Begging for Bad Boys

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Begging for Bad Boys Page 128

by Willow Winters

  He sighed. “Gutter mind! In a car, of course.”

  I eyed him, wondering what he was up to, but I didn’t have anything to do except hunt for another job and that was getting to be depressing. “Sure. Let me just grab my purse and coat.”

  I got my stuff, telling him it’d be best if he just waited outside, and hurriedly fixed my hair better and splashed some water on my face. When I was ready, I ducked out again and he led me to his car, opening the door for me so I could slide on in.

  “So what’s up?” I asked once he was in too and started the engine.

  “You’ll see.”

  We drove to the other side of town, talking the whole way like we used to, and he pulled into a parking lot.

  I glanced around, looking for an idea of where we were when I caught sight of the sign above the door. It was a place that offered martial arts classes or fencing lessons. It looked like a big place and it was new in town.

  “Fencing lessons?” I asked.

  He smiled. “Something like that.”

  “When did this place open up?”

  “A few weeks ago I think,” he said casually, but he was hiding something from me.

  “I don’t think I’m the one that needs fencing lessons,” I said, poking him playfully. “I never lost a match to you.”

  He nodded, then turned in his seat to face me. “When was the last time you sparred?”

  “It’s been a while.”

  His laughter filled the car and warmed me to my toes.

  He leaned over the center console. “I never stopped. Think you got what it takes to beat me now?”

  I smirked. “You brought me here for a duel?” Why was that idea so incredibly hot right now? Fencing with Charlie had always been fun and games, but for some reason this time it already felt different. A fight for dominance, for control, for him to prove to me that he was strong enough.

  His blue eyes glittered and he moved even closer. “Afraid to take me on?”

  Afraid to lose maybe was what I thought. “I’m a little rusty, but I never forgot the moves. It’s like riding a bike, right?”

  “Well, still, I’ll let you take a refresher course first, just because I’m a nice guy like that. I don’t want to show you up too bad.”

  “Whatever,” I said with a grin. “Let’s go.”

  Inside, he walked right past the waving receptionist who had a phone to her ear and the most awful pink zebra-striped manicure I’d ever seen.

  “Um, shouldn’t we check in or pay or something?” I asked, confused.

  He just smiled at me and continued walking, till we reached a large room at the end of the hall for sparring.

  “Hey, Boss. What’s up? Another newbie?” asked a man who walked up to us.

  Wait. Boss? I thought, looking curiously at Charlie before I turned my attention back to the stranger. “Newbie? Absolutely not,” I said, planting my hands on my hips. “I’m just…a little out of practice.”

  The man nodded. “We’ll definitely sharpen up those skills again.” He looked at Charlie. “What plan did she purchase?”

  “Plan? We didn’t even stop by the desk.” I peered at Charlie and my mouth fell open before I quickly got over my shock. “Wait. Did he just call you boss?”

  “This is my studio,” he answered, holding his arms out wide to encompass the room. “What do you think?”

  “Huh? You own this place?” I asked in awe.

  “Yeah. It cost me every penny I had, hence the reason I’m broke,” he added. “Starting a business is major money-sucker, but I wanted to do something I love, so it’s perfect. We’re really just starting out, but people are coming from all the surrounding towns to sign up. We’re all booked up for six months.”

  I smiled, prouder of him than I’d ever been and hated to admit it. “I’m impressed, but what’s going to happen when you leave in two years?”

  “That’s a long time from now, a bridge to cross when we get there.” He motioned toward the man standing next to us. “This is Brad. He’ll train you for a bit, and then we’ll have that duel. Be nice to him. Don’t go flipping him to the floor just to show off.”

  “I’m not sure that’s possible,” Brad said as if to defend himself.

  “Don’t sell this one short,” Charlie said with a laugh. “She’s a lot more dangerous than she looks.”

  I smirked as he walked off.

  Brad and I spent a few hours together, and it really did help me brush up on my skills. He was damn good and I could tell by the moves he used, he’d been trained by Charlie. Not that it helped him any. I won the few practice runs we had and he finally raised his hand for a respite when I beat him into a corner again. After a long rest, Brad left, and Charlie came back in.

  “Well? Are you ready for a little hand-to-hand combat between old friends?” I asked, muscles loose and ready to go.

  He grabbed his sword. “Yep! Mask up, and let’s do this.”

  Charlie towered over me, one hundred percent muscle and manpower. He worked out every day and had been for years, even after I gave up on the hobby, and now he was a force to be reckoned with.

  Without another word, Charlie came at me, but I used basic blocking maneuvers to defend myself. My footwork was spot on. I threw my whole body into every jab, because I knew if I only used my arms, I’d only tire myself out. I was careful not to give in to the temptation to lean forward for extra thrusting range; that would only throw me off balance and put my face right within range of Charlie’s sword.

  I left an inch or two of the sword sticking out behind my hand, in case Charlie tried to pull it from my grip, a move he was infamous for. One advantage I had over him was that he was very predictable, and I knew him well. I protected my whole body and pointed at his shoulder in a threatening manner. I thrust toward him, then returned to my sideways crouch, positioning my spear in a perfect position. I kept my knees bent and shifted my weight to the balls of my feet, just as we’d been taught to do.

  He was tough, so I knew he’d win the first few onslaughts, but I also knew he’d tire easily. I, on the other hand, was smaller and more agile, with loads of stamina and endurance. Our swords clanged furiously. My movements were quick and sharp as I blocked and then immediately attacked. I tried every little trick I knew to force him to move around more than I was, trying to wear him out so that when he was out of breath and his muscles were aching, I’d have my chance to strike.

  The minutes passed, and we both fought valiantly.

  Suddenly, he clumsily and foolishly leaned forward, and I wasn’t about to let the opportunity pass me by. I grabbed him and pulled him off his feet. He came at me with a counterattack, but I moved my sword parallel with lightning speed, right into the path of his attacking blade.

  “Impressive!” he said gasped between breaths.

  “I can outwit any opponent anytime…and outlast them too!” I said, then rushed him while his attention was diverted.

  I decided to rush him while his attention was diverted. He fought back and came at me swinging his sword too fast for me to see. I dropped my sword, then stumbled and fell backward. He took full advantage and held the sword over me, pinning me down.

  “You won,” I said in disbelief, stripping off my headgear. “I can’t believe it. After all these years.”

  Standing over me, he took off his mask. “Do I win a prize?”

  I snorted as he helped me to stand up. “I believe you just won bragging rights. You finally kicked my ass. Sounds like a good enough prize to me.”

  He stared into my eyes and my chest heaved, gasping for air for a completely different reason. The same intensity poured out of him as it had that first night when he had me at his mercy and all I could do was reach out and hold onto his shoulders to keep myself from falling. Charlie’s hands found my hips and held me up against his body. He was all hardness and heat and I wanted to curl up against that chest, disappear for hours and let the world, let my problems just disappear.

  “Do you fe
el the spark between us?” he asked in a whisper.

  “We’re friends,” I reminded him, more out of fear of what might happen then what I hoped would. “We’re just very good friends, Charlie. The only sparks were coming off our clanging blades.”

  “That wasn’t the question,” he grunted annoyed and his grip tightened on me as he ground his hips against mine. My toes curled in my shoes and my nails dug deeper into his shoulders.

  “There is definitely a spark,” I admitted.

  “Yet, you refuse to act on it.” He rested his forehead against mine, jaw clenched. “I want to kiss you so damn bad.”

  I melted against his body. That was the moment to push away, the last time I knew I’d be able to resist him, but instead, I challenged him. “Then kiss me already.”

  Charlie’s eyes narrowed and for a brief second, I thought he wasn’t going to, but then everything changed. He pushed me up against the wall, pinning my body with his and all I could do was give in to his demanding touch, hungry for me just as I was hungry for him. He held both of my wrists over my head as my heart thundered in my chest and my breath caught. He kissed my forehead, eyelids, cheeks, each a feather light touch that promised so much more. Then his tongue trailed down my neck to the hollow of my shoulder, kissing and nipping the sensitive skin there until I quivered in his arms. His name left my lips on a whisper and my back arched, pressing my breasts against his chest. I wanted to be anywhere else than in the fencing room with windows lining the walls, but when his hands slid up my sides, I forgot all about them and let us have this moment.

  Charlie’s lips slanted over mine and I sighed at the heat pouring from his body into mine. It scorched across my skin like the damn sun and I yanked my hands free so I could drag him closer. His kiss deepened as his tongue explored the depths of my mouth, drawing a moan from my throat. I couldn’t get enough of him fast enough and when he pressed his hips against mine again; I felt his arousal clear as day and it set me off even hotter. Everything about this man was so damn inviting now and I kicked myself for waiting so long for us to share a kiss, share a touch that had me begging for more. He stole my breath as he took my mouth in a hungry, greedy, and demanding kiss that never ended. A kiss that promised so much more.

  And the intensity of that kiss blew me away. I’d dated plenty of men over the years, but none of them could ever compare to what Charlie did to me in that room.

  Nobody had ever kissed me like that, leaving me breathless and dizzy for more. It felt as the entire room had disappeared. I’d never been swept off my feet just like that and all that kissing made me realize what I’d missed all those years. Why hadn’t I just kissed him like that back then? Maybe then I’d have been happy instead of wondering when my life would start. Maybe we’d already be married and there wouldn’t be any strings attached.

  Charlie lifted me off my feet and I wrapped my legs around his waist, drawing him against me. I wanted him so fucking much.

  Damn it! He was not somebody to mess around with. I’d watched him trample on other women’s feelings who I assumed had been kissed this exact same way. No way could any woman ever forget a kiss like that. There was too much promise in it for what would come next, but I worried about the heartache later. I worried about him breaking his word even if he swore to me he’d changed.

  I knew Charlie and that was the worst part. I knew what could happen and I hated him for it as much as I wanted him. The man kissed with everything he had, that much was sure. I kissed him passionately back, tugging on his ponytail and demanding he give me everything he had, but we were not in a safe place to get it on and sadly the kiss had to end.

  He drew back panting, meeting my gaze. “You can’t fight against what we have,” he said. “I think we both know that.”

  “It was just a kiss,” I said, gasping for air as I slid down his body, trembling with every inch of me that pressed against him. He was trouble. I knew this wouldn’t end well and, yet, there I was thinking of the possibilities of what could be.

  “This is just the beginning,” he promised and kissed the back of my hand sweetly.

  “Beginning of what?”

  “A beautiful love affair, of course.”

  He drove me home in a daze and kissed me on the cheek before I jumped out of the car. He knew the effect he had on me. I could tell by the way he smiled at me. I cursed all the way back to my front door, realizing I’d just fallen right into Charlie’s trap, his Wicked web, and there might be no way to get out of it.

  Chapter 8

  The next morning, I was working with Max on his rehabilitation exercises when my phone rang.

  “Hi, Jaime,” said my boss at the temp agency. “I’m calling to let you know Barbara Tamers is healing nicely from her surgery, so she expects to return to work early. You don’t need to come in today.”

  Shocked overwhelmed me as I processed the news. “But that’s such short notice,” I managed to say, staring at all my four legged children and wondering what the hell I was going to do now.

  “It’s temp work, Jaime. You know we can’t control what employers do. They want Barbara back. She’s been working there for ten years, so I can’t say I blame them.”

  “But I’m a great worker,” I argued and tried not to let desperation seep into my voice.

  “I know you are, and they’ve been happy with you, but…well, you know the drill. Anyway, we’ll find you another job. In about three weeks, there will be an opening at a shelter in Perry. You mentioned how much you love animals, so I think it’d be a good fit for you. Not a great hourly pay, but decent for the position.”

  “Three weeks!? I’m already two months behind in rent, and I got a shut-off notice from the electric company,” I wailed. “I need to work now. I’ll do anything. I’ll clean toilets or flip burgers or—” The cell resting between my ear and shoulder, I twisted my hands, praying she’d come up with something.

  “I’ll keep it in mind, and you know you’re first on our list for any openings. I’m so sorry they pulled you off this job, but they’re very loyal to their own.”

  I sighed and sank down on the couch. “I understand. Thank you for keeping me in mind for future jobs.”

  “Absolutely. Like I said, you’re at the top of my list, especially after that glowing recommendation they gave you. Those people love you, dear.”

  “Thanks.” Wish they’d loved me more to actually offer me a full time job!

  “Okay. I’ll be in touch soon.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  The second I hung up, I heard a knock at my door. The dogs went crazy and started barking loudly, so I hurried over to gaze through the eyehole in the door. “Crap!” I muttered when I saw my landlord standing there. “Could this day possibly get any worse?”

  With a whine, Max looked up at me, as if he understood my agony.

  “One minute!” I said through the door.

  I stared around at my dogs and my apartment, wondering what lecture I’d get this time around. I gathered them all up and put them in the bedroom so they wouldn’t jump on my landlord, and then I opened the door. “Hello, Mr. Jansen.”

  “You’re now more than two months late, Jaime. What’s going on?” he asked bluntly, sounding none too thrilled or patient.

  My stomach sank and I nodded in earnest. “I know. I’m trying. I just don’t have a regular job yet, so—”

  “I can’t tolerate any more excuses. There aren’t a lot of places to rent in this town, and I’ve got a waiting list of would-be tenants who won’t cheat me outta rent. I’m sorry, but here,” he said, handing me a pink slip of paper with “Eviction Notice” stamped on it in bright red ink, like blood from a bullet wound.

  “Please don’t do this to me,” I begged. “If you’ll just give me a little more time, I—”

  “You pretty girls think you can get out of anything, but I’m no sucker for a low-cut top! Hell, I don’t even like girls. Besides, you have too many dogs. The lease allows two, not four! Learn to coun
t, and then maybe you’ll find yourself a real damn job!” With that, he briskly walked away.

  I walked into my bedroom and pulled all my pets into a hug as my tears dripped down my cheeks and into their fur. “What am I gonna do, kids?” I said. “I’ve got no job, no place to live, and no money. Plus, even if I did find another place, nobody’s gonna rent to a woman with four dogs.”

  I didn’t have the money to put down on a house of my own, which was what I’d been trying to save up for until my first career went down the shitter. I considered moving back in with my parents, but that would also mean having to give up my pets, and I wasn’t about to do that. I also felt far too old to put up with stupid rules and curfews, and I knew Mom and Dad would treat me like a teenager, and not a few years away from thirty. They meant well, they did, but they still treated me like a child at times.

  Max barked up at me and planted a pink-tongued doggie kiss on my cheek, wiping one of my tears away.

  “It’ll be okay, boy. I’ll figure something out,” I promised him, though I had no idea how I was going to keep such a promise. I blew a stray strand of hair out of my eyes and sniffled. “There has to be a way out, that didn’t end with me winding up in Charlie’s arms,” I muttered. “I can’t let us all become strays!”

  After the day I had, I thought it might be best to cancel my plans to attend the Whiskers & Tails Charity Ball, an annual event hosted by the Blue Ridge County Humane Society. The benefit always raised a lot of money to help cats, dogs, and other unfortunate animals who found themselves without homes. This year, it would be held in a historical castle about an hour away, and 300 guests had promised to show up and give their support. All proceeds would be divided between the nonprofit shelters around the area. Knowing it was a cause that was near and dear to my heart, my mother had bought the ticket for me a month earlier, and I knew and had worked with a lot of the attendees, since I volunteered at several shelters in Blue Ridge and the surrounding areas. As I thought about that, I was reminded just how much those furry friends meant to me, and I couldn’t let my bad situation keep me from going. Wallowing in self-pity won’t do me a single bit of good, I told myself. Besides, if the lights go out here, at least they’ll have lights at the ball!


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