Building the Life (The Dancing Wolf Book 3)

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Building the Life (The Dancing Wolf Book 3) Page 18

by Amy DeMeritt

  “Oh, wow.”

  I lift the black tank top out of the box and hold it up to look at the front and back. On the front, over the left breast, in white, it says, “The Dancing Wolf”, in a really cool font that looks like claw slashes, and on the back, is a white drawing of a wolf in shorts and a tank top doing a spin on one foot. It looks amazing.

  I leap up and tackle Madison in a tight hug, making us both stumble and fall to the floor. She laughs and wraps her arms around me. I pepper her face and neck with kisses and then firmly kiss her lips.

  “You are amazing. This is amazing. Thank you. When did you do this?”

  “I found the artist a couple weeks before we went home for the gathering and she had the work complete a week after we got back. I was really hoping the tank tops would get here before the event yesterday, but the box just came this morning. You really like it?”

  “I love it. Was it very expensive?” She smiles and kisses my lips a moment. “No. The tank tops actually cost more than hiring the artist. I ordered you new business cards with the new logos too. We just need to update the channel and email signature. We need to create a website too. The artist that made your logos does website building and design as well, so we can hire her for that so it’s done right and looks professional.”

  I take a deep breath and sit up straddling her so I can look at the tank top again. I smile really big and shake my head.

  “So, this is the life all of you want? The big dance business and the crazy fame?”

  I look around at all of them and they come sit down on the floor around us. Awenasa reaches out and caresses my cheek with a very loving smile.

  “We want you to have all of your dreams, puppy. If this makes you happy, this is the life we want.”

  I smile and look around at all of them and they agree with Awenasa that they want this.

  “Maddi, you’ve always wanted to be a singer. Do you still want that?”

  “Eventually, but right now I just want to help you get the dance business off the ground and finish college. Then I want to have children. So, singing may not come till much later in life, if at all. Dreams can change, baby. Singing used to be my number one dream, but it’s not anymore. I’m happy with how our life is turning out, and for right now, I’m happy just being able to sing for all of you and sing for school.”

  “What about you, Sam? Do you still want to be a geologist and save the planet?” Sam laughs a little and shrugs a shoulder. “I’m going to finish school and then see what happens. I really like helping to manage the dance channel and editing videos, so my career dream may change as well.”

  “Ok, so we’re going to do this then?”

  They smile and pull me into a big group hug, agreeing that they want this life. I hold them tightly for a couple moments and then pull back smiling.

  “I love my babies. You’re all so amazing. I really love this tank top. We could have an entire line of apparel on the website. This would look awesome on a zip up hoodie.”

  Madison smiles really big and firmly kisses my lips. She runs her fingers through my hair and places her hands on my shoulders.

  “Are you happy?” I smile really big and laugh a little. “Very. I’m a little terrified, but I’m extremely happy.”

  Before she can say anything, there’s a knock on our door. We look at each other confused because we’re not expecting anyone. We climb off the floor and Sam gets to the door first. I still have the tank top in my hand and am admiring the detail in the dancing wolf on the back when I’m suddenly stumbling backwards with someone hugging me tightly. I recognize the side of the face and ponytail as Jaime. I wiggle my hands free from between us and wrap my arms around her.

  “Hey, Jaime. Is everything ok?” She pulls back some to look at me and she smiles really big and kisses my forehead. “I need to show you something.”

  She pulls me over to the dining room table and she takes a file folder out of a bookbag and pulls out a stack of what looks like contracts.

  “I literally had to run out of the studio because parents have been flocking in all morning to sign their kids up. As of the moment that I ran out of there, I had over twenty voicemails and about the same number of emails inquiring about signing their kids up. I already have twelve new full year contracts signed with checks in hand for the first month. You did this. All of these people are coming in because of you.”

  “Wow, Jaime, I’m so happy for you. This is incredible. You deserve this though. You’re an amazing dancer and dance instructor. Your students love you and these new kids are going to love you too.”

  “I wouldn’t have all of this new business if it wasn’t for you coming in and doing that event yesterday. The students and parents loved you. My emails were also flooded with parents raving about how impressed they were with how motivated their children were afterwards. They want you to come back, at any cost.”

  “I’d love to come back, but it won’t be possible for a couple months, at least.” She smiles and shakes her head. “I know that. Look, I know you wanted to do this as an experiment to see if it’s something you want to do and you didn’t want any money, but you need to take this.” She pulls out an envelope and holds it out to me. I just shake my head. “I’m not taking that. We’re friends. I was happy to do that and I’ll gladly come back again, but I’m not taking your money. The parent’s money, maybe, but not yours.” She laughs and takes my hand and puts the envelope in my hand. “I’m not taking no for an answer. This is what I would have charged my students for a workshop outside of their normal contract.”

  I reluctantly open the envelope and pull out a check made out to me. The check is for $4,700! I quickly drop it on the table and back up shaking my head.

  “No way, Jaime. That’s crazy. You’re insane. You need that money for your business.”

  She laughs and picks up the check and walks over to me. She takes my hand and I close my fist so she can’t put it in my palm. She just smiles and turns to my girls. Shannon is the closest, so she hands it to her.

  “Here, since Kayla is being obstinate, will you please accept this for her?” Shannon takes the check and her eyes get really big and she looks between us nervously. “This is an awful lot of money, Jaime. Are you really sure you can afford this?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. The yearlong contracts I signed today come out to about five times that amount and I’m sure I’ll have several more after I answer all of these calls and emails. I’ll probably have to hire another instructor or turn students away because of the response from this.”

  “Especially if Kayla does the interview with the two TV stations that have already emailed her about the event.” Jaime smiles really big and looks at me. “Seriously? Are you going to do it?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it yet. I hate talking to the press. They freak me out. If I do, will you do it with me since it was at your school? Trudy should be there too since it was her dance and it was because of her that I came to your school at all.”

  “Sure, I’ll do the interview with you. And Trudy will probably scream and jump to the moon in her excitement if you ask her to do a TV interview with you. So, will you accept the check? It would make me really happy if you would take it.”

  “Fine, but if we win the ballroom dance competition, you keep the prize money.” She laughs and shakes her head. “No, we’re splitting that, as previously agreed.”

  “I don’t feel like I did enough for you, to deserve this.”

  “Are you kidding me? Kayla, do you have any idea how much advertising costs? I would have spent more than this over the course of a single month just in advertising to bring in a handful of new contracts. Look, you are probably the kindest and most generous person I’ve met, but you have to be willing to accept payment for your work, even from a friend.”

  I smile and blush a little as I rub the back of my neck. I look around at my girls and all of them move in a little closer to Shannon to see the amount on the check.

  “Babies, what do you think? Should I accept this money? It wasn’t part of our original agreement, regardless of the results of the event.”

  Before they can answer, Jaime grabs my shirt in her hands and pulls me into herself with a stern smirk.

  “Listen up, Kayla.” She smiles and laughs at my shocked look and I relax a little, but she doesn’t release my shirt. “You are taking this money. And if I don’t see it clear the bank before you leave for California, I’m coming after you.” I laugh a little and she smiles really big. “Ok, whatever you say, boss.” She kisses my forehead and releases my shirt. “Thank you.”

  “Hey, while you’re here, look what my baby did for me.” I hold out the tank top to her and she looks at the front and back with a big smile. “This is awesome. Which baby? You have four.” All of us laugh a little. “Madison. She surprised me with it this morning.”

  “Did you order a lot of them? I could sell them in the studio for you. After the event, I’m sure every student will want one.”

  “What was the plan for these, Maddi?”

  “Whatever you want to do with them. I ordered fifty, but we can order more. We can probably have more here in about a week if we order them today.”

  “Ok, you can take them, but you have to keep a percentage of the sales for handling the transactions.” Jaime laughs and smiles at me in an affectionate amused way. “No, not this time. If you had these yesterday, your girls would have sold them at the event. If you get more merchandise made and you want a place to sell it, then we’ll talk.”

  “You’re a brat.” Jaime just smiles and shrugs a shoulder. “Ok, I need to get back to the studio. You’ve turned my day off into a very busy work day.”

  She turns back to collect her things off the dining room table and Madison runs off to get the box of tank tops. Jaime shoulders her bag and accepts the box from Madison with a smile.

  “How much do you want to charge for these? Twenty to forty dollars is pretty typical for branded dance apparel.”

  “I have no idea. Maddi, what do you think?”

  “Twenty will give us a sixty percent return on each one, so that’s good.”

  “Ok. I’ll tell you when they’re gone and how many you’re going to need to order if I get a lot of requests for them. Oh, before I forget. We need to do a dress rehearsal for the competition with the attire we’ll be wearing to make sure we don’t have wardrobe issues with any of the techniques and stunts we’re doing. Did you go look for your tuxedo yet?”

  “No, I guess we can go do that today.”

  “Ok, don’t forget, get a gold bowtie and vest so you’ll match my dress. Nothing gaudy and tacky though. But nothing that looks like a high school band uniform either.” I laugh a little and shake my head. “Do you want to come with me so you can approve of my attire?” She blushes and nervously bites her bottom lip. “Can I?”

  “Ok, let me know when you’re ready and we’ll go out.”

  “Thanks. I’ll talk to you later.”

  I walk Jaime to the door and she looks back at me with a cute grin before she turns the corner to go downstairs. I close the door to see all of my girls are watching me with amused smiles. I smile really big and leap at them, wresting them down to the ground in a heap and kissing as many places as I can land my lips. They laugh and wrestle me off of them and get me pinned down with all of them hovering above me with the most beautiful smiles.

  “God, you’re all so gorgeous. I don’t know what I did for the universe to bless me with such beautiful and incredible women, but I have to be the most blessed person that’s ever lived.” Their eyes are glistening with emotion and their smiles are just stunning. Each of them take a turn bending down and kissing me, making my head swoon. “So damn perfect.”

  “So are you, puppy. Your stomach is growling. Why don’t we do something for lunch now?”

  “Lunch sounds good. Do we have steaks?”

  They stand up and Awenasa takes my hands, pulling me up off of the floor. Shannon checks the fridge and freezer and turns to look at me with disappointment.

  “We don’t have any steaks, sweetie. We only have chicken and ground beef.”

  “Ok, do you all want to go out or stay in?” They smile and look between each other, before saying, simultaneously, “Go out.”

  “Ok, babies. Let me get ready for the day.”

  They’re already dressed and looking and smelling beautiful, so I jump in the shower so I can get smelling good for them too. I showered when I came home last night after the event, but after sleeping for so long, I feel like I need another shower. I brush my teeth, put deodorant on, and brush my hair out. Damn, I need a haircut. I keep my hair just passed my shoulder blades, but its more than halfway down my back. I’ve been so busy the past couple months that I haven’t realized how long it’s getting.

  When I come into the spare bedroom to get dressed, my girls are sitting around the computer again. They look up and smile really big and look my naked body up and down.

  “Babies, why didn’t you tell me my hair is getting so long? I’m starting to look like a Cherokee Rapunzel.” They laugh and Sam smacks my ass as I walk by her. “We like your long hair, baby. You should let Awenasa braid it today.”

  “Ok, baby. Wife, will you braid my hair?”

  Awenasa smiles affectionately and pulls me over to the lounge chair. I sit in front of her and she combs her fingers through my hair and twists and weaves my hair into a single long braid. When she finishes, she kisses the side of my neck and pats the side of my thigh.

  “All done, puppy.” I turn to look at her and she smiles really big. “How do I look?”

  “Beautiful.” I kiss her lips and quickly turn and pin her down, climbing on top of her. She places her hands on the side of my face and looks in my eyes with a stunning smile that locks me in place. “Beautiful.” I’m smiling so big that my cheeks hurt. She giggles and reaches down to smack my ass. “Ok, beautiful puppy, time to get dressed. You need to eat.”

  We decide to take Jaime’s check to the bank first because we don’t like leaving money around the apartment in case the office maintenance people have to get into the apartment for anything or to do a random inspection. I hate the fact that they can just enter our apartment at any time without warning and they don’t have to ask.

  While we’re driving to the restaurant, I send Jaime a text letting her know I deposited the check and she responds with “Thank you” in all capital letters and tells me she’ll be ready to go tuxedo shopping in a few hours.

  Since the majority of the students are back home for the summer session, the campus is much less crowded than typical and we don’t have any trouble finding parking on Oliver Street. We park in front of one of our favorite places to eat out at – The Flaming Duck. Their menu is pretty complex with a lot of different types of cuisines to pick from, but their signature dish is a duck breast that comes delivered to the table lit on fire and is resting on a mound of amazing mashed sweet potatoes, a side of lemon parmesan green beans, and a cranberry chutney for the duck. It’s a delicious meal, but their steak is even better. They age the steaks and then soak them in a bath of melted rosemary butter for forty-eight hours before doing a quick sear on a woodfire grill.

  We walk in the door and there’s two girls behind the hostess stand deep in conversation and seem oblivious to us standing only two feet in front of them. One looks up for a moment, but turns back to her companion to continue their conversation, but does a double take and looks straight at me. She nudges her friend and they both look at me with weird smiles that almost makes me roll my eyes. They couldn’t care less about doing their jobs a moment ago, but because they recognize me from TV, all of sudden they’re able to pull themselves out of their conversation.

  “Hi, uh, you’re that dancer, right? Kayla?”

  “I am. Is the moon booth by the wood grill open?” She quickly looks down at her seating chart and smiles. “It is. Just the five of you?”

  “Yes, please.

  They practically fight over grabbing the menus and to walk us to our table, but the girl that recognized me first wins the battle and she leads the way to our table. She nearly walks into a wall and a table looking over her shoulder at me grinning. I slide into the center of the half circle booth and my girls slide in to surround me. The girl smiles and blushes as she sets the menus down.

  “Can I get you anything while you wait for your server?”

  “A pitcher of the fruit water and a couple baskets of the honey oat rolls would be amazing, if you wouldn’t mind.”

  She smiles really big and slightly bites her bottom lip as she turns to fulfil my request. When she’s gone, my girls start quietly laughing and Sam nudges my shoulder.

  “You’re going to make her pay for being so rude when we first got here, aren’t you?”

  “I might as well use the fame to have my babies waited on hand and foot.”

  They smile and laugh, but quickly bite the laughter back as the hostess comes back in lightning speed with my requested drink and bread.

  “Is there anything else you need?” I look around the table and smile. “Glasses, silverware, and napkins would be great.” She gets beet red with embarrassment and looks horrified that she forgot those. “I’m so sorry. I’ll be right back.”

  She’s back so quickly, that she looks like she actually ran to get the requested items. She sets them all out in front of us and then pours each of us a glass of the fruit water. She looks back at me with a smile and slightly bites her lip again.

  “Anything else?” I shake my head and smile. “I think we’re good for now. Thank you.” She looks around at the table and she smiles and shakes her head. “You need butter for the rolls. I’ll be right back.”

  As soon as she’s gone, my girls laugh again. Madison looks over at me with a grin.

  “You’re sweet. You knew she forgot the butter.” I smile and shrug a shoulder. “The girl looks like she’s going to take someone out if she keeps running around for us.”


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