AMP - Phase 1 (Cyborg Invasion) (A.M.P)

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AMP - Phase 1 (Cyborg Invasion) (A.M.P) Page 8

by Brian K. Larson

  Griffin hung up his data pad and returned to the bedroom. Beverly was relaxing, “Who was that, Tom?”


  “From the Company?”

  “Yep, there’s only one.”

  “You sound perturbed.”

  “I am.”

  “Tom, I keep telling you that you need to move up in the organization. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck here doing these menial tasks for this Company.”

  “It’s no menial task; my entire reputation is at stake on this one.”

  “Then, I suggest you get cracking and save the day, Major,” Beverly smiled.

  “You don’t have to worry about me, I’m already working it. It’s called delegation.”

  “Now you’re talking,” she said, lifting one of her bare shoulders from under the sheets, “I thought you were going to leave me all alone.”

  “Oh, Bev...I would never leave you alone,” the Major said, slipping under the covers with her.

  “That’s more like it,” she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, “Come on, let me show you some confidence building exercises.”

  “I’m likin’ the sound of that,” Tom smiled, pressing his lips to Bev’s.

  It was nearly dawn when the two passed out from exhaustion.

  * * *

  Seattle Washington

  Back alley of Seattle

  September 29th, 2064 02:00

  Two black electric powered vans with darkened windows slowly cruised the back alleys of Seattle. Two masked men in each vehicle looked out of the opened side door.

  The lookout in the first van motioned to the driver. The van rolled to a stop as two men jumped out and ran up to a passed out drunk. They silently carried the man back to the van.

  “That’s three...two to go,” one of the men announced over his wireless.

  “I’ve spotted another off of Seneca,” the wireless replied in the men’s ears.

  “Great!” the first one announced, “I think I see another at the end of the alley. Must have been friends.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Same whiskey bottle...I think this one saw us coming and took off...yep, he finished the bottle off...he’s out cold...I’ll nab him.”

  Then men again jumped out when the black van stopped. Taking the man by the arms, they pulled him toward the van.

  “Hey!” someone yelled from behind a dumpster, “Whattya think yer doin’?”

  They stopped, and one of the men turned toward the man coming from behind the dumpster. The red dot glowed on the drunk’s forehead from the laser sight straddling the silencer tipped handgun’s barrel.

  The man froze, “Don’t hurt me...”

  But it was too late; the man dressed in black squeezed the trigger, planting a bullet dead center in his head. The drunk fell backward and lay still. Blood oozed from the wound and pooled around the man’s body.

  “Come on,” the man whispered, holstering his gun.

  The two drug their prize to the van. He began to come to and put up a fight.

  “Where you takin’ me? Is there booze?”

  “Yeah, lots of shut up and get inside.”

  “Oh, okay...if there’s booze, I’m all in,” the man smiled.

  The men slid the door closed and turned to the now fully awake drunk, “So where’s the booze? What kind of a party is this anyway?”

  “Sorry, I booze.”

  “No booze?!” the man protested.

  “Nighty night,” the fist slamming into his jaw put the drunk back to sleep. “Let’s get these five back to the base!”

  “I’ve punched in our destination, the computer has allowed access to the expressway...we’ll be there in two hours.”

  “Perfect. I’ll send a message to receive us at the gate.”

  The man took out his data pad and placed a call, “Griffin? Yeah, it’s me...we have all five...we’re en-route to the base now... ...two hours... ...right... ...thanks Major,” then hung up the pad. “It’s all set. They’ll be waiting for us at the gate.”

  “The computer just opened the gate to the expressway. Computer is engaged.”

  “I’ll never get used to this computer steering tech,” one of the men commented.

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Nadine’s Office

  September 29th, 2064 10:00

  Nadine looked across her desk from Griffin, “I am simply amazed, Major.”

  “I told you not to worry about me.”

  “I see...well in that case I’m glad I recommended to the company that you to stay on-board the Gamma Project.


  “Don’t mention it, Tom. I didn’t believe you’d come through. It was brilliant taking them from the streets of Seattle; no one will miss them anyway.”

  “Yes, most of them live on the streets by their choice.”

  “Not only did you provide us with valuable test subjects, you cleaned up the back alleys of a major city...nice job...what other surprises do you have up your sleeve?”

  “I have a trick or two.”

  “Griffin, if you keep this pace, I’ll have the General put you in for promotion.”

  “You can count on me, Nadine,” Griffin answered.

  “I’m sure I can.”

  Tom noticed the silver colored briefcase on her desk, “So what’s in the case?”

  “Oh this? Well, come with me to the surgical center., I was about to deliver this device to the doctor. He’ll use our first candidate to trial this.”


  “You’ll see,” Nadine said, pushing away from her desk. She picked up the case by its handle, “Come on.”

  Griffin stood and followed Nadine through her door and to the right. They walked down a corridor and came to the end of a hall. She stood still for the eye scan. After a moment the computer let them in.

  Standing next to Ms. Rollins with his back turned to the door, Doctor Rhodes didn’t notice Nadine entering the room, “I’ll just be glad when she stops interfering...”

  “...Doctor, Nadine,” Nurse Rollins whispered, nodding behind him.

  Nadine ignored the nurse’s warning to Rhodes, “Seems every time I’m entering the room, you have something to say about to share your last comment?”

  Rhodes turned to face her, “Nadine, what a pleasant surprise.”

  “Surprised, yes...pleasant, now that really depends of your point of view.”

  “Funny, I was just about to say the same thing. See? We can agree on things,” Rhodes half smiled.

  Nadine brushed by the doctor and set the case on the table next to them, “Nurse’re excused.”


  “We will not require your services on this one.”


  “Vivian,” Rhodes intervened, looking at Nadine, “It’s okay, I’ll catch up with you later.”

  “Okay, Doctor,” then collected her things and left the surgery center.

  “What’s in the case?” Rhodes asked.

  “I just asked her the same question. I’m dying to find out myself,” Griffin said.

  “Gentlemen, what you are about to see remains in this room between least until this has been perfected.”

  “I can hardly wait,” Rhodes said under his breath.

  Nadine stopped and turned to the doctor, “I will not have your attitude. Get with the program or you will be replaced...and you really don’t want that to happen.”

  Rhodes remained silent as Nadine turned and unclipped one side of the case and then the other.

  She looked at the two men and then back at the case. She lifted the lid exposing a long injector that looked more like a weapon than surgical equipment.

  “What the hell is that?” Rhodes asked looking at the chrome plated device.

  “That, doctor, is our latest invention: the chip injector.”
  “Really! You think you have duplicated the alien tech we found in the complex?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “How come I wasn’t made aware of this before now?” the doctor protested.

  “We had this being developed since your return. It’s another division that the Company has contracted weren’t told until now, because you didn’t need to be you will try it on a new test subject.”

  “You have another department build this device without my knowledge and input, and now you want me to fire this thing at a patient? Has this even been tested?”

  “Why, yes of course it’s been tested. What do you take me for...don’t answer that,” she quickly snapped, “

  Rhodes reached over and picked up the cold metal object from the foam cut shadowbox and studied it close.

  “This is did you replicate this so closely to the original?”

  “The data stream carried the basic blueprints. Once our team successfully deciphered parts of the alien language, it was easy.”

  “You think you have translated their language already?” Griffin asked.

  “Only the parts that were needed to build this.”

  “I can see that using this injector to implant chips is cost effective, but who’s going to want to have this thing fired at their head?” Rhodes asked, “The size of this thing is intimidating enough. Then you tell them it’s going to implant a chip in their head? I don’t know.”

  “Well, we’re about to find out how well this works. You have the five chips ready?”

  “I have built two. I was taking a quick break, but I’m ready to begin assembling the rest...and I might add that my assistant has been extremely helpful. I would like her to come back.”

  “Doctor, I never dismissed her from the project. I just thought it would be best to minimize who sees this before its perfected.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t quite understand,” Griffin interjected, “If it’s been tested...”

  “Well, there are a few minor adjustments that will need to be made along the way...adjustments that we can’t test for.”

  “That must be what this is for,” Rhodes said, turning a wheel by the trigger.

  “Exactly. The adjustment will have to be made on the fly.”

  “Can I ask what will happen if this tension adjustment is wrong?”

  “That’s another unknown,” Nadine said, not looking Rhodes in the eye.

  “Why not test this thing on a pig’s head or a cadaver...or something other than a live patient?” Rhodes began to protest.

  “I already said we have tested this...we have pre-set the injector to what we feel will be sufficient force.”

  “So, what’s the problem?” Griffin asked, placing one hand on his hip.

  “Gentlemen, it’s always a risk to move to human trials...believe me, this gives me no pleasure.”

  I’ll bet, Rhodes thought to himself, “Well, bring on the first subject, what room are we going to be in today?”

  Nadine took the injector from Rhodes, turned the wheel back to the setting before he moved it, and placed it back inside the case, “Follow me, we have a special area built to conduct the next phase of testing.”

  This ought to be good, Rhodes again thought. Then he collected his two chips and stowed them in a small case that he slid into his lab pocket.

  “Doctor, you seem to be pre-occupied,” Nadine smiled, “Are you getting enough sleep?”

  “Nadine, you don’t need be worried about me.”

  “I keep telling her the same thing,” Griffin added, “If you ask me, I’d say Nadine here doesn’t trust us.”

  “Gentlemen, I’m just being cautious...’cause you just never know.”

  “Well,” Rhodes said with cynicism, “I think this is the first time we’ve actually agreed; you never know who you can trust and who you can’t.”

  Nadine scanned the access to a different elevator and punched in her code.

  “Not another elevator ride,” Rhodes groaned as the doors rolled open.

  “Don’t be such a pansy, Doctor. It’s only one floor down.”

  They exited the elevator and then proceeded through the man trap. Muffled screams echoed throughout the wing. “Let me out of here,” one would shout. Another could be heard weeping while others protested they had rights.

  “What’s going on down here?”

  “The subjects might be a little testy today.”

  “That’s doesn’t answer my question, Madam,” Rhodes again protested.

  “Most of them are hung over, Doctor. You shouldn’t pay too much attention,” she answered.

  “Griffin?” Rhodes asked, “Do you know anything about this? Where did we find these people?

  “They are ‘volunteers’...”

  “...They were recruited,” Nadine interrupted.

  They walked up to the first glass sealed room. The man inside began pounding on the reinforced Plexiglas, “You can’t just take me off the streets like that! I want to see my lawyer!”

  “I’m beginning to understand,” Rhodes nodded, “These are street people...I’ll bet they’re ‘volunteers’ alright! Griffin, you can’t just take people off the streets!”

  “Rhodes!” Nadine spat, “Unless you wish to become the first test subject Doctor, I suggest you leave it alone! Griffin, you remain outside the room. The good doctor and I shall go in and see to this man’s infirmities.”

  The two entered the room via the man trap. The man tried to act calm by sitting in the chair, “You have to let me can’t do this to me...”

  “Relax,” Nadine said in a calming tone, “We’re here to help you.”

  “Can you get me out of here?”

  “Sure, but we need to administer some medicine.”

  “I’m not sick!” the man complained.

  “Oh, but you are, sir. You have a very rare condition that, unless you agree to the treatment, will require you to remain here in quarantine.”

  Rhodes clenched his teeth, seething in anger at Nadine’s deception.

  “Well...okay,” the shaking man relented, “If you say so.”

  Nadine set the case on the counter and took out the device with her back turned to the man, “Doctor, please give me one of the chips,” she whispered.

  “Nadine, this chip will require my enzyme activator in order for the device to start its process.”

  “This has the activator built in. I just need to load the chip and then you can administer the shot in the correct location on the test subject.”

  “What are you doing over there? Where’s my medicine?”

  “Just one moment, sir,” Nadine answered over her shoulder, “We’re preparing the correct dose now.”

  Rhodes set his small case on the table next to Nadine and handed her one of the chips. She carefully set in the injector’s chamber and cocked it into position.

  “What do I tell him it is?”

  “Tell him anything.”

  “Will it hurt?” the man asked.

  “No, you won’t feel anything,” Nadine answered with a smile, turning to the man. “Doctor Rhodes will administer the medicine. I assure you, you won’t feel a thing.” She held the injector gun out to a nervous Rhodes.

  “What’s the matter, Doctor?” the man asked, backing up slightly in his chair, “Is this the first time you have given a shot to anyone?”

  “, I’ve given plenty of shots in my day.”

  “So what’s got you so shook up about this, Doc? You’re shaking like a leaf.”

  “Just been a long day.”

  “It’s not even noon yet!” the man spat. “I’m not so sure I want this shot...maybe I’ll wait for the next round, eh?”

  “Just lie down on this table, face down please.”

  Nadine took a razor and shaved the back of the man’s head, “Hey! I never asked for a haircut!”

  Then she swabbed the area with alcohol for the doctor, “Hey, that’s cold!”
the man again protested.

  Then Nadine stepped back toward the glass, “Okay, Doctor. He’s ready.”

  Rhodes looked over at Nadine and then back to the patient, “Okay, sir. You might feel a little pin prick.”

  “Okay, okay! Just hurry it on up already,” the man complained.

  Rhodes lifted the injector gun and placed it on the base of the man’s skull. He wrapped his finger around the trigger and slowly squeezed it.

  The injector fired a blast of air firing the chip into the man’s head. The man never made a noise as the chip pierced his skull and exited the man’s head through his left eye, killing him in an instant.

  Rhodes jumped back at witnessing the horror. Nadine stepped up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Now, Doctor. Unless I have your full cooperation, I will see to it that you are charged in this man’s death.”

  He turned to Nadine in shock, “How could you do this?”

  “Oh, but I didn’t do anything. You pulled the trigger, and it’s all nicely caught on camera too,” she said, pointing to the ceiling, “Wave to the camera, Doctor.”

  “You had this all planned, didn’t you?”

  “Yes...well, it was Griffin’s idea,” hopefully you believe that, she thought.

  Rhodes looked over through the glass at Griffin who was staring in disbelief.

  “, I don’t think he had anything to do with this...I think you had everything to do with it,” turning his rage at Nadine.

  “Temper, temper, must watch your blood pressure now,” she smiled, “ about we do the next trial for real this time, shall we?”

  * * *


  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Underground Complex

  October 1st, 2064 18:00hrs

  Nadine stood in front of a podium in one of the complex’s meeting rooms. She was about to introduce Doctor Rhodes to report his findings on the first test subjects.

  The doors suddenly burst open. Calvin Jones shouted at the top of his lungs “I did it! I really did it!”


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