Alien Commander (Zerconian Warriors Book 11)

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Alien Commander (Zerconian Warriors Book 11) Page 13

by Sadie Carter


  “No, wait a moment, it might have been Saffron who threatened to do that. Yeah, I think she said that when she saw you, she was going to slice off your dick and feed it to you in bits.”

  He looked a little ill at that. “That is rather bloodthirsty.”

  She shrugged. “You hurt me. And Saffron is used to looking out for me. She doesn’t understand that I’m a grown woman who can look after herself.”

  “I look after you.”

  “Yeah? Great job you’re doing.”

  The look on his face was so filled with angst that against her better judgement she felt a bit sorry for him. “You’re just here because Zoey made you come?” That last bit of hope that they might be able to salvage this started slipping away.

  “No. I’m here because she made me see that perhaps I misread the situation.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He looked uncertain. “I left because I thought it was what you wanted. I swore I would be careful with you. That I would not give you cause to fear me. I wanted to be gentle. I wanted to give you everything you needed. I know I am not good at communicating. But you deserve so much, and I did not wish to see me as lacking. I wished to be a good mate. I am much larger than you, it would be easy to hurt you, and I never wanted to do that.”

  “So the reason you have been so standoffish, why you pull away from touching me sometimes is because you think you’ll hurt me?”

  “I have always been feared because of my size. It works to my favor in a fight, but not so much when it comes to dealing with females. I wanted you to know that you did not have to fear me harming you. But that night, I lost control. I made demands on you that I shouldn’t have. You must have been scared.”

  She snorted. “Boy, you really don’t know anything about women if you think those noises I was making were due to fear. Toriq, that night was amazing. It was the first time I felt like I really got to see the real you. I felt closer to you than I ever have. Then afterwards, you just left. I felt devastated. I didn’t know what I’d done wrong.”

  He clasped hold of her shoulders. “You did nothing. I left because I thought that was best. I did not want to see fear on your face when you looked at me.”

  “You wouldn’t have. Because I enjoyed every damn minute. Toriq, there’s no getting around that I’m not as strong as you or as big, but I’m not weak. I’m not going to ever let another man make me do anything I don’t want to. That includes you.”

  “I am bigger, you would not be able to stop me.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “You saying you wouldn’t have stopped if I’d said no?”

  He wouldn’t look at her. “I would hope I would.”

  She clasped hold of his hand in her good one. Damn it, punching him had been a bad idea. She really hoped she hadn’t broken anything because there was no way she was explaining this to that smug asshole, Moroco.

  “I know you would. You’re a good man. You are nothing like Maxwell.”

  “But I am like my father,” he said, surprising her. “He was a volatile man. Given to bouts of anger and melancholy. I have his blood inside me. And I must protect you from that side of me.”

  “So by that reasoning, you ought to be concerned about me following in my parent’s footsteps.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My mother was a whore. If we’re bound to end up like our parents then aren’t you worried I’ll become one too? Or maybe I’ll be like my father and abandon my family to chase whatever piece of tail interests me.”

  “He chases tail?”

  “He chases women. At least that’s what my mother told us. So, are you concerned that I’m going to end up a whore or walk out on you and my baby?”

  “Never. Your mother did what she had to in order to look after you. And I know you would never abandon your baby.”

  “I’d never abandon you either, Toriq. Because I love you as well.” She wound her hands around his neck, trying to hold in her wince as she moved her sore hand. His gaze narrowed and she knew he’d noticed her grimace. He noticed everything. She continued on quickly before he could comment. “And I know you won’t lose it and hurt me. I don’t know what happened with your father—”

  “He drove my mother away,” he told her abruptly. “They are the only mated couple who have ever broken off their mating. The death of a mate can often kill the other mate, but when one mate leaves another, it does not kill you. But it sends you into a slow spiral of madness. At least, that is my experience of my father.”

  “She didn’t take you with her?”

  “No. What would she do with me? I was big, even as a child. She knew I would need training, that I would need my father.”

  “Did she check up on you? Keep in contact?”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “That bitch.”

  His eyes widened. “You do not understand. My father was a hard man. Impossible.”

  “I’m not saying she should have stayed with him. But she should have taken you or at least kept in contact, ensuring you were well. She abandoned you like my father did us. I would never do that to my child. Ever.”

  Her insight shocked him. All this time, he had always blamed his father for everything. But perhaps Sophie had a point. His mother should have kept in touch. Like Sophie, he would never abandon his child, his family.

  “We don’t have to follow in our parents’ footsteps, Toriq. We can learn from their mistakes and be better people for it. I don’t know what your father did or how he behaved, but I know you. You won’t follow in his path because you are a better person.”

  “He was prone to bouts of screaming followed by periods of long silence. I don’t think he even realized I existed half the time. He was a commander. He was busy. Important.”

  Too important to look after his son?

  “His men hated him. They feared him. I do not wish to be like him.”

  “That’s why you’ve held back from taking the commander role? Out of fear of being like him?”

  “I suppose.”

  She cupped his cheek with her good hand. “You are nothing like him. I’m so sorry you had to live like that. Why didn’t anyone help?”

  “They did not realize what he was like when we were alone. I did not tell anyone. I did not want my father shamed.” Even though he always harbored resentment towards him for his mother leaving. “He was a very prideful man. It must have been hard on him when my mother left.”

  She nodded. “Still doesn’t excuse him for forgetting about his son.”

  “No. I would never do that to any child of mine.”

  “I know.” She smiled at him gently. Then she shifted and winced once more. Concern filled him.

  “I am calling for Moroco. You have hurt yourself.”

  “No! Please, I can’t take seeing him again today. They’re just bruised. I promise.” She drew her hand onto her lap, and he grabbed the ice pack that had slipped to the floor.

  “Today? You have seen Moroco today?”

  “Yes, of course. And I’m mad at you for siccing him on me. I get that you’re protective. But if we’re going to make a go of this mating…we are, aren’t we? You’re not leaving again?”

  He hated the uncertainty in her voice, uncertainty that he had put there. “I am going nowhere.”

  “Good.” She nodded. “Then I’m putting my foot down. No more sending doctor evil to me every time I have a twitch or a twinge. I’m fine. I’m healthy. A little undernourished but I’ll get there. Having Moroco visit me daily does nothing but raise my blood pressure and make me feel murderous.”

  “He has been visiting daily?”

  “Like you don’t know…you don’t know?” She frowned. “Then why had he turned up here each day? To torment me? Well, jokes on him because Saffron takes great delight in tormenting him every time he appears.” Something crossed his face. “Unless he is here to see Saffron. Funnily enough, he always turns up when she’s here.”

/>   Moroco and Saffron? It did not seem a likely match. But he shrugged that off.

  “Or he is concerned about you. Because I have not been taking care of you properly.”

  He studied her, noted her face looked drawn and pale, the deepening dark patches under her eyes.

  “Don’t look at me like that. These past two weeks have been a bit stressful. But once things settled down, I’ll be fine. I won’t be smothered or controlled.”

  “You believe I try to control you?”

  She raised one eyebrow. “Don’t tell me that you haven’t wished you could keep me locked up and safe from the outside world.”

  The thought had occurred to him a few times.

  She patted his cheek. “We need to find a balance and we will. If we talk to each other. You shouldn’t have left, but I should have raced after you and demanded to know what was going on. We won’t make that mistake again, right?”

  “No.” He glanced at her knuckles and then at the small table she had been standing on when he entered. He still hadn’t recovered from the fright of seeing her nearly fall. “You will not attempt to hit me again nor will you climb on anything.”

  She sighed. “We’ll work on that overprotective thing.”

  “And someone will check those knuckles.”

  “Anyone but doctor evil,” she clarified.

  “I will see if Racar can come.”

  “Toriq, there’s one more thing.” A light blush covered her cheeks, and he wondered what she was thinking. “About the sex.”

  “You wish me to be gentler. I will not—”

  She placed her hand over his lips. “I never thought I would want to be dominated in the bedroom.”

  That was what he had been trying to say, that he would never treat her like that again.

  “But I liked it.”


  She smiled. “You look like you swallowed a fish.”

  He did?

  “I liked having you take charge. Having you control my movements. Having you take me like that. Not saying I’ll want it that way all the time. But it was hot.” She shivered, a look of desire crossing her face. His cock hardened even more. He was always hard around her, but that look had him wishing he had looser pants on. “Really hot.”

  “You would enjoy doing that again?” he asked, amazed. “Truly?”

  She licked her lips. “Oh yeah, if you want to do a repeat performance just to make sure, I wouldn’t object.”

  He started to lift her up then remembered her hand. “Healer first. Then food.” He didn’t like how light she felt in his arms. “Then you are mine.”

  “And for the record, I think you would make an amazing commander. You certainly take excellent command of me.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “You heard Racar, they’re just a bit bruised,” she said, attempting to soothe Toriq. She sat in his lap, her bandaged hand resting in her lap. He wouldn’t even hear of her trying to feed herself. Probably just as well since she’d damaged her dominant hand. If she tried to eat with her other hand, no doubt food would land all over her.

  She was aiming for sexy goddess, not messy toddler.

  “Open.” He held up another forkful of food, and she took it. She kind of liked being fed by him. Not that she’d tell him that.

  “They are badly bruised.”

  She sighed. “Well, you would be made of concrete. Maybe if you let yourself go to fat…” she trailed off, biting her lip to hide her smile as he stared at her, clearly aghast. She leaned up and kissed his jaw. “Joking. You’re perfect, and you know it.”

  He growled softly. “Stop trying to distract me.”

  “But it’s so much fun.”

  He held up some more food, but she shook her head. “I’m full. Besides, I’m hungry for something else.”

  “What? I can send for something else if you desire it.”

  “Oh, I desire it. It’s you.” She slid off his lap between his legs.

  He narrowed his gaze as he stared down at her. “Are you certain? We can wait—”

  “I can’t wait.” She ran her good hand up his thigh, then cupped his erection. He felt thick and hot against her palm. “I need to taste you.”

  His breathing grew faster, and she saw the desire on his face. “We will go to the sleeping room.”

  She shook her head. “Here. Now.” She glanced at her bandaged hand with a grimace. “You will need to help me though, can’t strip you like this.”

  “You are certain?”

  “Oh, hell yeah. I cannot wait to taste you.”

  He stood and tugged his tight pants off then he pulled off his vest. He sat, and she studied his cock for a moment. Hard and heavy. She licked the head. Slightly salty. A hint of something else. Something that was all Toriq. She savoured the taste, murmuring to herself quietly. She took the head into her mouth, sucking strongly, then pressed the tip of her tongue into the slit at the top of his cock.

  Sophie clasped the base of the shaft with her hand and took as much of him as she could into her mouth. She moved slowly up his cock, licking him, loving each inch.

  “Mate, you are teasing me.”

  She looked up at him, noting the tight way he held himself, the stiffness in his jaw. “Oh, like you didn’t tease me the other night?”

  “That is different.”

  “Because you were in charge?”

  “Yes,” he bit out.

  She chuckled a little, then took him deep and fast. Her pussy clenched, her need for him growing. She moved slowly up then back down, drawing her hand up and down the base of his cock. She wished her other hand was free so she could play with his balls, but oh well, another time.

  When she reached the head of his cock, she sucked strongly then made small up and down motions with her head.

  “Sophie, enough!”

  She took him deep.

  “Draw back,” he commanded.

  Oh hell no. She drank him down, taking every last drop from him then licking her way up his shaft. She gave him a little kiss on the head then sat back to grin up at him. He gave her a firm look then, reaching down, picked her up.

  “You will pay for that,” he growled.

  “For giving you pleasure? I don’t know why I’d need to pay for that, you seemed to enjoy it.”

  “For teasing me.” He didn’t move into the bedroom as she’d expected but over to the living area where he set her on the ground. He carefully removed her clothes, making certain to caress every inch he revealed with a thoroughness that soon drove her wild.

  “You are a way worse tease than me,” she told him with a groan once she was finally naked. Her body was on fire, and she knew he had barely gotten started with her.

  He cupped her breasts, running his thumbs over the sensitive nipples. They seemed to be growing more sensitive all the time. But he wasn’t too harsh, his touch not too firm or too light.

  Just right.

  His head dipped, and he suckled at her. She clasped the back of his head, holding him close. Her mate. Her man. She felt much closer to him after they’d finally gotten everything out in the open. And she thought she understood him much better. He was a protector. Nothing would touch her while Toriq was near. His parents had left him with some scars he’d never really worked through.

  But she wasn’t without her own issues, that was for sure.

  He moved to her other nipple, and she swayed slightly, the sensations so intense they were nearly overwhelming.

  “Sit back.”

  She looked at the chair behind her. It was padded, with large, thick arms and a high back. She sat. Toriq grabbed each of her legs, placing them over the arms. She was exposed, completely on show and he crouched, an intense look of anticipation on his face.

  He parted the lips of her pussy. “You are wet.”

  “Yes,” she said, even though she didn’t think he required an answer. It was pretty obvious how much she wanted him.

  “Taking me in your mouth made you desire me?�

  “I always desire you. But yeah, I really liked doing that to you. Please, touch me.”

  “You will place your hands on the arms of the chair and keep them there. You will tell me immediately if you need to stop for whatever reason. Understood?”

  Her heart raced. There he was. Her commander. Her protector. Her heart.

  “Yes.” She barely resisted adding on a sir. No need to inflate his ego further.

  He kissed his way up one leg then over her mound, which she’d shaved bare. He raised one eyebrow at her. “Did I say you could do this?”

  Her eyes widened, at much as his tone, which had gone hard and demanding as at his words. “No.”

  “Is this my body?”

  “Yes. When it comes to this.”

  “This?” He casually ran a finger up and down her wet slit as he spoke to her. He didn’t even look down, he just continued to move his finger while watching her face.

  “S-sex,” she hissed out, nearly whimpering with need. “Oh, Toriq, please.”

  He just smiled and kept up that slow, soft movement, up and down. Occasionally he would flick her clit, and she’d jump. More, she needed more. But she kept her hands were they’d been placed, determined not to move.

  His smile widened. “Good girl.”

  “Oh, you’ll pay for this,” she told him through gritted teeth.

  He leaned in and just licked her clit with the tip of his tongue. Back and forth. It wasn’t any better than his finger. And she bet he just knew it too. She started to think of all the ways she was going to get revenge for this when he plunged a finger deep inside her. Her head went back, her eyes fluttering closed. He added another finger, and she clamped down on him.

  It wasn’t enough. She needed him, with a desperation that she couldn’t come close to describing.

  Suddenly, he pulled her into the air. Her eyes came open with a snap as she gasped. But then he settled on the seat and pulled her on top of him. “I find my patience tested. I must have you.”

  Oh, thank you, God.

  “Ride me.” He grasped hold of her hips and guided her over his cock. She plunged down, taking him deep, and her vision swam with pleasure.

  Up and down. Sweat coated their bodies, their breath coming fast and sharp.


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