Begging for Bad Boys

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Begging for Bad Boys Page 40

by Willow Winters

  That makes me genuinely, earnestly laugh. I never expected him to have a bit of literary humor in him, and I have to cover my mouth as my eyes still sparkle at him. Why couldn’t I have met him out of the club?

  “That’s terrible. But I’m Aphrodite. And I really am the Goddess of lust and romance.”

  “Knew it without you saying a thing, and don’t doubt it for a second,” he says without missing a beat, and again, I know he means it. Not the least of which because I can feel the real results of his desire beneath me as I sit in his lap. A hefty bulge right there in my perch. “From the moment I walked in the door, I knew I was in the presence of divinity. If I was a smarter man maybe I would’ve hightailed it out before you could turn me into your newest and greatest worshipper.”

  “Greatest, mmm?” I purr in his ear as I begin to lightly grind in his lap, my hand stroking through his wheat-blonde hair. “And what will make you my absolute greatest worshipper, Viktor?”

  I got a low groan from him, a satisfied husky sound that’s delightful on the ear. But the way I bring this mighty, mountain of muscle to a quiver is the best part.

  “I don’t wanna say and spoil the moment,” he says, his voice deeper, more gravely as he wraps those arms around me and holds me tight, letting his palms rest just at the edge of my ass below.

  “You can touch lower,” I whisper, biting my own lip to hide my excitement.

  Honestly, I’m already soaking my little bikini bottoms, and I’m almost nervous he’s going to notice soon. I’ve never felt like this, dancing for a client. It’s like the rest of the world has simply fallen away, leaving us in its wake.

  He’s a gentleman, doesn’t touch where he’s not supposed to, but he’s no fool. And the moment I give him go ahead, those big strong hands sink down, cupping my ass cheeks, sinking his powerful fingers into them as he gives a delighted, rough groan.

  “I don’t wanna be that sucker client that oversteps his bounds and makes shit weird. I don’t wanna say anything that’ll send you running,” he tells me, letting his eyes nearly shut as he looks me over, enjoys the sensation of our bodies together while the music plays. “I’d love to ask you on a date, but instead I’ll just say I hope this night never ends.”

  My heart is beating faster in my chest, and I’m trying to remain professional, but I can hardly believe this hottie wants to go out with me. I know the stereotype is that strippers are all full of themselves, but most of us are as self-conscious as other women, we just hide it better.

  “You’re hoping time stands still?” I ask seductively, but my mind is going back to when I first touched him and how it felt as though time did exactly that.

  “Up here with you? Absolutely.”

  I let out a soft moan, and I grind into him again before I feel a shiver go through me, and I know if I keep going, I’m going to come in his lap.

  I’ve never came in a client’s lap.

  But those big strong hands of his knead my ass cheeks, those thick, muscular forearms bulge and squeeze in against me on either side, egging me on, grinding me atop his lap and that impressive bulge. He’s turning me into everything I’m not. Everything I never thought I could be.

  Those handsome looks, that natural charm, the rugged experience from a hard life serving, it all makes him hard to resist. And then, to top it all off, he leans in and murmurs in my ear. That rough, low voice of his like a verbal vibrator, stimulating my brain to climax.

  “If I met you anywhere else, I’d make it my life’s mission to win you over and make you my girl,” he says, wetting his lips slowly as he gives a low moan from the lap dance. “I’m just glad I never met you four years ago, or I’d have gone AWOL to chase you like a dog in heat.”

  A jolt of electricity goes through me, and even though I want to hold back and suppress this exquisite pleasure from going through me, there’s nothing I can do to stop it.

  I’m grinding him more aggressively as I come in his lap, my breathing peppered with moans against his ear as I ride out the explosive high.

  It’s an overwhelming sensation, but he guides me through it. Those big, muscular arms keeping me rocking even after my mind has long since lost control of my body. His chiseled jaw, just lightly stubbled, brushing my cheek as he helps guide me through the earth-shattering climax.

  “Fuck you look even more gorgeous when you come,” he husks into my ear, his first time crossing that boundary from client to something more. And he didn’t do it unprovoked. Nobody could accuse him of being inappropriate. It was me who had lost my cool and did something I shouldn’t have.

  “Oh my god,” I whisper, embarrassment suddenly taking over me. This is so unprofessional. How did I get so carried away? But I pull back and look at him, and I’m smitten all over again. I can’t bear to look at him and I duck my face away. “Oh god, I’m so... I shouldn’t have... I didn’t mean to...”

  “It’s okay,” he assures me, his grip relaxing, no longer holding me into that tight, delightfully carnal embrace. “Don’t worry. I don’t presume nothin’. Trust me, it was a show worth more than what I have in my bank account,” he says with a charming smile. “Besides, if I’m being honest, I’m just relieved it wasn’t me who popped his load from this. You’ve got me on edge, babe.”

  “I’ve never, ever...” I swear, but I can’t actually bring myself to say it. He’s completely torn down my walls, my Aphrodite personae slipped away. I’m just simple Alice in his lap, even with the fake ‘lashes and six-inch stilettos.

  I bite in on my lower lip, gnawing it for a second as I stare at him.

  “It’s alright,” he says in that thick, assuring voice of his. And though he’s still rock solid hard beneath me, he just gently caresses my sides. He has self-control in spades. “Fuck, trust me, it did nothing but assure your place as the Goddess of romance and lust in my mind,” he says with that disarming charm of his again.

  “Did you mean what you said about wanting to ask me out?”

  I’ve managed to stun the handsome Viktor, making him hesitate a moment. And though I worry, he wipes that all away fast.

  “I would fight every man in this club for the simple shot at asking you out,” he says, his deep emerald eyes sparkling as he gazes at me, so full of desire and a tenderness not common to big, muscular brutes like him. “Will you go out with me?” he asks.

  We’ve been back here for so long that the VIP host pulls aside the curtain before I can answer. “You guys still going?”

  It’s been a half hour, and I haven’t moved from his lap. I’m still wearing my bikini, and I just had one of the most intense orgasms of my life.

  “Ah, I think Viktor has to go. We’re just finishing up, Tom. Thanks for checking,” I say.

  “Ah shit,” Viktor says, reaching for his wallet in his pants pocket. “Lost track of time with you. Feels like it’s only been a minute,” he says, pulling out a fat wad of twenties. “What do I owe you? Fuck it, this is probably enough, right?” he says, forking over way more than enough to cover it.

  I nod and hand Tom his tip, and he leaves us alone once more.

  “It’s late enough that I can leave now. If you’re ready for that date.”

  He looks taken aback. He must’ve been thinking I was dismissing him, because his stunned look slowly transforms to one of pure excitement.

  “Fuck yeah, I am,” he says. He stands, lifting me as effortlessly as when I grab my purse. Well… more accurately, he lifts me as effortlessly as I lift the coin purse inside it. “I can take you to a nice restaurant, well… might be too late for a lot of those, but we could find something.”

  “It’s Vegas, honey. There’s always something open,” I say with a small roll of my eyes. “Or we could head back to my hotel for room service. It’s nothing flashy,” I warn him. What am I saying? What am I doing? Inviting him back to my room! The Alice part of me recoils in horror.

  “I’ll do ya one better,” he says with a playful boastfulness. “You can come to my hotel. I splurged
for one fancy ass room; you’ll love it,” he says, squeezing my thighs as he holds me up in his arms. “Figured I’d make the most of my time in the city. Suddenly glad I did.”

  “How can I say no to that?”

  Anyone would say I was crazy to go home with a stranger from the club. If I turned up dead in the morning, a bunch of people would cluck their tongues at reading the story of how and say, “serves her right”. That’s one of the biggest drags about my job. A man could kill me and it’d be ‘my fault’.

  But this spark between us is real. It’s not something I can walk away from. The entire time I’ve spent with him, I’ve felt like it’s been something special happening, and I could desperately use something special right now.

  He’s staying at one of the newer hotels right near the strip, a very swanky three-tower complex that shimmered gold in the Vegas sun during the day.

  He stops at the front desk on the way up to order a bottle of wine and a fancy meal, and I’m so grateful, because I’m famished. The taxi ride here felt like time was standing still, but not in a good way this time. We could barely keep our hands off one another, and as we step into the elevator, I wonder if I can resist him for even a second longer.

  I’m so grateful when the doors finally open and he leads me to his room. He wasn’t kidding when he said he splurged, because it’s about ten times more room than a single man would ever need. It has it all: from a gorgeous balcony view overlooking the city and desert, to two bathrooms, and a spacious ensuite that was bigger than my whole hotel room put together.

  I’m barely finished ogling at his room before the room service arrives and he’s popping the cork on the wine.

  “This is more money than I’ve spent on myself in probably five years, at least,” he says with a chuckle, pouring us up two glasses of champagne.

  “Well you earned it, you might as well spend it, right?” I smile. Though honestly, now that I’m back here, I don’t really know how to act. I’m not the one-night-stand type of girl. I’m not even a sex on the first date kind of girl. And the lights feel so bright now, away from the muted darkness of the strip club or the interior of the cab.

  Standing in front of him with my skinny jeans, tank top and 6” heels, I can’t help but giggle at how out of place I feel. I take the glass of champagne, and we clink our glasses together.

  “To finding that spark in surprising places,” he says with a knowing smile.

  Neither of us can hide our overwhelming attraction to one another. And I guess now we don’t have to. We’ve already taken the big steps, finding ourselves alone at last, and that energy is starting to bubble up within me. It feels like being such a bad girl, something that the Alice part of me is definitely not used to, despite my job.

  He drinks down the glass of champagne in little time before topping us both off.

  “I’ve never done this before, you know,” I say nervously as I sip the second glass, letting its bubbles soothe me. I have to admit... I’m out of my league. I don’t know what people are supposed to do on one-night-stands. Am I supposed to just start kissing him? Or is he supposed to kiss me first? It’s 2012, and I’m all about female empowerment, but I still have no idea what’s normal.

  Though he’s been overseas for 4 years. He might not know either.

  “And I’ve not done anything of this sort in a long, long time,” he says to me. Completely belying his point, though, he reaches out and puts that big, strong arm of his around my waist and pulls me close to him. I can feel he’s still rock solid in his nice looking pants, and that should be lewd and inappropriate right? But the way he looks into my eyes makes it feel anything but.

  “You really are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen,” he says before tilting his head and leaning in, placing a surprisingly soft, tender kiss upon my lips.

  He tastes like peppermint, and my shoulders relax as soon as I taste him on me. All my worries suddenly disappear, and instead, there’s just that spark. That feeling of rightness once more. I’ve never felt like this before. My stomach is filled with a thousand butterflies as his tongue presses against mine.

  Earlier this evening, I was Aphrodite. Goddess of the strip club, queen of the stage. I was confident, in control of my world. But now I feel powerless, like I’m caught up in a current I can’t fight. But I don’t want to fight it. Especially not when those big, powerful, comforting arms of his put aside his champagne glass and hold me tightly. Those two big hands grasping my ass again as his kiss grows deeper, more intense. His tongue mingles with mine inside my mouth as we stand there in his posh room, making out like horny teenagers instead of the experienced adults we are.

  I put my champagne glass on the bar, and both of my arms go around his neck. With my heels, I’m tall, but still nowhere as tall as he is, and my head cocks back as I feel a growl grow in his chest.

  “You’re so hot,” I manage to say, breathily.

  “Then we should make for one very, very hot couple together,” he says with a wry grin on his face in the brief moment between our kisses. His big hands lift me back up, just as easily as he did in the club, carrying me into the air conditioned bedroom. It’s a huge, spacious place, with a huge California-King-Size bed in the middle of the room.

  But little things like that are lost quickly as he rests my back on the mattress, his big, brawny body atop mine as we make out. Our hips grind into one another like teens in the backseat of a car. Our passion was explosive, and we just wanted to touch and explore one another, and take things slow.

  Well, as slow as we can, considering I just met him a few hours ago.

  My jeans give me a little more protection than the micro bikini I wear in the club, but honestly, I’m still pretty close to coming already. He just has the magic touch. Everywhere his fingers trail on my body, I just comes alive. Every growl, every little nip of his teeth, every dance of his tongue does me in.

  Is this what it feels like when you’re someone’s soulmate? Like he knows my body even though he’s still a stranger?

  He’s been away for four years, but those hands of his are moving over me with an expert’s touch. He’s managed to undo my jeans without me even noticing it. Then his hands are pulling my tank top up over my head with a single motion that can only be described as smooth.

  “Stunning,” he says in the brief moment he has to look me over before his hungry mouth goes to my neck, licking, nipping, and kissing at my skin.

  He’s already seen me almost completely naked, but back here, in his hotel, it’s a whole different thing.

  He never thought he’d be kissing my skin.

  And I never thought I’d be grinding against his erection, desperate to feel him all over me.

  Those hands of his — God, those hands! — They reach in behind me, undo the bikini top from my stage show, which I’m using in place of a bra. I’m topless again, and his mouth is moving down, devouring my chest, kissing around my pink areola and teasing it to a peak. His hands move onto my jeans again, tugging them down from my hips, eager to get me bare upon his large bed.

  I squirm out of them, though it’s hard, with his weight pinning me to the mattress. But by some miracle, they end up flung across the room, hitting the window which conveniently is a bit reflective. It means I get to see his body moving against mine, and I shudder with ecstasy at the perfect sight.

  The view only gets all the better when he kisses and suckles upon my nipple. I watch my mouth as it parts into an o-shape, the pleasure so stark upon my expression. I can’t remember ever seeing myself look so happy, so aroused, in all my life.

  He flicks the hard little bud with his tongue before he reluctantly withdraws. Kneeling up on the bed, he unbuttons his shirt and shows me that he’s everything I ever hoped he could be beneath.

  It’s all chiseled muscle under there. Bulging pecs, ripped abs, all peppered with some hair and a few little scars, some old, some fresh. But like the rest of him, it’s just enough to give him that edge. That impression that th
is is a man who’s seen and done things that few have.

  His belt comes next, and he doesn’t leave me waiting long before the pants follow. His boxer-briefs catch on his hip, and I can only see the very trunk of his cock. But it’s thick, lodged just beneath a small tuft of blonde pubic hair.

  He’s an Adonis. Pure and simple. And that fits, because I’m his Aphrodite.

  My hand reaches down for his cock, hungry to have it in my hand. I want to feel him throb against me and know that he wants me just as bad as I want him.

  “Viktor,” I mutter as I kiss his chest, my nose tracing a scar along his collarbone. He’s so gorgeous, and I know he’s dangerous, but he’s been the perfect gentleman with me. Maybe that’s part of the appeal. I know he could do things I’d never be able to dream of, lived through things I couldn’t imagine, and yet with me, he shows such strength and willpower. He’s not a brute.

  He’s everything a man ought to be.

  My fingers — so slender next to the thick trunk of his massive manhood — grasp the edge of his underwear and tug them down. And down. And down. More and more of that length unveils so slowly until at last I pull them down far enough and that long, pulsating pillar leaps out against my arm, smacking my wrist with a meaty thud.

  He has the biggest cock I’ve ever seen on a man.

  “Oh babe,” he mutters in a growly voice, and then reaches into his pants pocket, pulling out a condom and placing it down on the bed beside us as he runs his hand through my hair, relishing the feel of it.

  “You came prepared,” I tease, but I’m glad at least one of us was thinking clearly. I stroke him, my fake lashes fluttering down over my blue eyes as his cock throbs in my hand. He’s so hot, his veins so pronounced, and he’s had a near constant erection since we first met. I know he’s busting for me, but he’s making this moment last.


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