Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1)

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Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) Page 11

by Flowers, Tiffany

  “I really don’t know, Gabby. She said it was because I broke up with her on the phone, but she was already cheating on me before that.”

  “Gabby, what did Lash say to you?” Derrick asks, very gently.

  “He told me you would hurt me again, and that I would stop loving you. He said this was the last time he was going to try to get me to go willingly before he played his hand. I almost went. I was about to go with him when Derrick came, but if Lash would have come to the house I was at and asked again, I would have gone.” She was going to go with him? I almost drove her into the hands of the enemy? That scares me.

  “Oh, baby. I am so glad you didn’t go. I would have killed myself trying to get you back.”

  Derrick turns and walks out of the room. He is sizzling mad, either at me or himself.

  I look back at Gabby. I have to do something to show her she is still my everything so I go to her list:

  1. Home

  2. Beach where the water is crystal clear

  3. Paris, France

  4. Picnic in Ireland

  5. A Water Park

  6. Home

  7. Shopping somewhere fancy

  We have scratched off everything but Home and Picnic in Ireland. I guess a beautiful picnic in Ireland it is. Then, maybe, I’ll take her home. “Hey, baby. I’ll be right back.” I walk out and holler for Derrick.

  He stomps up, still mad as hell. “How could my sister do that? Why didn’t you tell me she was so vindictive?”

  “I didn’t want to worry you. That is your sister, man. I can’t talk bad about her to you.”

  “You are my brother. You could have told me what was really going on.”

  “I’m sorry. Where is she?”

  “I don’t know. She said she was sticking around for a while.” Neeko tells Derrick. His mouth sets into a grim line.

  “Great! Probably to start more trouble. I want to take Gabby on her last two places she wanted to go...Ireland and home. She wants to have a picnic in Ireland, and I need someone to make it perfect. Find the perfect field and lay out purple flowers. I also need someone to prepare the food. I would do it, but I am afraid to leave her side right now.”

  “You got it. I will personally see to it. You have to bring the real Gabby back, not this zombie.”

  “I am going to do my best.” I walk back into the room, leaving him to get everything ready.

  “Hey, Gabby. Do you want to take a bath?” She looks at me and grins. I chuckle and pick her up. She wraps her legs around my waist and leans in to kiss me. I let her lead the kiss, and our tongues meet. This woman drives me crazy. I carry her to the bathroom. I go to sit her down and she wraps her legs around me tighter. Ok, shower it is. I lean in and turn the water on.

  “I can’t take our clothes off if you won’t let me put you down,” I say against her lips.

  She shakes her head and squeezes even tighter. “Neeko,” she whispers and, in that one word, I know exactly what she wants.

  I press her against the wall and unzip my pants. I rip off her underwear and tease her with my fingers. When she is wet enough, I push inside her. She throws her head back and moans. I start off gentle, and she digs her nails into my back.

  “Neeko, I need to feel alive. Faster, please.”

  I immediately go faster, thrusting harder. She screams in pleasure, biting my neck. I take her harder and harder until she starts to shake with her orgasm, and I’m right behind her.

  We are both spent. She lays her head on my shoulder and kisses where she just bit. The bathroom is filling with steam so I cross over to the shower. I slip us in and hold her under the spray. She moans and relaxes when the hot water hits her body. I sit her on the bench and hand her the washcloth. We bathe and get out. She looks at me while she is drying off. “Thank you, Neeko.” Is she thanking me for the sex?

  “For what, Gabby?”

  “For not giving up on me. I don’t know why I am getting so emotional. I guess it’s just all the stress.”

  “I understand, baby. I’m not helping the situation, either. Let’s get you something else to eat, then we can lay and snuggle.”

  Chapter 19: Derrick’s Family


  I wake to Neeko snuggled up to me. I break away from him and head to the bathroom, then dress in my running clothes. I need to run this morning. I need things to go back to normal. I head back into the bedroom where Neeko is sitting up on the bed. “Where are you going?”

  “For a run. I’ll be back shortly. Plus, I know you need to get back to being a leader. I have loved our little vacation.”

  “Yeah, you’re right, but I won’t be long.”

  I head out the door and down the stairs. Derrick meets me at the bottom. Ever since the Lash incident, I have had a guard with me everywhere. Most of the time it is Derrick, but I have had a few others. I wish I could run by myself, but at least Derrick follows behind me at a distance. Some of the others stuck right beside me. It was so annoying. Derrick is more like a friend, than a guard.

  “Hey, Derrick. Up for a run?”

  “Anytime, shorty.”

  I start jogging down the driveway. They won’t let me go on the trail since the demon attack. Stupid demons. We reach the end of the drive, and I stop to take a breath. Derrick turns and starts to run back to the house.

  “Hey, wait!” I yell.

  I start to walk back and stop dead in my tracks. Lash is standing right in front of me. I am speechless. Not saying a word, he holds out a note. I take it, trying hard not to brush up against his hand. He winks at me, then flashes up next to me and kisses my cheek before I can register what’s going on. Then he’s gone. I finally get my voice back and scream.

  Derrick comes running back to me. “What’s wrong?”

  When he sees me standing there, unharmed and no one in sight, he says, “Is the wittle girl scared?” I just stand there, not answering. I hold on tight to the note.

  “What is it, Gabby?” He walks right in front of me. I open the note.


  If you want to see Lizzy again, you will bring me the missing piece. Bring it to the alley by the club where you took Gabby. Do not tell Neeko or any other guards about it. Leave now.

  I drop the note and stare at Derrick. He picks it up, trying to see what it is. When he finishes reading it, he looks at me. His eyebrows are pulled together and his lips are set in a scowl. I have never seen him so angry.

  “Derrick, who is Lizzy?”

  “She is my daughter. What the hell is a ‘missing piece’?”

  “I didn’t know you had a family. Derrick, I know what he wants.”

  “They are human. I go home to them at night, unless Neeko needs me here. I need to call Debbie, my wife. How do you know what he wants?”

  “I am what he wants. Come on. Take me and trade me for your daughter. I am an Immortal. I can handle myself until you can get Neeko to me.”

  “I can’t do that. He wants the missing piece, not you. I will have to find this missing piece. Let’s go tell Neeko. Maybe he knows what this piece is.”

  He is never going to let me go so I don’t even try to explain I am the missing piece. I’ll just have to come up with a plan on my own. He flashes us to the house, then calls Debbie. She sounds distraught, but I would be, too, if it was my daughter. Apparently, she is their only child and is 16. She was supposed to come home from school, but hasn’t.

  I tell him I need to lay down, that these demon attacks are overwhelming me, and that I am just in the way anyway. When I leave, they are discussing a plan of attack. Nobody but me knows what this missing piece is. I run up to our room. I don’t want anybody getting hurt, not when all he wants is me. I leave a note on the bed, and pray that I flash to the right place. I close my eyes and think of the alley.

  I open my eyes and I’m in my old apartment. Not where I wanted to be, but not too far off. I open the door and head for the elevator. I have to hurry just in case Neeko finds the note and tries to stop me. Wh
en the elevator finally opens in the lobby, I run as fast as I can to the alley. When I arrive, there are two men, demons maybe, but no sign of Lizzy.

  “Where is Lizzy? Where is Lash?”

  “You don’t need to worry about the girl. She is being released as we speak. I can take you to Lash.”

  “No, I am not going anywhere with you. How do I know you don’t still have her?”

  “You will just have to trust us.”

  “Trust a demon? No, thanks.”

  “You’re coming with us anyway.”

  I’m thinking I can probably take these two, but then it hits me. There is no plant life here for me to use. I am defenseless against them. Is that why they wanted me here?

  “Ah, I see you noticed. Come peacefully and we promise to be gentle.”

  I am so tired of being kidnapped. I will not be a victim anymore. “If you want me, come and get me,” I say with as much conviction as I can.

  I plant my feet and stand strong. I feel an energy start in my toes and head up to my legs, continuing until it reaches my head. Power starts filling up my hands. I notice them staring at me so I look down. My tattoo is lit up and I’m glowing. Yes, you bastards. You messed with the wrong girl. They finally shake themselves and come toward me. I don’t remember the storm so I am not sure how to do this. Something tells me to open my palm at them and, the next thing I know, I am shooting a light out at them. It reaches the first demon and he burns up. The second one flashes away.

  Someone runs up behind me and grabs my waist, and I feel my whole body light up. I hear Neeko scream, “Gabby, it’s me!” I instantly stop. I turn to see Neeko on the ground. He has a few burns on his body, but they are quickly healing.

  “Oh, my god, Neeko. I’m sorry. I thought you were after me.”

  Derrick comes walking up to Neeko and helps him up. “Remind me to stay on your good side. Um...Neeko, you can do the fusing at her about coming here without you. She might barbeque me.” He looks me up and down. “Gabby, is this a bad time to tell you that you’re naked?” He chuckles.

  I gasp and look down. “Again? Seriously? The light must burn them off. Neeko said it did the same in the storm. At least I didn’t get struck by lightning this time.”

  Neeko grabs my hands and looks at them. “They are still warm, but no burns.”

  “Home,” I quickly whisper.

  I flash. Thank god I end up in my bathroom. I look in the mirror. My tattoo isn’t glowing anymore, but it is still warm. Wow, I have another power. Neeko flashes in. He doesn’t look to upset, just a little irritated. I dress quickly. “What happened to Derrick’s daughter?”

  “She wasn’t ever kidnapped. She was just hanging a little later at school, finishing up her homework. You risked your life for nothing. You could have been hit with the lightning again and died this time.”

  “We didn’t know that she was still at school. He wanted me. I am the missing piece. I just thought I could get her back without getting anyone hurt. He is going through all this trouble trying to get me to come to him. He has had plenty of chances to kidnap me or hurt me, but he hasn’t so I thought it was safe.”

  “You’re the missing piece? How do you know this?”

  “He told me on the cruise. That was the last thing he said to me.”

  “Shit, he wants you? Why? What could you have that he wants? And he wants you to come to him on your own? From now on, you go nowhere without me or Derrick.”

  “Ok. On the brighter side, I have a new power. Well, it’s kind of the same as the storm thing, but it does something new,” I say, trying to calm the situation.

  “Yeah, an angel power. And it’s very powerful, too.”

  “So I am an angel, or at least part angel?” I jump up and down, excited that I have found a piece of the puzzle of my life.

  “Yes, now, come here so I can kiss you into submission. Maybe that will make you learn to listen.”

  “Not likely, but I’ll take the kiss. Where is Derrick?” I blush, remembering he saw me naked.

  “With his family.” He leans in and kisses me. We make love right there on the bathroom floor. We couldn’t wait to reassure each other that we are both still very much in love.

  Chapter 20: Picnic in Ireland


  Feeling kisses, I open my eyes and see beautiful blue ones staring back at me. “That is how I want to wake up for the rest of my life.” I grin up at him.

  “I think I can do that.” He kisses my nose. “Now get up. I have a surprise for you.”

  I get up and get dressed, Neeko following me. “I’m not going to disappear. I told you I was sorry.”

  “I know. I just love watching you.”

  I blush. We have been through so much and he can still make me blush.

  “Ok, I am ready. Where are we going?”

  “To finish off your list.”

  He grabs my hand and flashes us to a beautiful field full of green grass and purple rose petals. There is a large blanket set out, the same one that we used on our first date. The smell of the roses surrounds us. It’s like our own piece of heaven. “Ireland?”

  “Yep. I hope you like it.”

  “I love it. It’s perfect.” I kiss his forehead and sit on the blanket. He sits, grabs a basket, and pulls out a plate of fresh strawberries, sliced peaches, and grapes. Seeing the strawberries and peaches, I giggle.

  “There is that beautiful sound I love to hear but don’t get to too often.” He grabs some turkey sandwiches and two Cokes.

  “Derrick’s mom wanted to apologize for her daughter’s actions.” He grabs a box and opens it. “So she made us these brownies. They are awesome.”

  We have a great time, talking and laughing. Before I know it, the food is gone.

  “You were right. She makes really good brownies.”

  “I am always right,” he jokes

  “Not always, but I will give this one to you.” I laugh and kiss him.

  His tone turns serious. “Gabby, I love you. I never want to lose you.”

  “Neeko, I love you, too. You have stolen my pieces so be careful when you put them back together.”

  He grabs my hand and pulls me into his lap. “Baby, I am going to let your pieces fall into place. I wouldn’t want to change anything about you. Your heart is mine, and I will treat it like it’s my own.” He leans down and whispers into my ear, “And your body is also mine, and I will bring as much pleasure to it as I can.”

  His words cause me to shiver. I lean into him, inhaling his scent. He takes this as his invitation to lay me on my back and kiss me deeply. I let him have control. I just want to feel his body on mine, to surrender to his touch. He says my body is his so I give it to him to do with as he pleases. He starts off slow, teasing me. He runs his hands up my thigh and slips his finger in my underwear. As soon as he touches my wetness, he growls and I moan. He takes out his finger and puts it in his mouth, sucking on it. He slides down and puts his head between my legs. I try to stop him, wanting him inside me.

  He whispers, “No, Gabby. This is all about you. I will get mine later.”

  He grabs my underwear and, instead of ripping them off like he usually does, he slides them down. He brings his mouth to my core, which is ready and waiting. “We have somewhere else to go and you might need them.” He chuckles and the vibration and heat from his mouth cause me to moan.

  His fingers slide in me and I buck up off the blanket. He knows exactly what he is doing. He blows on me as he slides his fingers in and out. I shiver and he licks me, using his tongue as only he can. He teases my nub, and I begin to build. He goes faster with his fingers. When I am almost there, he tenderly bites my nub. I scream out and instantly orgasm. He sits up, licking his lips. He is so hot in that moment, I might get burned from being so close. He knows he makes me want him so I think a little payback is in order. I take his face in my hands so he can’t move it and lick his lips.

  “Yum, I do taste good,” I say, licking my lips. His eyes turn d
ark with desire. He comes at me and I put my hand up.

  “Don’t we have somewhere else you want to take me?”

  He growls and shakes himself. “I know what you’re doing and I will get you back.” He chuckles darkly.

  “Oh, promises, promises. I look forward to your payback.”

  “Oh, you do?” He starts toward me. I giggle and start running.

  He flashes in front of me. “No fair. You cheated. I bet you can’t catch me using none of your magic.”

  “Game on.” I take off as fast as I can. I get a few feet and feel arms wrap around me, picking me up.

  “Got you, baby.” He lays me down on the purple rose petals and kisses me. “You can run from me, but I will always find you and bring you back.” His tone is husky, making me breathless. The feel of his breath on my face gives me goose bumps. His closeness is making my heart beat in overdrive. He leans down and is inches from my lips. I anticipate his warm kiss. I close my eyes, waiting. Instead of his warm lips, I feel something smooth. I open my eyes to him staring down at me, tracing my lips with a rose petal.

  “I can look at you all day. Your lips are so soft.” He leans in and sucks my bottom lip. He uses the rose petal to trace down my neck. “I love the noises you make.” He uses his tongue to lick my neck and then nips, causing me to moan. “I love the freckles on your shoulder.” He brushes them with the rose petal, then kisses them. He traces down to my hands. “These hold my heart.” He places a kiss on my palm. He lifts my shirt and swirls the petal on my belly. “Hopefully, one day, this is going to hold my children. If the gods allow.” He nips my belly. He moves up to my bra and traces circles around my nipples. “I love the way these perk up with my very touch.” He bites them through my bra.

  I moan. “Neeko, you’re driving me insane.”

  “Payback, baby.”

  “Well, I love this type of payback.”

  He traces my legs and top of my feet. He then goes to my thighs. “I love the way your legs wrap around me when we make love.” My muscles clench and moisture pools between my legs. He puts the rose petal down on my wetness. “And this... I love that it’s always ready for me.” I squirm beneath him. He gets up and puts his hands out to help me up.


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