The New Guard (Crossroads Book 1)

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The New Guard (Crossroads Book 1) Page 1

by Matthew M. Johns

  The New Guard

  Crossroads Book 1

  By Matthew M. Johns

  Text copyright © 2016 Matthew M. Johns

  All Rights Reserved

  To my family near and far who have helped my writing efforts for so many years.

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Pronunciation Guide



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42


  About the Author

  Pronunciation Guide

  Ə says ‘a’ as in ‘about’

  The Races:

  Anthope (ăn /th/ōp)

  Avian (ā vē ăn)

  Coterie (Kō də rē)

  Gaeder (gā d/er/)

  Limnaid (lĭm nād)

  Nisse (nĭss ĕ)

  Polyheme (pŏl ē hēm)

  Weald (wēld)


  Alawnwee (ə läwn wē)

  Avrant (Ăv rănt)

  Brogene (Brō gēn)

  Caliban (Căl ĭ băn)

  Carefrin (Kĕr frĭn)

  Chivy (Chĭ vē)

  E’lina (Ē līn ə)

  Elam (Ē lăm)

  Eleen (Ē lēn)

  Falsifien (Fäls ĭ fēn)

  Gall (Gäll)

  Gielz (Gēlz)

  Illdwar (Ĭlld w/or/)

  Insur (Ĭn s/er/)

  Jall (Jäll)

  Kear’ou (Kēr aů)

  Koen (Kō ĕn)

  Kolk (Kōlk)

  Liseea (Lĭ sē ə)

  Maraud (Mə räd)

  Merrin (Mĕ rĭn)

  Rothos (Rō /th/ōs)

  Uwin (Ŭ wĭn)

  Verger Rex (V/er/ g/er/ Rĕx)

  Yero (Yē rō)

  Zilda (Zĭl də)

  Animals, Creatures, and Places:

  Chiropteran (kī rŏpt /er/ ăn)

  Dauntalus (Dän tə lŭs)

  Ornacon (/or/n ə cŏn)


  I have in front of me the paper. I have in my hand the pen. What happens next is not fully of me. I am a vessel filled with the Spirit. He drives me, inspires me, and adds His own flair. I have dreamed and imagined, yet this story is not of my making. I am but the instrument in the hands of some greater force. I am humbled by the power which drives me, and I pray I do not hinder the Creator as through me He tells this tale.


  The woods sat maybe twelve miles outside of town on a two lane country road that connected the various farms between one town and the next. One hundred feet from the country road, a house was nestled in the woods. Though the house was old, the architecture didn’t speak of any particular period in time. The house was not grand, yet somehow all your brothers and sisters, your father, and I fit in it. Yes, there were two or three people sharing each room and there were times when that got on everybody’s nerves, but it was home. I’m not sure how your father came to own the house; it was his from the time I first met him. In fact, besides an oddly intelligent beagle, the house was the only thing your father ever owned. This fact drove my parents crazy because they said they hadn’t spent the best money to see their daughter married off to a penniless woodsman. Oh, but I loved the way your father talked about the world, how much faith he had, and how he treated and looked at me. So we married and moved into his house, where your eleven brothers and sisters were raised. That was, of course, until that summer evening when we all became lost in those woods and found ourselves here.

  Chapter 1

  The school year was done and summer vacation was only three days begun. However, for the Koen children it was as if a heavy pressure had been suddenly lifted off them. It hadn’t been the best school year, as demands and trials seemed to have plagued them all.

  Deborah had to fight hard to maintain grades that had come easily before her junior year. She had known this would be a possibility, because she had elected to take college level courses offered by the high school from the community college one town over.

  Though Mel’s year has started out well with him making the varsity football team as a sophomore, he too had struggled, though not academically. Internal team pressures kept him constantly on his feet through every practice and even in the hallways of the school. Additionally, the abuse he was being submitted to by the opposing teams seemed to be more than the norm.

  Opposite this, Nic had entered his freshman year of high school to constant harassment for his decision not to try out for the football team. He understood why people had expected him to go out for the team, for he was more built for the work than his older brother. However, the pursuit of sports had never appealed to him. Nic wanted to do something where he could make more of a difference. Unbeknownst to any of his family, Nic had been investigating how he could go to college and become a pediatric doctor.

  For Eve and Silas, the school year was neither any better nor any worse than normal. They had always struggled to fit in (outside of their older siblings’ shadows), and typically scrapped by grade-wise. Eve was trying hard to forget school, especially since she would have to share a school building with her older sister once more this coming year. The only highlight of junior high had been Deborah’s not physically being there. Silas was also trying to banish thoughts of another year of junior high, as he had almost failed seventh grade. He’d finally pulled out a C average in all of his classes except math, in which he eked out a D.

  For Esther, the thought of leaving her beloved elementary had haunted her on and off all year and dampened her whole sixth grade experience. Though she knew Deb, Mel, and Nic had had fairly good junior high experiences, her outlook on going there was tainted by the arguments and stress Eve and Silas had brought into the household over the last year.

  Perhaps Ruth was the only child who didn’t look at the end of the school year with a sense of relief and a big ‘good riddance’. She had enjoyed the challenges fourth grade had brought. The only downside had been having to say farewell to her close friend toward the end of the school year. Ruth’s friend’s father was in the military and was being shipped overseas. She and her friend had instantly started up a written correspondence, though the time it took to deliver the letters was wearing on Ruth.

  Hannah had her own problems, and they all started with her younger brother, Jeremiah. Hannah was bright and excelled in school. She had proven herself from the beginning and was accepted into kindergarten early. Then a year later, Jeremiah did the same. He shadowed her progress when she was in first grade and kept getting into all her work. Then last year, horror of horrors, Jeremiah had been accelerated into second
grade and ended up sharing a class with her the entire year. There he was, doing all the same work, running at the same pace as she was. Never, never could she have a hundred percent perfect on anything alone. No, Jeremy was always there. It ruined everything, and now whenever she was at school she didn’t feel she could relax, for fear he would surpass her. Jeremiah, being a young boy wholly thrilled with the pursuit of new knowledge, was oblivious to all this and was astounded by his sister’s newfound hostility.

  Then there was Mary. Fresh from her first year of elementary, she could not tell you one way or another what was going on with the other children. Kindergarten had been both thrilling and frightening at the same time. Being true to her nature, halfway through the year Mary took it upon herself to educate Dinah, so as to better prepare her younger sister for her upcoming kindergarten experience. Dinah, already upset at losing her older sister to school, did not take to the lessons well; many times it caused upset feelings between both the girls, until their mother came along and mended the rupture and set things right once more.

  Though most of this had affected the Koen children well up to the last day of school, it was fast becoming ancient history, because summer was something altogether different. Summer didn’t often involve a lot of school friends, as they lived on a county road surrounded by forest and farms. Summer mostly revolved around the woods which surrounded their house. Within the shadows of those trees, time slipped slowly by and the cares of the world were lifted away. Yes, there was still bickering between Deborah and Eve. Silas still goaded his two older brothers. Ruth still longed for her absent friend, and there was still some tension between Hannah and Jeremiah. As well, Mary and Dinah could not shake the newfound foreboding of the future away from the house. However, summer all but silenced it to a whispered roar.

  It was early summer and Rebekah Koen didn’t expect the children home until around supper time. Many days during the summer, the children would wake up between dawn and eight, eat breakfast, pack a picnic lunch, and then all eleven of them and the family dog would go out into the surrounding woods to play the day away. At first, when the oldest children were still young, she was nervous about this. For several years she even went along with them. However, after a few years and a few more children, she realized the children were safe in the woods. This belief was reinforced time after time when the children would come home with only minor scrapes or bruises. While they always came back tired, they rarely came back cross with each other. Rebekah was now accustomed to the children keeping each other safe, and summer had become her favorite season. It was the time of year when the house was the quietest, and Rebekah got time to pursue her own interests and callings. She was wrapped up in this very sense of security and peace that infamous summer afternoon when her world view began to change forevermore.

  At 4:15 PM, David came in the front door in a rush and out the back door just as quickly. Rebekah was initially surprised as he had not expected him until 5:00. However, it was his unusual behavior which quickly started turning her surprise into worry. Alerted that something might be wrong, she looked out the window after her husband and saw massive black clouds slowly rolling across the horizon. As quickly as a seven months pregnant woman could move, she too went out the back door. Over the increasing wind she heard her husband yelling for the children. That was when she noticed the scabbard around his waist.

  “David, what’s wrong? And what is that thing you’re wearing?” The questions came out of her mouth in quick volleys driven by fear and surprise. “Is that a sword?”

  David turned to her, “Grab some lanterns from the garage. This storm will be upon us very soon and we need to find the children now.”

  He spoke with such authority and urgency that Rebekah instinctively followed his order and forgot her own questions. When she returned with the lanterns, he quickly lit them and pointed to the left of the house.

  “You look to the left, but keep the straight line with my lantern light on your right.” Again the authority of his voice stifled the growing questions in her mind, and she instantly followed his directions.

  The wind was picking up even more as they moved deeper into the woods. The natural daylight was soon eclipsed by the dark clouds. The lantern light, though brighter than the gloom overhead, seemed dimmer than normal. Suddenly, there was a blur of movement low to the ground and Rebekah jumped, startled by the Beagle’s sudden appearance. David ran over at her scream and the dog’s bark. He knelt by the dog and asked, “Where are the children?”

  The dog turned to face the woods to the right and let out a low series of growls. As quickly as it had appeared, the Beagle ran off. David rose and began to follow. Rebekah did likewise, but she was rapidly falling behind, unable to match the pace her husband and the dog were keeping.


  Well into the woods, the Koen children had been playing the day away. As happened some days, several of the children moved off from the main group and pursued their individual interests. Jeremiah and Deborah had both walked off with books, while Eve was wandering randomly through the trees, caught in her own thoughts. Mel, Nic, and Silas were daring each other to do increasingly risky stunts. Mel stopped them every now and then, bringing some reason back into the mix. Hannah, Mary, and Dinah sat playing with stick dolls while their older sisters Esther and Ruth snag and braided the little ones’ hair. The Beagle lay dozing near the girls, seemingly oblivious to all around him.

  Esther was the first to notice the coming storm. She suddenly stopped singing and looked up into what portion of the sky could be seen. The girls around her quickly sensed her concern and became aware of the coming storm too. The Beagle roused from its slumber and nudged the girls with its snout. Ruth stood and looked around at the others.

  “Deb! Mel!” she called, a tinge of urgent fear in her voice. Everyone except Eve was now looking around and truly taking in his or her surroundings.

  “We should go home.” Mel spoke, voicing the thought which had started to form in all their heads.

  The Koens began gathering the various items they had brought with them into the woods. As they worked, a few of the children spoke quietly to each other. Then one by one they grew more and more quiet. There was something in the air, and even though none of them had ever truly felt it before, they knew instinctively that it was not right. Mel was the first to stop doing anything and look around, listening intently as his eyes scanned the entire wood. Deborah quickly did likewise. Soon, most of the children were silent and still, and that is when they heard the first hound baying in the distance. It was a hollow, forbidding sound that sent chills up everyone's spine.

  Until that moment, all the children had been reasonably reassured that they would be safe, but at the sound of the baying their smallest companion, the Beagle, shot off quickly toward the direction they knew led home. This was a sure sign of the wrongness of the day, for the Beagle was anything but scared and only left their side when their father came home. Eve, who had not been present this entire time, joined the group. Her eyes looked worried as another hound bayed, closer this time. Keenly aware of some impending danger, Mel, Nic, and Deborah simultaneously called the children to gather in a circle. Forgetting anything not yet gathered, they began to move the now tightly packed group toward home.

  With every step the sky grew darker. Within moments the children were having trouble picking their way through the forest in the false night. A creeping tendril of fear took hold of all of them, galvanizing the older children and petrifying the younger. As they older children tried to move faster, the younger children tried to slow down and look for someplace to hide. The group was quickly becoming a jumble of chaotic energy. Mel called for everybody to stop and had to repeat himself as Silas and Eve kept trying to push the littlest ones forward.

  “Stop, everyone. We won’t get anywhere in this state or in this light. We need to keep together and look for some shelter.”

  “There are some large boulders by the spring with spaces between them
where we can hide.” Jeremiah tried to make his shaking voice sound brave.

  Nic nodded, even though nobody could see he was nodding his head in agreement, “Jeremiah’s right. The rocks should protect us against the storm or. . .” Though he left the remainder unsaid, the others knew what he meant.

  However, before they could turn back, they heard the bay of several hounds close at hand. In addition, they could also now hear the rumble, not of thunder, but of horses’ hooves. Mary screamed. Panic coursing through their veins, every child looked around. It took only a moment for them each to find what caused Mary to scream. Two sets of glowing red eyes were moving slowly toward them from the left. Mary’s scream was followed by small screams from all of the younger children, and even Eve fought to choke back a cry of surprise and fear. She was quickly brought to her senses though as Mel, Nic, Deborah, and Silas joined hands to make a protective circle around the other children. Eve joined the circle and Mel squeezed her hand to comfort her.

  The glowing eyes crept closer and closer, but the children held their ground. Mel was the first to realize that they truly had nowhere else to go, for several other pairs of eyes were coming out of the woods surrounding the group of children. Several of the animals began to growl, and the children felt the sound as well as heard it. Several of the littlest children whimpered and began to cry. Esther clutched tighter to the younger girls and, in hopes of calming them, softly began to sing a lullaby. The oldest children began holding tighter to their siblings’ hands and silently praying for help.

  “Hold!” A deep gravelly voice brought the approaching animals to an abrupt halt. “They are to be captured alive.” Suddenly, the small glade they were standing in was lit, marginally, by several lanterns, as nine hooded horsemen emerged from the surrounding trees. The Koens could not see the riders’ faces through the gloom of the storm or the shadow of their hoods. Most of their imaginations began working in overdrive as they became whelmed by the wrongness of the moment.


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