Building the Life (The Dancing Wolf Book 3)

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Building the Life (The Dancing Wolf Book 3) Page 10

by Amy DeMeritt

  “I’m not your baby, and I didn’t know you guys were here to dance.” She tilts her head to the side and looks at me in a curious way. “Then why did you come down here?”

  I blush a little and look away, but my eyes meet Keira’s and she laughs and walks back over to Sara. Keira had walked in on me going down on Sam down here around Christmas and she teases me about it sometimes.

  “I’m game for that. Sara and Keira, get out. I’m going to make Kayla into a real woman.” I groan and turn to walk away, but she grabs my hand and pulls me back, wrapping her arms around me. “Relax, baby. I’m just trying to get under Sam’s skin. I love seeing that pretty girl pissed off at me. It’s hot.”

  “Moving on from me to my women now?” She laughs and kisses the side of my neck. “No, it just makes me want you more to see her get jealous.”

  She pulls back, but her hands are resting on the sides of my ribs, just under my arms, where a bra would rest if I was actually wearing one. She smiles wider and her hands start to glide forward, as if she’s about to palm over my breasts, but Awenasa steps up next to me and Symone’s hands freeze. She looks Awenasa up and down and smiles really big.

  “Are you the wife?”

  “I am. Drop your hands.”

  Symone just continues to smile at her, but doesn’t remove her hands from my sides. I start to raise my hands to pull her arms down, but she starts to slide her hands closer to my breasts, so I freeze again.

  “Symone, knock it off. I’m not going through this with you again.” Sara is glaring at Symone, but she doesn’t drop her hands. “Kayla is a big girl, Sara. She doesn’t need you to speak for her.”

  “You want me to speak for myself?” Symone smiles and steps closer to me so our bodies are touching. “I prefer when you speak with your body. Dance with me.”

  “No, hear my words. I’m not interested in being with you. I have the four most beautiful and amazing women in the world to keep me warm at night.”

  “Maybe you have so many women because none of them are able to pleasure you well enough.” I laugh and push her off of me. “God, we have to find a new trophy for you to hunt. This is getting really old. How are we supposed to keep working together like this?”

  I look at Sara and she looks very irritated. Symone walks back over to me and playfully smacks my cheek.

  “Relax, baby. This sexual tension just makes us dance better together. I’ll try not to part your legs like the Red Sea till the jobs dry up. But when the group stops getting gigs, I’m going to make you scream my name.”

  “Is that all you need for this whole crazy sex predator thing of yours to stop? Because I can scream your name right now.” She smiles really big and grips my hips, but I smile and push her hands off. “What are you doing? I don’t need your hands on me to scream.”

  “Fucking tease.” She smiles and takes my hand, pulling me over to Sara and Keira. “Ok, let’s hear the music.”

  “Wait, how long is this going to take? We haven’t eaten yet.” The three of them smirk and hold back laughs. “Ok, can we please move passed the sexual themed thoughts? God, fucking lesbians, man.”

  They laugh hard and push me. I turn to walk away and take Awenasa’s and Sam’s hands since they are closest to me.

  “I’ll be back. I need to feed my babies some real food.”

  I take my girls back to the bedroom and we change out of our pajamas and into shorts and tank tops or tee shirts. It amuses me how hard my girls try not to look at Awenasa while she’s changing. She’s been changing with us since the storm, but they try to divert their eyes. I love that they show her that respect since she hasn’t voiced that she’s ready to be with anyone aside from me yet.

  After each of us take turns in the bathroom to brush our teeth and hair, all of us are ready to go back out to face the family to find something to eat for breakfast. Before we walk out of my bedroom, Sam grabs me and pins me against the wall. I smile and she grins in a naughty way.

  “I knew I should have just pulled your shorts off while Awenasa was kissing you.” I swallow hard and she presses her body against mine and hovers her lips above mine. “You haven’t really kissed me in days. I need you to kiss me like you’re going to fuck me against this wall.”

  Her lips just barely press against mine and her sweet minty breath enters my mouth. Something in me snaps and I push off the wall, grab the backs of her thighs and she hops up and wraps her legs around my waist. I quickly turn and press her back against the wall, raise her arms above her head, and firmly press my lips to hers. Our mouths move with hot urgency and her body arches out against mine. I press my hips in harder against her and she releases a deep moan into my mouth.

  I glide my hands down the inside of her arms, down her sides, and firmly grip her ass and squeeze her cheeks, making her gasp and moan. I slip my hands up the underside of her shorts, over her bare cheeks and she thrusts her hips forward against me. I quickly pull back and rip her tank top off over her head and bend down to bite and suck her breast. She grabs the back of my head, right on my stitches and her nails dig in some, sending a blinding white searing pain through my head. I release a small pained scream as I fall to my knees with her still in my arms.

  “Oh shit! Kayla, I’m so sorry. Baby, are you ok?” I set her down and I sway some. I reach up for the wall to steady myself and Sam grabs my hips, offering me support. “Baby, I’m so sorry.” I smile and kiss her forehead. “It’s ok. I’m sorry I’ve neglected you this week.” She smiles and wraps her arms around me, laying her head on my chest. “I know you didn’t do it on purpose. It’s been hard to be together with everything going on here. I guess we should get up and eat breakfast now.”

  We stand up and I smile really big. Sam follows my stare and laughs.

  “I’m going to need a different shirt. I don’t think this top will cover that bite mark.” I shake my head and help her back into her tank top. “I like this top on you and I like to see my love marks on you.” She smiles affectionately and kisses my lips for a moment. “Ok, baby.”

  I turn around and all my girls are looking at me longingly with a little amusement toying at the corner of the lips, even Awenasa. I smile and go between each of them, giving all of them passionate kisses till they’re gasping for air and releasing small moans. After I have kissed all four of them like I’m about to make love to them, their eyes are glossy and their cheeks are tinged a cute pink hue.

  We grab bowls of cereal and glasses of orange juice and make our way back down to the basement. Sara, Keira, and Symone are sitting in a small circle laughing and talking when we come back down the stairs. Keira and Symone move some as we sit down across from them. Symone’s eyes meet mine and she has a big grin on her face.

  “What now?” She laughs and looks between us. “You were gone an awfully long time just to get cereal.” Her eyes stop on Sam and she leans forward some, looking at her breasts. “Ah, you were snacking on them before you came back.”

  “Moving on. Are we listening to this song now?”

  The three of them laugh a little and Sara pulls her phone out. After scrolling through her screens, the music starts and she sets the phone on the floor between us. It starts off with a bit of a techno edge to it, but mostly has pop and hip-hop beats and tone to it. The vocals are a cross between rap and singing. I really like it. The vocals paint a picture of a musician beating against the back of a guitar to get the strings to strum, but its symbolic of always being rejected by the lover you want. The song ends and Symone grabs my hand and rips me up off the floor.

  “This song was written just for you and me, baby.”

  She pulls me out to the center of the floor, making me trip and almost fall over because I wasn’t expecting to be torn up from the floor like that.

  “Sara, start the song over.”

  Symone roughly turns me to face away from her so I’m facing the mirrors and she takes several steps back, behind me. She does a cute little dance behind me that looks like she’s excite
d to see me and then takes a couple steps closer, reaching for my shoulder, but I put a hand in my pocket and side step her as I run my fingers through my hair and look to the side as if indifferent to her.

  She does another little dance and moves around the front of me, sliding up close to me. Just as her hands are about to caress my cheek and grab my hip, I yawn and turn to walk away, making everyone laugh. She grabs my hand and slides up behind me, dancing on me and running her hands up my legs, stomach, and sides. As her arms wrap around me, I grab them, and spin out of her embrace. I do a cocky little dance acting like I’m too good for her and act like I’m dusting her off and trying to tell her to back off, and then turn to walk away again.

  We continue like that for the duration of the song. When the song ends, I’m standing indifferent to the side and she’s behind me crumbling to her knees, feeling completely dejected. I smile and go over to help her up off the floor and Sara and Keira stand up.

  “Symone may be a pain in your ass, but you two work together really well. That was really good.” Symone laughs a little and wraps her arms around me from behind and kisses my neck. “Just imagine how good we could be together pressed against that mirror or between the sheets.” I groan and squirm out of her embrace. “And just like that, you ruin it again.” Symone laughs a little and smacks my ass. “You forget, I love the chase, baby. You only turn me on more when you resist me.” She laughs a little and shakes her head. “I know what you’re thinking behind that cute grin, and you can’t turn the tables on me. Pick me up and shove me against those mirrors and you’re going to lose.”

  “Whatever.” I start to walk away, but Keira pulls me back. “Ok, enough, Symone. Let’s figure out a basic idea of what we want to try to do and then we need to get out of here.”

  “Where are you going?” Symone looks at me with a grin. “Awe, you don’t want me to leave, baby?” I roll my eyes and she laughs. “We have a pool party to get to. I guess you can’t go swimming with those stitches in your head, huh?”

  “No. We leave tomorrow morning and we have a lot of packing to do, so we don’t really have time for that anyway.” Symone grins and looks at my girls. “What a shame.” I shove her shoulder and she laughs. “Stop lusting over my babies.”

  “All of them in bikinis and hanging all over you is a very nice picture though.” I just smile and look back at Sara and Keira. “Ok, so what are your thoughts for the choreography?”

  “The label didn’t give me a lot of detail on their plans for the video, but the location will be a beach and an abandoned carnival. Giz will be in the video as well as a bunch of extras.”

  “What’s with the abandoned locations?” The R&B video we’re doing will be partially filmed in an abandoned playhouse and now this second video is also going to be in an abandoned location. “It’s trendy right now, but the abandoned carnival pairs well with the theme of the song. We need to take the film locations into consideration when we come up with the choreography.”

  “I think the choreography for the beach should be what the admirer wants to experience with the love interest, while the scenes at the carnival are reality, like what Kayla and Symone just did. It would paint the oxymoron that emotions and reality can be sometimes.”

  “What if we complicated it more with dual love interest rejections?” We look at Sara a little confused. “What do you mean?”

  “Ok, take what Symone and Kayla just did, but add an interest for each of them. Kayla has someone she’s really with and then Symone has someone chasing her like she’s doing to Kayla.”

  “I like that, but what if the person chasing Symone is also a confidant? Every time I reject her, she confides in you while I’m off with Keira. Then, while Symone is trying to get my attention again, you’re chasing after her and trying to get her attention.”

  “How will we work in Tonya and Jade?”

  “They’ll be the jesters dancing around all of us and mocking us.”

  “I like it.”

  “Question.” We turn to look at my girls and Sam is leaning forward some. “Why would Kayla and Keira be together when Sara is really with Keira? Why don’t you switch?”

  “Do you really want Kayla chasing after me, pretty girl?” Sam’s eyes narrow at Symone and she just smiles back at her and says, “Actually, Sam’s point is mute, because Keira and Kayla have great dancing chemistry. Aesthetics wise, Sara does have a stronger presence and may be a better central love interest.”

  Keira shakes her head. “You’re right, Sara has a stronger physical presence than Kayla, but having her be the one chasing you kind of plays into the theme. It’s like you’re chasing someone you can’t have, while the right person, the strength you need, is right by your side all along. That kind of increases the whole painful joke of the love circle.”

  Sam smiles a little and sits back. “That makes sense. Hey, how are you getting off of work for so long to do these videos? Is the hospital really ok with you being gone for a whole month?”

  “I’ll probably have to quit and reapply or find a new job when we come home. I’ve been trying to get approval to use all of my vacation and take some unpaid time, but they won’t give me an answer if its approved.”

  “Wait, you may have to quit?” Keira looks at me and shrugs a shoulder. “It’s no big deal. I’ve had to quit jobs before in order to do dance projects. Dancing is my priority, not being a nurse or hospital technician.”

  “Damn. What about you?” Symone smiles and looks in my eyes with amusement. “Are you concerned about me, baby? I work full time in a dance studio in Philly and they’re more than ok with me taking the time off because it looks good for the studio when the instructors have stuff like this on their resumes. They may have to postpone the pole dancing classes till I’m back because they’re having a hard time finding someone to fill in for me.”

  I blush bright red and my jaw drops, making Symone laugh and playfully pat my cheek.

  “Oh, did I forget to mention that I can pole dance?” I swallow hard and look away. “Well, that’s good. I mean that you won’t lose your job, not the pole dancing.”

  “I think I touched a nerve. Would you like a private show, baby?” I clear my throat and rub the back of my neck, as I look back at Sara, ignoring the question. “Ok, so when are we going to work on choreography since I leave town in the morning?”

  “We’ll do some video sessions, but I was thinking we could all fly out to you before we head to California so we can rehearse together and clean it up. Plus, it would be nice to finally see your place.”

  I look nervously over at my girls and Sam is glaring at Symone. I look back at Sara and she laughs a little.

  “We’ll stay in a hotel so Symone can’t try to jump in your giant lesbian family bed and Sam ends up murdering her.”

  “That’s probably a good idea.”

  Symone grins and looks over at Sam. She licks her lips and laughs a little.

  “Maybe I need to redirect my hunt for a little bit. Seems like Sam is the link in the chain that needs to be broken to get to you. She would be a yummy treat on my way to you.”

  I’ve been able to tolerate Symone till now, but her lustful stares and threats to pursue Sam causes a fiery anger to rise up in my chest. I take a deep breath and glare at Symone. She looks over at me and her smile falters.

  “Are you jealous that I may not want you anymore or scared that I’ll take your girl from you?” I snap. I grab the sides of her vest and walk her backwards, shoving her back against the mirrors. “My patience is running thin with your constant predatorial behavior. I’m tolerating you for the success of the group, but try that shit with one of my girls, and my patience will cease and you’ll quickly regret ever looking at them.”

  Her face shows shock and her normal cool is gone. She just stares in my eyes for a moment, but then quickly recovers and grins.

  “I like when you’re rough with me, baby.” I growl and push her as I roughly release her. “You’re impossible. I’m fuc
king serious, Symone. Stay the fuck away from my girls.”

  “Why? Are you worried about their ability to stay loyal to you? Are you afraid of a little competition?”

  “No, I’m secure in what we have, but I won’t tolerate someone harassing them.”

  “It’s not harassment if they like it.” I get in her face again, pressing my body flat against her and my nose is touching hers. “Symone, listen very carefully. Do not push me. Stay away from my girls.”

  “With a beautiful face like that, it’s very hard to be scared of you right now.” My anger boils in my chest and a deep wolf growl climbs up my throat and her eyes get big and her smile disappears. “I have faced off with countless human threats, flood waters, several fires, I’ve had a gun pointed in my face, and I fought through a fucking tornado for the people I love. Do not think for a second that you stand a chance. Stay away from my girls.”

  “You’ve been held up at gun point? When was this and why am I just hearing about it?”

  I look up in the mirror at Sara and she looks really concerned. Symone places a hand on my cheek, so I look back at her. Her normal flirty look is gone and there is genuine care and regret in the look she’s giving me.

  “You’ve been through a lot, more than anyone should have to deal with. I’m sorry. I’ll stay away from your girls and I’ll try to control myself with you more. Honestly, you only made me want you more, but I really don’t want to be in that list of hellish situations you’ve been through. If something happens between us, which I know it probably never would, I’d want it to be a good memory for you.”

  I smile and take a step back.

  “Thank you.” She smiles and places her hands on my shoulders. “Can I hug you? I promise I won’t grope you.”

  I laugh a little and allow her to pull me into a hug. As soon as she releases me, Sara asks me again about being held up at gun point.

  “I’m fine, so it doesn’t matter.”

  Sara gives me a hard stare and then looks at my girls. Sam is looking down at the floor with her knees pulled up and her arms wrapped around her knees.


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