The New Guard (Crossroads Book 1)

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The New Guard (Crossroads Book 1) Page 9

by Matthew M. Johns

  Rock added a final point. “Dawn watch is often given to those with the skill of being able to sleep on their moving mounts.”

  Mel nodded his head, showing he understood. Then he spoke again. “It seems only fair that my brothers, sisters, and I be trained to keep the watches. I mean, since we are more likely to have to use them throughout the rest of our lives.”

  The Coterie brothers smiled at those words. First Thunder said to David, “Your son has a good head on his shoulders. He doesn’t seek to hide from responsibility.”

  David smiled at Mel and replied, “Yes, he’s very responsible. He’s also right. Mel, since you and Ruth are early risers I’ll start you on dawn watch. Ruth can help, but don’t include her until halfway through. I’m only suggesting she be included because of her habit of waking before dawn. Normally ten years is the first time Coterie or avian include their young in active protection of the camp. Most other races usually wait a little longer.

  “Since I’m including Ruth, I might as well train Hannah too. She, Esther, and Silas can start on first watch. Hum, I might as well include Eve in the third watch too. I’m not sure that girl sleeps more than four hours at a time, so we might as well get her on a schedule here.”

  Mel interrupted his father, “Then you mean to give Deb and Nic the hardest watch?”

  “Deborah is the oldest,” David answered. “Nic is a fast sleeper and I’ve caught him more than once prowling around that late at night at home. You’ll all get a shift in each watch soon enough. Well, except the younger ones. You’re right Mel; there are certain habits we’ll have to form in order to survive in this new world. We’ll start by building on your talents and normal habits first.”


  When the group stopped for lunch they broke up into small groups. David took the youngest five and reviewed camping and wilderness skills with them. He also helped them work more on their rock throwing, stick fighting, and hiding. He worked out code words with them and trained them only to come out when they heard particular combinations. Toward the end of their training, David gave Jeremiah a pouch of stones and a leather sling. He said he would work with him further on it, but for now he could use it as a cudgel.

  Rock trained with Deborah, fine tuning her bow staff skills. Meanwhile, Fleet of Foot divided his time between Mel, Nic, Eve, Silas, and Esther. He gave both Nic and Esther several exercises to work through using nearby trees and their weapons. Similarly, he gave Eve and Silas various targets to shoot at with their bows. However, he worked longest with Mel, teaching him how to skirmish hand-to-hand with a hatchet. He finally set Mel to practice throwing, but warned him that a thrown weapon can easily become the enemy’s.

  After an hour of their various activities, the group took drinks from a nearby stream, ate, and remounted. They traveled several more hours, but as the afternoon began to lengthen into evening the band set up camp, having found shelter in a thicket of trees and shrubs in the middle of a seemingly untended field of grain. It was Hannah who asked where the farmers were.

  “The gaeder,” David began, “are highly skilled farmers and have cultivated vast tracts of land. This wild wheat is their work. There probably isn’t a farm for many, many more miles. A plant like this doesn’t need to be constantly replanted, as the seeds drop to make the next year’s crop. Yet, every planting season, roving bands will check on wild crops, saw various other hardy crops, and let them develop naturally. When harvest season comes, those same bands gather wagon loads from hundreds of different locations and take them to various houses, villages, and siloes. Some crops feed only the wild animals. Sometimes random passersby will harvest portions of fields. In this way, even the Void’s forces can find food, though they mainly prefer raiding to the work of harvesting.”

  “You mean the enemy can gather these crops too?!” Jeremiah’s spoke before thinking and his shock was felt by several of the other children.

  David replied, “Yes, if they would take the time to work for it. Though, as I said, they prefer to raid, steal, and swindle. The gaeder don’t believe raw food stuff belongs to only one person. Remember, they value community. Therefore, they plant as a community, and any are welcome to what they need to survive. They’ve established a rather ingenious distribution system for raw goods. A gaeder without anything else, as long as he’s willing to work, would never go hungry on their home world. Besides, violators of the public trust are dealt with by ostracism or death.”

  The activity of setting up camp was quick. All the children had plenty of experience camping; even Dinah, the youngest, had spent some time during the last two summers staying overnight in the woods with her siblings. Since it was warm and they might have to leave quickly, David had the children set up their sleeping mats out in the open. Preparing dinner was likewise quick, as the only rations anybody had were dried foods they had packed at Oswald’s Farm. Therefore, once camp was set up there was still some time to continue weapons practice for some.

  It being evening and nearing what would have been six in the evening at home, David had Hannah, Esther, and Silas working with First Thunder on the procedures of first watch, while he and Fleet of Foot constructed a blind for a small smokeless fire. Rock spoke briefly with the children about the importance of fire as a weapon and how, though it may give away their position, they would not want to be without it should forces of the Void find them.

  First Thunder had the three children each take turns with him circling the camp, learning what was important to take note of and what were merely normal nature sounds. Since, there were to be so many on watch duty that he also had the children practice sentry positions up in trees, inside camp but outside the firelight, and lying down some distance from the camp.

  Each of the children did well, earning encouragement from First Thunder. Both Esther and Hannah smiled and bowed their heads. However, Silas commented, “I’m just glad to be doing something. This feels crazy and cool all mixed together. I’m glad to have something I can do, something I can take charge of.”

  To this Hannah was nodded, “Yeah, being busy helps me not think. It helps me not to focus on what has or might happen.”

  Rock, Deborah, Nic, and David took the second watch. Being excited about the prospects of the task, Nic had only dozed before his watch and therefore began to battle fatigue halfway through. David caught him falling asleep in a tree and quietly spoke with him.

  “You must learn to train yourself for watches other than first watch. Mid watch is a heavy responsibility and requires great self-control. I know back home you never had to go to bed shortly after dinner, but you must learn how if you are ever called for mid-watch.”

  “I’m sorry,” Nic replied. “Was it like this for you when you first came here?”

  “I was lost for the first few days without a guide or any real sense of what had happened to me. I had never seen a beach like the one I showed up on. There was sand, but it was strewn with rocks, shells, and other flotsam, both from inland and the ocean. I slept my first night in the shelter of a ship’s wreckage. It took all the next day to find another soul. I had to go inland a ways, and the first person I met was a member of the Coterie.

  “He and his family were trappers catching birds, small mammals, and fish coming and going from the ocean to the small streams around there. I didn’t understand him, but he took me in and eventually brought me further inland. He brought me to Oswald’s Farm. Brother Oswald was just starting to take over from his ailing father when I arrived. He spoke some English, enough to teach me the trader’s language that has developed in the Crossroads.

  “However, having made the crossing alone, I was not harried by Dark Riders or set upon by demons at first. That would happen later, so I had some time to acclimate before my life was truly in danger.”

  Nic helped wake up Mel and Eve for third watch. While Mel got up fairly quickly, Eve was grouchy for, like Nic, she had stayed up most of first watch. David softly gave her the same speech he had given to Nic. She stared at her fa
ther and nodded, but didn’t say anything. Fleet of Foot and the Beagle joined them on watch.

  After their initial briefing and walk through, Mel found himself patrolling with the Beagle. “Dad had to wake you up to take watch,” Mel commented to the Beagle. “I didn’t know angels slept.”

  The Beagle replied without stopping the patrol circuit. “In Heaven we don’t. In Heaven no one sleeps. We rest from activities, yes, but there is no need for sleep as we don’t have bodies as in the corporeal realms. Here, I am in form of a beagle and have some limitations placed on me because of it. Therefore, I have to sleep.”

  “What powers do you have?”

  The Beagle stopped then and looked up at Mel. “I have more physical power than my form should have. I require less sleep and very little food. As my food is converted directly into energy, I don’t need to relieve myself. Aside from those differences I can speak and pass on the power of tongues. My words, when focused properly can also grant energy to others. I can also convert energies from my soul essence into a physical weapon. However, using either of those last two powers taxes me greatly and I require more rest and more food than normal afterwards. The last power can destroy me if not used cautiously.”

  Mel said nothing for a few minutes and they both continued the patrol. Inevitably, Mel’s curiosity prompted him to ask another question. “Why are you a beagle?”

  “You are starting to sound like Jeremiah. All during the trip he has been asking question after question.”

  “It’s one of his strong suits. The scary thing is that he remembers everything you tell him.”

  “Yes, he is very gifted in that way; hopefully it will serve him well.” The angel sighed, then continued. “I’m in the form of a beagle because it suits both my situation and your family’s needs. I am a young angel created only several hundred years ago. Angels are created by the will of God and the hopes, dreams, and faith of those saved by God’s Grace. When an angel was needed to guide your father and his future family, I took the task. Your father had wanted a dog since early in his childhood, most particularly a beagle. Stronger, older angels don’t take animal forms because they are limiting.

  “Now, if you want to know more you’ll have to ask Jeremiah. I’ve already told him this and much more. We, however, have work to finish.”

  Third watch went as smoothly as the other two watches. Ruth woke on her own halfway through the last watch, so the Beagle walked her through the responsibilities of a sentry. She took to it fairly well, so after their initial circuit the Beagle paired Ruth up with Eve to finish out the watch.

  As dawn started coloring the horizon, several of the group began to stir. Fleet of Foot took Ruth and showed her how to rekindle the fire and together they put a pot of water on to boil. While they waited for the water to boil, Fleet of Foot began supervising the breakdown of the camp. When he saw that everybody knew how to complete this task efficiently enough, he brought Ruth back to the cooking fire. Together, with a few reserved supplies, the two made a porridge to which the dried fruits they all carried could easily be added. Everyone was thankful for the warm breakfast.

  While he was hunkered down checking saddle straps on the riding horses, David took a moment to talk alone with the Beagle.

  “There was no attack last night,” the Beagle stated.

  “I noticed,” replied David. “Do you sense any of the Void’s forces near us?”

  “No, and I have not felt any since a little while after the other angel delivered God’s message.”

  “Do you think they heard the message?”

  “It is the most likely conclusion. They might have chosen to mount their forces closer toward Council Rock. I do not really know what the Riders can be up to because our weakest point would have been last night. Once we get close to more civilization, we can make a better stand at night.”

  “I’m afraid we don’t have only the original band of Void Riders against us now. The Fallen Star has no doubt been informed of our arrival and is taking a personal interest in our activities. The Dark Riders are no longer our biggest threat. The forces of Hell are subtle and strong, and when we walk into ‘civilization’ we walk into an arena in which the Dark One enjoys many advantages.”

  David spoke the word ‘civilization’ with a sneer in his voice. He knew the dangers in the wild and could combat them with a sword; the dangers in the cities and towns required diplomacy, maneuvering, and an ever watchful eye for the hidden knife. The Beagle sneezed at David’s tone; whether in agreement or admonishment, David could not tell.

  “Beware,” the Beagle spoke urgently; “if the Originator of Lies does indeed know about you it will either try to eliminate you or convert you. You are more likely a target for elimination, and your children are no doubt going to be courted by the darkness. I’ll inform the brothers of our conversation. You should start practicing your fancy talk, as you will no doubt have to start presenting yourself as the Truth Blade to those more cunning of politics than you. Trust in God and choose your words wisely.”

  With that, their conference was over and their worries truly began.

  Chapter 9

  The night had been productive, and Vex’s plan began to solidify quickly. By the end of first watch, he had reunited with his part of the band and they had moved swiftly toward Council Rock. Along the way they encountered a quartet of chiropteran. These twisted mockeries of dwarves and avian were not necessarily loyal to the Void, but they served well enough. To insure their service, Vex placed a compulsion upon the four bat-like creatures, requiring they spread the news of the new twelve to at least that many Void beings before they could do anything else.

  By the middle of second watch, Vex’s Dark Riders had made it to Ven, a town just south of Council Rock. Within the past generation, the entire town had fallen to Satan’s demons and become a stronghold for the Void. It was here that Vex’s plan was usurped.

  Vex and his riders rode into town and made their way to the local tavern, the Fatted Calf. At this time of night, there were still a few mortal revelers, but their companion demons had them deeply mired in various vices and therefore dead to what was going on around them. Vex ordered drinks and began recruiting, in hopes of having a mixed band of demons, thralls, Dark Riders, and other Void-loyal beings to meet the incoming kings and queens.

  As the night progressed, Vex became fully assured of himself as more and more Void forces clamored to aid him. What he hadn’t noticed was the lanky, angular demon disguised as an elf that had entered and left during one his retellings of his glories to come. Vex also failed to notice when the Void Hounds entered through the back. Once again the demon who had come into the tavern briefly returned, accompanied by a squat demon wearing a human guise. The hound circled Vex as the demons stepped forward and caught Vex’s attention.

  “Void Rider, we will speak.” The human/demon spoke. Vex turned and recognized the two as demons, although the disguise of the human-looking one was nearly perfected. The other demon wore a good shell, though its ears were pointed too sharply and there was a burning redness to its eyes.

  Vex smiled, sensing he’d attracted the aid of two powerful demons. When he spoke it was with a confidence he’d soon lose. “My dear demons, who might you two be?”

  The human/demon turned his head to the elf/demon and nodded ever so slightly. The elf/demon nodded back and stepped forward. “Our names, who we are, does not matter. What matters is who we bring with us.”

  The elf/demon grew stone still and the room did likewise. Then its lips began to move ever so slightly, and a droning filled the building from the floorboards to the rafters. The mortal patrons slumped over, completely wrapped in unconsciousness. The demons began to twitch. The hound seemed to grow in size as every hair on its body stood on end. Vex began to doubt. A dark rift opened in front of the elf/demon and a voice emerged.

  “Void Rider.” The voice, if it could be called one voice, was a mix of three parts mingled together seamlessly. One part sounded melodi
c and enticing. The second part was deep and authoritative. The final part was like the headwinds of a summer storm. “I am the First Acolyte of the Void. I am the voice of dissent.”

  A wave of power flowed out of the inky rift, and the Void Hound grew in stature and stood on its hind legs. With lengthening, clawed hands the hound took hold of Vex. “I am your master, the one to whom all demons bow,” the voice from the rift boomed.

  At these words, every demon fell down to their knees and supplicated to the voice emanating from the rift. Whispered names reached Vex’s ears: “Lord of Darkness,” “First of Hell,” “Mortal’s Damnation,” “Fallen Star.” With each new name, Vex knew he’d miscalculated somehow in his planning and might not live to learn at what point he had gone wrong.

  “Beelzebub,” Vex began pleading. However, his whining was quickly silenced by the tightening grip of the twisted Void Hound.

  “Silence!” boomed the voice. “I wish to speak to all of the Dark Riders involved in this at once.”

  Though miles and kingdoms apart, communication between bands of Void Riders is made possible through the use of the Void Hounds. Just at the southern border of the Second Kingdom and the great city that was the Central Kingdom, Ferreter was thrown from his horse as his hound took hold of him. The hound tripled in size and weight and pinned Ferreter to the ground. The hound’s eyes became pitch black, then slowly showed the scene in the Fatted Calf. In the desert of the Eighth Kingdom, Caliban was similarly forcefully unhorsed and pinned. He too was greeted by the scene in the tavern.

  “Now that I have the attention of all of you, let us begin by having you explain why I was not privy to the knowledge you all seem to have of this new twelve.”


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