First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga

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First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga Page 15

by Berg, Michael

  Chapter 16

  John and Tobias were silently walking along a passageway inside the local technology security station for servicing the area in around Jenna’s house. They had been able to access the building using an encryption code from personal ID devices positioned behind their ear. John had set up a fake authorization code enabling them immediate un-questioned access. Their purpose was to key into the main central systems from the access point in the station, and then obtain vital encryption data.

  Continuing on, there was surprisingly little in the way of resistance as they made their way along a narrow corridor. John suspected the authorities were confident their systems were intruder and fool proof, and so they had relaxed security in the physical sense. Now as they were both only moments away from obtaining the last key ingredient to his binary recipe, John felt some comfort in his ability to have overcome the reasonable odds he considered would have prevented him from making progress to this point.

  Tobias bumped into him when he suddenly stopped. "What is it?" he asked, his view ahead blocked by Johns shoulders.

  "Just the central hub door. I think it has encrypted locking. I will have to take a few moments to break the code." He took a small device out of his jacket pocket and placed it on the door adjacent to the locking mechanism. After entering a few commands via the device interface a slight whirring could be heard as the locking mechanism released - they were in. The central hub of this operations centre was a small room about ten feet square with a hardware panel on one wall. John went straight to the panel and immediately set about decrypting the lock. It took less than a minute until he was able to open the door and reveal the single processing unit hardware inside.

  "As I thought," he said. "Mainly photonic circuitry coupled with interfacing to transmission hardware. See that line up there?" He pointed to a thin white line on the white wall.


  "Well that leads to the transmitter...carries a lot of data through the thin line. Old fibre optics systems would have run at less than one percent of the capacity this thing has."

  "What do we do next?"

  "I'll break into the box and tap into the main data stream. It has photonic nodes for linking in to the main data distribution pathways. After that I can obtain the floating encryption coding they use for updating the ID chips." He set to work on these tasks whilst Tobias kept a careful watch. John was confident they would go undetected, as he was sure the encryption he used to break into the data node, would not cause any alerts to appear in system.

  "See this?" he indicated a very small cube attached to the centre of the panel he had revealed. "It is the quantum unit. Main processor. All of the photonic hardware comes from this cube."

  "So the encryption data is inside?" Tobias asked.

  "Basically. This unit takes the encryption updates as they arrive from central systems, and then forwards it out across the network. It needs to be fast. Updates come through at least one thousand times per second. I need to tap into it via a photonic inlet."

  He set about this task using various small devices and input peripherals as Tobias returned to keeping watch. Within a minute John had gained access and was copying the encryption generation data from the quantum cube. He knew his way around this type of thing well, after years of studying, working, and inventing. Such a task was a snack to him and he paused for a moment considering this may well be why they were intent on chasing him from Alaska.

  "There," he said. "I have it! I'll disconnect and we are out of here."

  They quietly closed the door behind them as they exited the building emerging into bright sunlight. After casually walking towards the street to mix amongst other pedestrians, they quickened their pace, wasting no time in leaving the vicinity.

  "How is the progress so far," Tobias asked after John had been working for a while since their arrival back at Jenna’s house.

  "Good. Any time now and I think I will have broken into the coding and we are set. Central systems will virtually have to be re-built for this to fail. They depend on the algorithms I picked up on. Sort of cumbersome really, when you consider the capacity of the technology available."

  "So you think we can ride with this for a while then?"

  "Yeah I would say that. Not sure though on what could happen or develop in the future, but for now and during this ID chip roll-out, I reckon we are a safe bet."

  "I’m going to take a walk and escape this whole thing for a while," Tobias said. “I have some thoughts to go through."

  "Yeah OK. I think I will stick with this a little longer. After that it is just programming these fake identification devices I have put together. I'll see you when you get back."

  It was a nice walk downhill from the house down to the bay side as Tobias passed by an array of decorated wooden houses for which San Francisco had become famous. Each one he found fascinating as he surveyed the many vistas held by gates and windows, gardens and trees. He had always been partial to the spectacle of San Francisco from its bright wooden houses, and its bay side promenade, whenever he had visited the city. His spirits lifted the further he walked, glad the owners of the houses had gone to such effort to make their residences offer such visual treats.

  Ahead of him, the bay caught the sunlight and was a splendid alluring view of gold and blue forming a backdrop to the street. The scenes reminded him of the simplicity still to be found everywhere, so often overlooked by many people as they hurried about in life.

  Asper watched him certain he was unaware of her following about fifty yards behind him. It was her job to keep an eye on Tobias, and aside from their intoxicated initial rendezvous, she had noticed a level of tension in him was evident in almost every breath. This walk seemed to be doing him some good and she knew her job would soon take on a new direction as she came closer to finding out what he and John were up to.

  Tobias sensed there was something else in the air about the city that was not part of his increasingly buoyant mood. There was no sense of unease he could decipher, yet he felt something was happening away from the public’s knowledge. He turned suddenly with a gut feeling telling him he was being watched. As he turned he noticed a person disappear behind a nearby bush, and for some reason he felt familiarity.

  She was unsure whether or not he had recognised her. He was still visible through a gap in the branches of the bush she was standing behind. She stood there for a minute more, watching as he went out of sight down the hill. She gave it a moment more before re-starting the chase and enacting a plan to accidentally come across him sometime as he walked towards the wharves down by the bay. Allowing him to find out she was tracking him could undermine her entire purpose for getting to know him.

  Suddenly he was right beside her, startling her almost out of her wits. "I am surprised," he said. "When I sensed someone was following me, I certainly did not expect you Asper. She motioned to speak. "Don't speak," he interrupted. "Walk with me will you? I am curious to know why. You don't intend to harm me do you?"

  "Oh no..."

  "Good. Let's walk then. It is a great day and this is a fine place."


  "See how the sunlight catches the water out by the island? Sort of takes you away. It sparkles and catches your eyes."

  "Yes. I do love the bay."

  "The light can be deceptive. It appears as though you are immersed in some type of paradise, almost in a trance, but you are only yards away from the crowds at the wharves."

  "Yes it has a magic. I guess it is what draws so many people here. I have lived in this city for long enough to have memories of it as a girl. It seemed even more enchanted then, though a child's eyes, yet... it is as if it renews itself in a self perpetuating way."

  "Interesting way to describe it. I would have to agree."

  "I did enjoy our evening."

  "Me too. I wanted it to last for..."


  "Well yes, I felt a connection. But in these times, you need to be hesitant on taking those thin
gs further."

  "I agree. It seems like through all we have, with this technology and lifestyles, that we sometimes forget how to simply meet each other. I take it you don’t live in the high rise?"

  "No the high rise is not for me. I leave it for those who choose and work to live there and seem to all get along. Perhaps it is their programming?"

  "Yes. It is like that. Programming is a good word. Life in the high-rise has nothing to offer to me. Visiting is fine, but soon enough, I feel the urge to get out. Can you believe so many people live that way? They are utterly swept up in supporting and consuming the technology."

  "A cycle of work, pay, play. It all started years ago and now with the high end manufacturing becoming automated."

  "You seem to have a view on this."

  "I always have. Sure. I do some technology, but mostly it is a selective thing, not a dependence thing."

  "I'm like that. Just the one portable device for me."

  "Even that can be bad with tracking and..."

  "Tracking. More technology talk." Tobias fell silent and they continued without talking as they walked the final few hundred yards to the wharf area. When they arrived, they both hesitated a moment to survey the scene, and then turned to face each other. Asper felt she could just leave.

  Tobias sensed this in her eyes, "Leave if you like. I am not going to force you to stay. I am interested in you...and why you were following me. It seems a little strange. We do connect, yet you have this other… um, agenda. Well at least I know to look out now and for whom."

  "No need. I'll stay. I like you. Perhaps we have more in common than we think."

  "Maybe we do. We could find somewhere to sit and chat?"

  Chapter 17

  Driving the short distance to the Mogao Caves was relatively uneventful except for encountering what some people referred to as ancients. They were people who lived life as many had done for years with barely any influence from the modern world. As they approached their destination, the light cast an elevated glow and sense to the valley containing the caves.

  "I think we should find some place to sit and get a feel for this place,” Jake suggested.

  "I agree," Lyle added. "We have almost no leads here so there is no need for us to rush in and continue this quest...whatever it is."

  "My thoughts precisely. I think we need to take stock a little and approach this place with some reservation. Blending in as some of the many tourists should do the trick. Also, I suggest we dress in the new gear. Those Geiga suits will keep us comfortable and I have already noticed some very well dressed people about."

  "There are bound to be some scientific teams here too, so perhaps a blend in with such a group or to be seen as a science group may be better cover than tourism?"

  "What are you two talking about?" Jenna interrupted. "Did I hear we are going in as a science team cover? Well we all are scientists in a way actually."

  "Yes. So we wear the suits. They should assist our cover. Don't forget there are still those others after us. Changing look might be a distraction."

  "Good. I have been looking forward to dressing up in those sexy."

  "Yeah," Raynie chimed in with a giggle.

  Lyle kept the vehicle on course towards the small settlement at the caves keeping a look out for somewhere they could stop. After rounding a corner they suddenly came across a group of forty or so people gathered near one of the largest buildings in the area. “A lot of scientists,” he said before anyone else could speak. “Perhaps we will fit in quite well. The crowd of scientists all appear to wearing the latest suits.”

  “Good. A peak group will get preferential treatment. We need to attach ourselves,” Jake added.

  “How will we do that?” Raynie asked.

  “I think it should be OK. Take a look at them. They appear to be a number of smaller groups gathered for the one event. If we can attach to the crowd in a non-descript way, I think we can blend in.”

  “Oh look,” Jenna exclaimed. She pointed towards a stall where the latest in scientific wear was available for all entrants. A sign posted on a wall advised it was compulsory for all entering the caves to wear a suit as they controlled body temperature and emissions sufficiently to avoid any damage to the ancient art works in the caves.

  “Well, all solved then. Park over there and we will take the teahouse at the edge of the garden,” Jake said. A moment later the vehicle was parked and they changed into their Geiga wear.

  “Right. All set. Let’s go,” Lyle led them through the garden and towards the teahouse they had chosen.

  Lyle was the first to speak once they were inside, “I think we had better make some type of plan and get going. See the group? It appears as though they might be getting ready to move.” The others turned to see the small groups appearing to be getting ready for something.

  “I think we just take a look around and see if we find anything of interest. We don’t really know what we are here for aside from those few things Chan told us. The information we were given back in the city should help us some, but as usual we are unclear on exactly what to do.”

  “So…” Raynie added. “We go on as we have before. A little blind yet with eyes wide open.”

  They began to merge with the other groups gathered outside the entrance to caves. “Something must be about to happen,” Jenna said as the others looked around at the groups on approach to the gate. “Perhaps a new discovery?”

  A few of the other scientists who were filing in through the gate, looked at the new group of four who had joined them for a moment. One man was sure he had not seen them in the preliminary lectures prior to the trip to the caves and began to discuss them with a colleague. In response, his colleague was dismissive thinking more of what lay ahead and not in the least concerned with strangers. There was no strategic significance to the caves so he felt safe. ‘They are probably enthusiasts tagging along,’ he thought to himself.

  His companion remained a little suspicious however, not so easily dismissing the group as his colleague had done. He noticed as they made their way through the gate that the new group of four appeared to be scientists, but his gut feeling told him something was amiss.

  Jake had been secretly analysing the groups around them as they entered the gate, looking for any signs of suspicion. He had noticed the brief moment between the other two men and whispered to Lyle. "We need to watch ourselves very carefully."

  "Yes. I saw that too. I have many questions running through my head. This appears to be a significant event of some artefact type and I wonder what exactly is going on. I cannot see any official teams here though. These groups look like they have just come together."

  "Why is there no security I wonder?" Jake asked.

  "That too is playing on my mind. No security also means there is no official line for this site or event. I think we are on the verge of something here that has not been seen, or at least been notified to the authorities yet."

  Raynie and Jenna were just ahead of the two men as they entered the caves complex through the gate. The entire crowd of scientists were moving in the same direction obviously towards a specified location.

  As they passed cave ninety-six, they were stunned by the sheer height of the cave. It was the tallest of all and housed the tallest Buddha statue at over one hundred and ten feet. Continuing on, they passed cave two four nine known to feature figures swirling around a demon and dating back to the sixth century. This information came to them as live holographic phone projections updated during their progress through the cave systems. Lyle stopped for a brief moment outside of this cave as he contemplated the murals inside.

  Their task or quest or whatever it had become, had featured this image on a number of occasions and its relevance was bearing on his mind. He then relaxed as he moved on laughing a little to himself of his worry that had seemed to engulf him briefly. He was normally quite stoic in character, full of a sense of endurance to make it through a situation. Whilst not stoic in mind,
his character leant to being untroubled so this moment had come as a surprise. The group had now amassed outside of what was a small and rather drab entrance to a cave that was listed on the holographic guide as having been closed to the public since the caves were recognised and protected as significant.

  When they entered the cave, after waiting their turn amongst the groups filing in, they noticed a few very old and much faded murals featuring Buddha at what looked like the centre of a world. After passing through the initial chamber with the murals, some steep stairs then lead underground. They all filed slowly down the stairs until they reached the chamber of interest. Its' expanse was surprising as it could easily be amongst the biggest of the entire Mogao caves complex with this main chamber stretching to almost one hundred by one hundred feet. Once the entire group had entered and gathered in the far end from the entry point, a muffled sound of low conversations filled the chamber. The escort for the entire group then brought them all to silence with an "attention please."

  The guide described the characteristics of the chamber they were in, which included an image of Buddha sitting in the centre of a torus - itself adorned with many small images showing human life in different situations. Another feature appeared to be a carving that in a faint way resembled the torus of the image. Parts of the carving appeared to be missing or more accurately, deliberately left out. There was no other feature equal to these two in size – the only other being a small statuette sitting in an alcove in the wall. It appeared to be some type of demon. Lyle immediately saw its similarity to the figure they had seen in San Francisco and his heart jumped.

  The guide interrupted his thoughts, "You will notice the statuette appears to be indicating towards something. When we examined this closely, we came to no conclusion until we took a more lateral view. See the carving over there? Well the demon is not indicating towards the carving as it appears. It is actually a distraction from the lateral meanings behind the Buddha gestures or Mudras that we began to understand more. The demon statue is merely the balance here in this equation for it is very similar to an equation yet different in its own sense. To cut it short so we can move on, when we deciphered the gestures we then looked at the symbols from within the Torus and in the carving. This answer showed us a sequence for touching the symbols, which themselves released an unlocking mechanism for access to the third chamber in this cave. Watch now as I initiate the sequence."


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