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Three Page 15

by Chloe Lynn Ellis

  “Eden got water on her dress,” I tell him. Not a lie, but neutral enough that I’m not going to embarrass her if she wants to try to pretend this wasn’t just happening.

  Matt’s face is a little flushed in a way that reminds me he probably drank twice as much as I did and at only ninety percent of my body weight, and the way his eyes are slightly out-of-focus, I’m not even sure he noticed what we were up to. He crosses the kitchen and leans one hip against the counter right next to Eden and me.

  “Water, huh? Shame, that,” he says, his voice all relaxed and almost lazy from the wine. “Especially after how well the rest of the night went, yeah? Dinner was… it was good.”

  “Eden and I were just talking about that,” I tell him, also not a lie. I grin, adding, “Went so well, we kinda thought we should celebrate, actually.”

  I’m still standing between her legs, and she smacks my arm, going pink.

  She doesn’t deny it, though.


  “Yeah?” Matty says, blinking slowly like he’s really feeling that wine. Then he smiles, still slow and relaxed… but maybe with a hint of something dirty there, too. He looks back and forth between the two of us, and intoxicated or not, I can see the wheels turning. I mean, he can’t be that out of it, right? After all, Eden’s dress is practically hiked to her waist and my hand is still resting on her bare leg, right up near the bit where her panties almost peek out.

  We both wait on Matty. Swear to God, I can feel Eden holding her breath.

  “A celebration, huh?” Matt finally says, his eyes zeroing in my hand.

  After a minute, he pulls his eyes off it and looks at me again. And… nope, it’s not just my imagination. There’s definitely something dirty in that smile.

  “Am I invited to this party?” he asks, slinging his casted arm up to rest on my shoulder as he wraps his good hand around Eden’s other thigh, all the way at the top so his fingers nudge the hem of her dress. He looks her in the eye and says point-blank: “You kissed Johnny.”

  Not sure if he’s referring to just now or before dinner, but doesn’t really matter, does it?

  Eden sucks in a sharp breath, eyes darting to mine for a second before she gives Matty a jerky little nod. A small smile hovers over his mouth at that, and she starts nibbling that lip again, eyes locked on Matt’s like she’s waiting for the other shoe to drop. He didn’t say it like an accusation, though, just a fact. And I know my boy. I know where his mind is probably heading right now, and I—

  Well, fuck.

  Of course I want it. I’m still horny as fuck, aren’t I? And it’s not like Matty and I haven’t shared a girl before. It’s been hot when we have, not gonna lie, but God’s honest truth?

  I’m just not sure if it’s really safe for me to go there right now.

  Maybe it’s because of all those images that were going through my mind a minute ago, thinking about him and Eden together, but whatever the reason—I’m feeling just a little too aware of him at the moment, if you know what I mean. And with as tipsy as I am? Sure, not nearly as much as he seems to be, but… yeah. That could be a problem.

  Matty smiles at Eden, slow and sexy and dirty as hell, then turns that look on me. And—


  Dangerous or not, let’s just be real: I’m not gonna say no, am I?

  “Tell me about kissing Eden, bro,” Matty says, the kinky little shit.

  He’s still got his right arm slung around my shoulders in that cast, and he’s stroking her thigh now with his left—fingers brushing against mine as he teases her—and even though I’m doing my damndest not to look, I see the bulge growing in his pants.

  The plus side? I can tell that getting turned on is clearing his head a little.

  The other side? Fuck if seeing that bulge doesn’t ramp me up even higher.

  His fingers brush right over Eden’s center and she sucks in a sharp breath. She’s not pulling away, though, doesn’t seem to mind at all that we’re all three in this together, and suddenly my dick is pressing hard against the too-tight confines of my pants.

  “You wanna know about me kissing Eden?” I ask, mesmerized by the sight of Matty’s hand on her.

  Fuck, wasn’t I just fantasizing about him touching her like this?

  He makes a horny little sound that gets my cock fully locked and loaded, and I pull my eyes off the action between Eden’s legs and stare right into his. “Done more than that, Matty,” I admit, because when it comes to ninety-nine percent of my relationship with him, I’m all about full disclosure.

  Okay, whatever. This isn’t about full disclosure, this is about it being fucking hot.

  “Yeah?” he says, grinning at me as that bulge of his gets noticeably bigger. “Tell me about it.”

  My hand tightens on Eden’s other thigh. She’s breathing in hot little gasps as Matty plays with her, but she gives me a tiny nod, cheeks going even pinker.

  Permission to share.

  Makes my cock fucking throb.

  “The first night we brought Eden back here,” I tell Matty, voice raspy because Jesus, I’m gonna need some relief soon at this rate, aren’t I? “When you were—”

  Matt suddenly takes his hand off Eden and slaps it over my mouth, cutting me off… and fuck if that touch doesn’t go straight to my cock and almost cause me to embarrass myself.

  Matty grins, looking a little sloppy and hella fucking sexy. “I changed my mind,” he says. “Let’s do show, not tell.” He turns his attention to Eden. “You like Johnny, don’t you, beautiful?”

  Matty’s low voice is almost hypnotic, so guess I can’t really blame her for not answering right away. Especially when he takes his hand off my mouth and runs a finger over her lips instead.

  Back and forth.

  Slow and sensual.

  Over and over until she finally breaks, pink tongue darting out to taste. She moans, her eyelids fluttering closed, and sucks it into her mouth.

  “Fuck, Matty,” I mutter, adjusting myself because… well, fuck. I have to, don’t I?

  “You gonna be a good girl and answer me, Eden?” Matty teases her, winking at me as he pulls his finger out of her mouth so slowly it makes my dick want to cry. “I wanna know if you like my boy.”

  She whimpers, then opens her eyes, looking dazed, and nods. “Yes,” she breathes out. “I… I like Johnny.”

  My cock jerks. Oh, fuck yeah. This is really gonna happen, isn’t it?

  “Don’t blame you,” Matty says, talking to Eden but keeping his eyes locked on me until I’m fucking crazy with it.

  Oh, shit. This is gonna happen… and I was right. The way my cock is reacting to both of them?

  It’s going to be dangerous for me.

  Matt finally turns back to face Eden just before I do something stupid. He gives her another one of those dirty smiles, using that arm he’s got slung around me to pull me closer as he says, “I like Johnny, too, and I want to see you kiss him again. Can you do that for me, beautiful?”

  Her eyes go wide, and she licks her lips, chest heaving like she’s having just as much trouble catching her breath as I am. Her eyes dart between the two of us, and oh yeah, she wants to.

  “I… um, Matt,” she starts hesitantly. “You… you really want me to?”

  I grin. She just needs permission, and it’s a perfect fit, isn’t it? Because Matty… let’s just say that I have it on good authority that he gets off on taking charge in the bedroom.

  “Only if you want to,” he tells her in a hypnotically soothing voice as he uses his free hand to stroke her jaw… her throat… the long line of her collarbone.

  Sure, it sounds like he’s leaving it up to her, but at the same time, he’s pulling at me with that arm, urging me to get in there close to her and do what he wants. His good hand wraps around the back of Eden’s neck, pushing her toward me, too, and he leans in to whisper right in her ear.

  “But Johnny definitely deserves it, yeah? Just a little kiss? Always there for us, best guy I
know, and look at him, huh? You like this? How could you not?”

  She’s blushing hard now, but doesn’t even pretend to resist as he guides her toward me, getting her so close I can almost taste her. “I… I like both of you,” she finally whispers in that sexy, breathless tone that makes me wild.

  And now I can taste it—the sweet warmth of her mouth flavoring the air between us.

  “We both like you, too, princess,” I tell her, wrapping my hand gently around her throat. I tip Eden’s head backward, putting her mouth at the perfect angle to let me give Matty the show he wants.

  She moans, pupils blowing wide, but still doesn’t close the gap.

  “Come on now,” Matty urges her softly, kneading the back of her neck, his fingertips brushing against mine.

  “It’s not… not wrong?” she asks, airing that last fear that must be holding her back from taking what it’s pretty damn clear we all want right now.

  “Can’t be wrong if we all agree, yeah?” Matty says, voice still soft but smile positively wicked. He winks at me, adding, “And Johnny and I agree on just about everything, don’t we?”

  Hell, yeah we do.

  I quit waiting, because fuck, I need her… and knowing Matty’s going to be getting off on watching it until he joins in, too? I’m not even going to pretend that that doesn’t do it for me.

  I take Eden’s mouth, and she opens for me with a needy little sob, like she’s desperate for it, gasping and sucking my tongue in and wrapping one arm around my neck to hold me against her, so that they’ve both got me now. And then Matty is kissing her, too. His dark hair tickling my jaw as he drags his mouth down her throat and pushes the dress off her shoulders so he can move lower. I stroke Eden’s throat as I kiss her, inhale her, and rest my other hand on Matty’s hip, because I have to, you know? Where else would I put it?

  It’s erotic as hell to be kissing her with both their arms around me. To feel Matty moving against her, too. Yeah, we have shared girls before… but not like this.

  Not at the same time.

  Not while I get to touch him, too.

  That last thought is like ice water, and I groan, making myself stop and pull away from both of them. I don’t get to touch him, too. Touching him, too, would pretty much be the death of everything good in my life.

  Eden looks up at me, eyelids at half-mast and mouth swollen and wet. “Wh-what? Johnny?”

  Matty’s looking at me oddly, his eyes sliding off mine and right down my body, pausing when they get to where my overeager cock is straining for freedom.

  “Fuck,” I mutter, scrubbing a hand over my face because a drunk Matty is a horny Matty and him accidentally stopping to stare at my junk is doing all kinds of shit to me.

  His eyes jerk up to my face, and I’m not sure what he sees there, but he suddenly smirks, giving me a hot look I can’t read, and then tells Eden, “Pretty sure Johnny wants us to have a little more room.”

  And okay, I’ll take that excuse. It’s even a good one. Because sure, having her on the kitchen counter between us is hot, but maybe it doesn’t provide the best access, you know?

  “My room?” Matty asks, not waiting for a response before he tries and fails to scoop her off the counter.

  I snort out a laugh, because he’s an idiot. “News flash: your arm is still broken, bro.”

  I push him aside and lift Eden into a modified version of a fireman’s carry that has her luscious ass in the air and those soft breasts I’m gonna need to get my hands on soon pressing against my back. She squeals as I head down the hall and Matty gives her a little tap on the ass as he follows, which makes her gasp.

  “Quiet, you,” he says in the horny, drunk version of what I’m guessing is supposed to be a stern voice. “We’re trained professionals here.”

  Eden giggles, then gasps again when we finally reach his room and I toss her down on the bed. And dammmmmmmmmmmmmmn is that a sight. Dress and hair disheveled as fuck, long legs spread like an invitation and a hint of some naughty-looking lingerie peeking out where Matty already pulled her dress down low.

  She’s panting, looking up at us, and for a minute, it’s like all three of us are frozen.

  Can’t speak for the two of them, but I can tell you for sure why I’m not moving. You ever gone to one of those high-class brunch buffets? Everything looks so good, it’s like you don’t know where to start.

  “You never did tell me how you two managed to get her dress all wet like that, Johnny,” Matty says, palming himself as he eyes her. “But looks like we should help her get it off, yeah?”

  He’s grinding the heel of that one good hand against the bulge in his pants, and the sight makes me groan.

  I probably shouldn’t let on that I’m staring at his cock, but my mouth has a mind of its own. “Looks like you need some help of your own,” I say, because I guess I’m the idiot.

  His eyes jerk up to meet mine, a slow smile spreading over his face, and I rush in with a save before what I meant has a chance to kick in for him.

  “You only got one hand to work with, buddy,” I remind him, winking. “Use it to get yourself situated. I’ll take care of Eden.”

  Matty grins, but doesn’t argue. His hand fumbles at his belt, and for a split second, I have the crazy impulse to say fuck it and really offer to help him. I might even get away with it, too, since I mean, it’s hard as fuck to do certain things one-handed, you know? But then Eden saves me from myself by making the sexiest fucking sound I’ve ever heard, and my attention snaps right back to her.

  I get to work on following through with Matty’s suggestion. Her dress needs to come off.

  I push the soft material up to her waist, my cock jerking hard at the sight of the little scrap of black silk that covers her mound. I remember damn well how it felt against my fingers, and it looks just as sexy as it feels.

  I run my hand over it again, and she arches up into my touch with a moan. I already know I don’t want these coming off. I can fuck her just fine by moving it just a bit to the side… or damn, maybe I’d rather watch as Matty does.

  I slide my hand higher, pushing the dress up as I go, until it gets locked up around her full breasts and stops my progress. I push them together, making a half-ass effort to get that dress the rest of the way off but I’m pretty fucking distracted, if I’m honest, by the way she starts breathing hard… chest rising and falling under my hands… squirming against my touch as she presses her breasts into my palms.

  “Johnny,” she says after a minute, flushed and sort of laughing. “It… it has a zipper.”

  “What does, princess?” I ask, my voice sounding thick and slow as I watch her wiggle under my hands. I’m kinda mesmerized by the dip in her belly as she moves, and I’m just about to give up on getting her all the way naked so I can run my tongue down that soft skin to tease the top of her panties, when she grabs my chin and tilts my face up to look at her.

  “My… my dress,” she says, gorgeous mouth quivering with laughter. “You were going to help get it off?”

  “Anything,” I promise her, tilting my head to the side to kiss her palm.

  She makes a sexy little sound, then comes up on her elbows and runs a hand over her breasts, pushing them up so they practically spill out of the bunched material trapping them there.

  “The zipper’s in the back,” she says breathlessly, spelling it out for me with sparkling eyes. “Can you…?”

  Oh, this girl. She’s trying to kill me with that teasing little smile, isn’t she?

  “Roll over, Eden.”

  She’s quick to do it, sinking down onto the bed with a sigh, and I hear Matt hiss behind me as I finally pull that zipper down and then slide the dress all the way off her, leaving her laid out for us like that buffet I’d been thinking of a minute ago.

  “Stay just like that, Eden,” Matty growls from behind me.

  The mattress dips, and then he’s right there next to me. And fuck, he managed the undressing thing pretty well with just one arm, didn’t h
e? He’s down to wearing just his cast and a tight pair of black boxer briefs, and he’s all hard planes and acres of olive skin and mouthwatering muscles that bunch and flex as I try not to look.

  Matty runs a hand up the back of Eden’s leg, all the way up to her curvy little ass. He molds the shape of it with his palm, groaning, and I almost do embarrass myself then. The two of them together are just as hot as I’d imagined.

  “Matt,” Eden purrs, pushing back into his touch, and fuck if I don’t almost come right then and there.

  Those little black panties of hers are a thong, and I know I think that’s hot, but what else I know? Matty gets off on ass—always has, always will—and right now, his cock is straining like it’s trying to bust right out of his boxers as he starts teasing his hands over hers. Slipping a finger under that sexy black strip of silk to trace her crease. Pushing her legs open a little wider and settling himself between them. Dragging his hand over her ass, right down the center, dipping it between her legs and sliding it underneath her to play… making her moan… cursing his lack of two hands under his breath real quiet-like, so I don’t even think he realizes he’s doing it.

  I grab my cock and squeeze it hard for a little relief, realizing I’m the only one still dressed.

  “Those aren’t coming off,” I tell Matty when it looks like that’s what he’s about to do. “Fuck her just like this.”

  Eden moans, and yeah, she likes that idea too, doesn’t she? But Matty’s eyes jerk up to mine like he’s just remembering I’m there. He gives me a hot smile, his eyes flicking down to my dick for a second before he takes his hand off Eden’s panties to stroke himself through his briefs, holding my gaze while he does it.

  Oh, shit. I need to get naked. Now. No way am I coming in my pants like a horny teenager.

  “This what you want to see, bro?” Matty asks me in that same low, hypnotic voice he’d been using with Eden. He runs his hand up the length of his shaft, pushing it against his body until the head pokes out over the top of his waistband. He lets his thumb swirl over the slick tip, then strokes down again… back up… down…

  “You want to see me push this into her—” his voice is getting slower… heavier with lust as he finally breaks eye contact with me and looks back down at Eden’s ass, “—right under that sexy little thong? You want to watch me fuck our girl’s sweet pussy until she screams?”


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