicked it’s way into her wet heat. She stilled staying exactly where she was, losing herself to his touch. Her body was beginning to crave it.

  “Why did you come here Cassidy?” He asked again, moving the finger inside her. “To see me like this?” He husked as Cassidy pushed back against him manoeuvring herself around his finger. Causing Addison to lift his hand out of her.

  Cassidy panted “You god damn tease.” She muttered angrily.

  “Says the woman who’s not wearing underwear and is on her hands and knees before me, with her ass high in the air for me to see all I want.” Addison muttered angrily back at her.

  She looked over her shoulder at his eyes, they were wild. His body taunt with needy expectation. Was he really that aroused? It looked like he was containing a wave of sexual frustration behind those eyes.

  “You want to walk on the wild side, is that it?” He asked her as she remained in position. “I can show you wild.” He smiled at her, a smile of a predator about to turn on it’s prey. “I can do that.” He gripped her hips again and dug his fingers into her. “Why’d you come sprayed in leather? To get my attention?” He asked somewhere between angry and horny. “You got it. Is that why you keep perusing me?” He stated in a low gravelly voice that made her try to tighten her thighs together, but instead made her keep letting his finger fuck her eagerly.

  “You started it.” Cassidy ground out, barely trusting herself, as the heat of the club pressed against her skin and she sweated, heavily. Her hair dampening against her neck. She could see the wildness in him, his eyes blazed blue and she found herself unabashedly turned on. That she, Cassidy Owens, could provoke such intensity from this man, holding his body’s needs at bay but not wanting to.

  “You are so not in OZ anymore.” Addison ground out, he wanted to strip her of the leather that fuelled his highly, aroused mood. He wanted to play. Cassidy felt herself responding without restraint. Matching his urgency. He pulled his finger out of her again and she moaned deeply.

  Addison’s hand moved to his own pants and unzipping them, he freed himself, tugging himself quickly in his hand. Cassidy’s hand covered his and moved with it and he made a noise, trapped between something husky and a moan, in her mouth.

  She dropped her hand away, the heatwave coming off his body, soaking her clothing to her. Unaware of anything else other than a need to be sated with him. To put them at rest. To be together, she rolled down her hips at Addison, as he rolled a condom onto himself. The beating music around them, keeping time with their heartbeats and pulses as they raced to keep the touch together, between them.

  Addison’s mouth descended down her neck, allowing Cassidy to breath in gasps of the warm air. Her eyes fluttering close as he licked at her. Two thrusts of a thick finger in her heat and Cassidy moaned at him.

  “Please, please.”

  And it was all he needed to hear. Addison thrust up into her sharply. Driving Cassidy back, as she gripped the sides of the table. He grabbed her hips tightly as he started thrusting, fast inside her. The tightness of her gripping him and driving his mind to almost blank out. He had been waiting for her tightness to swallow him whole and now it was milking him, fast.

  Pushing into her hard and deep, causing Cassidy tried desperately to cling to him, to ride out the sensations coursing through her, as she bumped, her knees sliding against the table top as she moved in time with him. The wolf inside him was pushing at his skin, wanting out. The werewolf in him, looking at her.

  Addison groaned and thrust quickly, as his balls tightened and his hips kept driving into her. His legs fuelling his orgasm, throwing him forward. Burying his head into Cassidy’s shoulder, as he moaned into her shoulder.

  Addison thought he’d lost his mind. When he tried to recapture his breath. His lips kissing the sweaty skin, that smelled like sunflowers and sex to him. An exotic combination, he wanted to remember forever. Cassidy panted heavily against him, slowly, they untangled themselves from one another.

  Cassidy turned around and sat on the end of the table, pulling her sexy schoolgirl dress down. “Definitely not in Oz, Toto.” She smirked at him, adjusting her clothing again, and standing back up breathing heavily. Addison adjusted his clothing and covered himself back up again. Concentrating on breathing as he looked away from her.

  Cassidy felt like she’d just ran a marathon. Her legs felt like jelly and she wasn’t sure she could move without collapsing. She glanced over at Addison who was running his fingers through his hair.

  Glancing around her, she became aware of the club, that seemed to be in the throws of the same mood that had over taken them, she noted, looking down at the first floor level. The second storey level she was on with Addison was more private, clearly on for him and his friends.

  Bg walked towards them both with drinks in hand. Oh god, had she really just done that? Public sex in a nightclub? “Rum and Diet coke for you.” Bg said handing Cassidy a cool tumbler glass of dark liquid.

  “And beer for you.” She said holding out the beer to Addison who snatched it off her, whilst looking back at Cassidy. Cassidy glanced back up at Addison, both of them still panting. A brief smile quirked at her lips as her face blushed. Addison smirked back at her silently downing a mouthful of beer quickly.

  Cassidy sculled her drink and cracked an ice cube in her mouth, before handing the glass full of ice-cubes back to Bg, without taking her eyes of Addison. “Call me.” She said breathlessly, before turning around quickly and heading off the way she’d come. Barely believing what she’d just done.


  The third night of the lunar week and he was flirting with danger once again. Outside his regular routine and comfort zone for such a night. Addison thought taking a seat at the table, Bg had reserved for them, Paris, Addison, Wiatt, Jules and Bohm at Provocation.

  Addison downed a mouthful of beer. He hadn’t called Cassidy yet. Not after the night be fore’s unexpected sexual pleasure at his own club. He couldn’t call her. Didn’t know what to say.

  He’d been so lost in his desire, that he’d taken her, roughly, in the club. And damn, if it hadn’t felt better than good too. To finally be inside her. To loose himself in her. And afterwards, she’d walked off on him. Leaving him to the sexually charged atmosphere of the club. Again. Another challenge laid down before him. Stay, follow or just don’t get caught, was what he thought she wasn’t saying.

  All day, he’d looked at his phone, wondered if he should at least call her. Tell her he hadn’t hung around the club all that long after she’d left. Wondered i
f she’d call him. If she would take his call if he did call her. He’d found himself outside her place, looking at it. Walking up and down the street in front of it. Unsure of himself for once and what he was supposed to do. Addison didn’t do relationships. He looked at his beer and polished the rest of the bottle off before swiping Wiatt’s untouched beer.


  “I out rank you, get another one.” Addison stated starting on the new beer and tossing money at Wiatt.

  “Highly ranked, prick.” Wiatt whinged, pushing out from the table and pulling out a couple notes before heading back to the bar.

  “And I thought you and Cassidy, made up or you know, out, last night.” Bg teased Addison as she sat opposite him. Paris, his arm slung around Bg’s shoulders, looked over at Addison, arched a questioning eyebrow at him. Addison shook his head and looked towards the still vacant stage.

  He hadn’t wanted their first time to be like that. He’d wanted to make love to Cassidy, slowly. Savouring everything about it, because deep down, some part of him knew he would make love to her and it would be special. Unlike any other time he’d had casual sex.

  The lights dimmed and everyone at the table turned to look at the stage. Addison downed more beer and felt tension rush into his muscles. Cassidy knew that Bg’s booking was for them tonight. That they would be there. And she knew what table they were on.

  The music started and female dancers poured out onto the stage, with male dancers, working their way, around them, carrying chairs and tables for their argentine tango club set. Addison braced himself. It was the opening number. It was Cassidy’s. And logically, even though he knew she would be dancing with her partner Sascha, he hated the idea of another male’s hands on her body.

  Cassidy strutted onto the stage, this time, dressed in her bowler hat, white halter neck shirt with detached shirt cuffs on her wrists and small, black hotpants. It was Addison realised, the first outfit he’d seen her at Provocation in. Instead of fishnets on her legs, which he was instantly drawn to, as were almost all of his party, she had a tribal designed, tattoo painted on her leg, from her foot, in it’s high heeled shoe, to the top of her thigh. One whole leg, covered in swirls and arcs, and sharp points.


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