Soul Surrender (The Soul Mark Series Book 3)

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Soul Surrender (The Soul Mark Series Book 3) Page 5

by Cara E Holt

  “Bastard.” I spit and take a step forward, clenching my fists. Kol puts a hand on me and holds me back.

  “Just go father. We will be there later.”

  I wait until his father has gone and then I spin around and give him my full attention.

  “He wants us to have a baby!” I shout, my eyes boring into his. He replies by giving me a shrug of his shoulders. I walk round to him and demand his full time. “Don’t just give me a shrug in response. Why is it so important for you to get me pregnant?”

  Kol holds his hands up. “I have no clue why but, knowing my father it cannot be for anything good.”

  I fold my arms and scrutinise his face. “And what happens if we haven’t had sex and made a baby within a month?”

  Kol shifts uncomfortably and this makes my hairs stand on end with nerves. Whatever his response I don’t think I am going to like it. “Then he will expect me to use my powers to seduce you.”

  “Your powers.” I repeat. “Well, go on, explain.”

  He runs a hand through his hair and gives me a pleading look. “Look, can we just forget about this okay? It doesn’t matter.”

  “Like hell it doesn’t.” I snap, stepping closer to him. “What powers?”

  He takes both of my hands in his. “Look Ebony. I’m the prince of lust. I feed off lust. I have the power to seduce any woman. If I used my powers on you, you would not be able to resist me.”

  I pull my hands from him and take a step back. “You mean, I wouldn’t be able to say no?”

  He reaches out for my hands again but I step back. “You wouldn’t want to say no. All you would want would be me.”

  “Would you do that? To me?”

  He gives me a sad look. Like he is almost disappointed I had to ask. “Never. I want you to WANT to be with me. Not because of my powers but because you take the decision that I am the one you want.”

  “Which you know cannot happen.”

  He steps closer to me and puts a hand around my waist. “You say that, but yet when I pull you closer now, I feel your heart speed up, I see your pupils dilate. My closeness makes you nervous and excited at the same time.”

  I flush and scowl. Damn my body. “Well, you are a good-looking guy, I have never denied that. It’s a natural response.”

  He smirks at me in disbelief. “If you say so flower.” He leans down and I freeze still thinking he is about to kiss me, but he surprises me and drops a kiss on my head, before walking away from me towards the kitchen. “Go and get some sleep.”

  I am running through a maze and all I hit are dead ends, I shout out for Lorcen and I can hear his voice but I can’t see him or get to him. The despair I feel at not being able to find him rips through my heart.

  “Ebony, wake up.” A soft calming voice, lulls me from my sleep.

  I open my eyes to find Kol leaning over me, concern etched on his face. “You were having a nightmare.”

  “Lorcen. I couldn’t find him.” I explain, my voice thick with the emotion I feel inside of me.

  Kol strokes my cheek. “It’s just a dream. You are okay.”

  I look at him sadly. “No, I’m not okay. I’m a mess.” I sit myself up in his bed and he leans up and takes a seat beside me. “I miss him. I’m sorry, I know that isn’t what you want to hear, but I do. If I could just see him once.”

  Kol shakes his head and looks away from me. “My father will not allow it yet.”

  “He’s hurting Kol. Your father has filled his head with all sorts. I need to see him just once.”

  “Is this what you want?” I gasp when I look up and see Lorcen’s face before me. I reach out a hand and cup his face.

  “How, how is this possible?”

  “I’m a demon. I can take on anyone’s form.” Kol’s voice explains as he sits here with my Lorcen’s face.

  “Okay well please turn back to you again please. Lorcen’s face with your voice is a little weird.”

  This earns me a chuckle from Kol and his face morphs back into his own before my eyes. I grab his hand and squeeze it. “Thank you, for doing that for me.”

  He puts his other hand over ours and pats it. “If it makes you smile flower then I’m happy to oblige.”

  I shake my head and smile. “How did a son of Lucifer turn out to have such a good heart.”

  Kol frowns and pulls his hands from mine, looking off over my shoulder. “Don’t be fooled into thinking I’m a good immortal. I’m not. I have done terrible things. I am a prince of hell. I feed off the sins of lust. You bring out my heart but don’t let that fool you that I am good. I am not.”

  I reach out and put my hand on his chest over his heart. “You are good to me. Today you were good to Rourke. You are better than your father.”

  “Okay, this is getting far too heavy. Talking of my father, we have an appointment to keep.”

  I groan and place my head in my hands. The prospect of spending any time with Lucifer chilled my bones. “What do you think he has planned tonight?”

  Kol eyes darken. “He wants to test the darkness in you, to pull out the demon in you. How he plans to do that I have no idea.”

  I hold my chin high. “Well let him try. I may be half demon but I was brought up a human. I will never forget who I am inside.”

  Kol smiles and holds my chin with his fingers. “You hold that resolve flower because you will be tested.”

  “Let’s get this freak show over.”


  We arrive in a large ornate room that is packed with demons. Demons of higher class I guess, given their expensive looking clothing and general presence. As we walk through they all observe me with keen interest and intrigue. I stand out here with my fae ears and the fae eyes. No half-breeds within these walls. At the head of the room stands Lucifer. Lilith takes her place beside him, looking like perfection. A deadly beauty.

  “Ah here they are! My son and his mate the Morrigan.” I flinch at his reference to me as the nightmare queen. “Let us take our seats and begin the session.”

  Lucifer and Lilith take seats on grand velvet chairs. Kol guides me over to two seats just off to the side of his father and mother. He squeezes my hand as if to offer me some of his strength.

  “Bring in the first prisoner.”

  The large doors open and two giant trolls with dull grey coloured skin drag a demon in whose arms are chained above him to a metal pole. His head hangs down, hiding his face.

  “This demon has sworn his allegiance to Fae and assisted in bringing about a war.” The crowd erupts into hisses and growls. “How do you plead demon.”

  One of the trolls grabs the demon’s hair and yanks his head upright. I gasp when I see his face. It is the strange man I encountered over breakfast when Devlon kidnapped me.

  “Guilty my king.” He mumbles weakly.

  Lucifer stands and left to right tapping his chin. “What would we deem a suitable punishment?”

  Several members of the crowd shout out ‘death’

  Lucifer holds up his hand to silence the crowd. “I think a fitting punishment would be to take something from the one he loves.”

  The doors open again and a female demon is brought in. She holds her head high in defiance. The male demon sees her and a terrified look crosses his face. “My lord I beg you. I should take the punishment.”

  Lucifer grins, clearly enjoying every minute of this. “Ah you will be punished by seeing your mate lose her wings.” Lucifer turns his gaze upon me. “My son’s mate will be the one to deliver the punishment.”

  My body runs cold as his words register with me. Kol squeezes my hand and I see his jaw clench in anger. “Father, I will do it.”

  Lucifer holds up a hand to silence his son and points at me. “She will deliver the punishment and she will do so for the next five nights if she wishes to see her father released from Tartarus. Burn them off.”

  My heart drops. “My father is in Tartarus?”

  Lucifer nods, his eyes dark with anger. “He betray
ed me. Hiding a daughter that he had promised to my son. This is his punishment. You wish him to be released then you must deliver the punishments I order.”

  I glare coldly at him and stand. “I have no choice.”

  Lucifer smirks at me and then turns his attention back to the accused and his mate. “Open your wings and prepare to pay for the crimes of your mate.”

  The female demon wrestles against the grip the troll has her in. He presses a hand into her back and somehow this forces her to open her wings. Her eyes find mine and I give her a look that I hope conveys how sorry I am at having to do this. She nods her head at me and holds her head high.

  I close my eyes and call upon my fae element magic. I feel the flames lick at my palms and taking a steadying breath I hold up my palms and focus it on the demon’s wings. The flames find their mark and as they spread over her wings she cries out in pain. Her scream rips through my heart and I hold back my tears. The smell of burning flesh reaches my nose and I gag and cover my mouth and nose. Her screams and cries echo round the grand room. The demons in the room look enraptured. Some cheer and some shout obscenities at the female demon. The male demon looks on in distress as he watches his mate go through unimaginable pain. I feel two hands on my shoulders and Kol pulls me back against his chest, offering me support.

  Lucifer flicks his hand and the flames die out immediately. Charred, black stumps are left were two grand wings once proudly stood. “Take her away.” He orders without any emotion or care. His dark eyes then turn to the male demon.

  “Take him out and let him go.”

  “May we go now?” Kol asks. The coolness in his tone is clear.

  Lucifer grins in response. “You did well daughter. Are you sure you don’t want to stay and help out with rest of this session.”

  I regard him coldly and turn my gaze away from him. I can’t even bring myself to give him a reply. “We are going.” Kol tells his father firmly and before I can take another breath we are back in his home and he is pulling me onto his lap on the sofa. “Are you okay?”

  I nod my head and rest it on his chest, seeking the warmth of his body. “I hate him. I hate him with every bone in my body.” Kol strokes my head, attempting to soothe me. “I have to endure another four nights of this. It’s going to get worse isn’t it?”

  Kol releases a large sigh. “I’d love to say it isn’t but that would be a lie flower.”

  I sit up and crawl off his knee to sit beside him, tucking my legs underneath me. “I need to get out of here. There must be a way to break the oath our fathers made.”

  Kol shakes his head in response. “I have been around a long time and I have never heard of a way around a blood oath.”

  I tilt my head and look at him. I sometimes forget he’s not my age. Looking at him, he looks no older than twenty to twenty-one. “How old are you exactly?”

  He grins. “Very old. That’s about as much as you need to know.” He stands and takes off his jacket and throws it to the sofa, where it disappears from sight. Demon magic was pretty cool. “So what do you want to do tonight?”

  I smile. “Plot ways to take down your father, but if we can’t do that then I guess I don’t know. I need something to take my mind off everything.”

  “I have the perfect thing. Want to come and see how I burn off some energy and frustration?”

  I sit up, suddenly feeling intrigued. “You have my attention.”

  He stands and offers out a hand to pull me up. “You’ll need to change. Where we are going good girls get eaten for dinner.”

  I look down at my trusty black jeans, converse and Harry Potter t-shirt. “Potter has badness in him.”

  Twenty minutes later I am stood before the mirror in the dressing room staring at my reflection. I didn’t recognise the girl in front of me. I wear black tights that are full black to just over the knee and then they are fish net. It gives the illusion I’m wearing stockings over fishnets. My skirt is black pvc with a zip up the front. On my top half I wear a red fishnet cropped vest that puts my black bra and cleavage on full display. On my feet I wear black suede boots with a heel so high and thin I’m not sure I will be able to walk in them. In short, I look every inch a bad-ass demon. I paint thick eye liner on my eyes and dark plum lipstick on my lips. I sigh when I look at my hair, it looks too pretty, too perfect. Before I have chance to really think too much about what I am doing I will a pair of scissors into my hands and begin cutting my hair so that it rests just below my chin. I can’t help but grin when I have finished. Now I look like the half-demon I really am. It was time to embrace my heritage. I was powerful. I could if I wished to be, an unstoppable force. I was tired of people trying to kidnap me, use me, or hurt those that I loved.

  I strut confidently out into the lounge. Kol looks briefly at me and then does a double take and releases a long drawn out whistle.

  “Will I do?”

  He stands and walks around me. “Oh yeah, you look just the part. You are going to cause a stir tonight.” He flicks a strand of the hair. “It suits you.”

  I smile in response. “I think so. It’s more grown up.”

  “Well my sexy demon let’s hit the road.” I follow him outside into the never-ending dark night. Kol looks every inch the prince of hell tonight. He wears black leather trousers, solid biker boots and a fitted black t-shirt.

  “So this place is here in the underworld then?”

  Kol shakes his head as he waits for me to step up alongside him. “No. The place I go to let loose is in your human realm.”

  I furrow my brows. “You’re not taking me to a sex club are you?”

  Kol sniggers. “Not tonight flower. We’ll save that experience for another time.”

  I gulp and flush red in response. Of course the prince of lust visits sex clubs, for him it would be like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

  We portal home and I find that we are stood in an alley, littered with broken glass bottles and rubbish. “Ah you do take me to the nicest of places.”

  He winks at me and beckons for me to follow him. “Trust me. I think you will enjoy this.”

  At the end of the alley we take a right that leads us down another dimly lit alleyway until we reach a black door. Kol knocks on the door twice pauses and then knocks twice again. The door is swung open and a beastly looking man, with more facial piercings than I thought possible scrutinises us.

  “Aleaiacta est.” Kol states and the man moves aside to let us pass.

  “What does that mean?” I ask in a whisper. Why I am whispering I have no idea. It’s this place

  I follow him down a small stair case. “It’s latin. It means ‘the die has been cast.”

  I chuckle. “So, it’s like a secret password. Is this a secret board game… well shit me!” I exclaim, not finishing what I was about to say, as my eyes take in the room around us. The basement space is huge, and is packed with people. My eyes a drawn over to the right where a crowd is gathered. My curiosity getting the better of me I walk in that direction and feel Kol fall in step behind me. As we near the crowd, I stretch my neck to see what has them all so hyped. Two women wrestle each other in a makeshift boxing ring.

  “A fight club.” I say quietly to myself.

  Kol places an arm around my waist and leans down into my ear. “Stay close okay.” I nod and allow him to guide me through the room. A buxom blonde wearing the tiniest pair of red shorts and a black push up bra, walks towards us, her eyes trained on Kol, eating him up like he is her favourite bar of chocolate.

  “Well, well, look what the full moon brought in.” She leans in and kisses him on the lips. “We were beginning to think maybe you had forgotten about us.” Her eyes fall upon me then and she looks somewhat surprised. “So the rumours are true then. You finally gave in and took a mate.”

  Kol doesn’t answer her and looks at me and gestures to the woman in front of us. “Ebony this is Adara. Adara is the daughter of Paimon, one of the dukes of hell.”

  “Hi. I think I met your
sister a few nights ago.” I greet awkwardly.

  Adara looks me over with interest, so much so that I feel a little uncomfortable under her scrutiny.

  “I can see why you haven’t been around, she is sin on legs.”

  This brings a grin and a shake of the head from Kol. “Keep your filthy thoughts to yourself Adara. I’m not for sharing.”

  Adara grins and licking her lips, continues looking at me. “She smells so pure it’s delicious.” Adara steps into my space and plants a kiss on my lips, lingering a little too long for me. She shudders as she pulls away. “Sinfully sweet.”

  She steps back and looks at me wistfully, before turning her attention back to Kol. “So are we here to watch tonight or are you here to show your girl what you can do?”

  Kol shrugs looking around the room. “If there’s an opponent worthy, I might be persuaded.”

  I look at Kol surprised and tug on his arm. “You fight here? Against humans?”

  Adara laughs. “This is a fight club for creatures of the other worlds. No humans here.”

  I look around the room again and realise she is right. I see the red eyes of many a demon and some fae and elven people. Kol tugs on my waist and we follow Adara through the crowd to a large seated area. My eyes widen when I see a vampire drinking from the wrist of an elven woman, whose eyes are rolling back into her head in a heady state of pleasure. Further along from them a fae male holds a grey skinned female in his lap and nibbles playfully on her ear.

  I tug gently on Kols arm again and lean into his ear. “What is she?” I gesture with my head towards the grey skinned woman.

  “Gargoyle.” He informs me, making me bawk in surprise. Gargoyle’s were really a thing too?

  Kol takes a seat and pulls me down beside him. Adara sits the other side of him and picks up a red liquid drink and offers it to him.

  “Not tonight.” He waves it away with his hand and Adara gives him a questioning glance before offering it out to me. Her eyes almost dare me to take it from her.


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