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The Naughty Angel and Her Three Very Wise Men: A Christmas Ménage

Page 6

by Trinity Blacio

  She glanced behind her and froze. It wasn't Marcus or Lance. “Why, you fucking whore. I'm going to rip that baby right out of your belly.”

  Dave snarled and shifted to a terrifying creature. Stub horns protruded from his head, his skin turned a dark greenish red color, and rotten teeth hung practically out of his mouth. His tail swung behind him.

  “Okay, I so wouldn't have married you, if I'd known you really looked like that. That is just gross.” Annabelle knew that would hold his attention for a minute so she could get out. He was always so vain about his appearance. Sure enough, he looked down at himself. “What is wrong…” Annabelle swung her leg up and kicked him in the balls, running around him as he crashed to the ground. She yanked on the door as he grabbed her leg, tearing into her skin with his claws. “Marcus!” she screamed out and fell through the open door into the ballroom. The music stopped and a man hissed as Lance and Marcus reached her, but it was too late. Dave was gone. Lance picked her up and hugged her. “What happened, Annabelle?” He looked down at her ankle and growled when he saw the marks. “He was here. Someone get Mother,” he ordered. “We're going to need her now.” He pushed through the crowd. His father strolled into the middle of the room. “The shield has been raised. I need the men to start searching every inch of this place. If he's still here, he won't be able to leave. I want this thing destroyed!” Sandy and Eden walked in between guards as they all moved upstairs to her room. Her leg throbbed and her head was pounding. She curled up closer to Lance and yelped when he laid her down on the bed. “I'm sorry, but Mom needs to heal that leg.” He kissed her forehead and stood beside her. Eden hurried into the room. “I want to know how he got here,” Lance said. “He has to lock onto you physically before he can appear.” “I'm sorry. I didn't know he could do that. He called.” She flinched as Eden flushed out the wound with a mixture of herbs and warm water. “Don't worry about it, baby, you didn't know.” Marcus brushed her hair back. “Okay, so they know she's here, but to attack here…do you really believe they want all-out war? Or is he acting by himself? I think we need to contact Dorph. He can be our go-between. I'm sorry, Dad. It looks like we aren't going to be much help this year.” “It's all taken care of, but what concerns me is the fact that this thing got past our first line of defense. They're not supposed to be able to cross over it. So, if this is true, then someone inside let the shield down,” he snapped and stopped at the foot of the bed, gazing down at Annabelle. “Eden, you're going to have to check her head. She's got a nice goose egg there. Marcus, I'm afraid you might have to convert her tonight. At least if she is one of us, she will have the strength to fight if need be, and the babies will also benefit.” Nicholas frowned down at her. Annabelle lifted her head fast and glared at him. “What are you talking about, babies? No one asked me if I want this conversion.” Her head pounded. “You didn't tell her she's carrying at least twins, maybe triplets?” Nicholas glared at his sons and sighed. “My wife is what we call a doctor in your world, but she can see things with her special gift. She can see your babies and she'll be able to monitor their progress. As for the conversion, you have no choice. A human can't carry our kind. The babies would suck what blood you have in your body, killing you.” Annabelle frowned. “Is that why I can't eat and every time I try, it comes back up? I thought it was strange that I was starting pregnancy symptoms so early. Wait a minute. That's why you were at the door to greet us, wasn't it? They asked you to see if the babies were theirs, didn't they?” She glared at both Marcus and Lance. Eden looked up at her. “How many times have you thrown up, Annabelle? And I would have been there to greet you anyway.” “Twice today and three times yesterday. So much for trust!” she snapped. Eden shook her head. “I'm sorry, Annabelle, but you have to be converted tonight. It seems I was right. There must be at least three babies for you to be affected this early. You need nourishment and so do the babies.” Her stomach knotted and she gulped. Annabelle knew she had no choice. If the babies were in danger, she would do anything, but right now she didn't want any part of her mates. “Then we do it now. I don't want to risk the babies. Can you do it or maybe someone from the party? Because I'll be damned if they're going to touch me!” She glanced up at Marcus. Marcus glared right back. “We will do it and there will not be another word about it. I'm sorry we hurt you, Annabelle. We were wrong, but you're our mate, damn it!” Marcus sat down on the bed next to her. Her leg throbbed and so did her head. She sighed. “Fine, do it. How much pain are we talking about anyway?” she whispered. He kissed her head. “I believe there will be little pain with our family line. We are one of the oldest lines around, but I can't say for sure. None of our family has converted a human before.” “If you're going to convert her now, I don't need to do any more. Her body will heal itself.” Eden got up and patted her leg. “We'll see you in the morning, daughter. Welcome to the family.” Nicholas came around the bed and kissed her forehead. “I'm very proud to have you as part of our family, little one, but we're going to have to do something about your not listening to us.” He smiled and escorted his wife to the door.

  “Sandy, come on, you can join us downstairs. You can see her in the morning.” Nicholas held out his hand to Sandy . Tears dripped down her face. “I'm so sorry, Annabelle.” She hugged her and went to Eden and Nicholas, who hugged her.

  “She'll be fine,” they whispered to her as they shut the door. Marcus unzipped Annabelle's dress and Lance pulled it off her body, careful of her leg. “We're stripping you because you'll be sick, Annabelle. You're going to be very hot, then very cold. I wish we could spare you this.” He kissed her neck and palmed her breast. “We won't leave you. We'll be right here by your side.” Lance pulled her thong off and ripped her stockings away, always careful of her leg, and kissed the inside of her leg. He stood and stripped out of his clothes. He climbed up the bed and pulled her into his arms while Marcus stripped out of his clothes, throwing them to the floor as Lance had done. “Relax,” Lance whispered in her neck, scraping his fangs against it as the lights dimmed and a fire started in the fireplace. “Look at the flames, baby. Let them calm you.” His fangs sank into her neck. Marcus crawled on her other side. “Lance is drinking your blood. Then I will drink from you. When we have drained most of the blood from you, we will feed you our blood, starting the conversion.” He stroked her body. Annabelle closed her eyes and relaxed in Lance's arms. Everything was spinning, even with her eyes closed. She started to shiver as Marcus sank his teeth into the other side of her neck. She couldn't get warm enough even though both of them covered her body. She didn't know what was happening. Her eyes refused to open and she couldn't move. She was so tired. The only thing she heard was Lance whispering to her to drink, but it wasn't a cup they pushed at her. Something warm and wet slid down her throat. It tasted like wild berry juice and it was delicious.

  * * * *

  Marcus stared down at their beauty as she drank from his chest. Her skin was clammy and she started to tremble. He looked up at Lance, who nodded. “She is starting the change.” He got up and grabbed the washcloth from the bucket by the bed. Her eyes snapped open and she grabbed her stomach. “Oh God, please tell me I'm not losing the babies,” she screamed as she curled up into a ball. “No, Annabelle. The conversion has started.” The cut in his skin healed and he watched in horror as her body seized up, lifting her half off the bed. Marcus grabbed onto her at the same time Lance did. Never had he seen anyone go through the conversion as violently. It took both of them to hold her down as her body spasmed. “Marcus, you lied!” she screamed, tears running down her face as another series of convulsions ripped through her body. Mother we need you now! Something's wrong! His heart beat faster, and bloody tears ran down his face mixed with sweat as they held her down. Her words tore at his heart. “I'm coming.” Eden rushed into the room and sat at the end of the bed. “The babies are fine. The fire is uncomfortable to them, but they are protected from the conversion. I don't know why she is having such a horrible time, but she's halfway
through it now.” She grabbed onto her wrist and lifted her arm. “Damn, that's why. Why didn't you tell me she was Tredon? It's no wonder it's so bad.” She pointed to the mark. “What are you talking about?” Marcus asked, pushing Annabelle's damp hair out of her face as she relaxed before the next seizure started. Eden grabbed the blanket and covered it tightly around her. “Now I know why the brothers are on their way here. Damn them. If only they'd mentioned this before. Keep her still. I need to run downstairs for something to help with the pain. Marcus, keep her warm, whether she's sweating or not. Your father will be here in a minute to explain.” She ran out of the room as his father stormed in. He pulled the covers tighter around their mate. “Do you remember the story I told you boys about the first family visiting Earth and leaving three families here to watch over the different species? Well, they were called Tredons. They are marked with an arrow like birthmark under the arm. Females are rare among their kind and from what we understand, they are protected fiercely. The females will only reach their power level when they are mated.”

  He nodded to Annabelle. “She is one, unfortunately. They will suffer worse than any kind through the conversion. Your mother has something that will help with the pain for her, but it will only ease part of the pain.” He paced beside the bed and glanced up as his wife rushed back into the room. “I've got it. Make her drink this, Marcus. It will relax her muscles enough so she can work through the conversion with you.” She handed him the vial. “I still can't believe her father wouldn't tell us. We told him she was your mate.” She glanced down at Annabelle and entered into her body the way all healers do—leaving her own body to enter another's, healing from the inside out. Nicholas shook his head. “They are very secretive, Eden. I'm sure Annabelle doesn't even know what she is. Only the men are aware of their heritage. Hell, we only knew about them because of your training in the medical area, and the fact we have access to the libraries of the ancients.” Marcus glanced down at Annabelle. She grabbed onto his arm, digging her nails into his skin.

  Marcus wanted to strangle her brothers, but he had a feeling she would take care of them. She drank the liquid he put to her lips and cupped his cheek. She reached up tenderly and traced his mouth with her finger. “I'm sorry I called you a liar.” Annabelle tried to smile, but then crawled over Lance to the edge of the bed, her stomach heaving. Lance held the bucket as her body disposed of the toxins in her system. “Bathroom!” she squealed and tried to crawl off the bed, but Marcus grabbed her and ran to the bathroom.

  “I'm so going…to kill them,” she cried. As her stomach heaved its contents all over the toilet, she gripped the edge of the counter next to the toilet.

  Marcus kneeled down and held her body so she wouldn't fall over. “I've got you, Annabelle. Relax. Don't tense up, it will help.” He kissed her head as Lance wiped a warm washcloth over her face. “I think I'm going to create a spell just for your brothers. Let's see, how would they like to have the runs for three weeks?” he snapped. She lifted her head and smiled. “I'd like to see that.” Her voice was a mere whisper as her face turned red and pushed at him. “Marcus, go away. I need to clean myself.” She reached for the toilet paper, but he grabbed it from her hands. “Not another word.” He hushed her, looking into her eyes. “We'll take care of you. There is no need to be embarrassed.” Marcus helped her scoot forward as he cleaned her skin. Soft cries of helplessness filled the bathroom as Lance wrapped another blanket around her body and carried her back to the bed, which now had another set of clean sheets on it. “Don't try to speak, Annabelle. Save your energy. We'll work this out.” Lance crawled into bed with her still in his arms as Marcus crawled in next to them and covered them with another blanket. Her body started to tremble again as they held her. She scratched at her skin as he grabbed her arms, stopping her. She glanced down and watched as a red rash broke out on her arms. “What the hell?” She yelped. “Easy, it's just our blood toughing your skin. Once you are converted the sun won't bother you to bad and it will be able to regenerate faster if injured. “ Lance pulled her back and held her in his arms. “How's your leg?” Annabelle wiggled her leg without flinching as the red dots disappeared from her skin. She licked those thick ruby lips. “Can I get some water?” “No, Annabelle, not yet. Your body is still changing. You're almost done, but I'm afraid the worst is yet to come.” Eden cringed as her body lifted off the bed to slam back down. Marcus swore as he heard the bones crunch, the tendons in her body beat against his hand while he helped Lance hold her down, and her eyes rolled back in her head as she screamed. “I swear I'm going to kill her family.” Lance swore. “Not if I get them first!” she yelled. Sweat dripped off her body as she finally started to relax. “She's done,” Eden said. “The worst is over. Annabelle. I want you to stay in bed and rest till tomorrow. I'll come and check on you then. Boys, feed her again, but she is to have no human food. She should be able to tolerate a little bit of water. A cool bath might relax her further and soothe the muscles, but don't let her walk.”

  Eden got up off the bed and stepped into Nicholas's arms. “I'm so furious. How could her father have done this to her, Nicholas?” She grabbed onto his shirt and hugged him. “I don't know, but they have a lot to answer to when they get here. Come on, let our boys take care of their mate. We have another guest that needs comforting too.” He led her out the door. Lance got up and strolled into their private bathroom. He ran the bath water as Marcus scooped up his mate. Curled up in his arms, Annabelle held tight onto his arm. “If you ever leave me after this, I will make sure I hunt you two down and castrate the both of you.” She nipped at his chest. Marcus cringed at the thought as he walked into the bathroom and Lance cupped his balls. “There will be none of that. You are stuck with us.” He purred and dragged his fangs across her neck while he stepped into the warm water. He sat down with his precious bundle in his arms. “You need to feed, Annabelle. I'm going to help you this time. It will get easier as time goes on.” He threw his head back as her fangs sank into his chest without any warning. “Damn baby, warn me.” He gritted out, as his cock swelled and ached to fill her warm wet pussy.

  Chapter Seven

  Annabelle swept her tongue across the holes in his chest and peeked up at his handsome face. His dark green eyes flared as he rubbed her back. Her whole body felt like jell. Lance's and Marcus's emotions poured into her, and her anger towards her family only tired her out more. She rested her head on his chest. “Why didn't they tell me? Couldn't my own family trust me? If a Trendon is like a police officer controlling the different species, they would have to be able to see each form a person is, right?” Her dark brown eyes sought his. He nodded. “So…” She sat up and shook. “They would have known Dave was a demon, wouldn't they?”

  She gasped and tried to stand, but Marcus and Lance grabbed on to her.”Easy, baby, you're not ready to stand yet. You'll fall flat on your face,” Lance mumbled into her ear and started to soap her body and hair. Tears slipped down her face. “How could they do that to me, Lance? They had to know I was clueless about him. I mean, they would have seen his natural form. God, they let me fuck that thing.” She curled up onto Lance's lap, hugging her stomach as Marcus stood and got out of the tub. “Shh, baby, it will be okay. We'll figure this out.” Lance rocked her for a few minutes as he rinsed her body with the hand-held spray. He turned the water off and hugged her tightly as he got out of the tub, carrying her back to bed. Once again, clean sheets had been placed on the bed, the room had been straightened, and herbs burned all around, taking the aroma of sickness out of the air. Marcus dried her body with a large heated towel while Lance held her in his arms. No one had ever taken such good care of her, even though it was so embarrassing to think they had cleaned up after her. They hurt for her, her anger turned into their anger, but their love surrounded her and supported her when no one else had. “I just want to sleep in your arms, both of you,” she whispered as they laid her down on the bed and curled up around her. “Then sleep, Annabelle. We'll be right he
re all night for you.” Marcus kissed her neck, as Lance kissed her lips softly. “Thank you for being with me.” She yawned and closed her eyes.

  * * * *

  Marcus stared at their beauty in their arms. She had slept through the night without any trouble. He knew she would wake hungry and very sensitive to all the emotions around her. He smiled as he nodded to Lance. It was time to wake their mate, before the others stirred. No one had found Dave. Somehow he had slipped out of the house and the grounds. All the guards were put on high alert and her brothers were due there within the hour. He trailed kisses down her back while Lance sucked her breast into his mouth. They rolled her onto her back and he slowly separated her legs. Marcus needed to taste her honey again and stretch her to take them both this morning. Her little moan made him smile as he separated her pussy lips and licked around her clit. It seemed like ages since he had tasted her. He dipped down and pushed his tongue into her pussy, then his fingers. She jumped, but he held her while he fucked her with his tongue and fingers. “Oh, more…” she moaned, as she grabbed onto the bed sheets. He slipped his wet fingers down to her ass and pushed them into her slowly. Her body tensed, but he continued to push further into her. Annabelle heard the shouts down below. Her body tensed under him, and he knew her brothers had arrived. “Let me up, Lance, Marcus. They're here. Can't you hear them yelling?” She pushed Lance away from her as he lifted up and frowned at her. “They can wait,” Marcus snapped, but got up anyway. “No, they're coming up the stairs now, but maybe later we can continue this.” She smiled at him as he got up. He walked into the closet and pulled on a pair of jeans. “You bet your sweet ass we'll continue this, as soon as I kill your brothers, then my father for letting them up here,” Lance said, pulling his pants on. “Sorry, I get first dibs on my brothers,” she snapped, throwing on a pair of black jeans and a sweater. Marcus wrapped his arms around her and kissed her as the door flew open. Her three large brothers stormed into the room. Annabelle broke the kiss and patted his hand, then turned her full anger on her brothers. “What the hell do you want? Why even bother coming here, pretending to care?”


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