First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga

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First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga Page 23

by Berg, Michael

  The Agent was escorted to Superior Officer One who was sitting at a desk going though some holographic data. “Sit,” was all she said. She continued to analyse the information for another minute before speaking again. “Lucky for you all hope is not lost. It seems as though your earlier reports from last night, have given us sufficient information to continue tracking these potential fugitives. Thus, you will remain on this case. Take this data and analyse every aspect. It contains some leads on the types this group would associate with. Don’t fail this time.” She dismissed him without any further words, and he left the office returning to his desk to see what he could do.

  His desk was located amongst a hundred others, all busy with other Agents. He passed the canteen and despite his hunger, he decided to focus on the work he had to do, his swelling hatred providing the sustenance he required. ‘How bloody dare they put him through such indignation,’ he thought. Condescendence was something he dished out. To be addressed in such a way humiliated him and this made him determined more than ever to track the dissidents down and have them submit to his brand of humiliation. Agent Eight was his designation and hatred was his constitution. Agent Eight was a megalomaniac.


  The second full test of the HAARP booster system was about to take place. This time, the specialized team had set up a mock system on which they would directly apply the new booster settings. Steve was on standby, keen to get underway and let them finish so he could return to overall command of the installation, or so he thought.

  He would soon be replaced, as it was standard practice now for senior officers to be discharged from duties once they had reached a certain level of knowledge about what was going on. Steve watched as the system came on line with the flash and accompanying sound. He saw operatives from the team busily tending to the mock system projected as a gigantic holographic image coming from a large round base.

  Mark was again beside him, “They can create a network mimicking any component of central systems,” he told Steve noticing his puzzled look.

  “Oh. What does it do?”

  “Basically it is an over ride. This setup has the capacity to take over and run normal operations or block them.”

  “But why?”

  “Mystery to me. I only know of the component we brought here on the Incidis. Initially it was developed as emergency responder for use if a natural disaster occurs and systems need to be brought back online immediately. My team was testing it along the coast of Japan where they are earthquake prone. Aside from that, I can only imagine how they are using it here. Definitely some modifications have been made though.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “My hunch is it will be used on a much larger scale and with it hooked up to the HAARP antenna array, it could have affect over a large area both physically and in virtual space.”

  “Sounds like crap to me, sorry. But what reason do they have to align it with this semi-military antenna? This thing is used for atmospheric harmonics creating pattern stability for affecting the weather. That much I do know. I don’t see any sense in boosting it, no need as the system has been working fine for years.”

  “We are both pretty much in the dark on this and I don’t count on it being anything but secretive. I was not allowed to know about any details until I arrived here at the installation.”

  “Yeah, those bastards over there have only just kept me in the loop too. Like I am only told enough to keep this place operating, but really know very little.”

  A minute later the test was finished and operations returned to normal. Mark left Steve to his duties, deciding to take a walk and think about what he was doing, or not doing, and how long he would be stationed at HAARP. His duties had tapered off almost completely, where his only responsibility now was being there as backup should anything go wrong with the responder. Walking along the perimeter of the array, he noticed there was another much smaller team doing something to the main connections in place for the booster system. Until now he had been unaware of their presence, so he took a moment to watch what they were doing. It appeared as though they were upgrading the actual hardware links, something he thought was un-necessary. ‘Why the much larger capacity?’ he thought.

  One of the team suddenly turned, as if he knew someone was watching them. Immediately he was on his communicator telling his superior officer of what was going on. Mark now knew too much. The smaller team had been working under the cover of an operating array. During online operations the array was off limits to all personnel, who were required to remain at station in the buildings at one end. Responding to the communications from the field, a small unit immediately dispatched for Mark’s location.

  When they reached him, he had walked to the opposite corner of the array to the operations buildings, so they were able to take him off the site without anyone else knowing it had happened. They escorted him directly to an awaiting fully automated vehicle, which then took Mark to Anchorage for subsequent re-assignment. A few hours later as he sat out the journey, now flying in a HyperJet en-route to Seattle, he knew he was in deep trouble. He had merely glimpsed this unusual operation and for that, he had been swiftly apprehended. ‘I’m a bloody genius,’ he said to himself sarcastically.


  Since arriving in Vienna, the four travelers had been taking in the tourist sites around the city, again uncertain about what they should do next. On the second day after a meal of traditional Austrian cuisine, they decided to visit the museum dedicated to the city’s renowned musical genius Mozart, a prolific eighteenth century composer. Recognition of Mozart’s genius was displayed throughout the museum interior via audiovisual holographic installations – one featuring a life-sized rendition of the composer at work, another showing concerts where his works wooed audiences, and others of his day-to-day life. Traditional art pieces of busts, paintings, and original musical scores were also available for visitors. Whilst at the section displaying the original scores of Mozart’s hand written masterpieces, Lyle spoke about the significance music had played across all cultures from the ancient to the modern, “It is within the harmonic frequencies and vibrations where a lot of mystery resides.”

  “What do you mean?” Jake asked.

  “Consider the effect music has on all people and think of their attributes as hypnotic in some instances, joyous, painful, expressive of cultural values, and messages some sent as a means of communication. These are all harmonic nuances yet with a common theme – feeling. The expression of feeling and of the sub-conscious, either one or the other, or both, are always a centerpiece behind the motivation to create music. Mozart, along with other composers of the era were projecting this. As European civilization moved beyond the renaissance period and began to develop more complex structures, so too did their music. Prior to these composers coming onto the scene, music had been bereft of structure approaching anything like we see here in these historical pieces, and was mostly created to please those in royalty and high office.” “Amongst the general population, there had been little need for music to appeal to the senses, as most were too busy with the struggle of survival. And, what makes Mozart and other geniuses like Beethoven who was deaf stand out so much, is the fact they were amongst the first to really explore the properties of a musical score to the effect where it would be complimentary to people’s lives. Through delivery of such well-attuned works, these composers established the standard on which a lot of music has been based on since, hence their reverence now as genius.”

  “There has even been scientific studies into the fields of harmonics and the effects not only on people but on the vibration of matter itself,” Jenna added. “Sound is attributed now to much more than previously considered and so we in the scientific world, have taken this into account during the development of new mechanics, devices and the like. It all began with the early research into Cymatics - the study of visual sound and corresponding vibrations.”

  “Precisely. Since the beginning of t
his century a lot of advances have been made in this area and so it has provided a fresh insight into the significance of music in all cultures. Vienna was one of the centers for this during Mozart’s time as it was a hub of cultural development and refinement in the day.”

  “There was the period during the late twentieth and early this century where the world largely overlooked the value of sound on everyday life and on the world in which the life was sustained. During the years of struggle when it became evident oil was no longer a long-term energy option from both a reserves and pollution perspective, people and companies were very reluctant to consider this, as they were all too concerned with how it might impact upon the convenience factor in daily life.”

  “One side espoused machines to make life easier, and the other, were not interested in taking them up in mass consumption. Can you believe there was so much noise in the first three decades of the twenty first century, pioneers of this research looked upon society in disgust at how there was a machine to do everything, and all running on a very finite polluting energy source. These machines were very noisy amongst the growing throng of vehicular, media, and industrial noise. People were being affected but they were not even considering how it could influence their lives and thinking. Thankfully the research prevailed and we moved into the quieter times shortly thereafter, thus reconstituting an element of harmony back into society, but only an element. The notion of truly harmonious societies is still as distant as it ever was.”

  Lyle continued speaking seeing the others retaining a high level of interest, “With this renaissance of a type, the masters like Mozart, again gained recognition for the value of their works. The science on this type of thing is very solid. We in the scientific world took it very seriously, so much in fact, entire scientific divisions were established to continue research into the properties of sound and how it affects nearly everything we see…or hear.”

  “Maybe that is why I often like the soft sounds associated with the solitude I sometimes seek,” Raynie added. “It is not like I am a loner, I just appreciate the aspect of how relative silence is in fact not so at all, for if you take the time to listen when all seems quiet it, has an effect something like putting you in touch with the very essence of reality around you.”

  “So very true…” came a voice from behind the group. “And now with this in mind, you need to study the other information I provided on the last piece of paper I gave you.”

  “Chan!” All four of them turned to see him standing behind them looking at the same original musical score that had stimulated their conversation.

  “Be aware of all you have learned so far, to trust your intuition for it is that which has brought you to this point. Do not focus away from this if ever you can help it.”

  “But why this…this thing with sound?” Raynie asked him.

  “It is not complete your endeavor and sound is so much a vital part of your understanding. It is why I sent you here to Vienna, to encounter the genius that once was at work here and in many respects, continues to be. Additionally and far removed from the music studied here, one should consider the underlying principles music has to offer from an ancient sense. Think of the tribal rhythms created by many indigenous peoples and the sensations coupled with feeling one may experience from a tribal drumming pattern, and the soulful harmonies created using the voice. These attributes tie in directly even with this European style of music as you call it. The harmony within sound is one so very relevant to the existence and feelings inside humanity. And further, consider the properties of the Buddhist information you have seen and felt. Think too of the effects chanting has for these peoples and the way in which it is used to clarify the mind to connect with the heart in their philosophy of authentic presence – being in truth with oneself and realizing this as the elemental condition of a human being.”

  “Do you have anything else to tell us?”

  “Rely not upon me, but upon yourself. I am merely a guide to you, someone who is assisting you. What I give to you is mostly for your own sakes, not at all is it a thing for dependence. See it as you have seen it. Mostly this information is an awakening within you. An awakening to appreciate values underpinning all life, all existence. Largely the people of Earth have forgotten these values in their forward thinking, yet sub-consciously they remain, for life comes upon them bringing this essence. You are activating, or should I say re-activating this resonance or memory within for it to become at the fore of your thoughts, your actions, and your feelings. With this you build the energy and at the right time, you will send it out freely to the world. Yes, the human instrument is ever so much more powerful than you realize.”

  “Also, the field of your heart is strong, extending much further than your eyes could ever see. It is upon this basis that true progress will be made. Come, we should leave here now, we have much to discuss away from where there are ears and minds not ready for such intuition.”

  “How did you know we were at the museum?” Lyle asked as they walked along an historic paved street of the inner city.

  “Much you know and yet much you do not. Since you left China, I have kept watch on your movements. It was prudent to allow you a day or so of respite, to relax. Too much information would burden you at these times and so it was best I keep an eye in your direction until the timing was right. I knew your intuitions would take you to the museum eventually and if they did not, I was ready to prompt you.”


  “Hmm…as best I can say is just to trust me. You do don’t you?”

  “Of course,” all four of them replied.

  “Here,” Chan stopped them outside a nineteenth century apartment building a few minutes later. It was a fairly non-descript building which did not stand out from any of the others lining the narrow street. “This place we can talk and we will.” He lead them inside, the cool dark passageway of the interior hall then giving way to an apartment furnished mostly from historical pieces and appearing to be devoid of any technology. “There must be no distractions so please do not use your holographic devices. We are here to focus on knowledge and feelings. Each step of your journey,, including this one, is elemental in opening yourselves to the tasks ahead. This is not only a journey in body. Remember this.”

  Jenna decided to switch her holographic phone on for a moment and see if she had any waiting messages. “Look, John has tried to contact me. I had better see this message.” She selected the message and a holographic image of John appeared. He was sitting under a tree in what looked like a pine forest. ‘Strange,’ she thought considering for all her knowledge, both John and Tobias were at her wooden house in San Francisco.

  “I have some bad news I am afraid. Tobias and I have been looking into some additional tech stuff we are going to need. This ID chip problem just up scaled. We are going to have to construct some masking algorithms to counteract the security…so I am working hard at it now, well about to. Tobias and I, along with Asper and Lorraine have left your house Jenna. Don’t worry as we locked up, so it should be secure. Our position has been compromised and so we are now in the Sierra Nevada Mountains staying at a cabin an associate of Lorraine put us on to. It turns out there are Agents following people like us. This guy Mike had to take one out temporarily as the Agent had tracked us to your house. It became dangerous to stay in San Francisco any longer. It seems safe here.”

  “We are staying with a security expert. His name is Ryan. Anyway, I hope you are all doing well. Don’t worry about our contact either. I have created a mask so the authorities cannot trace this call.”

  “We have had some strange feelings since we arrived here. This guy Ryan spends a lot of time meditating - he says the cabin where we are at is in a place that does something to you. I am not sure what that is other than to say we have all had some weird dreams connected to past events where we had to rely heavily on our intuition to correct a wrong or bad situation. Ryan said it was the effect this place has on people as he has had similar experience
s himself. Anyway, keep safe and let us know what you are up to. I’ll be in touch again when I have more information for you…this is a real nice place.” The view then swept around the scene showing the cabin where four people sitting at a table were visible through a window. Then it showed the immediate forest around the site and concluded with a sweeping view of the distant mountain peaks.

  Chan had been watching the holographic message along with the others as they all stood just inside of the apartment, “I see your friends are beginning to understand this as you do. I have been waiting for them to realize why they are taking these steps to protect you from the authorities. It appears as they are now treading a similar path, which is good news.”

  “Do you know them? How?” Jenna asked.

  “Oh yes I know them. They are nearly as much a part of this as you four are. Essentially they are going to support you in your future intuitions, mostly by providing the security you need to be able to move, um, travel where you need to awaken that which you are awakening. You may not be so aware of this, but the liberties so many across the world are currently enjoying, are about to be taken away. This is why I am here with you now. This mission if you call it such is urgent and of the utmost of importance in preventing the instituting of measures the authorities deem necessary to fulfill their own agenda.”

  “And most important is why they must not become sufficiently aware of what it is you are revealing, for such people would view it as a tool, a device, even a weapon to influence and control the minds of many.”

  “But surely they can do that with technology.”

  “Oh yes they will try, however the measure of the heart and the intentions based inside will always be much stronger. The best they can do is to distract people from this and unfortunately human beings are prone to quickly forget things, and so they will rely upon this to bring about a new way of life. If they are able to activate what it is you are activating, then human beings will be subjugated for many decades, if not centuries, by their negative powers. It is now the strength of heart and of intentions must prevail or many many human beings will lose sight of the true expectations required for balanced life. This manifests as dis-easement within and thus they offer you technology to sustain health and so-called well being whilst all the time building a stronger and stronger dependency.”


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