Alien Commander (Zerconian Warriors Book 11)

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Alien Commander (Zerconian Warriors Book 11) Page 8

by Sadie Carter

  “You really are one of the good guys, aren’t you, Toriq?”

  He was? Toriq did not believe he was doing anything that another mate would not do. But he had to admit he liked the caring he saw in her eyes. The way her gaze warmed.

  When they reached the passage leading to Dex’s office, Toriq was surprised by the group of females who stood there, blocking their way.

  “There she is.” Sophie’s sister stepped out of the pack and moved to her sister. Grabbing her hands, she looked her over. “Are you okay? Are you well? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

  Toriq stiffened at the question. What did she think he was? A dishonourable male who would hurt his mate?

  “Saffron, of course, he didn’t hurt me.” Sophie sent him a look he couldn’t quite decipher. She removed her hands from her sister’s. “I’m fine. I wasn’t being held and tortured or anything.”

  “Well, how was I supposed to know?” her sister cried. “This big lug,” she pointed over at Largan, “wouldn’t let me leave my house and I didn’t know how to contact you. I’ve been worried about you all night.”

  Sophie hugged her sister. “I’m sorry. I should have contacted you to let you know I was fine. That wasn’t very thoughtful of me. I should have known you would worry. I’m fine. Toriq has taken very good care of me.”

  Saffron scowled at him. “He better have, or he’ll have me to answer to.”

  Toriq raised an eyebrow. Saffron was bigger than Sophie, but she was nowhere near his size. Although he did admire the fierce way she protected her sister.

  Even though that was no job for a female. And protecting Sophie was his responsibility now.

  Toriq ran his gaze over the other females, which included Empress Zoey, who had her daughter strapped to her front, Mila, the heavily pregnant human Ambassador to Zerconia, as well as Annabel and Alice.

  “What are you all doing here?” Sophie asked. “Are you waiting to speak to Dex?”

  “We’re waiting for you, doll,” Annabel told her. “We’re your support committee.”

  “My what?”

  Zoey snorted. “I don’t know who told Dex that you’re a spy, but whoever they are, they’re a liar and a shit-stirrer and when I find out who they are, and I will, I’m going to-to, well, I’ll set Boris on them.”

  Toriq looked over at the Empress’ bodyguard. The silent, dark-skinned male had only one arm, but that didn’t make him any less deadly.

  Sophie smiled. “Thanks you guys. I can’t believe you’re all here.”

  “Of course we’re here.” Alice hugged her. “It’s preposterous to think you could ever have something to do with that awful group or that you could be a part of trying to kill Zoey.”

  “Dex isn’t thinking properly because he’s all cut up over nearly losing me,” Zoey told her. She shrugged. “And really, who can blame him? I am perfect, after all.”

  The other females all started to laugh, much to Toriq’s confusion. Had she told a joke?

  “Cut up? Yeah, he looks really cut-up,” Mila commented dryly as she rubbed her distended tummy and grimaced.

  Concern filled Toriq. Should she not be lying down and resting? Where was her mate? “Where is Koran?”

  They all stilled and looked at him. Inwardly, he grimaced, realizing he had probably spoken too harshly. He had to constantly remind himself to speak softly, to be gentle around these delicate human females.

  “He’s inside. Why?” Mila asked him.

  “Does he know you are here?” Surely he could not. Toriq eyed Mila’s large stomach, wondering how she could possibly stand without falling over. Did her swollen middle not unbalance her? Would Sophie grow this large? If she did, he would insist that she remain inside, resting. He would not risk her falling over and injuring herself.

  “Uh-oh, he’s got that look,” Empress Zoey said, watching him with wide eyes.

  “What look?” Sophie asked.

  “That over-protective, protect-the-little-woman look,” Zoey told her. “You better watch out, or he’ll bundle you up in bed for the rest of your pregnancy. Of course, that has its own benefits, especially when you’re newly mated.” Zoey winked, and Sophie blushed.

  Toriq pondered her words, wondering what she meant. Bed was for sleeping and for resting and for…oh. “Sophie is pregnant.”

  “That doesn’t mean she’s dead down there, big guy,” Zoey told him. “In fact, when I was pregnant I was hornier than ever. I—”

  “TMI, Zoey!” Mila told her. Then she closed her eyes and grimaced. “God, I have the worst indigestion.” She rubbed at her chest.

  “Largan, go and get the commander,” Toriq ordered.

  “I’m fine.” Mila glared at him. Then she closed her eyes. “Sorry. Sorry. I’m grumpy because I didn’t sleep last night. Little bit kicked me half the night and then the other half, I was kept awake with indigestion.”

  Is this what was in store for Sophie? Toriq glanced over at her, noting her wide eyes and the way she worried at her lips. He reached out and gently squeezed her shoulder without thinking. He was about to snatch his hand back when she reached up and clasped hold. He could have forced her to let him go, but there was something in her touch that made him hesitate. She moved her hold, pulling his hand down and holding on tight.

  Koran stepped out, his eyes widening as he took in the group gathered in the passage. “What is going on here?” His gaze snapped to his mate. “Mila? What do you do here? You’re supposed to be resting.”

  “I’m the human ambassador to Zerconia. Sophie is human. It is my job to help her. Besides, I want to be. I don’t want you questioning her alone like you did with Annabel.”

  Annabel nodded. “Yep, I’m trained for interrogations, Sophie isn’t.”

  Toriq frowned as he felt Sophie shiver. He was sure her friends meant well, but they were scaring her.

  “This is not an interrogation,” Dex said, stepping out behind Koran. “We just have some questions for Sophie. Her mate will be with her the whole time.”

  “Has the interrogation started yet?”

  Toriq turned to find Rich running towards them.

  “Wonderful,” Koran muttered.

  “Rich, what do you do here?” Dex asked.

  “Oh good, it hasn’t started? I’m here to support Sophie.”

  “We all are,” Saffron added. “I won’t let you interrogate my sister without me there.”

  “Without all of us,” Zoey said, giving Dex a firm look.

  “This is what is going to happen,” Dex replied, scowling at Zoey. “You, my own, will take our daughter and Mila to our quarters. If you cannot remain there, I will assign a guard to watch you.”

  “I will send Racar to examine Mila,” Moroco added.

  “I don’t need examining. It’s just indigestion. I’m the ambassador.”

  “And I am the Emperor. You all follow my orders.”

  Everyone watched Dex warily now. He moved his gaze over each face until he reached his mate, who scrunched up her nose. “Zoelle.”

  “All right. All right. No need to get all testy. We’ll go, and I’ll make sure Mila rests.”

  “I’m not an invalid!” Mila protested.

  “I will escort them there,” Koran said. Dex nodded, and the commander took hold of Mila’s arm, whispering something in her ear.

  Dex looked around at the others. His gaze landed on Alice then Annabel. “Do I need to have guards assigned to the two of you?”

  Annabel sighed while Alice looked concerned. “We’re going,” Annabel told him reluctantly. She turned to Toriq. “But you look after her.”

  Toriq didn’t even dignify that with a reply.

  Dex turned to Saffron. “I understand that you are protective of your sister.”

  “I won’t let you hurt her.”

  “We have no intention of harming her,” Dex told her, starting to look impatient. “We do not harm females.”

  “What about what happened to Annabel?”

  “That was
unintentional,” Dex told her. “And these are different circumstances.”

  “Shouldn’t you be questioning me too? I’m her sister. If she was a spy wouldn’t I know?”

  Dex turned to her guard. “Largan, escort Saffron back to her quarters, make sure she stays there.”

  “So now I’m under house arrest. You’re making a big mistake. I won’t go quietly into the night!”

  “It is not night,” Dex said calmly. “Largan, you have permission to pick her up if she will not go peacefully.”

  They could still hear Saffron yelling even once they were out of sight. Sophie winced. “They were just trying to protect me.”

  Dex looked her over, and Toriq stiffened, taking a step forward. If the Emperor made Sophie cry, then Toriq would have to intervene. He was honor bound to obey the Emperor.

  But Sophie was his.

  “You have made many friends. That speaks to your character that they would speak for you.”

  Sophie blinked, looking surprised. “I’ve never really had friends.”

  Dex raised his eyebrows. “It would seem you have many now, who are willing to be very vocal in your defense. Not that my mate is never not vocal.”

  “She has been very kind to me. You all have. I wouldn’t betray that.”

  “Come inside.” Dex stepped back. “Rich, you are not needed here.”

  “I think I am.”

  Toriq wondered what the human male was doing.

  “I wish to testify on Sophie’s behalf.”

  “She is not on trial.” Dex gave the male an impatient look.

  “Then I need to clear some things up.”

  “Rich, you don’t—”

  “Hush, Sophie.”

  Toriq growled, and Rich looked nervous. “Easy, big guy. I’m on your side.”

  That was not necessarily a good thing.

  Rich straightened his shoulders. “I know that Sophie didn’t do this because the only reason she is here is because of me. I brought her here.”

  Sophie groaned. “Fantastic.”

  Chapter Ten

  Sophie studied Toriq’s face as she took a seat in the Emperor’s spacious office. Koran had returned, looking concerned, and now stood behind Dex, leaning against the wall. The Emperor sat across from her while Toriq stood behind her and to her right, mimicking Koran. Rich paced back and forth across the room.

  She glanced back at Toriq again. He had withdrawn from her as soon Rich had made his statement, slipping his hand free from hers. She missed his touch. It felt so right. Was it because they were mated? Was that why she wanted his touch? Craved it.

  But not every man was Maxwell. Or her father. Not every man would abandon her. Or hurt her.

  “Tell us why you are really here. It is not to find a mate?” Dex asked in a hard voice.

  She swallowed heavily, then looked at Rich. There was a low noise from behind her, and she turned to look at Toriq, but he didn’t look at her, and his facial expression was unchanged.

  “I did not ask Rich the question, I asked you,” Dex said so firmly, she half-jumped.

  Immediately, Toriq moved in front of her. “I cannot allow you to upset her.”

  Sophie’s mouth went completely dry, her heart pounding as Toriq and the Emperor stared at each other. Was he challenging the Emperor of Zerconia? For her? No, she couldn’t allow him to get into trouble. Not for her.

  But wow, did it make her feel all warm and mushy inside to have him stick up for her like this.

  “Toriq, it’s okay. I’ll answer. I just…it isn’t just my secret to tell. It’s Rich’s as well.”

  “Tell them,” Rich barked out. “At first I didn’t trust them to keep it to themselves. I didn’t think they’d let you come here if they knew the truth. But once they know it all, they’ll understand.”

  “Understand what?” Dex growled. “Stars, Toriq, move back. I am not going to harm your mate.”

  “I always knew he’d be the most protective of all of us,” Koran commented, his lips twitching.

  Sophie was startled. Koran always seemed so grumpy and serious.

  Toriq stepped back, but this time he sat next to her on the sofa. “You may ask your questions. Gently.”

  Did Dex just smile? She wasn’t sure it was so fleeting. Probably not. There wasn’t anything to smile about.

  “Of course. I will try not to upset your mate.”

  “Best not to in her state,” Moroco added in a silky smooth voice, but there was a warning in there.

  Dex sat back and threw his hands up in the air. “When did I get the reputation of abusing pregnant females and terrifying them?”

  “You did falsely accuse Annabel of being a spy, lock her in a cell, question her, then cause her to lose her memory,” Rich said.

  Dex glared over at Rich. “You will remain quiet, or you are out.”

  Rich just muttered to himself. “Tell them, Sophie.”

  She nervously ran her hands over her thighs, grimacing at the feel of her sweaty palms. “I don’t really know where to begin.”

  “How do you and Rich know each other?” Dex asked.

  She glanced at Rich, then Toriq. God, she wished she’d had time to tell him all of this. “I’m really sorry I haven’t told you any of this yet.”

  He looked startled. Then he nodded. “We have mated for less than two days. It is understandable.”

  “Okay. Yeah, I kind of forgot it’s only been that long. A lot has happened.” Like sleeping in the same bed as him. She still couldn’t believe she’d had the balls to do that. And that she’d actually managed to sleep. But she had.

  Because he made her feel safe. There was something about having him close by that made her feel like she was wrapped in a giant security blanket. All nice and tight and snuggly.

  She smiled. Maybe snuggly wasn’t quite the right word to use to describe him. No, he’d probably be horrified by that description.

  “Sophie?” Dex prompted.

  Right, the interrogation. Questioning. Sheesh, everyone else’s dramatics were wearing off on her, it seemed.

  “Um, I met Rich while I was dating my ex-boyfriend.”

  Toriq stiffened but didn’t say anything. Man, she felt like shit for telling him all this in front of everyone else.

  “Boyfriend?” Dex asked. “This means a lover?”

  “Well, not always but yes. It can. It’s a relationship, a commitment between two people. Or it’s supposed to be. Maxwell wasn’t as committed as I thought he was.”

  “What does that mean?” Dex queried

  “It means he was a lying bastard who cheated on me and basically treated me like dirt.” Wow, Sophie, way to just come on out with it.

  “Cheated on you?” Dex asked. “You mean he had other girlfriends?”

  “Huh, worse than that. Although I’m sure he slept around on methat’s not what hurt the most.”

  “It’s not?” They were all gaping at her, clearly shocked.

  She smiled bitterly. “No, the worst part is that he told me I was the one. The one he wanted to marry, to be with forever. Turned out he was just stringing me along so he’d have a convenient fuck while he set about finding a more suitable wife. One with pedigree and training and whose mother wasn’t a—” She pressed her lips together. She’d said too much.

  “Whose mother wasn’t a what?” Dex asked

  “That…it doesn’t matter. It’s not relevant.”

  “So he told you he would mate you when he had no intention of doing so?” Moroco asked with a scowl.

  “Yes.” She wished Toriq would say something, but he remained silent beside her. “He’s not a nice man.”

  Rich made a scoffing noise. “That’s being polite.”

  She glanced up at Rich, who stood staring out the window. “He was a complete bastard who didn’t deserve your loyalty or your sweetness.”

  Sophie felt slightly uncomfortable at his words. They almost held a hint of longing. Did Rich have feelings for her? But no, he’d nev
er mentioned them or treated her any differently from anyone else. But she did notice that Toriq moved closer to her.

  “You knew this male?” Dex asked Rich, who turned to look at them all.

  “Unfortunately, yes. Tell them who he is.”

  “His name is Maxwell Duncan. He is the High-Councillor of Earth’s only grandson.”

  “A wealthy, spoiled, completely useless little prick,” Rich added.

  “Prick?” Toriq turned to her. “You once told me the worst man you knew was a prick not much bigger than you.”

  “Oh, his prick is infinitely smaller than Sophie, and his balls are practically non-existent.”

  “Rich,” she protested.

  “Don’t tell me you’re defending him.”

  “I’m not. It’s just…” She sighed, she didn’t know what she was saying. She turned to Toriq instead. “Yes, I was talking about Maxwell.”

  “Because he cheated on you.”

  “Among other things.”

  Toriq looked like he wanted to ask more but she sent him a pleading look. The others didn’t need to know every detail of her sad little life. He gave a barely discernible nod, and she turned back to Dex. “I met Rich one night when Maxwell took me to a gallery opening. I was surprised that he took me, to be honest. He never really liked being seen in public with me.”

  He used to say he wanted to keep her to himself. That he was jealous of other men looking at her. Too late, she’d realized he didn’t want people knowing about his dirty little secret. She should have known something was up when he didn’t introduce her as his girlfriend but rather his companion.

  “Rich cornered me outside the bathroom and started badgering me with all these questions. I told him to go away and that I didn’t know anything about Maxwell or his grandfather’s business.” Her lips twitched. “Little did I know then how persistent he could be. He kept hounding me. Turning up at the grocery store or the bank or even my hairdresser with questions. Finally, I told him to go away, or I would call the cops.”

  “You took my card and number, though,” Rich said. “You didn’t throw it away.”

  “No. I guess there was a part of me that thought I might need it someday. Someday came sooner than I expected.”


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