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Breaking Beautiful (Broken Series #2)

Page 4

by Amanda Bennett

  I made my way back to her room and noticed there was no officer outside of her door. I quickly dialed Jason to find out what the fuck was going on?

  What the fuck, Jay? Where is the guy that’s supposed to be outside Bennett’s room?

  Calm down Gray. He is inside the room, waiting for you to get back. Chill the fuck out.

  Seriously Jay? This guy is obviously after Bennett, so no, I will not calm down.

  I get it, Gray. This isn’t our first day on the job, you know. We’ve got your back. I swear it.

  I know, Jay. Sorry. I’m just so fucking on edge, its unreal. Did you ever look into what I asked?

  I did, and you’re not going to be happy. Looks like good ole Mr. Raylon has been following Bennett for quite some time now. Remember when he ran into her at school? It doesn’t look like it was a coincidence. His sister used to go to school with y’all. She was a cheerleader, apparently. From what I can gather, Raylon went to one of your old football games and saw Bennett talking with a group of friends. Since then, all their run in’s don’t seem to be coincidental.

  What do you mean?

  It looks like Raylon has a history of this behavior. He’s had three restraining orders since his junior year in high school. One of them was from his ex-girlfriend that year. She stated that he became obsessed. Started following her everywhere and leaving threatening messages after they broke up. Since then it was two other girls he met at parties on campus. There wasn’t a reason listed that I could see.

  You’ve got to be fucking shitting me? So what, he’s just been following her everyday since he saw her. He hadn’t even met her yet. What a sick motherfucker.

  I know, dude. I couldn’t dig up much else on him. Just that his parents died when he was fourteen and him and his sister were separated into different foster homes. They had no living relatives that anyone knew of.

  What’s his sister’s name?

  Um, let me check. Looks like her name is Bobby Jo Levingston. Graduated the same year as you guys and everything.

  Both my mouth and my phone fell to the ground. Holy shit. How was this even possible? I frantically snatched my phone from the tile floor. I was at a loss for words, but I found a few that would leave my mouth.

  I have to call you back.

  I hung up the phone and began pacing back and forth down the hallway. The nurses were all studying me as I became more and more enraged. God help me, if she had anything to do with anything, I would kill the bitch myself.

  When I reached the door to Bennett’s room, I took in a deep breath before letting myself in. Sure as shit the officer was standing in the corner, keeping an eye on Bennett. She was awake now and watching some lame ass show on the television hanging in the corner. When she saw me she clicked it off and motioned for the officer to leave. I made sure the door was closed tight before walking towards her.

  She must have sensed or seen the horror written all over my face. “Baby, are you okay?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. I had Jason do some digging around to try and find something on Raylon. He finally came up with something.” I paused, questioning whether or not to tell her.

  “What did he find out?”

  I couldn’t respond right away and I saw worry etched into her forehead.

  “Gray, please tell me.”

  “It looks like Raylon has been stalking you from the very beginning. It has happened before, with three other girls. That’s not even the worst part. He has a sister.”

  “Wait, what? He told me he was an only child.”

  “Did he also happen to mention that is parents died when he was fourteen? He’s a liar Bennett, a manipulator. I still haven’t gotten to the worst part. His sister….is…Bobby Jo.” I waited for her reaction before saying anything more.

  “I’m totally confused Gray. You’re telling me, not only was Raylon stalking me but his sister is Bobby Jo? Bobby Jo Levingston, that went to school with us? Your ex-girlfriend, Bobby Jo?”

  “Yes, Bennett. That’s exactly what I am telling you. There is nothing tying her to him, but Jason is still checking into it for us. I’m so sorry, Button. I should have checked harder when I first found out about him. I should have protected you from that monster, and I didn’t. I let you down in so many ways. I don’t know what else to say, but I’m sorry.” I knew part of me was feeling sorry for myself, but I couldn’t help it. I was a cop; I should have known to look harder.

  “Gray, don’t you dare blame yourself. I don’t blame you. I love you.”

  And just like that, her words melted my heart. “I love you too, so much.”


  The next week and a half flew by quicker than I could have thought possible. It was time for me to pick up the order I had placed and check on the progress that Hannah and Theo were making. I lied and told Bennett that I was going home to shower and get some fresh clothes. I felt bad, but it would all be worth it in five more days.

  I had talked to the doctor and filled him in on my surprise. He assured me that we would be ready to go home in exactly five days from today. With that part ready to go, all I needed to do was finish up everything on my part. I stopped by April’s office first. When I walked in, she was already standing at the front counter waiting for me.

  “Gray, so nice to finally meet you.”

  “You as well, April. Is it all ready.”

  “Absolutely, and it is gorgeous, if I do say so myself.” I think she was just as happy about this as I was.

  “That’s wonderful. Can I see it?”

  “Of course. Right this way.”

  She led me into a small office off of the front room. She took a seat behind her large oak desk, retrieving a package from underneath. I sat across from her in a small black leather chair, patiently waiting for her to open the box. As soon as she did, my heart dropped. It was absolutely gorgeous, and perfect.

  “What do you think?” She hesitated before handing it to me.

  “You did an amazing job, April. Thank you so much.”

  “Of course. Please let us know if there is anything else we can ever do for you.”

  I stood and shook her hand. “I will. Thank you again.”

  I tucked the package under my arm and headed out into the cold. Winter was in full swing and the snow was lightly trickling down. I couldn’t wait for Bennett to see it. We both loved the snow and I knew she was just itching to get out of that shitty hospital bed.

  I threw the box into the glove box of my truck and locked it up tight. One more place to go and then I could be back by my Button’s side. Twenty minutes later the tires hit the gravel road leading to my destination. Rocks bit and flew up under the under carriage of the truck making me smile. I was practically bouncing in my seat in anticipation of finally seeing it.

  I pulled up to the small entry box and typed in the code that only Theo, Hannah and myself knew. I saw Theo’s car in the drive and glanced around looking for the both of them. I shut off the ignition and hopped down out of my truck. The wind had picked up and I had to blow into my hands to keep them warm. I reached the front door and let myself in.

  “Hannah? Theo? Where you guys at?” My voice echoed off of the empty, gray colored walls.

  “In the kitchen, Gray.” I followed the sound of her voice and found them sitting at the breakfast bar.

  “What are you two doing? Don’t you have shit you need to get done? Only five more days, slackers.” Hannah punched me in my arm and Theo laughed.

  “We’re just taking a break, shithead. Don’t worry it will all be done by the time she gets out.”

  “Okay, well I need to get back to the hospital before Bennett starts to worry. You sure you guys have this all under control?”

  “Yes, Dad. I’m sure.” Hannah stuck her tongue out at me before I left.

  “Call me if you guys need anything,” I shouted as I walked out the front door. I drove as fast as possible to get back to my babies.



sp; My IV had been removed a few days ago and I was now on oral pain meds. I didn’t need them too much lately, and I was thankful that I could finally stay awake. The baby was growing more and more every day and I was doing pretty well myself. Well, at least I thought so. I was feeling much better but I was going absolute stir crazy. I needed to get out of this damn hospital like yesterday.

  Gray had left a while ago and still wasn’t back. I knew it didn’t take that long to shower and get dressed. We didn’t live that far. I reached for my phone to call him when I heard someone walk through the door. I turned and ran straight into his open arms. When I finally pulled back, I slapped him across the chest.

  “Ow, Button. What was that for?”

  He was rubbing his chest, feigning pain like I had actually hurt him. In all actuality, I was the one that was hurt. My hand stung from the hardness that was his chest. His muscles seemed to have gotten bigger since I had been in the hospital. I swear it. “Because you took far too long. And, because I missed you.”

  “Sorry Button. I just had a few things to take care of while I was out. Did you get any sleep while I was gone?” He started leading me back over to the bed, but I resisted. I didn’t want to be in that God-awful thing any longer.

  “Gray, I don’t want to lay down. That bed sucks.” I started to pout knowing the effect my pouty face had on him. We both knew he would eventually cave.

  “Fine, woman. Where would you like to sit or lay down?”

  “On the recliner with you. I want to snuggle up with you and watch some television. I want to feel as normal as possible today.” I winked at him, letting him know I wanted more, but knowing myself that we couldn’t just yet.

  “I think I can manage that.” He winked as he pulled me onto his lap.

  I curled up on his lap and tucked my head under his chin. He clicked through all of the channels and settled on an old movie that I had never seen. It was perfect. We just lay there in complete silence for about an hour before my nurse, and new friend, emerged to check in on me.

  “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

  “Heidi!” Gray and I announced in unison.

  Heidi and I had become fast friends since she became my nurse. She reminded me a lot of Hannah, as far as personalities went. She had beautifully sleek brown hair and big brown eyes to match. She looked almost like a china doll, with ivory skin and just a small amount of freckles speckled across her nose and arms. She stood at a short five feet five inches and had curves for days. She was beautiful.

  “I’m doing great, other than the fact that I still have to sleep on that shitty thing.” She laughed at me and motioned for me to come sit on the bed so she could take my vitals.

  I rolled my eyes but went anyways. This whole taking your vitals every four hours was getting super annoying.

  “I have some great news for you. As long as this set of vitals comes back good, you can go home tomorrow morning.”

  Before I could say anything, Gray was up and asking a million questions.

  “What do you mean tomorrow? I mean is that safe? Is the doctor sure she is ready to go?” I could hear the panic rising in his voice.

  I quickly silenced him with my own words. “Gray, what has gotten in to you? This is awesome news. I get to actually sleep in a real bed. Why aren’t you more excited?”

  I waited with baited breath as he stared at me dumbfounded. “I am excited. I’m just worried it’s too soon. I don’t want to get you home and have there be a problem.”

  I shook my head at how overprotective he was. “Honey, I’m sure if the doctor thinks its okay, then its okay. Stop worrying so much.”

  “I’m going to go talk to him real quick and make sure.” Before I could protest, he was out the door. I shrugged at Heidi and rolled my eyes.

  “I don’t know what is wrong with him.” I whispered.

  “I think he’s just worried for you and your baby.” She winked as she turned on her heel and headed out the door as well. Everyone was acting so weird. I shrugged and lay back against the craptastic bed, hopefully for the last time.



  “Shit! What are we going to do, Theo? Shit! Shit! Shit!”

  “Calm down, bro. Everything here is done. We got it all finished and cleaned up last night and part of today. We’re good.”

  “Are you sure?” I could feel myself starting to panic.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. Now calm down and go celebrate with your girlfriend. Man, she has got to be jumping for joy.”

  “She is, I’m the one who isn’t. Okay, as long as we’re good to go then I’m fine. I was just worried you guys needed more time.”

  “Nope. You’re good.”

  “Alright, thanks Theo. We’ll see you guys soon.” I hung up and booked it back to Bennett’s room.

  She was lying on the bed half asleep when I came in. I wanted her to rest so I tried not to disturb her. That plan didn’t work out so well. She rolled over in my direction, motioning for me to lie next to her. I went to her without hesitation. I slid in next to her, so we were face to face. She pressed her lips to mine and it took everything in me not to undress her that instant.

  “You feeling okay?” She was worried about me? She was the one in the hospital and she was busy worrying about me. I swear this girl’s heart was bigger than anyone I had ever met.

  “I’m fine, Button. I promise. I just can’t wait to get you home. Both of you.” A smile spread across my face as my hand reached down to her belly. I traced small circles across it and pictured my little girl or boy kicking at me. I knew it was too early just yet, but I wanted to feel it so badly. From the moment I realized how much I was in love with this girl, I had wanted nothing more than to have a family with her. She was the only person in my life that understood me, sometimes even better than myself.

  Bennett was asleep within minutes; I on the other hand tossed and turned for what seemed like forever. I knew I was worrying too much about taking her home, but I couldn’t help it. I was about to turn her world upside down and inside out and she had no idea. Her reaction to everything is what had me worried more than anything.

  Bennett had never been one for surprises, and I was about to give her the biggest surprise of her life. My anxiety soon turned into anticipation and excitement. I couldn’t wait to show her what I had done for her, for us, for my family. My eyes started getting heavy and I could no longer fight it.


  I stretched and rubbed the sleep from eyes before checking on Bennett. I was sick and tired of sleeping on this damn cot. I had gotten up in the middle of the night and moved to make her more comfortable. Big mistake! Nothing sounded better than climbing into our big comfortable bed at home.

  I pulled my shirt over my head and stretched one last time before standing up. I glanced over at Bennett’s sleeping figure, finding myself longing to be close to her. I had always loved to watch her sleep. When she was asleep nothing else could touch her, and she seemed at peace.

  I slipped in and out of the bathroom in record time, and then made my way over to her bed. She was still tucked in on one side, so I slid in facing her. I pulled her in close to my chest breathing her in. I had helped her shower the day before and she still smelled like her strawberry shampoo that I loved.

  I ran my fingers through her hair and down her cheek. When she started to stir, I pressed a long kiss to her full lips. It did the trick. Her smoldering eyes met mine and her lips slowly began to move against my lips. My eyes fluttered close as I traced her bottom lip with my tongue. Her mouth gladly accepted it and our tongues intertwined with one another, sending sparks throughout my body.

  It had been far too long since I had been able to touch her, to kiss her with all that I had. My fingers pushed back through her hair and gently grabbed it at the base of her neck. I didn’t want to push her too soon, so I loosened my grip just a bit. Her soft tender hands found their way up to the sides of my face, making their way into my hair as well.

p; I let out a small growl, letting her know just exactly what she was doing to me. I pressed my growing erection into her as my hand slid down and cupped her ass. I swear if we weren’t in a hospital I would have stripped her naked and made love to her right then and there. Just as I was about to break our contact she pushed her hand down the front of my jeans, grabbing onto my length.

  I deepened our kiss, biting and sucking on her bottom lip, all the while grabbing her ass. As my hand was finding its way to the front of her pajama pants, I heard the click of her room door. I quickly pulled back, adjusting my hard as a rock dick before anyone could see. Of course, I didn’t care, but I knew Bennett would be embarrassed that someone had caught us.


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