The New Guard (Crossroads Book 1)

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The New Guard (Crossroads Book 1) Page 31

by Matthew M. Johns

  Deborah held the three-foot metal staff inches above the floor, poised to slam it down again. Silence filled the hall, and a smirk played on David’s lips as he sat in the corner behind the throne. The small staff was a symbol of office in the Seventh Kingdom. The two-inch-thick sliver staff was topped with a solid metal ball slightly smaller than a baseball. Deborah had taken the staff as her own shortly after her seclusion, and had quickly learned that one of the best ways to use it was as a gavel to call the council to order.

  Deborah sat on her throne and gestured to the tutor. “I will hear the good lady Zilda. As a friend of the family, she will always be welcome to speak here.”

  David’s grin widened at the imperious sound of his daughter. She was playing her role well, if not a little over the top. He suspected it was what the councilors needed to be kept in line.

  With a slight bow, Zilda spoke again. “In all my training as a teacher I have also served many years as a jewel smith. If the lady and sir would allow, I believe I have an idea that would suit both your desires.”

  Hogan knelt beside Deborah and spoke softly. “The dwarven people are renowned for their metal work. They are able to produce the most solid, functional, and intricate items. Your staff of office is evidence of their craftsmanship.”

  Deborah looked down at the staff and the ball topping it. They seemed to be one solid piece, without a hint of a joint. However, while the staff was plain, the ball was carved with a detailed scene, featuring a dwarf presenting the staff to a taller winged humanoid that Deborah guessed was an avian. Though the scene was etched into the ball, the grooves were filled in with gold; The blending was so well done that the ball was as smooth as if it was cast whole.

  Hogan whispered closely to her. “It was made in the final days of the dwarven rule of the Crossroads. This and other artifacts were made to pass on to the avian to show their continued support of God’s will in the ruling of their lives.”

  “We are foundation people by nature,” Zilda spoke softly. “When the Creator tasked us with the rule of the Way World we were commissioned to build it up. We did so; nearly all the structures are our handiwork. Allow me to help build a foundation for you so your rule does not begin with a quarrel, but a combination of the two of you.”

  Deborah nodded slightly. “Very well; we shall defer to your skills in this matter.”

  Barely perceptible, a few council members began to grumble. When Deborah looked up to identify them, she found the room silent. The silence did not last. As Zilda sat down, a council member stood. This man was a replacement for Brother Brogene; either a cousin or nephew, she could not remember which.

  She started to speak before she fully remembered the man’s name. “The chair recognizes. . . um, sorry, Brother. . .”

  “Eleen, your majesty.” The gaeder spoke with honeyed tones. “Do not fret about the new details, my lady, in time we will all become more adept in our new possessions.”

  Deborah smiled and thanked him, though in the back of her mind she was trying to figure out if she had just been insulted.

  Brother Eleen continued, “I agree with the great lady and her desire to have simplicity as your wedding theme. However, I must point out there is much to celebrate. The people have come to admire you in such a short time. It would be unthoughtful to not allow them some frivolity upon this festive occasion. Perhaps if you do not desire the trappings of a grand wedding, then a ball afterwards would help my colleagues and the people express their congratulations to you.”

  Deborah’s head spun as she took in all Brother Eleen’s words. Then she latched on to the idea of a ball.

  “Yes,” she said, not truly realizing that she was speaking out loud until Brother Eleen began to nod. Images swam in Deborah’s head and she began to voice them.

  “A royal reception to be open to all the people. We could use the lesser hall that opens into the back courtyard. There can be candle light and dancing, soft music playing, tables for food both inside and out. Oh, yes; that would be lovely.”

  This last comment was addressed to Hogan, who was smiling broadly, swept away by the joyous enthusiasm in Deborah’s voice.

  “Yes, if it please you so much, yes.”

  “If it also pleases your Highness,” Brother Eleen interjected, “I could oversee the details for you.”

  Several council members grumbled, but Deborah ignored them.

  “Very well, Brother Eleen, though Yero and Evangeline will work with you in their respective capacities.”

  Eleen bowed as much to show respect as to hide the hint of disappointment on his face. “As you wish, my liege.”

  This matter settled, Deborah stood. “I see no need to proceed any further today. Unless there are overly pressing matters I do not wish to meet officially again until after my wedding.”

  There were some sour faces, but no one objected. Deborah nodded and left. Hogan went with her, their hands intertwined.

  David left the great hall via an exit separate from Deborah and Hogan. He wound through the castle and came to the very courtyard that Deborah had envisioned using for her reception. The man could not smile at the thought, however, as this courtyard was being used for a different reason today. In the middle of the courtyard sat a veiled cart that smelled strongly of incense and spices. Within the shrouded interior was the body of First Thunder. Yero and Mel were checking the straps which held the cloth in place. In front of the wagon, Fleet of Foot was securing a horse to it. David stopped close to the cart and began to talk to Rock.

  “I know you can’t delay your journey any longer,” David spoke quietly, “but, I wish we could have your company for the foreseeable future.”

  Rock bobbed his head solemnly. “The road ahead of you will require the aid of many allies. In the months to come perhaps I can be one of them again. Now, though, my brother must return to his home lands to rest, and one of us must take him. I am eldest now and his household duties fall to me. I leave Fleet of Foot to continue with you.”

  David placed his hand upon the other man’s shoulder. “Safe travels, dear friend, and may your blessings outnumber your trials.”

  Fleet of Foot completed his job and came up to his brother. “All is ready; may your journey be swift and without event.”

  Rock turned to his brother and pulled him into a hug. “Be wise, eager one, and watch where you step.”

  “All that is mine back home I give to you to help ease the sufferings of Thunder’s bride and babe. Tell them of his bravery and to watch for the coming new king.”

  “Of the first, I will speak boldly as honor demands. Of the last I will speak truly but softly, as caution will be needed.”

  Fleet of Foot broke the embrace and nodded. They then clasped forearms and both said “In God’s time,” a traditional Coterie parting. Then each of the other men there did the same. Once this was done, Rock mounted his own horse and took the reins of the horse leading the cart. Without further ado, Rock set off.

  The men stood and watched as the cart slowly ambled out of the castle gates. As it departed, Mel turned to his father.

  He spoke quietly, his voice a little unsteady. “Dad, will I be called next? I’m not sure I’m ready for all of this.”

  David reached up and put his hand on Mel’s shoulder. “I have no idea in what order or way each of you will be called. I do know that when He calls upon you He will give you what you need to be ready.”

  Mel sighed and David could still feel the doubt and uncertainty flowing within his son. He sighed, too, and squeezed Mel’s shoulder. David then prayed quietly over all of his children once again.


  In the last two days before the wedding, a calm came over the Seventh Kingdom. While there was much busy work - cleaning, decoration, fittings, and food preparation - there was no visible or audible political drama, no huge shifts in staff, and no sign of overt demon or Void activity. It was a moment of respite that both sides knew the other would use to build up for the next gambit.
/>   The day of the wedding dawned, and everyone was swept up in a furious amount of activity. As part of the groom’s party, Fleet of Foot, Yero, and Mel were conscripted to attend to last minute fittings and details of the reception. Eve, Esther, and Ruth were all cloistered together in Deborah’s suite, as a variety of different servants rushed in and out to help them prepare. The girls got swept up in the moment, feeling the nervous and giddy excitement of the day.

  After hours of preparation, the girls were finally ready. They stood in front a three-paneled mirror that had been brought in. Esther and Ruth marveled over all the dresses and hairstyles. Eve studied herself and smiled. She liked the braiding in her hair, how the dress felt and looked, and enjoyed the way the makeup brought out her eyes. Eventually, though, all the girls were all focused on Deborah.

  Eve tried hard to quell the jealousy that usually cropped up in her about her older sister. It wasn’t rational to have these feelings about Deborah on this of all days. Yet there they were. Of all the Koen children, Deborah and Eve were the most dramatic example of their mixed heritage. While most of the children had features and skin pigmentations that showed the mix well, Deborah and Eve each favored one parent more than the other. With her light skin tone, strawberry blond hair, and green eyes, Deborah was nearly the mirror image of their mother and her Irish ancestors. Meanwhile, Eve had a russet tinge to her skin, raven black hair, and brown eyes that were all gifts of her father and his Native American ancestry.

  Throughout her life, Eve had constantly been confronted with how beautiful her sister was. Over and over again, people commented on how much Deborah had the striking beauty of their mother. Boys in school seemed to fall all over themselves to be close to her. It wasn’t as if Eve didn’t have her admirers, just not as many and not as vocal.

  Eve tried to push her negative thoughts aside, but the regal beauty of Deborah and the magical fairytale qualities about the day made jealousy seeth inside her. True to her nature, though, nothing showed outwardly and her smile held.

  Soon there wasn’t time to consciously think about such things. The girls were moved to an anteroom of the royal chapel. There was a hustle and bustle of activity in the main hall that the girls could overhear. First, it was the sounds of last minute preparations. Then after a brief time of near silence, the steady hum of arriving guests began.

  Throughout this time Ruth and Esther chatted. At first they tried to include Deborah and Eve, but, both quickly retreated from the other two. Eve had not intended to be aloof, though she couldn’t bring herself to engage in the shallow conversation of the younger girls. Deborah, for her part, began to worry at the waiting and was trying hard to be calm. As the buzzing of the arrivals started to get louder, a warm breeze seemed to blow into the room.

  As the breeze washed over Eve, all her discontent faded and the true happiness she had for her sister became foremost in her mind. For Deborah, the breeze brought the calm she sought. Her nerves settled and the joyous wonder of the impending event filled her heart. A melodic tone drifted in from the other room, followed by the distant sound of the assembled people standing to attention.

  The rear chamber door opened. David entered and all the girls gasped. Never had the girls seen their father so splendidly adorned. His outfit resembled military dress; sharp, yet functional. There was some ornate threading at the cuffs and shoulders, similar to the ivy-like threading that ran down the hem of his pants. A secondary pattern was subtly worked into the dark green material. It was not noticeable unless he light hit it just right, and then only momentarily. His scabbard had been given a dark polish to match the black boots and gloves he wore. His raven hair was cropped short. He was freshly shaved, and the various scrapes and bruises had all but disappeared.

  While the girls were still overcoming their shock, David swept up each of his daughters in turn and kissed them gently on their cheeks. He quickly shooed Ruth and Esther out of the room, instructing them to take their places. He then stood in front of Eve for a long moment, his smile enchanting her.

  “Our ancestors smile from above to see you so. Where is the little girl I so often sat upon my knee? Have so many seasons passed that now a gorgeous woman stands before me? My grandmother told me stories about the breathtaking beauty of Indian princesses, but here before me those tales pale in comparison to reality.”

  His words filled her with joy and sorrow simultaneously. She was elated that he had noticed her womanhood and saw her as beautiful. Equally, she was sorry for her jealousy of her sister and the loss she felt at not being a little girl able to just crawl into her daddy’s arms. Then those arms enfolded her and she nearly wept. For a moment there was nothing else save those two.

  A musical sound peeled from the other room and David broke the embrace. “Go now, Tehya,” he said, whispering softly in her ear.

  The sound of her secret name made her smile. It had been so long since her father had last uttered it, she thought he had forgotten it. Joy unimagined moments before kept the smile on her face as she kissed him quickly and dodged out of the room before anything else could happen.

  The music continued as David turned to Deborah. He smiled, though it did not fully travel to his eyes as it always did when he was truly joyful. The thought that he was not fully joyful stung her. The she caught a reflection in a nearby mirror. For a moment the image was not of her but reminiscent of the picture she had seen of her mother from so many years ago. The reflection changed subtly and she stood there once more.

  David stepped up beside her. He put an arm around her and stood next to her looking at her through the mirror.

  “I’m losing so many of my little girls today. While I am honored to be in the presence of these vivacious women, I long for the days gone past far too quickly.”

  Deborah laid her head on his shoulder and sighed. “I know I’m only eighteen, but I feel suddenly much older. Not mature or having great experience, just. . .”

  David squeezed her softly and laid his head upon hers. “I wish I could promise you quiet years full of wonderful experiences. I can’t, though. Your trials will come in many disguises. They will threaten you, your marriage, and your children yet to be conceived. Some will be easy to spot. Other subtler ones will surely impact you the most. Don’t lose your faith or your focus. He will give you strength, for through you the world will see God’s glory.”

  A reflective quiet washed over them as they thought about a past irretrievable and a future not fully conceivable. They stayed thus for several minutes until finally they were pulled back into the present by a melodious call. David squeezed his eldest child once more, then placed her arm within the crook of his own. They walked out, father and daughter, joyful and solemn, together as they would never be again.


  The wedding was kept simple. Hogan spoke traditional human vows to honor his bride, while Deborah spoke traditional elven vows to honor her groom. The only surprise came when Zilda brought forth the wedding bands. Both were a blending of traditional bands from both races. Both were elegant yet simple. A thin band of white gold etched with runes was made to fit on their fingers. This was attached to a slightly thicker and larger cuff that would clasp around their wrist. The two pieces were linked together with intertwining cords only as thick as a strand of hair. When Hogan put on Deborah’s ring she was surprised at how soft the strand felt and how it seemed to have no weight or substance to it as it lay on the back of her hand. Within moments of having it on she couldn’t even tell the strand was there.

  Once the vows were complete the ceremony switched from wedding to coronation. As soon as the couple broke from their momentary kiss, the priest turned and retrieved a jeweled circlet from a pedestal behind him. He raised the crown and spoke a blessing upon it. The priest then passed it to Hogan, who kissed it gently and then hoisted it for all to see.

  “As it has been commanded, so we shall do.” Hogan spoke clearly and with swelling of confidence. “Upon this day, I crown my bride and hail her as queen
of the Seventh Realm of the Crossroads.”

  Hogan placed the diadem upon Deborah’s head and fell to one knee in homage. Deborah turned at the sound of all the witnesses doing likewise. As she looked over the kneeling crowd she felt the weight of the crown upon her head. Unlike her wedding bands, this weight did not dissipate.


  The reception hall was far more ostentatiously decorated than the chapel had been. This and the hailing subjects who packed the room took Deborah’s breath away. This could not all be for her. She would never have wished such a day in all her life. After a protracted bout of cheering, Deborah begged the crowd to enjoy themselves and asked sheepishly that they stop revering her and kowtowing whenever she entered a room. As the people went back to mingling, Hogan leaned in to whisper in Deb’s ear.

  “Be warned, they will very likely not stop honoring you wherever you go. My family has required genuflection for many generations.”

  Deborah turned and kissed him softly. As their lips parted she whispered back. “I am here in service of the Lord, not my ego. We will see about changing some things.”

  Hogan gently grabbed her face and kissed her deeply.

  Across the room, near the tall glass doors that led out to a private garden, Eve stood with her brothers and sisters. She applauded when Deborah and Hogan entered, but could not bring herself to “hail the queen.” As the crowd began to fawn over the newlywed couple kissing, Eve started to move off toward one of the buffet tables. Mel put a hand on her shoulder.

  “Dad wants us to stay together,” he said.

  Eve rolled her eyes. “I’ve hardly eaten all day; give me a break. Besides Yero has guards all over this place and I’m not unarmed.”

  Mel raised his eyebrows at the last comment, but did not let go of Eve’s shoulder. Silas swatted Mel’s hand away and moodily grumbled, “I’ll go with her.”


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