Walk Of Shame

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Walk Of Shame Page 38

by Victoria Ashley

  “No,” I admit. “I’m not mad. I’m jealous as shit and not wanting to share you with another man.” I pull her back to me and gently kiss her. “One date. I don’t think I can handle more than that without wanting to kill him.”

  “I think I should go home for the night, Cale.” She runs her fingers into the back of my hair. “I’m going out with Tyler tomorrow. It won’t be right if I stay here.”

  I swallow back my anger as my chest tightens in pain. As much as I don’t want this, I know that nothing with us will be able to move forward until he’s out of the picture. Then, I’m going to make her all fucking mine and hold onto her until I take my last breath. That’s a promise.

  “I’ll drop you off.” I hop out of the truck and grab Riley’s hand, helping her out and on her feet. “Let’s go.”

  This hurts like a bitch, but there’s no way I’m giving up on her. Fuck that . . .

  GETTING DRESSED AND READY TO go out to dinner with Tyler is stirring a ton of emotions inside of me. Just a couple of weeks ago it was me and Tyler, and now it’s me and Cale, with Tyler fighting his way back into my life. It makes everything a lot more complicated than I hoped it would be. I always thought if Cale and I were to end up together that it would be easy and nothing else in the world would matter, but right now . . . it feels far from easy.

  “Riley,” my mom screams from downstairs. “Tyler’s here. Are you ready?”

  Sighing, I grab my purse and slip the strap over my shoulder, before making my way to the stairs. I look down at my mom and shrug my shoulders. “Yeah, I suppose so. I just want to get this dinner over with.”

  My mom watches me with concern as I slowly make my way down the stairs, passing her without another word. I just have so much on my mind right now that it’s making it hard to think straight.

  Here I am going out with Tyler while Cale is at Walk Of Shame, taking his clothes off for a bunch of horny women. He could have any one of them. Why would he want to wait around for me . . . again?

  “Are you okay,” my dad asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

  I look up at him and smile. “I’m good. I’m fine. Just tired.” Not really, but . . .”I’ll be home later. I don’t plan on staying out too late.”

  “Alright, honey,” Mom says to my back as I’m walking to the door. “I’ll wait up for you. I have a feeling we’re going to have a lot to talk about when you get home.”

  I look over my shoulder at her. “I guess we’ll see.”

  When I open the screen door I look up to see Tyler leaning against his rental car. He’s too busy messing around on his phone to notice me approaching. It’s probably a good thing, because right now it seems extremely hard to hide the disappointment of what I have to do tonight. One look at my face and it’s a given.

  I take a second to compose myself before stopping in front of him and clearing my throat.

  Tyler looks up from his phone and quickly shoves it in his pocket to show me his full attention. Smiling, he says, “You look really nice.” He reaches for the end of my favorite shirt and fingers it. “I’ve missed seeing this old thing.”

  I smile small, appreciative of his compliment, before pulling away a bit. “Thanks.”

  We both stand here in an awkward silence before Tyler holds up his keys and dangles them. “I guess we should get going. We’ll discuss the restaurant on the road. Sound good?”

  I nod my head and reach for the door handle. “Sounds like a plan.”

  As soon as I shut the door behind me, my heart starts racing at the realization that this isn’t Cale’s truck. This is another man’s vehicle. My ex’s to be more specific; the man that I slept next to for two years. It feels so wrong being here with him and every bit of my body is telling me this.

  I sit stiffly, lost in my thoughts as Tyler hops in and shuts his door. Without any warning he reaches over and grabs my hand, pulling it into his lap like old times.

  My first instinct is to pull away from him. It doesn’t feel right. Not like it used to. “No,” I say softly. “We’re not a couple anymore, Tyler. Please no touching.”

  His face registers hurt, but he just nods his head and agrees. “Understandable. Sorry, it just comes so natural with you. I don’t want to do anything to make you uncomfortable. No more touching unless you ask.”

  Relief washes through me that he understands the boundaries of this dinner. The thought of him touching me or trying to kiss me has been eating at me ever since I agreed to this dinner with him. I don’t need anything else making me feel more guilty and confused than I already do.

  “I know where we can eat at.” I sit up and point down the street and over to the left side of the road. “I haven’t been there since I was a kid.”

  Tyler looks over to where I’m pointing and pulls into the left lane. “I’m down.”

  The only reason I haven’t been there since I was a kid is because Cale hates the place. We had one bad experience with some douche giving me a hard time and Cale decided that he never wanted to go back. It reminded him of that issue and always made him want to punch something.

  I’d rather take Tyler here to eat dinner than a place that Cale and I enjoy together. It somehow makes me feel a little better about this whole thing.

  We don’t say much more as we head inside and find an empty booth to sit down in. The waitress nods at us as we take our seats, so we both just reach for a menu from the back of the table and skim over the choices while waiting.

  After a few minutes, Tyler sets his menu down and stares at me. I can feel his eyes on me, distracting me from the menu.

  “Just say it, Tyler. . . . You know I hate it when you just stare at me like that.”

  I set my menu down and look him in the eyes. He searches my face in silence before speaking.

  “How could you do it?”

  We both look up at the waitress as she walks over to take our order. We quickly give her our food and drink order as she jots it down then disappears, leaving us alone in what I’m sure is going to be an uncomfortable conversation.

  “What?” I ask, feeling a bit uncomfortable. “What are you getting at?’

  His facial expression changes and he suddenly looks angry. “Have sex with that Cale guy.”

  I suck in a deep breath and bite my tongue. I don’t like him questioning me like this, and that look on his face makes me want to slap it off of him.

  “Why would you ask me that?” I stop talking and smile up at the waitress as she drops off our drinks, then wait for her to walk away before talking again. “I don’t think this is something we should talk about, Tyler.”

  He reaches for his cup and takes a long, desperate drink. “Oh . . . it’s definitely something we should talk about, and your response just confirms my suspicions. Why would you sleep with him? We were together for two years; two years, Riley, and you wouldn’t let me make love to you. You’ve been here for less than three weeks and you decide to let that loser in your bed.”

  Sitting up, I slap the table defensively and get closer to his face, letting him see the anger in my eyes. “I don’t want to ever hear you call Cale a loser again.” I grind my jaw, trying to hold myself back from screaming. “Cale has been in my life a lot longer than you have, and he’s always been there for me. You don’t even know him, so don’t you dare judge him.”

  The conversation comes to a halt again when our plates are set down in front of us. I’m so angry right now that I almost let my mouth run, not caring that someone else is listening to our conversation. No one gets to talk shit about Cale without getting an earful from me. This man has been everything to me for as long as I can remember.

  The waitress smiles at us and tells us to enjoy, before walking away.

  I shove my fork into my food and start eating as fast as I can. The faster I eat, the faster I can get this stupid dinner over with. I don’t know what he expected to accomplish out of this dinner, but I hope he didn’t expect to win me back, because this definitely isn’t working.r />
  “Calm down, Riley.” Tyler reaches over the table and grabs my fork out of my hand. “Talk to me for a minute. I’m not trying to piss you off. I just want answers. You don’t think this hurts me? I’m hurt right now. This hurts me.”

  I lean back in my seat and take a few breaths to calm myself. “I don’t want to fight, okay, but if you keep running your mouth and saying things about Cale then I’m going to leave and never speak to you again. He doesn’t deserve you bad-mouthing him when he has done nothing but take care of me.”

  Tyler’s jaw flexes, as he looks me over. I can tell that he’s fighting really hard not to tell me how he feels about my words.

  “Let’s forget about this guy for a minute then and talk about us. What about us? Are you really willing to just throw two years away as if it meant nothing to you?”

  I sit up and let out a humorous laugh. I can’t believe he’s going there right now. “Oh . . . I don’t know, Tyler. I was wondering the same thing when you decided to back out of our relationship right when we were supposed to get on a damn plane. Apparently our two years together didn’t mean shit to you, so why should it mean anything to me now? Tell me!”

  Tyler stands up and rushes over to my side of the table, scooting his way onto my bench. “I made a mistake. A huge mistake.” He reaches for my face, but I turn away from him. “Riley. Please look at me. I love you. I’m in love with you. After you left, it made me realize how much of an idiot I was for not going with you. I’m here now and we can be together.”

  I shake my head and run my hands over my face. I don’t want to be hearing this right now. I’ve waited for what seems like forever to hear him tell me he loves me again, and now . . . now here he is at the worst possible time ever and it doesn’t mean anything to me.

  “I don’t want to hear that now, Tyler. I’m sorry, but I’m over what we had. This dinner and conversation are confirming that for me. I don’t feel anything. I’m so sorry. I want to be with Cale. I always have.”

  Tyler stands up and starts pacing in front of the booth. “He’s a fucking stripper, Riley.” He narrows his eyes at me when I give him a surprised look. “Yeah, I’ve done my research on your little boyfriend. Is that what you really want? Huh?” He sits back down, but on his side of the table. “A man that takes off his clothes for other women and then comes home horny and ready for you? How do you know what he does at that club? What makes you think that he’s not getting off on these women touching him? Open your eyes, Riley. He could have any of those women, all of the ass he wants. He’ll never be faithful to you and you’re stupid if you think he will be.”

  My heart stops and anger that I’ve never felt before takes over. Standing up, I walk over to stand in front of him. “Fuck you!” Unable to stop myself, I slap him across the cheek and storm out of the restaurant, needing to get away from him before I break down.

  As soon as I’m about a block away from the parking lot, I break down and lose it. My chest aches and I can barely catch my breath. As much as I hate to admit it . . . Tyler’s words had an effect on me.

  I don’t want to think about Cale with other women. I don’t want to believe what Tyler said, but what if it’s true? What if more goes on at that club than I know?

  The thoughts running through my head make me just want to scream. It hurts so damn bad just thinking about Cale possibly wanting one of those girls. I hate it. I fucking hate it.

  I hate it, but I love Cale. I’ve been in love with him for longer than I was willing to admit. There’s no hiding it now. This man is going to ruin me . . .

  THE GIRLS HAVE BEEN EXTRA grabby tonight and I can’t wait to just get the hell out of here. Here I am . . . with all these women pulling at me and touching me, and all I can think about is the fact that my woman is out with another man. We might not have a title, but I know without a doubt that she is mine.

  No one can make her feel the way that I do for the simple fact that no other man can love her and care for her as much as I do. Actions speak louder than words, and my actions will always be to take care of Riley and show her how much she means to me. This Tyler guy needs to hit the fucking road and realize that she’s taken. He lost his chance, and these women need to watch their damn hands before I lose it.

  The song playing over the speakers slows down, so gripping my hair I roll my hips, slowing down my rhythm to match the music. Wicked Games by The Weeknd is playing, so every girl in this room is hanging on my every move, just wanting me to fuck them to this song later. I can see it in their eyes and it makes me feel fucking guilty.

  I don’t know what made me think that Riley would be okay with this lifestyle, but the more I’m here, the more I worry that she will start pulling away from me when she sees just how bad it truly can get here. Tonight is one of those nights that would probably push Riley over the edge. Lynx seems to be pushing it to get as dirty as fucking possible.

  Doing as Lynx instructed, I strip out of my briefs and cover as much of my cock as possible with my free hand, before replacing my hand with my boxer briefs. Dropping to the ground, I hold the thin fabric over my dick and start grinding on the ground as if fucking someone, long and deep. I feel one of the guys pour water over me, soaking me and making it even harder to cover myself with my white briefs.

  I can feel hands grab and slap at my ass as I continue to thrust in a slow rhythm, waiting for this fucking song to end. Every woman in this room now knows what my naked ass looks like while fucking. I don’t feel comfortable knowing that Riley should be the only one to witness this dirty moment.

  As the song comes to an end I grind my hips one more time, before making my way to my feet. A slim brunette with huge tits instantly plasters herself to the front of my body and grabs my cock. Her other hand reaches around my back side and grips my ass as she starts sliding her hand over my shaft.

  “Stop,” I growl out, while gripping her wrist and pulling her hand away.

  Throwing herself at me, she ignores my demand and grabs at my fucking dick again. “Mmm . . . someone’s packing,” she slurs. “Show us your dick, baby, and I’ll let you put it anywhere.”

  I grip her wrist a little tighter this time and get in her face, showing her that I’m not interested. “I’m not going to fuck you so just stop.”

  Pushing past her, I look up just in time to see Riley looking at me from the across the room. I can see the shock and hurt on her face and all I want to do is scream for her to come to me so I can make her feel better.

  She shakes her head and starts backing away as I begin making my way through the crowd. I get just a glimpse of Lynx walking her away before a group of girls walk in front of me, blocking my line of vision.

  My skin heats up in anger at just the thought of Lynx being with her, so I don’t think twice before brushing the group of drunken women off and pushing through them.

  By the time I get to where Riley and Lynx are, over by the door, I stop dead in my fucking tracks when I see Lynx pinning her against the door in between his arms. He’s whispering something in her ear, but it looks as if she just wants to leave.

  Without even giving it a second thought I grip Lynx’s shoulder and spin him around, swinging my right fist into his mouth.

  “What the fuck!” Lynx screams out in shock. “Did you seriously just fucking hit me, you crazy asshole?”

  Keeping my eyes on him, I reach down for my boxer briefs that are now on the ground and quickly slide them back on, before walking over to Riley and grabbing her chin. “Are you okay?” I grip the back of her hair and look her in the eyes. “Did he touch you?”

  I feel someone grab my shoulder. I turn around defensively to see that it’s only Stone. “You got this, bro?” He asks, while looking back and forth between me and Lynx.

  “I’m good, man.” I shake his hand off my shoulder and give Riley my full attention. “Did he touch you? Tell me.”

  She shakes her head and pushes me away, looking hurt and more confused than I’ve ever seen her. “No . . . but
it looks as if everyone gets to touch you, Cale.”

  She pushes me away again, so I back up a bit, giving her space. I never want to make her feel uncomfortable, but I want nothing more than to touch her right now. It leaves me in a fucked up situation.

  “Rile, I’m fucking sorry.” I grip my hair and growl out in anger at the fact that she had to witness some other girl touch me like that. “I don’t want that shit, trust me, but please don’t walk out on me without talking to me. You’ve never just walked out on me. Don’t start now.”

  I feel my heart fucking get ripped out of my chest when I notice that her face is wet. She’s been crying. She’s been fucking crying while I’ve been here taking off my clothes for other women and fulfilling their damn fantasies. I’m a dick.

  “I’m sorry, Cale, but I can’t . . . I just can’t.” She starts walking toward the door. I grab her arm to stop her, but she pulls it away and gives me a dirty look. That’s how I know she needs time alone. “I need to leave right now. Please just understand that. This is so much more than I thought. So much . . . worse.”

  “I’m sorry,” is all I can say. I reach out and rub my thumb over her lip, but she backs away and looks around the room as the women start screaming for Stone.

  “I can’t handle this, Cale. I thought I could, but I can’t. I need time to think.” Without another word she rushes out the door, leaving me on the verge of going crazy. I want nothing more than to go after her, but I respect her more than anyone in this world, and if she needs time then I can’t take that away from her. I know that and I hate myself for it.

  “Fuck!” I slam my fist into the wall repeatedly while yelling out a string of cuss words. “What did you say to her?” I bark at Lynx as his eyes size me up.

  He smirks with a confidence that makes me want to fuck him up even more. “Just told her how it truly is here. How dirty all the women get. The truth. That’s what.”


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