First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga

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First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga Page 8

by Berg, Michael

  Satisfied with the details he had found, he switched off the holographic phone and calculated the travel time to gain estimation on the precise time of arrival for the party of travelers in Dunhuang. Taken from their departure scheduled in sixty hours, he came up with an approximate three days before they would be there.

  A moment later, Jenna joined him asking what he was doing. Lyle explained to her the details of their trip, the marvel of the caves at their destination, and gave her the estimated time of arrival. “You had better call Raynie and Jake to see if they can make it.”

  “Good idea, I’ll call now.” He called Raynie who answered in her usual cheerful way. “Raynie, when are you leaving? We need a hurry up here.”

  “We’re in luck. They say the road linking to the main transit way to Sydney, will be clear all the way in twelve hours or so. With the HyperJet flight, I would say we could be there in about thirty hours.”

  “OK then. We’ll see you in thirty. Also, what do you think about a sudden trip to China?”

  “China! Why?”

  “I’ll tell you when you get here. We will have about a day here before we go. There are two others coming with us. You will find out why when you arrive.”

  “OK. Thirty hours, then to China. I think Jake will like that as some of his research seems to have links with China, as does our recent discovery here. Bye then”

  Chapter 8

  Five United States military HyperJets were now stationed at HAARP Alaska. Each plane was equipped with a full arsenal of weapons including high speed seeker missiles with a range of one thousand five hundred miles, exploding cluster weapons for detonation to render all electronics inoperative for a radius of ten miles, and rapid fire laser pulse cannons. HAARP station was on high alert with personnel on edge after the recent small nuclear detonations within United States territory. Long range ground based defensive weapons at the nearby town of Palmer were on the highest level of standby, as officials from various departments worked feverously to put counteraction plans into place should any further nuclear attacks come.

  HAARP had now become part of a vast network of defensive military facilities now covering the entire planet. The base at nearby Palmer had become a central hub for the United States northern defense with a vast increase in hardware stationed there. The authorities had also deployed an airborne mother ship as a base for long range fighter flights and refueling - one of the only five mother ships in existence.

  These ships were an incredible advance in technology and military capability, each carrying up to twenty-five fully equipped HyperJets. Using recently discovered anti-gravity technology where scientists had developed means to control high intensity localized magnetism - they could remain airborne for up to two months without needing to land. Analysis of magnetic forces on the surface of the sun had lead scientists to determine the rifts between plasma eruptions, were the locations of the greatest magnetic forces generated. Now propulsion systems were able to artificially mimic these forces with control using generators enabling each ship to be propelled in any direction – seeming to defying gravity.

  They were not planes by any means, lacking the fundamentals of wings and shape common for high-speed aero dynamics. Some who had seen them and who were actually very few in number, likened them to the old stories of UFOs from out of the twentieth century, as they were a saucer shape stretching over eight hundred feet in diameter. Central to their successful flight, were three polarization chambers extending through the entire ship from top to bottom. These chambers were highly charged magnetic rods each generating sufficient energy to enable the ship to counteract the forces of gravity, thus making them impervious to such forces. Limited directional flight of five hundred miles per hour was controlled by generating and applying excessive magnetic force to a polarization chamber, whilst other lesser forces were applied during flight for stability and turning.


  Raynie and Jake sped along the road bordered by high walls of snow, as they were heading to the main transit way for the drive to Sydney. Road vehicles in this age were unconventional in comparison to the models being used up until the 2060s. Driving was mostly a fully automated experience when traveling the transits, as high-powered computer guidance systems did the work. Traditional manual type driving was also still available, as all roads had not been converted to the new system. Remnants of the global positioning system used to initially make autonomous driving possible, were still in operation, but the newer systems did not require satellite reliance and so were deemed much faster and more stable. Sleek in design with high-powered electric engines running on tiny fuel cells – one for each wheel, road vehicles had left the internal combustion engines well in the past. The entire power source for the vehicle was a small single power cell coupled to the operating systems and motors driving the wheels. Each cell held a dynamic anti-matter threshold containment module requiring only initiation to work. Energy sourced from the perpetual state of the threshold between matter and anti matter, drew upon the transition of particles expelled during intense electromagnetic discharge. Equipped with automatic sensors and advanced safety systems, they were virtually impossible to crash, even during those times of actual manual operations.

  Vehicles were almost silent when running, with most noise coming from the flexible carbon nano tube tires on the surface of the road. These tires always remained flat on a road surface and the axles horizontal. With suspension located at the apex of each axle where the passenger compartment was connected, the vehicles cambered according to the forces at play, enabling such high speeds to be reached and maintained, for a comfortable level ride within. Advanced hydraulics operated by high-speed early photonic chip technology, brought instant response providing passengers and cargo with a smooth, almost un-noticeable ride.

  When used in the advanced transit ways closer to the main cities found in nearly all major cities of the world, vehicles drove within an elevated tube as if on a rail system, where all modes of operation were automated. Passengers were provided with holographic projectors rendering any information they chose, in high definition three-dimensional imaging - so they could often be content to sit back and relax being entertained during the longer trips. Speed was limited to two hundred miles per hour for fast movement along the snaking tubes and sensor equipped roads of the lesser transit ways.

  “Doesn’t the countryside look beautiful,” Raynie said gazing out the side window at the fields of white under a pale blue sky.

  “Sure does,” Jake replied as he drove at high speed through the twisting bends. “I expect we will get a nice view when on the transit from twenty metres up. They reported that snow was on the ground all the way to the outskirts of the city. How was that skiing?”

  “Yes. I always love skiing,” Raynie replied. Since childhood, she had been an avid lover of snow sports and was a competitor for some years in downhill skiing. Now at thirty-one years of age, she felt even more passionate than ever, glad in herself that her love for alpine environments had not dwindled. Jake too was similar in his love for all things snow, a passion they both shared and he was glad to have her company whenever they were together. Sometimes he felt as if they were almost a perfect match, for they held such similar interests, sought mystery in life, and were the same age.

  The onboard navigation hologram hanging in mid air just to the side of his forward vision, indicated ten minutes at current speed until they reached the main transit way for the journey to Australia’s largest city.

  “After last night and going through that book again, I think I am beginning to get a picture on some of this stuff,” Jake said as they entered the main transit way and the car went into full automation mode. The scenery in the foreground then began to blur a little as they increased speed to two hundred miles per hour.

  Two hours later, they entered Sydney, once a sprawling metropolis, now a city focused on high-rise at the center. A lot of the remnants of old suburbia had been removed from the land that was n
ow converted to vast fields for growing food to feed the population. Buildings rose towards the clouds in this geologically and tectonically stable region, enabling architects to design towers reaching two hundred floors. Through advances in construction and stabilization methods, many cities defied their surroundings, some reaching unfathomable heights in seismically active zones, compared to the cities of old, and in others not burdened with such activity, reaching almost twice their height.

  Their vehicle changed transit lanes and took them at high speed towards the Mascot HyperJet Airport. As they neared the terminal, a museum of early flight came into view. Old jet airliners and planes seemingly ancient were parked at the entrance as exhibitions in a time-line of flying history.

  “Would you fly in one of those?” Raynie asked pointing at an Airbus A380 from the early twenty first century and one of the largest airliners ever built.

  “I suppose so. They were heralded for their capacity and standard of luxury at the time, but nothing like a HyperJet though.”

  They boarded their flight as scheduled and once again marveled at the city as it receded below them as their jet approached the altitude where hypersonic drive was engaged. After just over four hours of flight time at speeds exceeding three thousand five hundred miles per hour, the HyperJet captain announced they were now on approach to San Francisco International Airport.

  Amongst the glittering lights of San Francisco in the distance, the city’s towers could just be made out amidst the general light haze streaming into the night sky. Other HyperJets were to be seen on approach, and Raynie and Jake’s anticipation was rising with their impending arrival, and then their rendezvous to come. Twenty minutes later they eagerly walked the passenger departure hall of the jet terminal, ready to immerse themselves into the buzz of the city’s goings on. A line of JetCabs awaited them as they left the main building where they boarded for the short ride to the city center.

  As they left the central cab hub, they noticed a lot of people staring at the many holographic projectors located throughout. Looking up to the pedestrian transit ways above, they noticed similar groups had gathered around projectors like the people did on the streets. It appeared as though some news story had grabbed their attention, so they walked over to the closest projector available to see what the fuss was about.

  “The authorities have approved the implementation of mandatory human micro chips. With recent events concerning nuclear detonations in the United States, it has now become necessary for all civilians to have identification chips in view of security maintenance and control. The bill states all citizens are to have the chips by the end of 2090.” The address went on to explain how this bill is in the best interests of the public at large and how it is a main weapon in the struggle against insurgency threatening many great nations.

  After it concluded, advertising in support of the scheme, immediately appeared on all projections. “Ladies and gentlemen, be the first to have your mandatory chip. For all those taking up this scheme immediately, we offer significant discounts on many of the things you need in life to be happy. With this offer, we will reduce costs for food and personal items by up to fifty percent for a limited time. Be safe now. Don’t wait to be caught out. Join the beginning of the electronic payment revolution. With your new chip, we can meet all your needs, from payment, through to medical records and anything you currently manage in your own personal database. Go online now for early benefits and know that your family is safe and being looked after. As an additional special offer, those who obtain their chips in the first forty eight hours of this scheme, will be entitled to their choice of consumer number or name their chip will have, so you can customize your own personal account.”

  They were taken aback with this news. Whilst the population at large would accept this information given by authorities as a benefit to them all, they both held grave reservation on what it would actually mean for the people. After deciding to move on, they took to a leisurely walk. Half an hour later they arrived at Jenna’s place where she welcomed them lovingly at the front door. “Lyle has told me a lot about you two. I think we have something special. Come in, come in.” They entered the house and were introduced to the other three waiting in the lounge room. Raynie greeted Lyle with a hug and they quietly whispered to each other before breaking into laughing. “Did you see the latest news?” he asked.

  “Yes. A big worry that one,” Jake replied.

  “We just had our military tags taken out,” Tobias added.

  “And, I for one, am not going to get another one inserted, even if it is the civilian version,” John said with a determined, yet thoughtful look on his face. As an electronics specialist, he had already begun to think of ways around being ‘chipped’ again.

  Both Raynie and Jake as historical archivists by profession, began to talk about it being an unprecedented move since the early twenties where corporations had collaborated with governments at the time, in an attempt to bring in similar technology for a cash-less world. This had been mostly rejected, as systems at the time were incapable of including all facets of the global market, so the government had decided the technology was not yet ready.

  “Well, aside from that, we made it in time,” Raynie said changing the course of the conversation. We still have a day left before we depart. What shall we do tomorrow?”

  “I think we should put all our information together to give a focus point on what we look at ahead,” Lyle said.

  “Yeah, I want to talk about that,” Jake added. “So how do you and Tobias come into the picture?” he asked John.

  “I’m an old friend of Jenna here,” he replied. “Both Tobias and I are on the run from the authorities you could say. But…we are innocent of any real wrong doings. We have made it here from Alaska over the past two days and I brought us here to Jenna’s to plan our next move. Jenna and Lyle explained their recent events and meetings, and without any real heading or plan, and Tobias and I decided we could be of use in their endeavors. I guess you could say we are part of a team somewhat.”

  “Us too,” Raynie said.

  “We need more gear to take with us,” Lyle added. “Some relatively low tech stuff, all legal. It might help us to decipher what we are going to look at.”

  “And I’ll take Raynie and get us some new clothes,” Jenna added. “Sort of a girl thing.”

  “Good idea. This stuff I have on has seen better days, especially after that chase yesterday,” John said, as he looked himself over.

  “Alright. It is sorted then. I have a spare room set up for you guys,” Jenna said looking at Raynie and Jake. We should all get some sleep and start up early before our flight. It is getting quite late.”

  Chapter 9

  As the early sun shone brightly over the Bay City, Jenna and Raynie made their way to the central shopping district in search of new clothes for the entire traveling party. The central district never closed and so they had decided on dining out for breakfast before going shopping, and so leaving the others to fend for themselves at Jenna’s place. The two women walked the streets in an excited frame of mind, eager to embrace all that lay ahead, and also glad to just have each other’s company. Both of them were slim figures, each close to six foot tall, and so attracted the attention of others now and then as they walked.

  Jenna took Raynie by the arm and led her down a street to where she knew they could get a nice meal. As they entered the street level café, news and advertising for the microchip scheme was playing on all of the projectors.

  “This is big news,” Jenna said. “I am with John on not getting one, but hey, let’s not talk about it now.”

  “I agree,” Raynie replied. “Though just to add, there is no chance for me either.”

  They sat at a welcoming booth table by the front window of the café where the light of the day was streaming in. After placing their orders, they discussed their mission ahead for the day as Jenna suggested various places where they could purchase what they needed. When their me
als arrived, they began eating but were then interrupted by someone who had burst into the café through the front doors. He was a man in his later years that looked a bit rough and unkempt. After looking around to see who was inside, he began to speak loudly, telling everyone not to get these new microchips and they were the work of the authorities who wanted to control all lives on the planet. A few other customers jeered at him, with some replying to his rant telling him he was just a crazy old man and to go home. Others just listened, knowing the apparently crazy man spoke words of truth.

  A little later, Jenna and Raynie decided it was time to go shopping and walked to Union Square for an elevator to take them to the world above. As they rode up to the pedestrian transit forty stories above street level, they were again bombarded with advertising on the elevators’ four holographic projectors. Everything from lifestyle products, clothing, appliances, and the new microchip scheme came across with endless catch phrases and reasons why one seller was better than another.

  An advert for automated air freshener caught Raynie’s attention. “I thought they banned those things years ago after it was found that a lot of the scents actually contained carbonates that diminished brain function.”

  “Yeah they did. But they are making a comeback. See the banner text now appearing?” Text began to scroll across the bottom of the projection guaranteeing the product to be carbonate free, which then changed to a claim on how this product could actually enhance brain function.

  “I doubt that,” Jenna said. “But, by the looks of it today, I reckon a lot of people around here could do with a little brain enhancement.”

  “Don’t they get that with nano implants?”

  “Yes some do. I have worked with a few scientists who have the inserts and they claim to be able to process calculations at a much faster rate than previous because of the enhanced DNA maintenance function they carry out.” The elevator doors opened and they stepped out onto the transparent tube walkway stretching between the buildings. Jenna took them to the left where she knew she could find a store selling the latest in clothing wear.


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