Ace of Hearts (The Cursed Ravens MC Series Book 1)

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Ace of Hearts (The Cursed Ravens MC Series Book 1) Page 12

by Chantal Fernando

  “Your bestie?” he asks, throwing back his head and laughing. “Shit, you must be the only person on the face of this earth with enough balls to call the Cursed Ravens’ sergeant at arms your bestie.”

  Knuckles is the MC’s sergeant at arms? Wait a second . . . “What’s a sergeant at arms?”

  “It means he’s pretty much the enforcer of the MC,” Dad explains, looking to Knuckles. “He handles all kinds of shit, usually with his fists, and he’s not someone you’d want on your bad side.”

  I wave my hand dismissively. “He’s been nothing but nice to me ever since I walked through those doors. He has a heart of gold; I don’t care what kind of sergeant he is. And I don’t care if he’s only nice to me because I’m your daughter, either.”

  Knuckles starts laughing, and I reach out and touch his beard. “You have a great beard.”

  “Thanks,” he says, looking at my dad. “Can we keep her, Prez?”

  “I’m trying,” he grumbles in return, finishing his beer off in a few big gulps.

  “Hey, I’ll be here whenever I can, as long as you want me here. But I do have this thing called college I need to attend, which I’m already a few years late to, to further my education and get a good job.”

  “I’m proud of you, Erin. I really fuckin’ am,” Dad says, smiling sadly. “I just wish I had more time with you is all. I know, I’m being selfish.”

  “You can be as selfish with me as you like,” I tell him, giving his hand a squeeze. “I like that you want me here, Dad. It’s what I wanted.”

  We share a look, something passing between us.

  We’re family, it doesn’t matter if we only just met.

  He’s now one of the most important people in my life.

  And no one can take that away from me.


  Covering my face with my hands, I groan and force my eyes open as I wake up with a raging hangover.

  Everything hurts.

  I wait about ten minutes before I make myself get into the shower because I smell like beer and need a fresh start to the day. After I throw on my new red tank top and black track pants, I wander into the kitchen for some water.

  “Please tell me you have some painkillers?” I ask Knuckles, who is sitting shirtless in the kitchen, eating . . . ice cream? “Is that your breakfast?”

  “Yeah, want some?” he asks, voice thick from sleep. “There’s some Advil in the cupboard on top of the fridge.”

  I open the cupboard and grab the bottle, then a bottle of water, and sit down, hating life. “How much did we drink last night?”

  He scrapes the bottom of his bowl, spooning the last of the ice cream. “More than I have in a long-ass time.”

  “Good morning,” Dad mumbles gruffly as he walks in, glancing around the kitchen. “I need bacon. Should we go and grab something?”

  I’m sure I look like a heart-eyed emoji right now. “Can we, please? Because I’m about to die.”

  “Dramatic ass,” Knuckles says, rubbing his temple with his thumb. “Why are you always talking about death?”

  “Because I feel like death! Maybe my road name can be Reaper. What do you think?”

  They both ignore me.

  “What time does everyone return?” I ask as I stand. I want to be here when Ace gets home, not out stuffing my face. I consider my words. Actually, stuffing my face is probably on the same level as seeing him.

  “This afternoon,” Dad replies, reaching for the Advil I left on the table. “You know what, Erin? You’re a bad influence on your old father.”

  I gasp. “I was the young and impressionable one; you both are old. With your centuries of experience, you should know by now when to stop drinking.”

  They share a look, then both walk out of the kitchen, leaving me alone.

  “Does this mean we aren’t going to get food?” I call out, grinning to myself. I finish my bottle of water and then send Ace a message.

  Safe trip home.

  I go in search of my father, who drives me to get greasy hangover food. I get something for Knuckles too.

  Can’t forget the new bestie.

  The rest of the day is spent being lazy. I read a book and lounge in bed, still not feeling 100 percent, but I did this to myself, so I can’t complain.

  I hear the rumble of the motorcycles just as I’m on the last chapter of my book, so I run to the front door, watching bike after bike return.

  I pick him out of the crowd straightaway. I think I’d know him anywhere, even among motorcycles that can look similar to someone who doesn’t know anything about them. With my eyes on only him, I watch as he turns off the engine, gets off the bike, and removes his helmet. Next off comes his familiar leather jacket, which he holds in his arms, then he looks toward the door to where I’m standing. He starts to move, pace quickening, and I can’t stop the smile on my face when he’s standing before me.

  “Miss me?” he asks with a cheeky, panty-dropping smile.

  I want to jump in his arms and wrap my legs around him and kiss the crap out of him, like I haven’t seen him in months. I know it’s just been one night, but that’s how I feel. I had a good time without him—Knuckles and Dad are hilarious—but with him here, that’s when it feels most like home.

  “Not even a little bit,” I reply, giving him a quick hug with my arms around his waist and head on his chest.

  “I brought you something.”

  “Hopefully not an STD,” I reply with a straight face and wide eyes.

  He pushes his cock against me, and I can feel that he’s hard as a rock. “You left me with this, and it hasn’t changed. No one else has touched it, including me. So don’t give me any shit, Erin.”

  “You sound grumpy,” I state.

  “I wonder why,” he growls, leading me away from the door as the men start to walk in.

  “Hey, Dreads!” I call out as I see him. “How was the run?”

  “It was good!” he calls back, waving his gloved fingers at me. “Did you get into any trouble while we were gone?”


  “The videos Knuckles was sending say otherwise,” Ace mutters, but he can’t hide the amusement in his tone.

  “I was with my dad,” I point out. “How much trouble could I actually get into?”

  He was the one doing shady shit that no one will tell me about except Paulina. Had to get that information from her, and just because she wanted to throw something in my face. I wonder if it was her who slipped the poison into my drink. My suspect list thus far is:

  1. Veronica

  2. Paulina

  3. Paulina’s no-named friend who tried to hit on Knuckles

  The more I think about it, though, Veronica is no longer number one on the list. She’s been nothing but lovely to me, and it makes me question it. What if I want it to be her? Maybe it’s me, hoping that she’s evil so it gets her out of the picture. I know that’s a terrible thing to even think, and it makes me ashamed of my own thoughts, but maybe I’m painting her into some bad person that she’s not just because she’s another part of my dad’s life that I don’t know. It’s not like my parents will ever get back together, so I know it’s ridiculous. She’s probably not even the wicked stepmother I’m making her out to be.

  Dad walks past us, stopping to greet Ace. “How was everything?” he asks him. “Any problems?”

  “No,” Ace replies with a headshake. “Was smooth sailing. Rogue has the money.”

  “Thanks,” he tells Ace, slapping him on the back. I don’t know why guys do that. Like, just hug, it’s okay.

  Dad looks to me and says, “How are you feeling?”

  “Better,” I tell him.

  He looks between the two of us, studying us both for a few seconds. The man isn’t stupid, he has to know that something is going on, but he’s either biding his time before he kills us or he’s changed his mind on the whole situation. I don’t know which one it is—he’s kind of a wild card.

  “Good,” he replies, looking
to the front door. “I’m going to go greet the men.”

  “Shouldn’t there be hot babes in bikinis doing that?” I yell as he walks out.

  “There will be when you go home,” Dad calls out, chuckling.

  I scowl and turn my eyes to Ace. “He’s joking, right?”

  “Yeah, he’s joking,” Ace says, opening the door to his room, when he comes to a stop. “The women won’t be wearing any clothes.”

  This guy.

  I step inside and close the door behind me. I probably could have tried to look better than the track pants I’m wearing, tank top, and with my hair in a bun on top of my head. No makeup, no effort, nothing.

  I guess he’s seen me worse.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” he says, starting to undress. I sit down on the bed and enjoy the show, biting my lower lip as his abs make their appearance. Last night when I was thinking about him, I was saying to myself that I must have exaggerated just how good his body was, but no. It really is that fucking amazing. “Better than I remember.”

  He runs his hand down his stomach. “Like what you see?”

  “I’d like to see more,” I reply, eyeing the bulge in his pants.

  I don’t like giving Ace too many compliments, because I know how big his ego is already. He’s used to getting what he wants and who he wants, and he’s used to women pawing at him whenever he’s around. I keep flashing back to the first night I saw him, sitting on that chair like a king on a throne, surrounded by all those beautiful women.

  That’s what he’s used to.

  But then again, none of those women have lasted.

  He’s still single, he has no old lady, and he’s got his eyes on me, for now at least.

  He undoes his jeans and removes them along with his boxers, and stands there in all his glory.

  “Fuck, I missed that body,” I whisper, licking my lips. I crook my finger at him. “Would you come over here?”

  I know better than to command him. He’d probably oblige, just to humor me, but he’d never truly let me be in control. To test this theory, I demand, “Lie back on the bed.”

  Straightaway I’m given a look. An I’m sorry, what? look. I simply smile. He walks closer and stands in front of me, his hard, thick cock right in front of my face.

  “I’ve wanted to do this ever since I laid my eyes on you,” I tell him, taking his cock in my hand and stroking it a few times before sucking it into my mouth. I might not be a pro at this, but I always give it my best, and I actually enjoy doing it. Much like the noises he made when he was going down on me, I moan as I take as much of his cock into my mouth as I can manage. He’s big, so it’s hard, and my eyes start to water when I get a little ahead of myself, my gag reflex kicking in. I take him out and start all over again, using my hand up and down his shaft, licking and sucking the head of him. His fingers squeeze the back of my neck, as he groans and whispers my name.

  “Fuckin’ hell,” he curses, his breath hitching as I continue to suck, tease, and lick his cock for the first time. I can tell he’s close by his louder moans and the way his hand tightens on my neck. “I’m going to come, princess.”

  I know you are, I want to say, but my mouth is a little full.

  As he comes, the first squirt hits the back of my throat, and I swallow quickly. I’ve never swallowed before, but for some reason I want to taste him. It’s not so bad, I just don’t think about it and keep swallowing as I listen to his cries of pleasure, his deep moans and sounds as he finishes in my mouth. His hand loses its hold but stays on my nape, gently stroking my skin. I slide him out of my mouth and glance up at him, a smug look on my face.

  He pushes me back on the bed and straddles my hips, careful not to put his weight on me. “You have no idea how badly I needed that.”

  He leans down and kisses me, not caring what just happened.

  I like that.

  “Your mouth, fuck,” he continues, peppering kisses across my cheeks, my forehead, my nose.

  “It’s good at more than just witty banter and jokes,” I say, kissing the arch of his neck and biting down gently on the skin.

  “My turn,” he whispers into my ear, moving down my body.

  Did I mention how happy I am that he’s back?


  I turn the key into the on position, making sure the bike isn’t in gear, and push my right thumb down on the START button. “See, I’m on my way to being the first female member.”

  “Pay attention,” Ace chides from behind me. I’m sitting between his legs on my bike, his lips at my ear as he tells me what to do. I showed him what I’ve learned already, and he showed me how to find the grab point of the clutch, but with his body wrapped around mine from behind, I’m feeling a little distracted.

  How does he ride with me behind him?

  I can’t seem to think of anything except his big, strong thighs touching me and the things I’d like him to do to me on this bike.

  “How am I meant to pay attention when all I want you to do is bend me over this bike and have your way with me?” I ask him, letting go of the handlebars and swiveling my body around so my legs are over his and my face is in front of him.

  “Don’t give me ideas,” he warns, cupping my cheek with his rough palm. “What the fuck am I going to do with you?” he asks, tone softening.

  “I could give you a few ideas,” I whisper back quietly, our eyes connecting and holding.

  I don’t know what’s happening here, or how it happened, or how I even get myself into this situations, but the man in front of me is consuming me. I’ve never wanted anyone so badly in my life.

  And he’s never going to be mine.

  That’s the reality of it, and I need to be honest with myself.

  I will go home, and he will go back to doing what he does. I can’t help it though. I’m not going to give up my education, and I can’t see him wanting to do a long-distance relationship. He’s not a man who goes without sex. I’m surprised he actually didn’t have any last night, if I’m being honest.

  He makes an mmmm sound, and moves his hands down to my waist, my hips, and then lands on my ass. “I want to take you out tonight.”

  “Where?” I ask him, excitement filling me.

  “I’ll tell him I’m taking you out to eat to get away for a little while,” he says, kissing my forehead. “I’ll show you the city, take you out for dinner and dessert, and we can even see a movie or something, if you like.”

  “Can we go on the bike?” I ask him, sounding hopeful to even my own ears.

  He chuckles quietly. “Yes, Erin. We can go on my bike.”

  “Get a room!” Knuckles calls out as he gets out of his car, two bags of groceries in his hands.

  “What food did you get?” I ask him as he approaches. I move off the bike, because it’s a little awkward to be in that intimate pose with someone watching.

  “Just some things to make dinner for everyone,” he replies, glancing down. “Thought I’d mix it up a bit.”

  “Mix things up or because Veronica and the other women aren’t here to feed everyone?” I ask, smirking at him.

  “Yeah, where the fuck are all the women?” Knuckles asks Ace, frowning. “The place is getting messy, and there’s no food, and I’m hungry.”

  Ace looks at me. “The single women aren’t here because Prez doesn’t want to make his kid uncomfortable, and Veronica isn’t here because she’s jealous he’s spending all his time with said kid.”

  “I’m not a kid,” I add, rolling my eyes. “And I don’t care if women are here, tell him to let them in. I want to eat, too, you know. And I’m not cooking for everyone every night, so we need them.” I look to Ace, and add, “Just no women that Ace has licked, kissed, or fucked.”

  “That’s all the women we know.” Knuckles sighs, scowling. “You’re ruining our lives, man.”

  Is Ace known as the club man-whore?

  Trust me to choose him out of all the men.

  “It’s like the Ravens’ wo
men have gone on strike.” I snicker, looking between both men. “I’m sorry. But when I leave, things will go back to normal. You can be as slutty as you like, and I won’t be here to feel uncomfortable about it and call you out on your behavior.”

  The thought of Ace with another woman makes me feel a little sick to my stomach, but it is what it is. He’s not mine to get jealous over. I’m just going to enjoy him while I have him and then let him go.

  Like that butterfly quote.

  Let them free, or whatever.

  Ace scowls in my direction, but I ignore him.

  “So what are you going to cook?” I ask Knuckles, wondering what I’ll be missing out on, since I won’t be here for dinner.

  “Steak and shit,” is his reply.

  “Lovely,” I say, looking back at Ace. “What a shame we will be missing this steak and shit.”

  “Where are you two going to be?” Knuckles asks, placing the bags on the ground, like he never plans on leaving.

  “Out,” Ace replies, tone daring him to push further.

  “I see,” Knuckles murmurs, stroking the end of his beard. “Be careful.”


  I look from Knuckles to Ace. “Be careful of what?”

  “We aren’t the only MC in the city,” Knuckles explains, glancing out over their land.

  “So you have enemies,” I gather, leaning back against Ace. “And what happens if you run into them?”

  “Hope you never find out,” Knuckles says, picking up the bags and heading toward the front door. “But have fun, you two. Don’t do anything I’d do.”

  “Like wash my beard?” I call out.

  He gives me the finger, and I laugh.

  What a great guy.

  “I’ve never seen anyone give Knuckles shit and live to tell the story,” Ace rumbles, placing his hands on my shoulders and starting to massage me a little. “You’re lucky he has a soft spot for you.”

  “We’re best friends,” I say, moaning as he rubs his thumb along a knot on my back. “That feels so good. What time do you want to leave tonight? I need to get pretty.”

  “Six?” he suggests, spinning me around and wrapping his arms around me. “And you’re already pretty.”


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