Embracing the Wolf

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Embracing the Wolf Page 29

by Stephanie Nelson

Page 29


  The kiss ended sooner than I liked. One moment Adam’s lips were fierce against mine, and then they were gone. My lips felt swollen and lacking without his mouth against mine.

  “You were right about one thing, brother,” Adam said. “I didn’t care that you fucked Eve because she was a heartless bitch. Make one move toward Anna, and I’ll have your dick in my trophy case. ” Adam moved my hair to the side and kissed up the length of my neck, his eyes locked on his brother. “Go ahead and fantasize about fucking her, but know those moans falling from her soft lips will always be for me. She is mine, and I’ll kill any motherfucker who tries to take her from me—be it blood or not. ”

  Anthony snorted and ignored his brother’s threats. “You don’t own her, and that fancy brand on your hand doesn’t only pertain to you, brother. ”

  Adam stood up straight, his body going as rigid as the mountains surrounding us. His lips straightened into a hard line, and a deep growl traveled up his throat. My muscles tensed around my bones, ready to snap from the tension.

  “It’s not true, Adam,” I said desperately. It couldn’t be true. I didn’t feel anything for Anthony other than irritation and disgust. How could a bond only work one way?

  “Explain,” Adam said sternly.

  “Well,” Anthony said, his voice holding smugness. “If you want to get technical, I saw her first. I came across her on the mountain. I stopped Eve from killing her. I felt the connection long before you ever did, brother. ” Anthony paused, and I cringed when I heard his footsteps drawing closer. “I have to wonder, if it was me who slept with her first, would that brand be on my palm instead of yours? Is your bond all a matter of opportunity rather than fate?”

  I stopped breathing. Anthony was taunting Adam openly, goading him into another fight. Did he really think he could beat his brother? That small, annoying voice in the back of my mind wondered if he could. They were both from the same bloodline, had the same strength and power. I knew Adam was undefeated, but I didn’t know Anthony’s history. The vision of me finding Adam’s dying body popped into my head. I had assumed the vampires were the ones responsible for his death, but maybe it was the man standing behind me.

  Adam was so quiet, so still. I looked up at him while my mind fought for the right words to say. Anthony had succeeded in planting doubt in his mind. I could see his mind working through all that his brother said, wondering if there was truth to any of it. Was what we had so easily debatable? I wasn’t sure if I was more angry or hurt by the doubt racing through his sapphire eyes.

  “If you believe him,” I said, reaching a hand up to guide his face down to mine. “He wins. He wants you to doubt us—to believe that the only reason we’re together is because you got to me first. It’s not true, Adam. None of it. I love you. ”

  Adam blinked as though seeing me for the first time. The storm in his eyes calmed, and the muscles in his face softened. It took me a moment to realize that was the first time I had actually said those three little words to him. I knew from the start that I loved him, but had always been hesitant to say it. This time those words just slipped out on their own accord, no overthinking required.

  “Say it again,” Adam whispered.

  I smiled. “I love you, Adam. I will always love you. ”

  A grin spread across his face, and his eyes flashed to his brother. “You always were a sore loser, brother. I don’t give a shit if there is any kernel of truth to what you say; the only thing that matters is I got to Anna first. You’re too late. ” Adam smiled smugly, wrapping and arm around my shoulders and drawing me into his chest.

  * * * *

  Elle and I decided to sit in my bedroom and eat dinner. I needed to tell her about my vision, and I couldn’t have wandering ears listening in. We sat cross-legged on the floor with our plates in front of us. I was just about to go into detail when my bedroom door opened and there stood Wade and Adam.

  “Having a slumber party?” Wade said with a smile.

  “Yep,” I said, “complete with pillow fights and scary movies. ”

  My eyes slid from Wade’s face to Adam’s. He had been quiet all day, only speaking when spoken to. I knew he was thinking about what his brother said, and that bothered me. Sure, I had thought about it, too, but I didn’t spend more than ten minutes at a time. It was curious and that’s it. I believed it didn’t affect what Adam and I had, and no matter what Anthony said, I knew Adam and I were together because we were supposed to be.

  “What are you doing?” Wade asked seriously. “Avoiding your guests?”

  I shrugged. “Sort of, but not because I’m antisocial. I had a vision while on the mountain today. I was going to tell Eve about in hopes she could help me figure it out. ”

  Wade’s eyes went to my best friend and then back to me. “You didn’t think to tell me about it? Isn’t that the reason I’m here, to help you develop your sight?”

  I smiled. “I thought you were here for a pretty brunette with hazel eyes?”

  Wade snorted. “That too, but you’re priority at the moment. ”

  “All right,” I said, “Come in and shut the door. I don’t want anyone else hearing this. I still don’t know whom I can and can’t trust.

  Wade filtered into the bedroom, Adam behind him. Wade sat on the floor, his back resting against my dresser. He drew his knees up and rested his arms on them. Adam sat on the edge of the bed, his arms resting on his knees while he stared at the carpeted floor. I proceeded to tell them every detail about the vision, down to the horrid porno to which I was subjected. Elle catcalled and asked for details and frowned when I told her I turned my back during that part.

  “Prude,” she teased.

  “Forgive me for not wanting to see two vampires, hell-bent on killing me, going at it. ”

  I told them about the phone call and how I thought the main vampire chick’s name was Veronica, but I wasn’t positive.

  When I stopped talking, Elle asked, “Is that all?”

  I shook my head, my eyes taking a trip around my bedroom to meet their eyes. I was almost embarrassed to recite the rhyme Taren had. What if it was nothing? What if he just made it up to be clever, and by reciting it, my friends and fiancé would think I was being egotistical.

  “What is it?” Wade asked.

  With a deep breath, I said, “White wolf, white wolf, better than the rest of tooth and claw. Rise above, take control, it is your destiny to rule them all. ” I had been reciting those words in my head all day in hopes of not forgetting them. “What do you think it means?”

  You heard one of the vampires say this?” Elle asked.

  I nodded. “Taren said it, and when he was done, he looked right at the spot I was standing. It was creepy. ”

  “Then what?” Elle said.

  “Then the vision ended. ”

  The room grew quiet and Elle, Wade, and Adam all took turns looking at each other, avoiding my eyes entirely. There couldn’t be any truth to it, there just … couldn’t be. I didn’t feel special or capable of ruling them all, whoever they were.

  “Somebody say something,” I finally said.

  “Our kind has many legends surrounding them, as do most supernatural beings,” Wade began. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but white wolves are not common, so when one pops up, people assume they’re the white wolf, the one tied to the legend. ”

  “So the rhyme Taren spoke is true?”

  Wade’s head fell to the side as his shoulders bobbed up and down. “It’s hard to say. Yes, that rhyme is an old wolf legend, but no one knows if it’s just a nursery rhyme or a prophecy. There has never been a white wolf rise to that position, so it’s just been a story passed down through the generations. How a vampire knew it is beyond me. ”

  I snorted. “I think whomever hired them to kill me must have told him. What if …” I thought for a moment. “What if they’re not here to kill me for being bonded to
Adam, but because someone thinks I’m the white wolf from the rhyme? Maybe someone is worried I’ll take his or her place in power. ” I glanced at Adam and then away. His parents were of olde blood, very powerful. They were the only ones I could think of that would benefit from my death. Not only would I not be bonded to their son anymore, but they also wouldn’t have to worry about me supposedly rising to power.

  “My parents are vindictive and snobby, but they wouldn’t kill one of their own kind,” Adam said. “Not without a threat. ”

  I gave him a sad smile. “What if they think I am a threat? They could believe I am the white wolf from the poem and want to kill me before the prophecy can happen. ” I reached a hand up and placed it on his leg. “Just for the record, I don’t believe I’m that wolf, but superstitions have caused people to kill in the past. ”

  “She has a point,” Wade said. “And just for the record … you could be that wolf. ” His eyes found mine, and a small shiver skipped up my spine.

  “Then it stands to reason,” Adam said. “That the Leaders could be behind this. They also stand to lose their places of power if Anna was that wolf. Last time I checked, you’re one of them, Wade. ”

  Wade responded with a deep growl, which Adam reciprocated. Men.

  “Growling at each other isn’t going to figure anything out,” Elle said. “How many innocents have died because the finger was pointed at them in a state of panic?”

  I smiled and nodded at her. “She’s right. Salem Witch Trials? Look how many innocent men and women died because the Puritans believed they were witches. The only way to be absolutely sure is to investigate and figure out who hired the vampires. ”

  Silence settled over my bedroom, our plates forgotten in the center of us. I hadn’t eaten more than two bites before Adam and Wade interrupted our secret meeting, and now the thought of food unsettled my stomach.

  “Have you gotten anything off Anthony?” Wade asked, causing Adam to snort in derision. I ignored the anger that was surely on his face and shook my head.

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