The Risk: Scott's Story (Runaway Love Series Book 2)

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The Risk: Scott's Story (Runaway Love Series Book 2) Page 8

by Washington, Pamela

  “I’ve been dying to get out the house!”

  I lean over and give her a kiss on the lips before I drop the top and I pull away. She smiles again.

  “Why didn’t you just go for a drive?”

  “Where was I going to go? You’ve been pushing me aside. I don’t have many friends, you know.”

  I look at her out of the corner of my eye and watch her relax more into the seat. I see my name as clear as day near her boob. I have to force myself to not make an asshole-like comment.

  “You have friends; but you’re picky and enjoy being under me.”

  She laughs and rests her hand on my leg. “I’m not picky and I do enjoy your company above all. Let’s go to lunch.”

  We pull up to Nobu in Mayfair. I know she loves sushi and this is all about her. I let the valet take the car after I walk around to help Maxine out. I notice some photographers outside taking pictures, and when they see us, they turn and snap pictures as I pull her in closer to me before we walk in. I look around and notice that a few other familiar celebrities are here. Luckily we’re able to get in without reservations.

  “How did you know I love coming here to eat?”

  “I know you love sushi, so I just figured this was the best place to go.”

  She leans across the table and kisses me on the lips.

  “Thank you”

  The waiter brings us the menu, but Maxine already knows what she wants. She doesn’t waste any time ordering. I ordered the rib eye with tempura and a glass of water.

  “Hmm… No Jack for you? That’s shocking.” Maxine leans back in her seat and drinks her wine.

  “No. For some reason I haven’t been drinking that much.”

  “Okay, so why did you really call me here?”

  I laugh before I sweetly ask, “Why can’t I just be calling an old friend out to eat?”

  “Oh please, Scott! You were cold toward me the last time you saw me. I don’t mind you showing me off in front of the photographers, but I’m curious as to what you need from me.”

  Maybe I should’ve ordered that drink.

  “Okay, I’m just going to say it. I need you to come with me to the States.”

  Maxine waves the waiter down and orders a whole bottle of wine.

  “I fucking knew it!”

  “Bring your voice down, Maxine.”

  “Ha! You want me to go with you to see that damn bitch again! I thought you were done with her. Why do you need me to go with you?”

  Our food comes and I start to eat while she’s staring at me, waiting for an answer. I put my fork down and clear my throat.

  “Okay, I told Grace that I chose to be with you. She and I could never work. Now she’s having a vow renewal and Tony sent me an invitation. I would like to go, but only if you agree to be my date.”

  Maxine perks up quickly once she hears that I chose her over Grace.

  “Wow… I didn’t know you chose me over Grace, the love of your life. In that case, I’d love to go with you to the States. When is it?”

  “It’s next week. I was thinking we can go for two days and leave?”

  “That’s fine with me. But that means we share a room, and I’m going to be staying with you from today on out. I believe I need to go shopping also.”

  She tries to give me her pouty face look, but I’d already planned to give her money to go shopping anyway. I pay for our meal and grab her hand so we can walk out of the restaurant. We wait as the valet pulls up with the car. I tell her to drop me off home and I slide her my AMEX card so she can buy whatever she wants. Yeah, yeah…I had good intentions of giving her cash, but I can tell Maxine is out to make me bleed.

  The next few days pass in a blur. Playing house with Maxine is actually more fun than I’d expected. She’s clearly loving her newest role in my life and doing everything she can to show my just how happy she is. My cock is definitely not complaining. She pushes Grace out of my mind when she’s with me, but when I’m alone, Grace continues to invade my head.

  I’m pumped and ready for my scrimmage later today. I walk into the kitchen and Maxine is in my dress shirt making Eggs Benedict for me. I sit down and watch her as she finishes breakfast. She turns around with a smile and pours me some orange juice.

  “Today is game day, baby. I can’t wait to see you on the field.”

  I sip my juice. “Yeah, I missed it. Drew will be here to come get me, so you can drive one of my rides.”

  She leans over and gives me a kiss, and I pull her around so she can sit on my lap.

  “Anything for you. You’ve been surprising me as of lately.”

  “Oh please, Scott. You’re the one who’s been spoiling me. Now, if we could just get that tattoo covered, then we’ll be complete. But…”

  I stare at her because I’d told her before not to mention it. Before my nasty comment can leave my lips, I’m save by the doorbell. Drew has the best timing sometimes. Maxine gets up to open the door for him. I finish my breakfast and grab my bag from the closet. I give Maxine and kiss and a slap on the ass.

  “Don’t be late. I’ll be waiting to see you after the game.”

  She laughs and closes the door behind me. We wait for the elevator and I can sense that Drew has something to say, but he’s really holding back. He’s my only true friend, and I want to know what he’s thinking about. Drew lets me have it once we step into the elevator.

  “What the fuck is going on with you and Maxine now? Didn’t you say Grace is pregnant? Isn’t she the love of your life?”

  Drew is up in my face, tossing everything at me at once. I can’t even get any words out. The elevator stops on the first floor, and I walk out in front him. I hear him calling my name. Luckily, I spot his Audi out front, so I walk over to it and wait for him to unlock the door.

  “Are you going to fucking answer me?”

  “Open the door, Andrew, and we can talk on the way there, bro. I don’t want to have this conversation in public.”

  “No. Tell me now and then we can ride to the game like the best fucking friends we are.”

  I sigh a deep sigh. “Okay, I’m using Maxine to go with me to Grace’s vow renewal in a few days. One of her conditions of going with me was that she had to stay with me until after the trip. What was I supposed to do? I need Maxine there with me to have the courage to face Grace. Surprisingly, I’ve been having fun with Maxine. It’s like something changed in her. Grace is still pregnant and when I go to the States, I will find out what I need to know. She isn’t talking to me right now. Grace is, and will always be, the love of my life. My heart is going to fucking break when I see her and Tony exchange vows, but I know I need to witness her happiness in order to move on with my sad life. Happy? Now open the fucking door.”

  Drew unlocks the doors and we head toward the stadium. Neither one of us speaks during the entire ride.

  We pull up and Drew finally speaks, “I’m coming with you to New York.”

  I don’t tell him that he can’t come, but I don’t say he can. I’m just silent. I appreciate the offer more than he’ll ever know, and of course I’ll feel better with him there with me as well. I wish I would’ve asked him first.

  We go into the locker room, and I give the team a pep talk to get us ready. Drew and I lead the team out onto the field. I look out to all the fans in the stands and all I can do is wave and take everything in. I can’t believe I’m here. Every time I walk out on this field and see the signs the fans make, I love it. Then I feel a ping in my heart as I realize Grace hasn’t gotten a chance to see this. I look over and see Maxine with her mother, so I wave.

  My team and I play our hearts out, even though it’s just a scrimmage. I truly enjoy playing soccer. It’s the only place where I have control. Sure, it’s of a head-sized black and white ball, but it’s control nonetheless. Plus, when I’m on the field, I have a sense of accomplishment and worthiness. I never felt that way growing up – like I was worth anything, like I
could succeed at anything other than being a fuck-up. Yes, soccer definitely saved me and helped me to grow up.

  Drew and I invite the team out to the pub to celebrate our win tonight. Even if Drew is a goalie, he’s the best fucking goalie I know. I shower, get dressed, and grab my bag. When I walk out of the locker room, Maxine’s waiting for me. Doesn’t this chick know how to breathe without me?

  “Great game, baby. Are you coming home so we can celebrate?”

  I give her a kiss before telling her, “No, I’m hanging out with Drew and the guys tonight.”

  Drew walks out the locker room and wraps his arms around my shoulders to pull me away from Maxine before she gets a chance to respond. See, I told you Drew has great timing!

  I wave bye and Drew turns around and says, “Bye, Ms. Rivers, He’s not coming home tonight.” He starts laughing and I can’t help but laugh also. I’m still exhilarated from our win!

  She doesn’t say anything in response, but I know my phone will be blowing up from her. The whole team shows up to drink, as expected, but Drew is shocked that I remain sober. He doesn’t say much to me, but the constant questioning of his eyes lets me know he’s trying to figure me out. I pretty much become the designated driver, which is fine with me. The guys and I head to Drew’s house to continue our party. I don’t know why Drew chose to have such a big home, but he says when he finds the one, he’ll already have a home for his family.

  Everyone stumbles into the house, and I carry Drew to his room and toss him on the bed.

  “I know you haven’t been drinking tonight. I guess you’re just missing Grace or maybe this wedding is really stressing you. Don’t worry because I’ll help you kidnap her if you want to.”

  I don’t even respond as I place a blanket over him and head to the room I usually sleep in when I stay over. I check my phone and Maxine has texted me a few times. I send her a text telling her I’m sober at Drew’s house.

  I lie down and dreams invade my mind almost immediately…

  I walk into the backyard where the wedding is taking place, and I stand at the end of the aisle watching Grace and Tony exchanging vows. When it’s Grace’s turn to talk, she turns to look in the crowd and stops when our eyes lock on each other. I start to walk down the aisle, but Drew’s pulling at me to stop. I push him away because I have to get to Grace. I have to save her, save us. I need to tell her how I really feel. I need her. I walk up to Grace and drop to my knees and kiss her belly. I hear voices and feel Tony pulling at me to get up, but I don’t move. I reach into my pocket and pull out the wedding ring I had designed for her. I look up into her eyes and ask her to marry me. Grace looks down at me and for a moment, she and I are the only two people who exist in the world.

  “Yes, Scott, I will marry you. I love you - only you. Now it’s time to get up because you’re dreaming.”

  I open my eyes and see Drew shaking me. “Stop it Drew, Grace just said she’ll marry me.” I close my eyes to return to Grace.

  “Wake up, Scott! You’re dreaming, man.”

  When I open my eyes again, I see Drew ready to pour a glass of water on me.

  I push Drew away and sit up. “What the fuck just happened?”

  “Sounds like you were getting married to Grace. Now I’m definitely thinking that it’s a good idea for me to come with you.”

  I look around and reach for my phone and realize it’s noon. “Sorry about that, man.”

  “No, it’s fine, brother. The maid made us a late breakfast. Come on and eat.”

  “Okay, cool, I’m coming.”

  Drew leaves the room and closes the door. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I look into the mirror, wondering what the hell is going on with me. Would I really try and ruin Grace’s day like that? I wouldn’t want to cause her that kind of heartache, and I doubt she’d be kind to me afterward. I wash my face and brush my teeth before I go to eat breakfast.

  As I walk toward the kitchen, I hear Drew fussing with a female voice I don’t recognize. I wait for a minute so I can listen.

  “Listen, Danielle, I just need space right now. I love you, but I’m not ready for a relationship.”

  “Why, Andrew? What have I ever done but play the supportive background to everything? You’re nothing like them! You’re Andrew, the man I have been in love with since school.”

  “Danielle! I said I don’t want to talk about it. Please leave. I have company here.”

  “Who? A female? Tell me now that you want me to leave and never come back.”

  “Danielle, please! I’ll call you later. I promise”

  “Tell me, Andrew! Tell me to go and never come back!”

  I walk out to see this mystery women who Drew obviously must’ve been secretly dating. I see a female with a caramel complexion who’s incredibly curvy and has her hair in long curls. She stops yelling and turns around to face me at the same time Drew does.

  “Bye, Andrew. I’m not going to wait around for long. Bye, Scott. Great game.” I’m shocked as I watch her walk toward the front door. When I hear something like keys drop on the table by the door, I turn and look at Drew. I’m curious to know more about what my best friend has been doing.

  I silently walk over to fix myself a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. I grab a glass of orange juice before I sit at the island and wait for him to explain what I just witnessed. I’m a little shocked that this mystery knows who I am, but then again, Drew and I are on the same team. Instead of Drew coming over to me, he walks out and I hear the front door open and close shortly after. Well, I guess I won’t be getting any answers about what’s going on. I think I remember her from somewhere, but I can’t place my finger on it. I have other things to worry about but won’t forget what happened here.

  I finish up my breakfast and wash my plate. I guess I’ll just go home and relax. I look at his ring of keys and I pick the fob for the Audi that I drove here last night. I can’t help but look at the table on my way out the door and am surprised to see a set of keys on a “Danielle” key chain. Now my interest is really piqued! Drew and I share everything with each other, so how do I not know about this beautiful woman?

  I drive home and park in the garage in my last available spot. I look and see Maxine chatting with Gloria over by Gloria’s car. I should walk over there and say hi, but things have been going fine between us, and I don’t want Maxine to start asking questions about how I know Gloria. Wait, how does Maxine know her? I guess Gloria says something because Maxine turns and looks at me and waves. I wave back and get into the elevator before I can wonder about the situation any more. I open my door and walk into the living room to have a seat so I can watch some TV. I pull out my phone to check if Drew has called, but there’s nothing. I send him a text message letting him know that I have the Audi.

  After I send the message, I realize I have an unanswered message from Grace. I open it:

  I miss you

  It’s been two days since I received the text from Grace and now I’m on a plane sitting next to Drew and Maxine is across from us. Drew hasn’t mentioned what happened at his house, and I haven’t bothered to bring it up. I know that Drew will tell me what’s going on when he’s ready to share that part of his life with me.

  Mr. Rivers was eager to approve my trip to the States when he learned Maxine was coming with me. I think that Maxine, for once, lied to her father and told him it was her idea to come. She has been on her best behavior since I invited her to come with me. I really like this new Maxine – positivity truly goes a long way in a person’s demeanor. Maxine’s surprisingly happy to make this trip, but Drew and I are still on guard for her to start drama. Drew promised me that he won’t let her cause a scene.

  We land in New York and we head to the bed and breakfast that we stayed at before. This time, though, Maxine and I are sharing a room. Drew looks at me and shakes his head when we check in. All I can do is shrug my shoulders.

  I don’t bother to unpack because I know I’m not g
oing to stay long, but I do hang my suit up so it won’t get wrinkled. I want to make the best impression I can at the wedding. I walk into the bathroom to splash some water on my face; I need to pull myself together. A shot of whiskey would calm me down, but I’m going to be a father so I need to keep my head on straight.

  I look at my reflection and see my mom in my eyes. I wonder what my mom would think about me right now and my current situation. Would she be heartbroken that I haven’t moved on from Grace? Would she be proud of the man I’ve become? A sinking feeling unfolds itself in my stomach as I realize that my mom would probably be disappointed by my actions and behavior. If I’m honest with myself, I’ve been a complete asshole who only cares about himself and what makes him feel good. I’ve used and emotionally hurt women without a second thought. I’ve used alcohol as a crutch to avoid dealing with stress and worries. I ruined Grace’s life, and now I want to ruin the life of an innocent six year old child.

  I haven’t exactly been motherly-proud material. But, I’m changing all that. Ever since Grace came back into my life, I’ve been trying to be a better person. When I fully understood how my selfish and immature decisions almost ruined and broke Grace, I realized I needed to change. My soul drops as I realize that I did to Grace what my dad did to my mom, only my mom wasn’t strong enough to fight the anguish that took over her life. Grace found her way out of that darkness because of one person – Tony. Fuck, without Tony, Grace would’ve met the same end my mom did. I truly owe Tony my life – he saved my Grace. I look in the mirror and see tears running down my cheeks. Why couldn’t my mom have had a Tony to protect her?

  I splash water on my face again before I walk back out into the bedroom to face Maxine. I’m happy when I find her sound asleep across the bed. I grab a blanket and lay it across her. I decide to walk down to Drew’s room to see if he wants to go out for a bit.


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