First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga

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First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga Page 48

by Berg, Michael

  “Tell…um, put the projector over there, Jake.” Jake moved the projector to continue the cover. “Reconfigure phasing capacity…it looks blurry.” Jake did by first interrupting the projection signals then aligning them for a clear picture. “Get rid of bars, it is still not focused. And duplicate codes - that might help the picture quality. Mask chip to change status for central processor recognition.” Jake entered a few sequences to increase the projector capacity as John instructed. John had effectively told them what he needed to do, and for once they took to being thankful for having received the projector.


  Steve was reluctant to give Agent Eight a holographic projector, seeing no reason why a murderer should be given any comfort. Despite Agent Eight’s hopes when Steve said ‘not now’ he had intended it to be ‘not ever’. But here he was disengaging the holographic cell bars whilst two men stood by with pulse rifles pointed at the Agent. Steve had succumbed to Agent Eight mainly because of the ship’s crew. Agent Eight had taken to making a lot of noise, mostly incoherent babble, but at loud volume. He was worst during the hours when Steve was not on duty and unfortunately for Steve, regulations stipulated there must be audio contact and monitoring at all times. So the crew had asked Steve to give him the projector quite a few times, because they were sick of hearing the Agent go on and on and on.

  As Steve installed the device, Agent Eight did not watch, nor did he speak. He just sat there in silence thinking part one of his plan was now in place. He did not even thank Steve when the device was up and running, so Steve did not bother to speak to him and simply left the cell, re-engaged the holographic bars, before returning to the small office.

  Chapter 43

  People without identification chips were being arrested in large numbers – the facility had become a very busy place. The invisible insect-like machines were beginning to strike fear amongst some, and so they handed themselves in for injection as soon as they learned about them – mostly by word of mouth. Incidents involving the robots were taking place in most major cities, with an increasing number of Agents being deployed into the field to take care of arrests where no machines were present. Equipped now with hand held chip scanner devices, they could sweep through the population in any place or time and detect those who had not yet complied with the regulations.

  Life on the lower streets had turned even uglier, with disturbing scenes unfolding during the apprehension of those very reluctant to take orders from the authorities. Robots could attend any arrest and neutralize anyone who objected or resisted. Equipped with neural injectors, they could immediately access a person’s brain and render them unconscious, involving a new concept in pain for those unfortunate enough to be taken this way. Whenever someone witnessed a body being put into the lowest section of the robot, which simply then disappeared, news of it struck horror into their minds, and so stories quickly spread amongst would be targets for the authorities.

  Official vehicles were noticeable about the streets as Agents went to and from the facility, picking up and escorting dissidents. Their six wheel vehicles were of particular interest to some who saw them as the next technological advance in transport and they would look forward to public models becoming available soon to purchase, as unaware of what was actually happening as they were. Vehicle design was sleek and they could disappear, in the same way as the robots. Both robots and Agent vehicles made for a formidable street patrolling unit of operations, now viewed for efficiency as those officers superior to Agents watched the numbers at the Facility swell. They began making assessments as they scurried here and there about the underground complex, for reporting the rounding up of humanity to their superiors.

  For those who were unaffected and lived the trans-human life, always looking for more, the authorities met their needs with newly installed street side update stations. Regular holographic broadcasts showed, “Your chip device will notify you of any upgrades available to your nano technology. The authorities can take care of your needs with new street side stations. Look for them on most street corners and you need not to worry, for you will have the latest available in personal and virtual security close by.” It went on to show a case of a mother and son where the child could have caught a software virus during a daytime outing from the high-rise if he had not taken the latest updates whilst away from home.

  Other messages displayed the horrors of contracting a software virus. “The authorities provide a real time update for software virus protection. Do not suffer the affliction of your inserts running at poor efficiency. Ensure your health and safety now and remain at status alert in your life.”

  Status Alert had become a familiar term used by the population at large who lived with the inserts. It meant their inserts were operating at the intended level – to fall below ‘alert’ status, would mean they required some attention due to inefficient processing of cellular information. Very quickly, the update stations became locations of affection for most who were eager to remain at ‘alert’ level, and they began to take on a social focal point where people would arrange to meet and even share social times.

  As part of the identification measure, the authorities asked the population to answer a few simple questions for security. These questions would be used in a multi tier authentication process in protection of their rights, should there ever be an instance of someone stealing their identity or registration number. Most did not mind so much that the system referring to them as numbers, as it was seen as a highly efficient method to organize their own personal data. The chip was now bringing with it new technology and personalized data for their holographic enjoyment, prompting them to think they were being looked after more than ever.

  Deep inside, deep deep inside, the nano tech was waiting. The satellites were positioned and the central systems stood as vast holographic banks. Machines of stealth had taken to the streets and many more were yet to come. Official aircraft were in place, as their mother ships kept to the clouds. An array of machines and antennas were on standby, and beyond the Earth there was control. The authorities were giving the people just enough time to get used to the chips…just. Then they would bring a calamity with such ferocity, the people would be powerless to stop them…when they had flux mechanics.

  Flux mechanics were still the only thing on the agenda of those who had any level of control or decision surrounding the implant in John’s mind. He could still regularly feel it push against him and he fought it off every time. He also knew that it was getting them nowhere and soon they would grow tired of its inefficiency and look for some other method of information retrieval. Work on his plan was proceeding well as the others continued to play the game of cover for the surveillance. His success had buoyed their spirits and they soon took no notice of their bland surroundings. It was not done yet, and success of the plan could not be guaranteed. Amongst all else at the facility, John knew escaping would be difficult, and then passage within the United States, equally so as they all had been injected with ID chips.

  They still had to work out a way of physically exiting the building and the external perimeter, which was equipped with holographic shock wires, able to stun anyone who touched them into unconscious. Asper and Lorraine had spent time on this issue, as Tobias remained attending to John’s coded speech.

  “See…chance, two…hmm for three, no four of you, and you take seventy hours to get there. He had given Tobias a sequence to discreetly enter via the holographic keypad he had made through reconfiguring projector resolution. By taking away some picture resolution, which would not be noticed, he could divert some algorithms to make the keypad. Now he was hacking into central systems to obtain the access codes through the doors of the building. Without any way to record the codes, it was imperative they all remembered them precisely, for a wrong code would bring an instant alarm. John had already hacked the algorithm for the holographic cell bars and so they could actually leave the cell, but there was no point until the plan was established for the best chance at
clear passage away from the Facility.


  “See within the Torus there appears a state of flux, yet when you concentrate on it, it seems to disappear? Jenna said as they were all looking at it again. “The pink hue seems to have depth but then it seems to be like a flat radiance from within. But what I am wondering about Chan, is within mathematical circles, as the Torus is seen as a closed surface and the product of two circles.”

  “And so like water it is representation of the elemental intentions. This construct is for the sake of dimensional reality as you ‘see’ it. Beyond this, other planes give rise to interaction of elemental energies and thus along these the intentions travel in waveforms as geometric shapes. The dimensions represented here are the gateway to these other planes. The Torus is representative only and permits the commencement of understanding for the purpose of activation of element intentions within all.”

  “This ‘activation’ is brought through re-alignment with the elements and so natural progression takes place in a giving sense. You see, it is often the mistake of human beings to ‘take’ and this is shown when they take for their own needs, when they take for desire, and when they take out of fear…um, theft. They do this for fearing of not having what they think they require for happiness, yet they do not require such things to be happy. It is an illusion and illusion is in foundation of consumption and this also is the foundation of efficiency as the authorities see it.

  “These energies do exist as elemental, but they are giving, whereas so much of these energies as they are expressed in the present way – being a repetition of the loop, come as hardships or measures to ensure safety which are also based in fear. So you see many people choosing fear yet again and defying the opposite, which is present and giving. In essence the Torus is just that, but in concept it serves to be the instrument in representation of this essence and is the closet manifestation to the infinite planes capable of being expressed in this dimension.”

  “It is a beautiful object – a smooth diamond ring, now with a pink hue. That is not to say possession of this object is a must, for what it represents in what is inside all and this is much more…it is infinite, and so much more than the physical Torus can ever be.”

  “What this Torus – there are other Torus?”

  “Indeed, there are Torus of various shapes. It is their nature of elemental intention for them to show variations of this representation and that is the very essence of their elemental intentions. The variations are yet further dimensions of manifesting and are evidence they exist. It is only through alignment with elemental intentions where we can see such things…see anything to exist. It is not simply a matter for our eyes to observe, though often it is.”

  “Eyes are said to be windows to the soul, and they are. They are the instruments of sight used to realize the manifestation of intentions on the physical plane. And when they realize the intentions of control and manipulation through egotistical negatives, they see the results of these negatives.”

  “Look too at stereographic projection – this science led to the holographic displays you see all over the world. This is geometry at play with the elemental intentions of interacting with dimensional planes beyond the normal capacity to perceive. And so in the past where such technology did not exist, human beings were fixed to watching flat two-dimensional images on screens. Again, I remind you these creations reflect the inner alignments.”

  “It is just those alignments are not yet in complete balance?” Lyle asked.

  “Yes and no. They are not in alignment but there is no ‘complete’ alignment. Alignment is an elemental energy in the giving nature and so it is progressive and not as finite as to be seen as complete. Feeling complete is not apparent either. Where one may ‘feel complete’ they are feeling what it is like to attune to their elemental self. Rarely is it the case for such feelings to arise genuinely out of the negative ego traits. It is merely a perception of this. Those who seem to feel complete are actually accessing the pathways, lay lines, meridians, geometry of giving, and in this giving such a sense can be reckoned. It is just the opening though and so one may keep on giving and therein is not seen as complete. Another thing for your considerations is the saying in some cultures where it is wise to know one is always learning throughout life. Wisdom too is not a point of finality.”

  “How can people bring this into their daily lives though? It seems a world away from where many or most are now?” Jake asked this question, and Lyle had a bit of an idea of how Chan would respond, having researched alternative ways of life in various cultures.

  “This is not specifically the way to view this. It does seem as if it is almost a polarity and quite the opposite – requiring people to give up so many things. They do not have to do this, for it is ‘why’ they do things in life that is the place to change. One can enjoy the many things life can offer through experience, emotion and even technology, but largely they are not sensing the giving nature of elemental intentions and so they think it is a removal from one way to another way, whereas it is simply an alignment, or where they focus. All those things can be complementary and life not put through such upheaval as many may think. Remember, it is the pursuit of many of the things in this present life, that leads to fear, leads to worry, and leads to need and dependence. Why would people not want to give up those things?” It was not a question for them to answer, rather something to consider.

  “And another thing I will say for now – consider the feelings when a person creates something by themselves and those feelings when it is acquired through purchase. There is understanding to see there, as creation by self is reflection of self, and acquisition is not as dear to a person and expressive of the self. Many work to acquire things and they easily can trade or on-sell them too. And therein due to the focus on consumption, they look to update, or obtain something new on which their dependencies lie. But those made with their hands, often hold a connection far greater and can be seen as sentimental objects.’

  “With such objects…of affection, they feel this way towards them because they remind them of their connections to elemental intention founded in giving. Some variations may be objects given to them by their parents – the people who physically enacted their creation from elemental energies. Others may be a gift from a friend. This is a basis in love and so attachment for the recollection of fond times, occurs. This is so often accompanied with emotional expression and this is the soul coming through. Where emotions become confusing and they lead to actions played out as ‘reactions’ by the insecure ego, then the emotions may become interrupted. This can often lead to negative actions reflecting back to them through results of actions.”

  “Like a jilted lover taking revenge?”

  “That can be one example, yes. In these instances so very often occurring in humans, there is the mis-alignment with the elemental energies of progression, and so their ego cannot accept the progression – it can feel the insecurity of suddenly being thrust into loneliness, thus changing their intentions to the negative, which they react to with negative actions like revenge. They are simply not accepting the progression.”

  “It is not the way of a fallen leaf to reject progression. It does not sit upon a current of water being taken down stream, and want to go back to its attachment to the tree from which it fell. It simply progresses. And whilst human beings can be much more complex than the simple leaf, they are one and the same. They are both in natural progression based on the foundation of elemental intention.”

  “Then as the leaf carries on to the sea or to be snagged and be left high on the bank of the stream, it continues progression and changes form. The geometries within the leaf are a natural design to enable the elements to take it to another existence. Where it is seen to rot, this is simply the realignment of elements in a natural progression. Where it disappears and eventually becomes soil, the progress is the same. These properties exist too for human beings.”

  “There is so much they are f
orgetting. They have the elemental natural flows of giving and the additional capacity to move well beyond the leaf and use their minds to shape things and to create, to conceptualize and to wonder…yet they largely have their heads down or their minds distracted through their dependencies. They think they have it all, yet they are only seeing a small portion of the giving on offer. It is waiting for them…to be had.”

  Chapter 44

  The dark sect had located themselves near the capital city for many years as they manifested their own internal struggles with the authorities over time. Their motivation was not unlike others, as they fought off the measures of control and the imposition to their type of life. It was their nature to strike back – the nature of the beast they worshipped. In these times, this choice served them well as they were able to obtain knowledge and details of the machines now being deployed in close proximity. They were as determined as the others to not become part machine – trans-humanism was for those losers in the majority. They certainly used machines though and they were busy at work making software viruses in an effort to strike back.

  There were technical experts amongst their numbers and many of them had revenge in their minds, and their hearts – so they thought. As rejected outcasts, their ideas of technology had earned them dismissal from the services as their machines and algorithms were seen as inefficient. Now they could get back at the authorities and they could also make people pay for contributing to this pathetic downfall – in their eyes.


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