Soul Surrender (The Soul Mark Series Book 3)

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Soul Surrender (The Soul Mark Series Book 3) Page 3

by Cara E Holt

  “You total fucking bastard!” I scream at him, furious. “I could have died.”

  He lands in one quick swoop on the ground and I jump out of his hold and stagger with the weight of my wings.

  “I wouldn’t have let you die you daft Dae.”

  Daft dae! I storm over to him and lift my fist and punch him on the nose. Holy fire flames! I think it hurts my hand more than it does his nose. He grabs my clenched fists and holds them against his chest. His dark eyes burn into mine all serious.

  “I would never let anything bad happen to you. I will protect you with my life.” His eyes flare red, like I have seen mine do many times and something inside me answers to him. I know at that moment that my eyes are as blood red as his. “You will learn to fly flower. You were born to fly, and I will be the one to teach you.”

  His lips are way too near to mine. I snatch my hands away from his and step back. I close my eyes and will my wings to close away and feel them retreat into my back.

  “For the record. Your wings are damn fucking beautiful.” He tells me firmly. He folds his own wings away and offers me his hand.

  Begrudgingly I place mine in his. “Just for the record I’m still pissed at you, okay?”

  He leans in and kisses my cheek. “Got it flower. I like you mad at me, it’s kind of sexy.”

  I swear at him under my breath and he releases a grin, as he pulls me towards the door of the club.

  “I sill can’t believe there are clubs in hell.”

  He winks at me. “We demons need to unwind and have fun too.”

  He leads me inside and I am hit by something I can’t put into words. It’s like this sense of power, a heavy dark pull. I can almost taste it on my tongue and I feel strangely at home. He leads me down a dark staircase and we come out into a basement style club. Loud music pulses. The place is packed. He weaves me through the crowd and demons part for us, eyeing him like he is some kind of god. We walk up to a small raised area where a man sits drink in hand chatting to a stunning blonde. This is without doubt Kol’s brother, I can see the resemblance. The same dark eyes and chiselled chin. His brother is not as muscular as him, but still solid. His hair is long and rests on his shoulders.

  He looks up as we approach and grins. “Brother!” He stands and locks hands with Kol.

  “Good to see you. Talia.” Kol nods to the girl who sits before us. She blows him a kiss before she takes a sip of her drink.

  Kol pulls me forward so I am at his side and he places a hand around my waist.

  His brother’s eyes light up with interest as he takes me in. “So, this can’t be the girl that Dad betrothed you to, because if I remember rightly you said hell could freeze over before you would be with a girl that Dad chose for you.”

  “Yeah, yeah, fuck off.” Kol says grinning. “Turns out Dad was right all along.” He squeezes my waist and smiles at me. “This here is Ebony.”

  His brother comes forward and takes my hand in his and kisses it, his red eyes staying on mine. “Pleasure to meet you. I am Ash. So, your Azael’s daughter. He sure kept you quiet, and no wonder.”

  Kol tugs at my waist and pulls me back to his side. “Enough pawing at her brother.”

  “It’s nice to meet you Ash.” I tell him offering a smile. Kol guides me to sit beside him and I take in the club. The place is full of demons. They dance, drink and make out, it’s like being at a club in the human world, only here all eyes are red, nothing human about them.

  I look back to Kol, who is watching me take in the room. “Your eyes are still red.” I comment.

  He nods and plays with a strand of my hair in his hand. “Here we can be who we truly are. Your eyes a red too flower. Your Demon blood feels at home here.”

  The woman who is sat beside Ash, leans over him and offers me her hand. “I’ll introduce myself, seeing as he is too ignorant to. I’m Talia.”

  I take her hand. “Ebony.”

  She holds my hand in hers and examines the gold band etched into my wrist. She looks up at Ash and then at Kol. “She’s mated to Fae?”

  I see Kol’s jaw tighten. “She is, but she is here now and is staying.”

  I look away. I can’t look any of them in the eye because my emotions are too raw. I do belong to another and I always will.

  “But..” Talia looks at me confused.

  “Leave it Talia.” Ash tells her firmly. Talia paints on a smile and stands and offers me her hand.

  “Come on Ebony. Let’s go get you a drink.”

  Kol doesn’t let go of my waist and she rolls her eyes dramatically at him. “I’ll look after her.”

  He leans into my ear. “Don’t wander off anywhere on your own, okay?”

  I nod and let Talia take my hand and drags me off into the crowded club. As we pass by people or should I say demons they smile to Talia and greet her, their curious eyes then fall on me. Since I entered this realm, all my glamour has dropped so as well as my demon eyes, my fae ears and eyes are clear for all to see. One red-eyed demon licks his lips as I pass him and looks at me hungrily.

  “We don’t get many Dae in here, so you’re something of a novelty,” Talia tells me as we reach the bar. “Plus the smell of your powerful magic is sinful.” She leans against the bar. “Vodka?”

  “Rum please.”

  She shouts to the bar man and orders our drinks. “So, now the two brothers aren’t around, what is the real story about that Fae mate mark around your wrist.”

  I look down at my mate mark and stroke it with my fingers. “I am mate bound to the prince of the unseelie Fae. Lucifer used threats against him and my family to get me here.”

  Talia frowns and places her hand on my arm. “I’m sorry, that must have been hard for you.”

  I offer her a sad smile. “It was but I’d do it again in a heart-beat if it meant my loved ones were safe and well.”

  I sip on my drink as I glance around the room. The rum is strong and makes me cough. “Are you full demon?”

  Talia nods, she tucks a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. “Yes, my father is Paimon.”

  “Is Paimon a powerful Demon?”

  She bobs her head from side to side. “Yes, he’s up there in the higher circle. He’s not as bigger deal as your dad of course.”

  “That is one thing about being here, at least I will get to see my Father.” That was the one of the few good things about being here, and I was hoping he could find a way to get me out of the oath he made to Lucifer.

  “Do you love your mate? The unseelie prince.”

  I smile thinking of my gorgeous mate. “I love him with all my heart.”

  She nods and gives me an assessing look. “Yet you’re attracted to Kol.”

  I look at her and shrug. “It’s hard to explain what I feel about Kol. I feel safe with him.”

  She gives me a sad smile. “Kol is a good guy, far too good for a demon and I think that what drives Lucifer mad. He loves the human world. He spends more time there than any of his brothers.”

  I play with the straw in my drink. “I know he is a decent guy. I feel that from him.”

  She holds up her drink. “Anyway, welcome to the underworld.”

  With a chill down my spine, I smile and clink my glass against hers. We return to the guys, who look deep in a serious conversation. Kol is wearing a deep frown and does not look happy. He gives me a stiff smile when I sit down beside him.

  “You two were a long time.”

  Talia grins. “Girl talk. Has Lucifer announced her arrival?” She asks. “She was getting a lot of attention out there.”

  Kol’s eyes fall on me. “That’s hardly a surprise, but no, he hasn’t yet.”

  “The sooner he does the safer she will be.” Ash comments. He sips his drink and looks over his glass at me. “The sooner the two of you are mated the safer she will be too.”

  “That’s not going to happen.” I tell his brother firmly my eyes burning into his. Kol runs a finger over my hand and I know he does it to c
alm me.

  “Let’s leave this conversation for another time.” Kol gives his brother a warning look.

  “No, let’s not.” I demand slamming my glass down. “Let’s talk about this. I was forced here. Your father threatened my mate and my family. That is why I am here. When I was bound to Lorcen, I was bound to him for life.”

  Ash grins coldly at me. “Well it’s a long eternal life you have without your mate then. You’ll be surprised what a lifetime of distance can do.”

  I glare at him coldly. “Ah but I will see him. You see Lucifer and I had a deal. I can still spend time with him.”

  Kol sits up straighter and turns my face to his. “He agreed you could still see Lorcen?”

  “He did.” I reply firmly.

  I jump as the glass Kol is holding in his hand smashes to pieces. With a face like thunder he stands and storms off into the crowd.

  “Shit. That went down well.” I sigh, as much as this may seem hard to believe I actually don’t want to hurt Kol.

  His brother breaks my unease by chuckling. “Ah my brothers a big boy, he’ll be fine.”

  Half an hour later and Kol hasn’t come back. Talia gives me sad reassuring smiles and makes small talk.

  “I’m going to go look for him.” I announce putting down my drink and going to stand. I’m stopped by Ash putting a hand on my arm.

  “No need.” He gestures with his head and I turn to see Kol walking towards us with a pretty red-head demon on his arm.

  “Miss me?” He asks me, the sarcasm is thick in his tone.

  “I’d like to go home if it’s okay?” I ask him. I’m tired, this has been a shitty day and I’m really missing Lorcen and now Kol is making me feel bad for wanting to still see my mate.

  “Looks like we are leaving.” He pulls the red-head closer. “You coming to my place?”

  She runs her hand down his chest. “You bet.”

  I roll my eyes and with a sigh I stand. Talia stands beside me and pulls me into a hug. “I’ll come see you soon. Round here you need friends.”

  I give her an appreciative smile. “I’d like that.”

  I follow Kol and the red-head outside into the endless dark skies. He holds out his hand whilst the female demon has his other arm wrapped around her waist. I look at his hand with a frown. He was being a real arse and I really didn’t feel like taking his hand. He reaches out for me and takes my hand giving me no choice and the scenery around us changes and we are stood in the main living area of his home. The red-head leans into his ear and whispers something and he smirks in response.

  “I’ll sleep on the sofa.” I tell them pointing at the quite comfy looking leather sofa in front of me. Without waiting for a response, I walk off to the bedroom and take a pillow and the blanket that lies across the bottom of the bed. I walk back into the living space and feel Kol’s eyes watching me as I put the pillow against the arm of the sofa and place the blanket down. With a tired sigh I sit down and begin to take my shoes off. I stop when I can feel his eyes burning into me.

  I cock a brow. “Don’t let me disturb your night.” I lift my feet up and turning my back on them I pull the blanket over me and close my eyes.


  I wake the next morning and my back and neck ache from my not-so-comfy night on the sofa. Kol had been a real arse last night but I would let it slide as he was hurt from my very clear rejection. In another life I probably could have fallen for Kol, and maybe even loved him. My heart however had already been given to somebody else. My green-eyed boy who I was missing terribly. How would I cope when I finally got to see him again? and I wouldn’t be able to touch him. I decided there and then that I needed to keep my mind fully occupied during my time here. I would use all my waking hours training my powers and getting stronger. With this in mind I use my fae magic to change into gym clothes and I head down into the basement to workout.

  An hour later I am dripping with sweat and feeling pumped. I am bent over taking in some deep breaths when I feel his presence. Kol is leaning in the doorway in just black joggers, arms folded, watching me intently. I can’t read the look on his face.

  “You were hitting that bag with some force.”

  “I was pretending it was your face.” I tell him, and this earns me one of his devilish grins.

  “We’re going to the human realm tonight.”

  My eyes light up. “We are?”

  He nods and walks towards me. When he reaches me, he takes my chin in his hand. “I know what you’re thinking flower, but you know I can’t, not yet.”

  “I’m sorry I hurt you last night. I thought you knew about my deal with your father.”

  He gives me a sad smile. “This situation isn’t your doing flower.” He offers me out his hand and without hesitation I place mine in his and let him lead me upstairs for breakfast. The red-head is nowhere to be seen so I presume she left before he came down to find me.

  After we have eaten Kol announces it is flying time and despite my groans and protestations I find myself outside on a cliff top again. My black feathered wings are out behind me and I have to admit it feels good to have them out and to feel the wind against them.

  “Okay.” Kol puts a hand on each hip. “No practicing on the ground. Today we hit the skies.”

  I scoff. “You mean you hit the skies, while I will hurtle to the ground and face-plant the floor, crushing my brains.”

  He chuckles. “You have such little faith.”

  He takes my hands and leads me to the edge of the cliff. “Okay, so we are going to take off from here. Beat your wings fast, in order to gain height into the sky and then you can slow it down once we are high enough.”

  I sigh. “If you say so.” I had zero belief that I would be gaining any height.

  He keeps hold of one hand and stands beside me. “You ready?”

  I roll my shoulders and give him a nod. I copy him and start to beat my wings and then he runs forward and we both leap off the cliff top. I beat my wings with all my might and feel myself rising upwards.

  “That’s it Ebony. Keep going!”

  Feeling his encouragement, I continue to beat my wings rapidly and sure enough we are soaring higher into the sky. I’m flipping flying!!

  “Okay.” Kol shouts squeezing my hand, “Slow it right down now. Let the wind carry you.”

  I do as he instructs, and I can’t help but let a huge grin out when I realise that I am doing it. I am in the air and I am not falling to my death. In fact, this was kind of fun. Wait until Lorcen hears about this. My heart drops as this thought runs through my mind. He would be so proud of me. I could see him, with that beautiful smile on his face telling me how great I was doing.

  I try to shake off my melancholy and allow myself to close my eyes and soar through the clouds. All of the sudden I realise I can’t feel kol’s hand in mine. I open my eyes and curse when I see he is no longer beside me.

  “Kol!” I shout in panic.

  “Up here.” I look up, and he is flying a good ten foot above me. “Come on up.”

  Beating my wings a little faster and closer to my body I push myself upwards and manage to reach him.

  “I did it!” I yell and he gives me a smile and a wink.

  We fly for a good half an hour. He has me practicing swooping and making sharp turns. I am having fun, until he announces we need to head back. This means I am going to have to land on the ground. Now this could be a complete utter circus of a fuck up.

  “Kol, I don’t think I can do this.” My eyes must show the fear I feel, as he hovers nearer and takes my hand in his.

  “You can do this flower. You were born to fly. It is part of who you are.”

  I shake my head, allowing the fear to tighten its grip on me. “I can’t do it. Please don’t make me try.”

  He looks determined but then he looks in my fear struck eyes and I see his resolve melt. He pulls me towards him. “Tuck your wings in then and wrap your legs around me.”

  I wrap my legs aro
und his waist and my arms around his neck and tuck my wings back into my body. Up this close Kol is so beautiful. His angular jaw is smooth from being freshly shaven. His dark eyes meet mine and for a second we just look at each other as we hover in the dark skies of hell. I think if I was willing to let go of my other life and accept my life here, that over the years I could love this demon with the dark eyes. In those silent second between us, I think we both feel it. What could have been if I hadn’t already gone and given my heart to another.

  “Let’s get us home.” Kol says. His voice is thick with emotion.

  We fly silently back to his house on the cliff tops of hell. When we land he places me down and places a kiss on my head and walks silently away inside. I hate that I can’t give him what he wants. I sit down on the ground and look up at the star-lit skies. Somewhere under similar stars is Lorcen.


  That morning when I woke and saw the letter on the bedside table, I knew. I knew without opening the letter, what she had done. My stupid, selfless, mate had sacrificed herself to save me. What she didn’t consider though was that by leaving me she hadn’t saved me. We should have fought this together, letting nothing tear us apart. Together we would have found a way. I went through various emotions on that first day. At first, I felt pure anger. Anger that she walked away without a proper goodbye. Angry that she gave us up. Then I felt the pain. The pain I know she must have felt in walking away from us, from everyone she loved. To go with the very being that had caused her so much pain. Now though, now I felt determination. I was not willing to let her go. One way or another I would get my girl back, because devil be damned, she was the other half of me and I refused to spend my life without her by my side.

  Alana had known. I knew it when she rushed in the room, after I had started smashing it to pieces. I saw it in her eyes, without her having to say a word. Ebony had told her she was leaving.


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