AMP - Phase 1 (Cyborg Invasion) (A.M.P)

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AMP - Phase 1 (Cyborg Invasion) (A.M.P) Page 22

by Brian K. Larson

  “She grew cyborg parts and strength,” Jen said, “I was also tracking Bennie. I was walking below the train when it derailed. I never saw Bennie, but I did see what Trudy did to their operative.”

  “Guess it’s a good thing you’re on our side,” J smiled, “But what happened to your cyborg parts?”

  “Those parts withdrew as soon as the threat was gone, but I can activate that programming anytime I need.”

  “How many of you are there,” Calvin asked, “And how can we tell the Keepers from the others?”

  “We are exact in every way. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell Keepers from the others. Our numbers are limited. However, our programming cannot be terminated by them, nor can we terminate theirs.”

  “Well, that’s an unfortunate limitation,” Calvin said.

  J leaned over to Sly, “You got our ride secured alright?”

  “Dude...never doubt my ability to come through, as long as the price is right.”

  “Yeah, well, I paid top dollar for your services...just make sure I won’t need to come back for a refund.”

  “You can trust me, J,” Sly said, lifting his voice at the end.

  The club turned off the strobe lights, and stopped the music in order for the press conference to be heard by all inside.

  Calvin cringed at the sight. Nadine, General McKenzie and the Governor were all seated behind the podium. They were set up outdoors in the courtyard with a large tent covering them from the elements the best it could.

  There were ten rows of five officers each, standing below the raised platform in full view of the audience and cameras. Standing at full attention, dress blues and loaded for bear.

  The news reporter was covering the pre-announcements, when the city’s mayor approached the podium, “Looks like Mayor Richards is getting ready to introduce the Governor...going live to the press conference that is now starting.”

  “Ladies and gentlemen, members of the press and citizens of Washington State, I am pleased to present to you, the Governor of Washington State, Governor Jim McCormick.”

  The mayor stepped aside as he clapped, causing the rest of the audience that had been invited to join in.

  The Governor stood, tucked down his tie and buttoned his suit jacket. The tall figure with short, almost buzz-cut hair, stepped up to the podium. He shook the mayor’s hand, and then leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Grabbing his upper arm with his free hand, he nodded and smiled.

  The mayor sat where the Governor had been, next to Nadine. She took his hand and shook it slightly and smiled with anticipation.

  The General sat stone-faced, clapping with the rest, and then crossed his arms. He studied the crowed from left and right, looking for any signs of problems.

  McCormick stood, resting one hand on the podium and waving with his other, and then he would turn, switching arms and smiling at the other side of the room.

  The reporter broke in with a quiet voice, “Looks like the Governor is going to let the crowd give him the respect they want...he’s just waving and smiling...he’s really going to let this moment sink in.”

  The vid screen split into two windows, with the station’s anchor joining the on the spot reporter, “This really must be a very important announcement.”

  “You’re right, Tom. Rumor has it, that the Governor is going to announce a new policy on crime due to the recent terrorist attacks on the city.”

  “Our sources here at the station say that McCormick may very well be using this as a stepping stone to announcing his candidacy for president in 2070, later this year.”

  “Thank you,” the Governor said, holding his hands together, he shook them with gratitude, “Thank you...”

  “Looks like the Governor is getting ready to deliver his message, Tom, we’ll break in at the end of this, you’re watching live...”

  “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.”

  The crowd continued to clap, and then rose to their feet, “It doesn’t appear that the audience wants to stop. Everyone in the courtyard is giving him a standing ovation, and he’s just holding his hands in the air.”

  “You’re right, I think this will go on for at least a couple more minutes, and it’s not at all surprising. He won the election last year by a landslide and his numbers in the polls have increased dramatically over the last few weeks.”

  “Okay, here we are now, the crowd is now simmering down...”

  “Thank you, are too kind,” McCormick smiled, then he rested his hands on the podium and looked out directly to the camera, “Thank you all for coming you know, our great city of Seattle has been the target of terrorists...the latest incident being the derailed monorail three weeks ago...we must not allow these actions to continue in this fine city.”

  Applause broke out once more and the Governor held his hands up to them, “No, wait...please...let me continue,” the crowd quieted, “this city has been plagued for the past three years with an increase in missing persons reports...another fact that we have discovered to be connected is the decline of street, or homeless people within the city...they are very connected. The very people that are responsible for the train derailment are the same ones responsible for missing person’s reports, and the same ones responsible for the abduction of our homeless citizens,” he paused to let the last words sink in, “Let me make sure you completely understand what it is I just said...there is a terrorist group that opposes what it is we bring to the table. We do have a solution to the problem, but they have fought us, behind the scenes, to prevent us from developing this technology that will be put into that will bring to this city and other cities in the near future, a better police force. Technology that we bring to you here today, in part, thanks to General McKenzie and his aide Nadine from the Company. Without their hard work and their hours of dedication, we would not be here today presenting to you this solution of technology.”

  Applause broke out in the audience again, this time, not letting the Governor persuade them to stop for several seconds.

  “Make no mistake...” holding his hand up again, “Thank you...thank you. Make no mistake,” he repeated, and paused another few seconds to allow the courtyard to settle, “We will catch these terrorists and bring them to justice...they will NOT rule our city, nor will they rule any other city!” the Governor said, hitting his fist on the podium and clenching his teeth for the camera.

  “These techno terrorists will pay for the harm they have brought to our city!” again pausing for the crowd to acknowledge his words.

  This time the crowd went into a frenzy with applause, the Governor smiled and shook his head in satisfaction. Knowing how to work the crowd, he thought he had them captivated enough to reveal the last part of his message.

  “Today, we come to you to help keep our city safe by revealing to you a new type of police officer...these fine men and women officers, that stand before you today, are the first in a series of law enforcement officers. They have dedicated their lives to serving in this capacity...they have been fitted with the latest bio-mechanical chip. These officers are running a constant AMP with a portable unit that only requires charging every seventy-two hours...what you are about to see, may shock you...but I am sincere in telling you that they pose you no harm...unless you break the law, that is,” he chuckled, “And now, without further ado, I present to you the Vanguard!” he stretched out an arm at the officers.

  Major Preston sat in a booth off to one corner and spoke into his wireless, “Activate the Vanguard.”

  “Authorization phrase?” the voice echoed in his ear.

  “Authorization Preston-One-One-One-Operation Safe City.”

  “Authorization phrase confirmed, voice recognition confirmed...sending activation codes now.”

  The camera zoomed out to a wide angle shot in order to cover the officers in their transformation.

  The audience gasped at the site of the green colored lights flowing all across their bodies, forming
hard shell casing armor around their chest, arms, and legs. A helmet grew around from the back of the head, covering their eyes, ears and mouth. They had a dark colored polarized shield that covered their eyes, which enabled them a heads-up display, and scanners that would provide heat signatures and night vision to assist in criminal detection.

  Each of the fifty officers took a stance with one leg forward and slightly bent. Their left arms grew a shield while their right grew three barrels that could fire rounds, like a Gatling style rail gun.

  The team of soldiers let out a HUHA, in unison, showing their lead captain they were ready for action.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, these fifty Vanguard will be assigned to protect your streets, and reduce crime. I have already held meetings with the President and he gives Seattle the green light to move forward as a test city. If our new Vanguard officers are successful, we will begin to see this same type of officer in all our major cities very soon.”

  At McCormick’s surprise, the crowd again applauded his actions, seeming to hold no fear at all.

  Nadine leaned over to McKenzie and whispered with a smile, “Now for the rest of the story.”

  The General chuckled under his breath, arms still folded across his chest.

  “Finally,” the Governor said, placing his hands on each side of the podium, “in light of our recent terrorist attacks, and with many meetings with the Mayor’s office, and with the suport of The President of the United Territories, we are declaring martial law in the city of Seattle. This will be for the people and their safety. Effective immediately, every man, woman and child coming in or out of the city will be required to undergo a double scan for positive ID at one of our Vanguard checkpoints. This measure is necessary in order to re-establish law and order, and to help prevent any further terrorist attacks.”

  Calvin had turned white, while Jen and Rhodes continued to stare at the broadcast in disbelief.

  “We need to get out of the city, and fast,” J said, fidgeting in his seat.”

  Trudy reached over to J, “No, you must stay here with me and Sly. We need you as a contact to your operations.”

  “She’s right,” Calvin nodded, “J, you’re seen downtown all the time. You can contact us from here.”

  J sighed, knowing they were right, “Alright, we need to get Dr. Rhodes, Jenny and you out of town and back up...”

  Trudy interrupted, J, “You must not tell me the location. If I am taken by the Vanguard, they will be able to extract what I know, and you will be compromised.”

  “So how do you suppose we get out of town with these new security checkpoints?” Jen asked.

  “I have an ID to pass, but you both do not. They’ll instantly know who you are, unless...”

  “...Unless we’re AMP’d,” Doctor Rhodes finished.


  “Yeah, I’m chipped now. One of my hybrids.”

  “He’s got two more left.”

  “Wow, great news for Bennie.”

  “What’s wrong with Bennie?”

  “He’s sort of paralyzed from the neck down.”

  “What?!” Jenny protested.

  “Cal, you dog, you managed to figure out the reverse growth enzyme to pull them out.”

  “Yes, and quite successful. Jenny, we don’t have time to discuss this, we need to move now.”

  “I know where there’s an AMP station,” Sly smiled.

  “No need,” Cal said, holding up a pen like rod, “I’ve got a portable charge unit here.”

  “Don’t think we both can get a good AMP outta that, Jen, you do it,” Rhodes offered.

  “I can give you each half,” Cal whispered, tucking the pen back inside his pocket, “We’ll have minutes, just minutes, and only at the moment we know we’ll need it.”

  “It might be enough to get us through,” Jen said.

  “Let’s hope,” Cal nodded. Sly slid out of the booth, followed by Jen and Dr. Rhodes.

  “Okay, J,” Cal said, “Keep in touch...your ID should return to normal in a couple of hours.”

  “I’ll be fine, my man...never worry about ol’ J here.”

  Trudy stood and tugged on J’s collar, “We should leave too. Now that the Vanguard are activated, the Keepers shall also become active...J and Sly, you must act no differently.”

  “How will I find you again?”

  “I will find you.”

  * * *


  Seattle, WA

  City Building

  September 27th 2067 18:10

  “Governor, that was an outstanding speech,” Nadine smiled, congratulating McCormick with a handshake.

  Dr. Childress, General McKenzie, and Major Preston all nodded in agreement at the back office after the press conference.

  “Well, I must say, the people love me.”

  “Let’s just say you had a little help,” Nadine said, clasping his hand harder with enthusiasm.

  “Being AMP’d does have its advantages, doesn’t it?”

  “At least for a while.”

  “The important thing is,” McKenzie added, “We have the support of the people. Now that they think the others are terrorists, we’ll get help from the citizens.”

  “Don’t forget, General,” Nadine smiled, “Martial Law is now in effect.”

  “Every street out of the city has been cut-off,” Major Preston said, “We have the Vanguard posted at all major entrances to the city. They will scan every ID coming in and leaving the city.”

  “Excellent,” Nadine smiled.

  “Traffic will be a mess, though,” the doctor said.

  “What do we care? We must find them...we must find them all!”

  “Oh, we’ll find them, Ma’am,” Preston nodded, “We’ll find them.”

  “I’m sure we will, Major. What about the rest of the Vanguard?”

  “They have been dispatched to patrol the city, looking for any crime,” McKenzie said.

  “Governor?” Nadine asked, finally releasing his hand, “When will you announce your campaign?”

  “My staff informs me that we should wait another four to six months before announcing my candidacy...they feel that I will have a sweeping victory and all our computer models agree with them.”

  “How many clones are on your staff?”

  “My top aide, and two others.”

  “You sure that’s all you need?”

  “That will be plenty, Nadine,” McCormick smiled.

  “Very well, we should set up a central location for bringing in recruits.”

  “We’ve already identified several locations throughout the city that we can use,” Preston said, “We’re offering free chip implants in exchange for being able to activate them as Vanguard if they are needed.”

  “And you think people will submit to this freely?”

  “We are being overwhelmed with requests already.”

  “How many locations are you opening and how many are you forecasting will join our little army?”

  “We will have five locations in strategically placed AMP centers and our forecast models indicate that we’ll have twenty thousand by the end of the year.”

  “Excellent,” Nadine smiled, “I’ll bump up chip production so we won’t run out of supplies...nice work everyone. Now let’s catch us some bad guys,” she smirked.

  * * *

  Seattle, WA

  Underground Parking Garage

  September 27th 2067 18:30

  Sly stood in front of an open air jeep with his hands in his pockets, “Here’s your ride.”

  “Really, Sly?” J complained, “This is what you got us?”


  “Them, whatever...I think I want a refund, my man.”

  “No dice, this is all we have. ‘Sides, you said you wanted something that could access the expressway.”

  “From the looks of this thing,” Rhodes protested, “it doesn’t look like this thing will even make it up the on ramp.”

  “Looks are
deceiving, Doc. Get in, Calvin. Try it out.”

  Calvin climbed in the driver’s seat and cranked the key that was already in the ignition. Black smoke poured out of exhaust as the jeep was turned to life.

  “Looks like it needs rings,” Calvin exclaimed, and how is it you got a combustible vehicle to have access to the expressways? The regulations are for electric motor driven only.”

  “You ever hear about hybrids?”

  “As a matter of fact,” Jen began.

  “...and it’s been sittin’ a spell, so give it a chance to warm up.”

  “Come on, let’s get a moving, being this is our only option,” Calvin said gunning the engine a couple of times.

  “You guys take it easy now,” J instructed, “Contact me on a secure channel when you get back so I know you made it.”

  “Why, J? I think I see a slight tear at the corner of your eye,” Jen said, then wrapped her arms around him, “Thank you, J...for all your help. You have been a great friend to my Bennie. Thanks for watching out for him.”

  “Now, damn it, don’t get all mushy on me,” J choked, “We’ll get to see each other again real soon now, ya hear?”

  Jenny released her iron grip from the man’s girth and stepped back displaying her wet face from tears that had been pressed into his jacket.

  Jenny shook Sly’s hand and thanked him for the vehicle and his help, regardless of the shape it was in.

  “See, J? At least someone appreciates me around here,” turning a smile to Jenny, “You come see me anytime and my AMP machine is yours.”

  “Hey now?” J protested.

  “Sorry, J. It’s just business, you know.”

  “Stop cutting into my profits already.”

  “You two behave or I’ll have to kick both of your asses down one end and back up this garage.”

  “Listen to the lady, here,” Sly smiled, “You all get moving now, before Calvin’s tat expires.”

  Calvin’s eyes widened, “What’s the time?”

  “Goin’ on six forty-five,” J said, looking at his watch.

  “It’s been seven hours already, Sly’s right, my tattoo will be no good anytime now.”


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