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Sunk Page 6

by Renea Porter

  Opening the door, Ava’s memory slams in my brain. “This was Ava’s room,” I tell him, sitting on her bed. I clutch her stuffed horse.

  “She loved horses, I take it,” he confirms.

  “She did.” Sadness fills me. I guess this is me introducing him to her, and what she loved. She was my life, the reason I woke up every morning, the reason I lived.

  “She was lucky to have you as her mom. I know it’s hard for you right now. I wish I knew what to do to take the pain away,” he admits.

  His words touch my soul. “Thank you.” I stand and we walk out, pulling the door shut behind me. “I just wanted you to see who she was,” I barely breathe out.



  Outside the door, I stop. “Hey.” I cup her elbow and she spins her body to face me. I embrace her, my body swallowing hers. She buries her head in my chest, clutching my shirt tight into a fist.

  Pulling her head back, she looks at me through water-filled eyes. “Please take this pain away.”

  With that plea, I hold her hand tightly as we walk swiftly to the car and head back to my place. Seated inside, I run my thumb over hers and she breathes out. This simple gesture seems to have a calming effect on her.

  In the car, I turn her face to me, cupping her chin. “Just breathe, Raine.”

  She blinks a few times at me. My heart constricts, and I feel a pain I’ve never known until now. I feel the heart break. Her heart’s broken and I’m not sure I can put the pieces back together; I can’t un-break her heart. All I can do is subdue the pain, replace it with pleasure.

  Her heart’s stashed deep down inside, and I know it will take a lot for her to hand it over to someone, someone who deserves it. I’ve never known someone like her. She befuddles me. The ride to my place is silent, as I intentionally give her the time to think. Because once we are inside that door, I need her, just as much as she needs me. I need to make her feel anything other than this pain. I never realized it was this deep; it cuts deep inside her soul, and she doesn’t know how to crawl out of it.

  Both of her hands are gripping mine as I unlock the door with my other hand. Inside my house, I press her body against the door, and her breath hitches at the force. Holding her face with both hands, I kiss her with ferociousness. The beast in me unleashes and I grip at her clothes, unzipping the halter top. She’s half naked and breathing heavily, her chest heaving up and down.

  I stop and stare into her blue eyes. I search for something, but I don’t know what. The pain in them is replaced with lust and desire. She breaks the trance and grabs for my belt, unbuckling it quickly.

  “I need you inside me now, Sly. Fuck me senseless. Make me forget,” she begs.

  My erection just got a hell of a lot harder. She unbuttons my pants and shoves them down. I hike her skirt up, and without removing it, her legs wrap around my waist. I thrust my hardness inside her.

  “Is this what you want?” I growl in her ear.

  “Yes,” she murmurs, tilting her head against the door. I take her away from the door and carry her to the dining room table. I need her to feel me.

  “I won’t let you fall.” I mean it metaphorically and literally.

  Bending her over the table, she moans when I enter from behind. I grip her neck and pull it to my mouth, devouring it.

  She wraps an arm around behind her and reaches for my shoulder. “Oh my God, Sly,” she gasps. I spin her around again to face me and prop her ass on the edge of the table. Wrapping her legs around my ass, I slam inside her as her moans echo through the house.

  “Rub your clit while I fuck you,” I command her.

  She obeys and bites down on her lower lip, and I’m not sure what turns me on more. But it’s a beautiful sight. Her fingers swirl in a circular motion while my cock strokes the inside of her.

  “Come for me, Raine, I want to watch.”

  Her fingers work fast and hard, and tilting her head back, she moans loudly as her body shudders.

  “Jesus Christ,” I groan, coming undone, my body shuddering against hers.

  “Oh my,” she says, trying to calm her heavy breaths. She wipes the sweat from her forehead as I rest my head on her stomach.



  That is what I call heart-stopping, mind-blowing, and earth-shattering sex. I stifle a giggle as Sly pulls me to my feet and I see the sea of clothes scattered on the floor, except I’m still wearing the skirt. Nothing else matters when Sly is devouring my body. I don’t feel the pain. The world stops, and it’s bliss.

  He smiles at me and takes my hand. We walk up the stairs and into his room. This is sweet Sly. We stop inside the massive bathroom, and he unzips my skirt, letting it fall to the floor. I feel a twinge of pain watching a Donna Karan piece lay so haphazardly on the floor.

  “Leave it,” he says, as if he can read my mind. “Now, let me shower your body,” he whispers, taking my mouth with his.

  Fireworks explode inside my body, bursting flames shooting off in every direction. He pulls away and starts the shower, and I feel drunk, drunk off him and drunk from his touch. Maybe it’s the way he handles me. He wants me as much as I want him. It’s more of a need, a craving. How he hasn’t found someone and settled down is beyond me. I’m broken and damaged, and yet he wants me, pain and all.

  He steps in the shower and pulls me in to join him. Steam immediately fogs up the glass door when it shuts. Underneath the water, he brings me against his hard chest and leans his head down by my ear.

  “I don’t want to be with anyone else, or inside anyone but you, Raine. You were meant for me. I don’t want another man touching you.”

  My heart jumps, no, leaps out of my chest, and swirls down the shower drain. He pulls his face back in front of me and we kiss. I know it’s not love that we feel, but it’s a burning hot passion—one I’d only want to feel with him.

  He soaps up a sponge and covers every crevice of my body, paying extra attention to cleaning in between my legs. He turns me around and goes over my back, then rubs the sponge over my ass and I wince.

  He rubs my ass cheeks with his hand, caressing them. He must have smacked me pretty hard for it to still sting against the sponge. I feel the need to release the things I’m feeling. I need to run. Turning, I take the sponge and do the same to him that he did to me. When I touch him, his breathing hitches, and I love knowing I affect him the way I do.

  I don’t need the words to be spoken about how he feels; I can see it in his eyes and feel it in his touch. No one has ever had that kind of power over me. No one. Maybe in the end, my heart will be stomped and crushed, but right now, I don’t care. Right now, he is mine and I am his.

  Surprisingly, the silence doesn’t scare me; the silence that falls between us is blissful, painstakingly blissful. I think my heart feels like a starburst. Out of the shower, he helps me dry off, and I return the favor.

  “Do you care if I take advantage of your treadmill?”

  “No, you don’t have to ask. I knew eventually it’d be calling your name.” He chuckles.

  I throw my wet hair into a ponytail and dig in my bag for some workout clothes. I don’t want to get sweaty, so I won’t go as hard as I normally do.

  “I’ll be in my office, catching up on a few things so we can spend all day tomorrow together, however you want to spend it,” he says.

  I smile and head to the weight room. Jumping on the treadmill, I slowly increase the speed to a steady pace. My mind is nowhere and everywhere at the same time. I revealed my vulnerable side to Sly when I showed him Ava’s room, and he didn’t run. Instead, he held me for a few moments. He grasps my pain and takes it away. He feels what I feel, and I feel what he feels. The connection we share is euphoric. And our bodies fit together like a puzzle piece, meant for only each other. I only have one more day with him before I go back home and get ready for work. Hopefully, those days pass by quickly.

  Adrenaline coursing through my veins, I feel like I’ve released my feelings and
can now relax. After my workout, I stop just outside Sly’s office and peek inside. Glasses adorn his face and he works intently, so I decide not to disturb him. It’s really late, and I should get some sleep.

  In the bedroom, I see the skirt has made its way into the hamper as I strip off my workout clothes. I pull on a satin, baby-pink gown and slide into bed. Moments later, I feel Sly’s arm wrapping around my waist as he snuggles against me.

  Chapter Ten


  The morning sun breaks through the curtains, and I stretch out my body and feel Sly next to me, still sleeping. Propping my head up on one hand, I lightly brush my fingertips over his naked skin and he stirs awake.

  His gorgeous, caramel eyes greet mine. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Wilkes,” I tease.

  He leans over me. “Mmm, I like when you call me that, especially while we’re in bed.”

  “Do you now?”

  He shakes his head and bends down to kiss me. “I want to take you somewhere today.”

  “Okay,” I bravely say without questioning him.

  “Well, first, I need to take George outside and feed him, then I’m taking you out for breakfast.” Sly gets out of bed and pulls on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt that hugs his muscled torso. I do the same, sliding on a pair of skinny jeans and a tee shirt. I let my hair hang loose, then put my feet in a pair of flats for comfort.

  “I know a great little pastry shop,” he says as we enter his car.

  Inside the car, he rests his hand on my thigh while he drives with the other. Right now my world is serene and almost perfect. The season is changing as I watch the blur of colors out the window. We drive a little ways and then Sly pulls up to a cute, little bakery. The outside reads Sweet Treats by Fannie Wilkes.

  Wait, what? Wilkes? I give Sly a worried look, and he just smiles and gives my hand a squeeze. I’m not dressed properly to meet family, especially his family.

  “Oh, there’s my handsome grandson.” The little woman comes around the corner and gushes over him, and he eats it up. He looks so boyish right now, and I can’t help but smile. “Where have you been hiding this beautiful girl?” she questions, looking at me.

  “Gram, this is Raine,” he introduces us.

  “Such a pretty name for a pretty girl.” She hugs me, taking me by surprise.

  “Thanks,” is all I can manage to say.

  “Pick anything you like dear, on the house,” she insists.

  “Oh no, I couldn’t,” I plead.

  “Do what she says,” Sly orders. So bossy.

  I look inside the case and scan the assortment of goodies. “Okay,” I point. “I’ll take one of those chocolate éclairs.”

  “That’s my favorite too,” Gram says, rushing back to the other side of the counter.

  She gives Sly a look and they share some secret only they know, leaving me feeling clueless. Sly orders two coffees as I carry our sweet treats to the small wrought iron table and chairs. He’s happy and in his element. I can tell his grandmother adores him, as he does her.

  “Did you bring me here just for the free food?” I joke.

  “Actually, I wanted you to meet my grams. She and I are close, and always have been. She’s been running this place for thirty years. She loves you, you know.”

  “How do you know?” I ask, biting into the éclair.

  “I just know, I can tell right off if she likes someone,” he says.

  “Oh, so have you introduced all your girlfriends to her?”

  “Just you.” He smirks, biting into his muffin.

  His comment almost makes me choke on my food. “Are you saying I’m the only one of your girlfriends you’ve introduced her to?”

  “I didn’t stutter. And you’re meeting the rest of the clan in a little bit,” he retorts.

  “I can’t believe this. I’m not dressed properly to meet your family,” I say anxiously.

  Why has he introduced only me to them? What’s so special about me? I’m a broken and sorrowful girl with nothing to offer someone. What does he see? So many questions and absolutely no answers.

  “Raine, you’re freaking gorgeous, even in jeans and a tee shirt. It didn’t even faze my grams, so relax.”

  I can’t help but be nervous. What if they don’t like me? What if I don’t meet their standards for their precious son? This is too much pressure.

  “So where’d you two meet?” His grandma comes over and stands at our table.

  Sly dots the corners of his mouth with a napkin. “At a wedding, actually,” he says.

  “My sister’s wedding,” I tell her.

  “Oh, that is so lovely,” she gushes, clapping her hands together. “Sly’s never brought any girls around, so you must be real special.”

  Me, special? I doubt that. I give her a smile.

  “Well, I’m going to clean up around here. Holler if you need anything!”

  I sigh. “She’s lovely, and obviously adores you,” I tell Sly.

  “Like I said, we’re close. I try to come every Sunday and then hit up my parents for lunch. It’s really the only day I have a clear schedule,” he tells me.

  So he’s family oriented.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asks.

  I nod.

  “Grams, we’re gonna go, but I’ll see you next Sunday.” He kisses her cheek.

  “Make sure you bring this lovely girl with you.” She reaches up and hugs me tight.

  We bid goodbye, and Sly wraps his arm across my shoulders, holding a box of goodies for his parents in his other hand.

  He releases me and opens my car door. “Don’t be nervous. We won’t stay long.” He flashes me a wink and hands over the box for me to hold.

  Again, his hand rests on my thigh as he drives to his parents’ house. “I think someone needs to be taken to the coat closet for a spanking, for not telling me in advance,” I tease, and blush at the thought of him spanking me. Now I’m all hot and bothered. I shift in my seat.

  He shows off his devilish grin. After an hour long drive, we drive through the country-side, and the colors are breathtaking. Moments later, Sly veers up a long, curving driveway as a sign reading Wilkes Manor greets us. Soon, a huge plantation-like home comes into view; it’s stunning and takes my breath away.

  “You grew up here?” I’m in awe.

  He grins. “I did. Wait until you see the grounds. I’ll take you around before lunch,” he says. “Let me get your door.”

  He parks the car beside a few others. I assume the whole family is here and he’s springing me on them, causing my anxiety to kick up again. Exiting the car, he rushes over to my side and opens the door for me. I hold the box of goodies in one hand while he takes my other. He squeezes my hand. “Don’t be stressed, they are going to love you.” He smiles brightly, and as we step onto the porch, the door swings open.

  “Sly, it’s so good to see you, dear.” His mother kisses both of his cheeks, and I shift uncomfortably.

  “Mom, this is Raine. Raine, this is my mom, Anne,” he says, watching his mother come over to me.

  She sweetly embraces me, and I giggle nervously. Sly takes the box from my hands so I can hug her back. “It’s so nice to meet you,” I say.

  “Well, where have you been hiding this lovely girl?” She holds me at arm’s length and gazes at me.

  “Mom,” Sly scolds. “Here,” he hands her the box of goodies, “from Grams.”

  She motions for us to walk through the door. “Come on in and meet everyone else.”

  Sly takes my hand again, swirls his thumb over mine and winks at me, causing my heart to flutter. He holds a power over me, and I gladly submit to it. We enter the living room where everyone is sitting. Everyone stands when they see a “new” guest is here, and I feel awkward in their presence. The ladies are conservatively dressed, making me feel self-conscious about my own casual attire. By their mannerisms, I can tell they are very sophisticated and I’m way out of my league.

“Raine, this is my dad, James, my little brother, Asher, my older sister, Carina and her husband, Carter.” I shake everyone’s hand and tell them each it’s nice to meet them. “I’m going to show her around the grounds before lunch,” he mentions.

  “You’re already pulling her away?” his mom asks.

  “You’ll have plenty of time to get to know her over lunch.” He smiles and leads me back outside.

  Continuing to hold my hand, we walk on the edge of the property while he points out various things to me, even the lake that he and his siblings swam in when they were little. Rose and other flowering bushes line the house, and one huge willow tree hangs out back with a handmade swing on one of the branches.

  “I hope this isn’t too overwhelming for you. I wanted to get you out of there before they started grilling you.” He chuckles and it makes me smile.

  “It’s fine. Your family seems really close, and that’s really nice to see,” I tell him.

  “Well, we might as well make our way back, so we can get this over with.” He kisses the side of my head.

  “Have you ever brought a girl home before?”

  “No,” he says.

  This moment is surreal. I’m meeting a guy’s parents already, and I sense things changing between us. Just a slight shift. He hasn’t treated me as a submissive much in the bedroom, and I’m wondering about that conversation we had. Is he having second thoughts? What does this mean for us?

  Back in the house, Sly shows me around, and all the rooms are massive, grand, and elegantly decorated. He shows me his old bedroom; he shuts the door behind us and presses me against it. My body flushes against him, and he kisses me, hard and passionately, making my lips feel bruised. His hands grope my ass, and I whimper against his mouth.

  Jesus, what is this guy doing to me? The desire is burning between my thighs. “I can’t wait to get home later. The things I’m going to do you,” he whispers. I swallow hard. My mouth is suddenly dry. Filled with heat, his eyes burn into mine as he studies my face.


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