The Sheikh's Secret Son

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The Sheikh's Secret Son Page 14

by Maggie Cox

  When he returned to their rooms to find that Darcy wasn’t there he was immediately concerned. His mother and Sami had long gone to bed, so he presumed she wasn’t with them. Straight away he checked with some of his retainers and asked if they’d seen her. When they answered that they hadn’t, Zafir really started to worry. At last, when one of the attendants clearing away after the party said that he’d seen her hurrying off down a path that forked into two separate gardens, his heart hammered hard.

  What on earth was she playing at?

  Not even pausing to take someone with him to help search, he headed off into the dim undergrowth, confident that he knew the grounds intimately enough to search alone.

  But after a good hour had passed, with neither sight nor sound of her, he knew he should return and have the palace thoroughly searched. But first he would go back to their rooms and hope against hope that Darcy had somehow found her way back...

  * * *

  Relieved to have found her way out of the gardens, Darcy returned to their luxurious suite, undressed and donned a powder blue silk nightgown and robe. Then, in the dim lighting that discreetly lit the hallway, she carefully made her way to her son’s bedroom.

  Initially she’d given her mum the option of sharing her grandson’s room when she’d arrived for the wedding, but the older woman had declined because Sami had told her that he wanted to be a big boy now and not a baby.

  Zafir had allocated his mother-in-law a sumptuous suite down the hall, full of every luxury and feminine requirement she could wish for, and had stated that he was pleased to know his son wanted his own space—it meant that he was growing up.

  The comment hadn’t exactly reassured Darcy... She didn’t want her little boy to grow up too soon.

  Finding Sami asleep in a bed that was one size up from a traditional single, she saw that he had kicked off the sumptuous counterpane and was sleeping on his front with his arms spread over the pillow. His hair was a tangle of curls and he might easily be mistaken for a girl. But she knew that when he sat up, the curls would fall naturally into place, and that the firm cleft in his chin and his already decisive jaw—so like his father’s—would definitely declare him to be a boy.

  Knowing her worries would feel eased if she was at his side she removed her robe and carefully sat down on the bed. Pulling back the covers, she snuggled up next to him. It was a comfort just to smell his scent and give him a cuddle.

  In a few short seconds Darcy sensed her eyes start to drift closed. Another moment passed and sleep reached out to embrace her.

  Just before she succumbed, a hauntingly handsome face floated into her mind. It was Zafir’s.

  ‘Why did you have to go to her?’ She moaned softly. ‘Aren’t I enough for you?’

  Remembering her resolve, she determinedly pushed away the idea of his falling for the sultry Farrida’s declaration of love and reminded herself of all the things she had that the other woman didn’t...especially the beautiful son that their loving had made...

  * * *

  Zafir was shocked and distressed when he found that Darcy still hadn’t returned to their rooms. Sweat was trickling freely down his neck under the heavy fall of his hair. Even the long loose tunic he wore beneath his robe felt oppressive.

  ‘She should be in bed,’ he said out loud, his heart hammering wildly beneath his ribs. ‘Where is she?’

  Adding to his irritation, he was still furious that his ex-fiancée had taken it upon herself to put in an appearance on the night before his wedding. He’d told her never to try and see him again—at least not in private—and that she categorically would not be welcome.

  There was only one woman who mattered to him above all others and that was Darcy. He would shout out his feelings about her from the rooftops if he had to, and tell everyone...

  As if a light had suddenly dawned, Zafir knew exactly where to find his wife.

  Shrugging off his robes, he dressed in jeans and a tee shirt and headed down the corridor to his son’s room. Before he entered he shoved his hands through his hair and briefly took stock of events. Then he gently opened the door.

  Even at a distance he saw the golden sheen of Darcy’s hair as it spilled down over her shoulder. He also saw Sami’s abundant curls. It still gave him a thrill to know that this beautiful little boy was his, and would one day reign over this kingdom as his ancestors had proudly done before him.

  Crossing the room to the bed, he bent over his wife to gently wake her. Her skin radiated warmth and softness even before he touched it, and it made him want to slip in beside her. But, knowing he wouldn’t be satisfied with that alone, he whispered her name against her ear, then brushed his lips against her cheek.

  ‘Darcy? Where did you get to? Let me take you back to our bed. I didn’t mean to be away from you for so long.’

  Her big blue eyes opened and stared. ‘You’re back? Don’t worry about helping me to our bed. I’m happy to stay right where I am...really, I am.’

  ‘But I’m not. I’m taking you back where you belong.’

  Giving her little chance to refuse, Zafir reached towards her, peeled back the covers and lifted her out of the bed to hold her firmly against his chest. Then he stooped down to rearrange the covers more securely round Sami.

  Murmuring, ‘Let’s go,’ he turned and carried her out of the room.

  Carefully kicking the door shut with the heel of his boot, he wordlessly transported his precious cargo to their bedroom. When they got there, unable to help himself, he let his hands linger as he carefully laid her down on the bed.

  ‘Why didn’t you wait for me here? I came back to find you gone. A member of my staff told me he saw you hurrying out to one of the gardens. What happened? Why did you run away?’

  Sitting up, Darcy leant back against the plethora of plumped-up silk pillows and folded her arms. It didn’t take a genius to work out that she was cross.

  ‘I didn’t wait for you in our rooms because I knew you were talking to your ex-fiancée.’

  The colour drained from Zafir’s face and his answering sigh was audible.

  ‘You heard us? I didn’t seek her out, if that’s what you think. She showed up unannounced and said she wanted to talk to me. I didn’t even know she was here until I received her note.’

  Darcy sucked in her cheeks ‘So what kind of business did you do together? That’s what you said, wasn’t it? That it was from a business associate? Or need I ask?’

  Impatient and rattled, he dropped down beside her on the bed. ‘We didn’t do any business together. I broke off my engagement with her when we were in London. You know that. She clearly didn’t take it well, and when she knew I was back in Zachariah she followed me here. Am I going to be punished by you for the rest of my life for having had a brief engagement to her?’

  ‘She told you that she loved you.’

  ‘You heard her say that?’

  Darcy nodded. ‘I did.’

  ‘And did you hear me tell her that I was stunned by the confession? I never showed her by word or deed at any point that I reciprocated the feeling, and I certainly wasn’t going to indulge her little fantasy and call off our wedding. The truth is that even if I didn’t know already she has such an unattractive trait, this has only served to prove to me again how arrogant she is.’

  ‘She sounded upset.’

  ‘Forget about Farrida. It’s you that means everything to me—you and only you. I went crazy when I thought you might have run away.’

  * * *

  The expression on his face truly mirrored his fear and despair, and it echoed Darcy’s feelings when he’d told her to go...that he never wanted to see her again. He’d been torn then between loyalty to his brother and an unknown future with a woman who, although she was his lover, had not yet taught him that she would never lie to him.

  It had been a testing time for them both. She certainly didn’t want to hold any more blame in her heart towards him.

  ‘Why would I run away from you, Zafir?
My home is here, with you and Sami. I’d be a fool to run away from my heart’s desire. Besides... I’m tired of running. No matter what transpires, I intend to be here for you, through the dark times as well as the good. Isn’t that what we promised each other when we got married?’

  Zafir was visibly moved by her heartfelt words. ‘I hardly feel worthy of receiving such devotion...not when I’ve visited so much sorrow on you,’ he confessed. ‘I wish I could rewrite the past and make everything as it was when we first met. Life seemed so full of promise then. Yet now, having declared how you feel about me, you need never fear I will ever take it for granted. Knowing you has changed everything for me. It was only when we first made love that I realised my heart wasn’t impenetrable after all.’

  Without hesitation, Darcy gently wrapped her arms round his strongly corded neck and smiled into the ebony eyes that she loved beyond measuring. Tenderly, she asked, ‘Are you saying that I broke down those impenetrable walls that very first time?’

  ‘What do you think?’

  ‘I think that love is like a miracle. And that no matter what happens it can’t ever entertain the idea of punishment. But I’ve learned that it can and does involve forgiveness. We’ve both been hurt, but we’ve been given the chance to right the wrongs of the past. We shouldn’t throw it away. Instead we should bravely face our future together and live the very best life we can. Don’t you agree?’

  ‘And you can really find it in your heart to forgive me?’

  ‘Unreservedly I can—and do.’

  Before he bent his head to kiss her Zafir honestly thought himself blessed amongst men to be given this second chance at happiness when he’d been so close to ruining everything. But his wife was a forgiving soul unlike any other, and when their lips met the blood in his veins throbbed like the most wondrous life-giving elixir, making him willing to live any number of lifetimes—rich or poor—if he could live them with her by his side as his wife and soul-mate...


  THE DAY OF the wedding dawned especially fine and clear and the expectant buzz in the air was almost tangible. Her mother-in-law told her that all the omens were good ones, and Darcy smiled and hugged her. Throughout her dressing for the ceremony, in the silk and voile gown and delicately beautiful headdress that had been made for her, the excitement and pleasure she experienced was beyond anything remotely imaginable...

  The folk around her seemed to feel the magic too. Smiles and good wishes abounded, and for the first time in her life she sensed that she could rest in the knowledge that she was honestly loved and admired. And it was all because of the incredibly handsome and generous-hearted Sheikh she had already married.

  Even on this, their royal wedding day, Zafir was still accepting the kind wishes and prayers of those in the kingdom less fortunate than others, and the palace doors had been opened not just to the well-heeled guests who had travelled from afar but to the local population, who wanted to pay their respects and who undoubtedly thought themselves blessed under his rule.

  When it came to the wedding itself the bride’s vivid blue eyes moistened at the beauty of the ceremony, and at the reverent and uplifting sacred text that was spoken over them. When she looked at her groom—resplendent in his magnificent robes on a day that meant so much to both of them—and intoned the words that told the world she was unreservedly becoming his wife and helpmeet, she meant it with all her heart.

  Then came the moment when Zafir declared that he would be her husband, father of her children, soul-mate and ever-present consolation, and she sucked in her breath when she saw that his silken ebony eyes were damp with tears.

  At the closing instruction from the celebrant that he could now kiss his bride Darcy walked into his arms and met his kiss as though experiencing the touch of his lips for the very first time. As for her husband—he was in no hurry to shorten the gesture. He deliberately took his time, and the crowd around them gave a cheer that raised the rafters.

  The feeling of his mouth against hers was more wondrous than ever, and she couldn’t help but find herself excitedly speculating as to how many more children they would have together. They would be the children of a wonderful dynasty. And their darling little brother Sami had already cemented their parents’ undying love for each other by helping to bring them back together when they had believed all was lost...

  It was after midnight when they left to travel to the secret location that Zafir had arranged for their wedding night.

  Darcy had been unbelievably fêted and spoiled, before and after the magnificent ceremony, and still the surprises showed no sign of relenting. But when they arrived at their destination, after travelling there on horseback—on a pure black stallion that Zafir owned, she in front and he behind, holding the reins—she was enchanted by the magical sight that met her eyes. The generously-sized Bedouin tent that nestled under the stars between palm trees and golden desert sands took her breath away.

  ‘Am I dreaming?’ she murmured as Zafir tenderly helped her down from the saddle, his dark eyes glinting like the most desired jewels in the kingdom.

  ‘If you are, then I thank Allah I’m in the same dream.’ He smiled. dpg

  The tent’s interior brought even more enchantment. With its saffron-coloured satin walls, gold lanterns and beaded chandeliers, it was straight out of a fairytale. The scent of agar along with the alluring aroma of seductive herbs and spices hung in the air, and as Darcy breathed in the atmosphere her gaze strayed helplessly to the vast canopied bed in front of them. It was draped with gold damask and turquoise and arrayed with matching pillows, and never had a bed looked more inviting...

  As Zafir moved to stand behind her, his big hands resting on her shoulders, she automatically leant back against his chest and sensed herself melt.

  ‘Are we...? Should we?’

  ‘Get into bed?’ he finished, his voice smokier and more seductive than she’d ever heard it before. ‘Of course.’

  He carried her there, planting hot kisses on the side of her face and neck as he went. Even as she tried to kiss him back he dropped her unceremoniously onto the bed, peeled off his boots and lay down beside her. He was both heavy and strong, and she revelled in the realisation that he was about to make her his again.

  The urgency she was feeling made her throw caution to the wind. But even as Darcy tore at his clothes Zafir matched her by stripping her of hers, and in a few short moments he had plunged inside her, filling her with his heat and silken hardness like never before, his bunched biceps helping to support him, his long hair brushing tantalisingly against her skin.

  ‘Look at me...’ he breathed, and there was a note of command in his voice as his mesmerising gaze hungrily possessed her.

  His body and mind were in total tandem, leaving her in no doubt that he wanted her above all others—not just for now, but for ever...

  It was then that he started to move inside her more slowly, urging her to wrap her legs round his torso, and the undeniable sense that he was taking her close to the edge before she tumbled headlong over the precipice gripped her wantonly.

  When the moment of surrender finally came Darcy was hypnotised by the depth of feeling and emotion that deluged her. As her hips bucked against his her eyes were drowned in tears.

  ‘I love you...’ she breathed. ‘I’ve always loved you.’

  In answer, he kissed her hard, and his body started to move more urgently. When he’d joined her at the other side of the precipice he dropped his head onto her chest until he could breathe more evenly again. When he could, he lifted himself up and smiled deeply into her eyes.

  ‘I have always loved you too, My Queen. How could you even imagine I could love anyone else but you?’

  ‘I’ve waited long enough for you to tell me!’ she teased.

  Zafir sighed and gently smoothed back her hair. ‘My love for you has always been there in my eyes for you to see... But perhaps I should have been brave enough to tell you in words sooner rather than just show you
how I felt?’

  ‘You can tell me and show me as often as you like now that your secret is out.’

  Darcy gave him a nudge and he accommodatingly rolled over onto his side. She quickly laid her arm over his chest and snuggled close.

  ‘If I ever make the mistake of not telling you enough how much I love you I want you to remind me...frequently and often. Will you do that for me, my angel?’

  ‘Yes, My King. That’s the one thing I can honestly guarantee.’


  One year later...

  STILL DRESSED IN her simple white cotton nightgown, with the matching robe untied and her golden hair freely spilling down over her shoulders, she went barefoot in a joyful skipping motion along the myriad marble corridors in search of her husband.

  He hadn’t been back long from his business trip to the States, and because he’d returned in the early hours Darcy hadn’t yet had the chance to speak to him. Unbelievably she’d slept through his arrival and, unselfishly, Zafir had let her sleep on undisturbed. But as soon as she’d opened her eyes she’d remembered that he was chairing an important meeting in the opulent stateroom with his board members early this morning, and decided she wouldn’t let any more time go by without seeing him.

  To do so would be akin to being deprived of the capacity to breathe...

  Meeting or no meeting—she would go to him and let him know in no uncertain terms just how much she had missed him.

  A smartly dressed manservant in royal livery was guarding the double doors of the boardroom. When she told him that she wanted to speak to her husband the Sheikh, Darcy was surprised to be confronted by Rashid instead. The smile on his generous round face was warmly welcoming, as if Darcy were a trusted member of his family too, but she couldn’t help but be disappointed that he wasn’t Zafir.

  Her bones ached to hold him. Two weeks was a long time to be apart from the man she loved.

  ‘His Highness told me he wasn’t to be disturbed, your Highness. It is an important meeting, but it should come to an end in about an hour. Perhaps you would like to return to your rooms and dress before you meet with him?’


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