The Games Heroes Play (The Academy Trilogy)

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The Games Heroes Play (The Academy Trilogy) Page 7

by Joshua DeBenedetto

  “That doesn’t make you a Prometheus. That just means you were misfiled. You have to be able to read minds to be a Prometheus! You are a Hermes!”

  Jay realized there was only one way to convince his teacher. “Think of a number,” Jay said.

  “I’m not going to play this game with you…”

  “You’re thinking of the number 3.” Despite the objection, Jay could see a three come up on the teacher’s mental pictures. “Think of another number.”

  The teacher was angry, but decided this was a game worth playing. “Ok, I’ve got one.”

  “You’re thinking of the number 45,071,440.”

  The teacher paused for a moment, his anger quickly diminishing. “Ok, I have another number in my mind.”

  “No you don’t,” Jay responded, “you are thinking about a barn that you played in as a kid. I don’t see any numbers in your thoughts.”

  “Now wait a minute,” the teacher began, but being unable to think of something to say next, he closed his mouth. After a few moments, he began again, “I am going to warn you just once. If you are not a mind reader and pretend to be, your time at this school will be extremely difficult. Whatever tricks you’re playing now won’t work when your classes reach more advanced topics. The smart thing to do would be to stop playing games and move into the Hermes classes.”

  “There are no games being played here, sir. I am a Prometheus, and have been reading minds very successfully. If I moved unusually fast today, it was the first time I’ve done so. I am not a Hermes, I just got lucky.”

  The Titan of a teacher stepped back to think, and the motion gave Jay the feeling as if he had just been released from bondage. With no more to discuss, the teacher decided it was time to move on with the day. “Very well. Good work in class today then. Tomorrow will be defense against Prometheus, so your mind reading will be put to the test then. You are dismissed.”

  As Jay walked through the door exiting class, he immediately noticed Michael leaning against the wall outside the door with a big smile spread across his face. “Have you been eavesdropping?” Jay asked him.

  “Yup,” he admitted without remorse. “You were talking too quietly to hear, so I read your mind. The teacher was talking loud enough for the whole hall to hear, which is good, because I wouldn’t want to read a teacher’s thoughts. Besides, he didn’t give me permission to read his thoughts whenever I wanted, like you did.”

  Jay smiled. He did not mind Michael listening in at all. It was comforting to know he was not really in there alone.

  “So you’re a Hermes now too, eh?” Michael asked cheerfully.

  “No, I’m just a Prometheus, I just got lucky, and he wasn’t really moving that fast.”

  “Are you kidding me? He was moving faster than any of the other Hermes in the class! That guy was out to get you, and from what I can see, he was moving as fast as he could. The only person there moving at a speed comparable to him was you.”

  Jay heard what Michael said, but he did not fully believe it. From where Jay stood, it did not seem to him like either of them were moving unusually fast. He had felt more agile and alert than normal, but that was just his adrenaline over the activity, wasn’t it?

  Jay could see that the rumors of that class’s activities were spreading quickly by the looks he was getting by many of the other kids in the hall as they walked. He did not like all this attention. “Hey Michael, how about we go get a private practice room and I’ll teach you that move.”

  Michael laughed. “Ok Decathlon, you can try, just remember that you can’t teach a turtle to fly.”

  “Or a Snake for that matter.”


  “SIR, WE HAVE something new to report on the student named Jay.”

  “This better be more noteworthy news than last time. I don’t want you telling me again that a mind reader has been reading minds.”

  “No sir, this time it is certainly worth reporting.”


  “The boy is a Hermes, sir.”

  “I’m afraid you are mistaken, it is well confirmed that he is a Prometheus.”

  “Yes sir, but he is also a Hermes. He has both abilities.”

  “I thought you said he was just emulating their speed.”

  “That is what we thought at first, but his so called emulating has passed the level that a normal human could do. His movements could only have been achieved by a Hermes.”

  “If that is true, this boy is breaking records all over the place. Oldest recorded development of Prometheus abilities, oldest recorded development of Hermes abilities, first person to develop more than one ability…”

  “And longest time maintaining a blanket reading without rest.”

  “How long did he maintain a blanket reading?”

  “It started shortly after he first arrived at the school, and it has not stopped since.”

  “That is incorrect soldier, I know he has gotten sleep since arriving. Less than most, but he has still slept.”

  “He has slept, but the blanket readings continue while he sleeps.”

  “You did not think this was worth reporting?”

  “Sir, if we reported every unusual thing about this boy’s thought pattern, you would never stop seeing us.”

  “Very well. Any theories as to how the boy is able to obtain multiple powers? The part of the brain that triggers the development and maintenance of abilities was previously thought to only be capable of supporting one.”

  “We are unsure. The best theory we have thus far is that his mind has adapted somehow to hold an ability in another area of the brain. This is only speculation though sir. We could not know this for sure without literally opening the kid’s head up and looking inside.”

  “Suggestion noted.”

  “Sir, that was not a suggestion, I was merely stating…”

  “Dismissed soldier.”

  MICHAEL HAD BEEN right, Jay was unable to teach him how to move faster. Even though the exercise was unsuccessful, however, they did have fun trying.

  “I can’t believe you’re a Hermes and a Prometheus,” Michael reflected in admiration as they began to walk back to the dorm.

  “I don’t believe it,” Jay responded.

  “How can you not believe it? It’s a fact that you were moving at Hermes speed in class today. These abilities don’t come and go as they please, you either can do these things or you can’t. And you showed today that you can.”

  “But what about just now, when I was trying to teach it to you? I wasn’t moving that fast then, was I?”

  “No, I guess not. Maybe it’s just starting to develop, and you need to be threatened before it will come out? I’m certainly not a threat, so maybe your body just doesn’t feel like it needs to go fast.”

  Jay realized this could be the explanation, but he was still hesitant to believe it. When he became a Prometheus, it was so clear; he was suddenly able to read people’s thoughts, leaving no doubt of what he was capable of. With this, he was not sure. It is true he had moved fast, but who’s to say he did not just get lucky, or that his body was just moving quickly for a normal person?

  As Jay and Michael entered the dorm room, they could tell immediately that the tale of the events that took place in their defensive tactics class had spread fully around the school. Every eye was on Jay, as if afraid that they would miss something amazing if they looked away. Jay thought how funny it would be if he could transform into a dragon or something, and justify their stares. Out of the corner of his eye, Jay saw some movement. He turned to see what was happening, and felt something hit him square in the chest, hard. He stumbled back a few steps, holding his chest. Jay looked up to see a surprised boy standing across the room, arm still outstretched from the throw.

  “I’m sorry, Decathlon. We had heard you were a Hermes too… I guess I wanted to see you move fast…I didn’t mean to…”

  “It’s alright,” Jay said, not wanting to keep the attention on him. He picked up the
ball and tossed it back to the boy. At least now maybe they’ll stop staring.

  Jay’s hope was realized, but not to his satisfaction. The looks began turning away, but now they were throwing casual or not so casual glances in his direction constantly. Some had moved their work or activities so that they could keep an eye on him while they went about their business.

  The only one who kept watching, refusing to go back to his work, was Duke. He did not look out of amazement, like the rest of them, but more as if he were sizing Jay up. This made Jay more uncomfortable than all the rest combined. With his fellow first years, he at least knew why they were watching him. With Duke, it was hard to tell. Jay did not think Duke was reading his mind, just watching him. Jay tried to go about his activities as normal, and when Duke would not shift his gaze, Jay decided he would take his shower that night instead of waiting for the morning.

  When Jay got out of the shower, Duke was in his office, and the other boys were each engrossed in their own tasks. Jay stepped over to his bed, and noticed a note sitting on his pillow. It read ‘my office, 0500 tomorrow’. Jay knew it was from Duke. He had not planned to get up so early, but he also knew he was not on the best footing with Duke as it was. Jay set his clock for 4:30 am, slid it under his pillow where it could wake him up without waking the other boys, and climbed into bed.

  WHEN JAY WOKE up at 4:30, the room was still dark. The only two lights on were the one from the bathroom and the one from Duke’s office. As soon as Jay sat up, he saw Duke’s office door open, and Duke waved his arm for Jay to come in. I guess we won’t be waiting until five for this meeting. Jay climbed out of bed, and walked into Duke’s office, trying to look as awake as possible, while trying not to be blinded by the sudden light all around him. Duke sat down in his chair, and motioned for Jay to sit in another chair in the room.

  “Are you a Hermes?”

  Duke’s question came before Jay had fully sat in the chair. “I don’t know,” was all Jay could say.

  “You don’t know?”

  “Yes, sir, I don’t know.”

  “Don’t call me sir, my name’s Duke. How can you not know? Can you move really really fast, or can’t you?”

  “In defensive tactics I was able to keep up with a Hermes, and the other students and the teacher said I was a Hermes, but that is the only time I had ever moved that fast. I tried to do it again later, but was moving at a regular speed again.”

  Duke was clearly deep in thought about something important, because he leaned back in his chair and looked off to the side. After a few moments, he seemed to get an idea, and began to ask Jay a new set of questions.

  “Have you been hungrier lately than ever before in your life?”

  “Yes. I’ve never been a big eater before, but now I’m having multiple plates each meal.” This was true. Jay has constantly been finding himself hungry a few hours after meals end, and has been eating multiple plates of food at each sitting. Even right now, Jay was struggling with the desire to run out of the room and go get some breakfast.

  “Have you been finding it hard to walk slowly, to eat slowly, to move slowly at all?”

  “Yeah, I guess so. I feel fine in the dorm, but when I’m out in the corridors or the dining hall, or in defensive tactics class, I feel anxious going at a normal speed.”

  “Only defensive tactics? Not in your other classes?”

  “No, only in defensive tactics. I can focus in the other classes.” Jay hadn’t given this much thought before, but it was true.

  “Why didn’t you catch the ball yesterday?”

  “For one thing I didn’t see it coming. Even a Hermes can’t block something they don’t know is coming. Also, like I said, I feel comfortable going at a normal speed in the dorm.”

  Duke paused in thought once again, then decided to come out with his purpose. “I was told to recruit you for my simulation games team. I don’t want to do that if you won’t live up to your rumored speed though, and are just going to end up a typical first year Prometheus.”

  “You are leading a simulation games team?” Jay was surprised; he did not think Duke was taking the leaders training classes.

  “No, I’m on a team.”

  “But I thought try-outs were on Friday?”

  “They are, but that’s just for teams to fill their last few spots. Most positions will already be filled on teams by pre-tryout invitation. A friend of mine is running a team, and she invited me to join. And now she wants to invite you.”

  Jay could not decide if he could live up to their expectations, or even if he wanted to try. “I don’t know if I can move fast enough, and even if I can, I don’t know if I could control it.”

  “We would teach you to control it, we just need to know if it’s possible. Come on, we have a training room reserved, we’ll give you a try out right now.”

  WHEN JAY AND Duke arrived at the training room, there were ten other students there practicing – five Titans, four Hermes, and one other Prometheus. A female Titan noticed them arrive, and quickly came over to greet them.

  “Is this the infamous Decathlon?” she asked Duke with a smile.

  “Yeah, this is Decathlon. Whether or not he can live up to the rumors I don’t know, I guess we’ll have to figure that out now,” Duke answered. Duke looked a lot less imposing standing next to such a muscular girl.

  The Titan extended her hand in greeting to Jay. “My name is Jessica, but everyone calls me Hammer. So tell me Decathlon, are you a Prometheus or a Hermes?”

  “Well I know I’m a Prometheus. I guess we’ll soon find out if I’m a Hermes.” Jay tried to say this as a joke, but the reality of it made him uneasy.

  “I guess we will,” Hammer responded. “Come on over here, we are going to start with something easy. You see that far wall? I want you to run to that wall and back to me as fast as you can. Ready? Ok, go!”

  Jay took off for the far wall. He started off going slowly, and then started to speed up. Once he had gotten to a full sprint, he kept it up until he reached the far wall. He turned and started his run back. By the time he had gotten back, Hammer was already frowning and talking quietly to Duke. They stopped talking once Jay arrived out of breath back to them.

  “Ok kid, we’re going to try something else. This machine over here is used for training the reflexes. It is designed to be used for Hermes, but at the slowest speed it works for others as well. We are going to try you out on the slowest speed first, and if you beat that without a problem we will go up from there.”

  The machine Hammer was referring to consisted of a number of bars sticking out from the face of a wall. The idea of the exercise is to hit the bars when they light up. Jay stepped forward to begin the exercise. Hammer turned the machine on, and Jay watched for the lights. One appeared on his right and he swung his hand out to hit it, but it disappeared before he got there. Another appeared at eye level, and he moved to touch it, but again, he was too late. The lights started appearing faster, but he kept missing every one. Come on Jay, you are making a fool of yourself! Even if you’re not a Hermes, you should be able to get at least one of these! Jay kept trying, and the lights kept flashing. Suddenly Jay saw his opportunity, as a light turned on next to his right arm. He swung his arm down hard, desperately trying to get the light before it disappeared.


  Jay’s arm hit the bar with the light, breaking it off of the machine completely. Hammer quickly turned off the machine, and picked up the piece that Jay knocked off.

  “Figures he’d get the light on a weak bar,” Duke commented.

  “The machine didn’t have a weak bar. This thing snapped along the metal,” Hammer said, inspected the piece in her hand.

  “I’m sorry,” Jay said, “I didn’t mean for it to break.”

  “Don’t worry about it. As far as your speed with the machine goes, you were not doing particularly well until that last movement. I think I want to try something new, something to give you a reason to move quickly. You moved quickly in
defensive tactics, avoiding attacks from a Hermes, right?”

  “Yes. I saw him going for my shoulder, so I lowered it and scooped him up.”

  “Scooped him up?”

  “Yeah, I caught his arm and grabbed his legs.”

  Hammer apparently found this amusing. She called over one of the Hermes, who joined them quickly. “Ok, here is the exercise we will try next. Jay you will get three seconds to go wherever you’d like in the training room. After those three seconds I will yell go, and my friend here will pursue you. I will time the exercise to see how long you are able to keep away. Try to avoid capture for as long as you can.”

  Jay did not like this idea. He was already out of breath from the previous two exercises, and this was an upper-class Hermes who would be chasing him. Jay did not argue, though, and got ready to go. On Hammer’s command, Jay took off for the other side of the room, and took his place behind some weights. When Hammer yelled go, the Hermes took off at a quick speed towards Jay. Jay saw the Hermes coming, and after less than a second the Hermes was upon him.

  “Stop!” Hammer called. She walked over, disappointed. “Ok, Jay, I guess you are not a Hermes. Thank you for coming out to our try out anyway.”

  Jay could not decide whether to say thank you or sorry, but what came out was something completely different. “One more try.”

  Hammer and Duke looked at each other, then back at Jay. “What makes you think you would do any better?” Duke asked him.

  “Well I was tired before the last one, and now I feel a lot better. I’m also more awake now, and I have a better understanding of…of how fast I would need to go.” Jay was not sure why he was trying to convince them to let him try again. Maybe it was because he felt foolish, and wanted to redeem himself. Maybe it was because he thought Duke would respect him more if he showed more effort. These could have played a part, but really Jay was just starting to feel faster. He felt his energy rise, as it did during that class when he beat the Hermes, or during that first day when he kept up with the quick tour of the school. Jay did not want to show them what he could do, he wanted to show himself.


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