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Elizabeth and Leicester

Page 44

by Sarah Gristwood

  Boulogne, recapture of

  Brockett, Sir John

  Brown, John

  Bryan, Margaret, Lady

  Bullinger, Henry

  Burbage, James

  Burcot, Dr

  Burnell, Anne

  Burton, Robert

  Buxton, spa waters

  Cabot, Sebastian

  Cadiz: Drake’s raid; Essex’s expedition


  Calendars of State Papers Calvin, John


  Camden, William: on relationship of QE and RD; on QE’s character; on RD’s character; on Amy’s death; on QE and marriage ; on RD’s influence on QE ; on Norfolk; on Walsingham; on Hatton; on death of Essex; on Simier ; on RD’s marriage ; on Bond of Association; on Leicester’s Commonwealth; on RD in Netherlands; on QE and Mary’s execution; on Tilbury speech; on alleged plan to make RD Lieutenant Governor ; on RD’s death; on QE’s attitude to money

  Carew, Lady

  Carlos, Don (son of Philip )

  Castelnau, Michel de, Sieur de Mauvissière

  Castiglione, Baldassare

  Catherine de Medici, Queen Regent of France: regency for sons; on slander; Huguenot rebellion; sons’ marriage proposals ; jewellery; St Bartholomew’s Day massacre; Alençon’s death

  Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia

  Cavendish, Elizabeth

  Cavendish, Margaret

  Cavendish, Richard

  Cavendish, Thomas

  Cecil, Robert

  Cecil, William, Lord Burghley: family background; character; education; religion; secretary to John Dudley; opinion of RD’s marriage; list of RD’s associates ; RD’s letters ; relationship with RD ; relationship with Elizabeth ; Elizabeth’s accession ; state secretary; QE’s marriage question; Scottish mission ; Amy Dudley’s death ; Throckmorton correspondence ; on QE’s childbearing potential; RD’s Scottish marriage plan; on Howards; support for Habsburg marriage; memoranda comparing archduke and RD; relationship with Norfolk ; on QE and RD ; policy towards Mary, Queen of Scots; casket letters; plot against ; Ridolfi plot; privy council meetings; influence in government ; Burghley title; Knight of the Garter; Ridolfi plot ; response to St Bartholomew’s Day massacre; daughter’s marriage; view of Hatton; on royal progresses ; Irish policy; guardianship of Devereux children; view of Alençon suit; relationship with Lettice; accusations against; Leicester’s Commonwealth; Netherlands policy; Mary’s execution; banished from court; response to Lieutenant Governor proposal; Arthur Dudley story; death; fictional treatment of

  Chaloner, Thomas

  Chamberlain, Sir Thomas

  Champernowne, Kat, see Ashley

  Chapuys, Eustace

  Charles, Archduke of Austria

  Charles , king of England and Scotland

  Charles , Emperor: rule; aunt’s divorce; question of Elizabeth’s marriage; son Philip’s marriage ; abdication; death

  Charles , King of France

  Charlotte, Princess of Orange



  Chastelard, Pierre de


  Cheke, John


  Christina, Queen of Sweden

  Christmas, Mr

  Churchill, Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough

  Churchyard, Thomas


  Clapham, John

  Clinton, Geoffrey de

  Clinton, Gervase

  Coke, Sir Edward


  Coligny, Admiral

  Company of Kathai

  Cornbury, RD’s death

  Cotton, Sir Robert

  Cox, Richard

  Cranmer, Thomas

  Cromwell, Thomas

  Cumnor Place

  Dacre, Lady Margaret

  Darnley, Henry Stewart, Earl of: family background; appearance and character; religion; marriage to Mary; murder of Rizzio; death ; brother’s marriage

  Davis, Bette

  Davison, William

  Dee, John

  Dekker, Thomas


  Denbigh, Robert Dudley, Lord (RD’s son), see Dudley

  Denny, Sir Anthony

  Denny, Joan, Lady

  de Quadra, Alvaro: on relationship between QE and RD ; on Amy’s death ; on QE’s childbearing ; on QE’s illness; death

  de Silva, Diego Guzman

  de Spes, Guerau

  Deloney, Thomas

  Derby, Henry Stanley, fourth Earl of

  Despenser, Hugh le

  Devereux, Dorothy, see Perrot

  Devereux, Penelope

  Devereux, Robert, see Essex

  Devereux, Walter, see Essex

  Diana, Princess of Wales

  Digby, Sir George

  Digges, Thomas

  Douglas, Archibald

  Douglas, Lady Margaret, see Lennox

  Dowe, Anne

  Drake, Sir Francis

  Drayton, Michael

  Dublin, Archbishop of

  Dudley, Ambrose (RD’s brother), Earl of Warwick: appearance and character ; Kett rebellion; titles ; imprisonment in Tower ; trial and sentence; release from Tower; revenues; French campaign; Master of the Ordnance; marriages; QE’s coronation; earldom of Warwick; Scottish marriage proposal; French campaign ; Scots inquiry; campaign against northern earls; interest in exploration; QE’s Warwick visit; godfather to RD’s son; rumours about RD; health; RD’s wedding to Lettice Knollys; portrait; RD’s son; Netherlands campaign; trial of Mary ; intermediary role after Mary’s execution; RD’s funeral; death; tomb

  Dudley, Amy (Robsart, RD’s wife): family background; appearance and character; marriage; visiting RD in Tower; relationship with husband; childless; lands; lifestyle ; at court; rumours concerning ; death ; inquiry into her death; inquest ; funeral; suicide theory; murder theory; illness theory ; fictional treatments of

  Dudley, Anne (Russell), Countess of Warwick

  Dudley, Arthur: story of birth ; story of childhood; story of travels; story of interview with RD; arrival in Spain ; taken to be a spy or stooge; life in Spain ; likelihood of story

  Dudley, Carlo (RD’s grandson)

  Dudley, Edmund (RD’s grandfather)

  Dudley, Elizabeth (Grey, RD’s grandmother)

  Dudley, Guildford (RD’s brother)

  Dudley, Henry (RD’s brother)

  Dudley, Sir Henry

  Dudley, Jane (Guildford, RD’s mother)

  Dudley, John, Earl of Warwick, Duke of Northumberland (RD’s father): childhood; marriage; career ; relationship with King Henry ; children ; lands; relationship with Seymour brothers ; London home; titles; relationship with King Edward ; Kett rebellion ; rise to power; children’s marriages; illness; King Edward’s last illness and death; expedition in favour of Lady Jane Grey; proclamation of Mary as Queen; arrest; in Tower ; trial; recantation ; last letter; execution ; grave; attainder; reputation

  Dudley, John (RD’s brother), Earl of Warwick: marriage; title; career; expedition to secure Mary; in Tower; trial; release from Tower; death

  Dudley, John (RD’s kinsman)

  Dudley, John Sutton, first Baron (RD’s great-grandfather)

  Dudley, Katherine (RD’s sister), see Hastings

  Dudley, Lettice (RD’s wife), see Knollys

  Dudley, Mary (RD’s sister), see Sidney

  Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester: birth ; childhood; education ; first meeting with Elizabeth; at court ; Kett rebellion; military career; marriage to Amy Robsart; court career; sent to secure Mary ; proclamation of Lady Jane Grey as Queen; arrest; imprisonment in Tower; father’s execution; trial and sentence; release from Tower; mother’s death; life after release; access to revenues; French campaign; QE’s accession ; Master of Horse to QE ; QE’s coronation; Knight of the Garter; talk of marriage to QE ; wife’s death ; peerage question ; Spanish sponsorship ; QE’s illness; Lord Protector proposalprivy councillor; Scottish marriage plan; Earl of Leicester; quarrel with Norfolk; flirtation with Lettice K
nollys; Scots inquiry; plot against Cecil; support for Norfolk’s marriage to Mary; rebellion of northern earls; Ridolfi plot; influence; Norfolk’s release ; policy towards Mary, Queen of Scots; view of Hatton ; affair with Douglass ; wish for children ; story of secret wedding ; birth of son by Douglass ; entertainment of QE at Kenilworth (); rumours about; Irish policy ; taking the waters at Buxton ; marriage to Lettice Knollys; wedding ceremonies; Netherlands policy; view of Alençon suit ; birth of son by Lettice; married life ; dynastic scheming; son’s death; Leicester’s Commonwealth; religious conference; thoughts of retirement; Netherlands campaign; governor general of Netherlands ; execution of Mary ; Tilbury command; Lieutenant Governor proposal; death; funeral ; tomb; will ; fictional treatments of

  FINANCES: access to revenues; accounts; business ventures; debts; dress costs; export licence; ‘farm’ of sweet wines; funds for Netherlands expedition; gifts from Elizabeth; household; living beyond means; Netherlands campaign; pension; rights over customs duties; will

  HEALTH: broken bones; corns ; diet; eyesight; fever health; last illness; mentioned in letters ; ‘the stone’; taking the waters at Buxton

  INTERESTS: exploration; gardens; horsemanship; science; theatre

  LANDS: building projects; gifts from Elizabeth; Norfolk rental plans; sale to raise funds for Elizabeth; volunteered sale under Mary

  LETTERS: to Blount; to Cecil ; to court official in Netherlands; to Douglass,

  Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester (cont.) ; to Elizabeth ; to Forster; to Hatton ; to Heneage; to Morton; to Shrewsbury ; to Sussex; to Throckmorton; to Walsingham ; to Warwick burghers; to Wood

  PERSON: appearance ; character; diet ; dress; family; motto; nicknames ; portraits ; symbols

  RELATIONSHIP WITH ELIZABETH: before her accession; flowering of; Amy’s death; love and sex; courtly love ; question of marriage ; earldom; flirtations; favourite courtier; religious differences; estrangements ; closeness ; twin portraits; Kenilworth entertainment; her response to his marriage ; Netherlands campaign; her response to his death; fictional treatments

  RELIGION: books dedicated to; conversion suggestion; Denbigh church; different from Elizabeth’s; at Mary’s accession; Netherlands policy ; prayer; Protestant hero; puritanism; reading ; will

  Dudley, Robert (RD’s ‘base’ son by Douglass Sheffield): birth; godparents; childhood ; father’s death ; inheritance; appearance as a young man; marriages; banished from court; voyages ; knighted; claim to legitimacy; conversion to Catholicism; career in Tuscany; known as Duke of Northumberland; writings; descendants

  Dudley, Robert, Lord Denbigh (RD’s son by Lettice)

  Dudley Castle

  Dudley family: background; motto; relationship with Tudors ; power; emblem ; end of dynasty

  Dugdale, Sir William

  Durham House

  Dyer, Edward

  Earl of Leicester’s Men

  Edinburgh: peace treaty (); Mary and Bothwell

  Edward , King of England

  Edward , King of England

  Edward , King of England: christening ; babyhood; education ; household ; religion; in family portrait; father’s death; coronation; reign; court; Thomas Seymour’s plot; fall of Somerset; at RD’s wedding; health; rumours of poisoning; last illness; will ; death; succession

  Eleanor of Aquitaine

  Elizabeth , Queen of England: birth ; babyhood; childhood ; brother’s christening; education; mother’s death; bastardy ; marriage prospects ; first meeting with Robert; at father’s court; place in father’s will; father’s death; at Chelsea ; relationship with Seymour ; life with Dennys; illness ; at brother’s court; London visits; status at court ; succession question; sister Mary’s accession; at sister’s

  court; Wyatt rebellion ; imprisonment in Tower ; house arrest in Woodstock ; return to Hatfield; Philip of Spain’s policy towards her ; Dudley plot; Duke of Savoy marriage question; King of Sweden marriage question ; plans for future government ; accession ; advisers; privy council ; appointments; entry into London ; coronation; marriage question; court ; government ; talk of marriage to RD ; Philip of Spain’s suit; suitors; Amy Dudley’s death ; RD’s peerage question ; smallpox; succession question; marriage plans for Mary, Queen of Scots; French wars; flirtation with Heneage; response to Rizzio’s murder; response to Mary’s flight; response to plot against Cecil; rebellion of northern earls ; Valois suitors ; papal bulls against ; Accession Day; Norfolk’s execution; Warwick visit; Kenilworth visits ; response to St Bartholomew’s Day massacre; policy towards Mary, Queen of Scots; relationship with Hatton; RD’s marriage to Lettice Knollys ; Alençon suit ; Netherlands policy; news of RD’s marriage; Throckmorton plot; assassination attempt ; new favourites; Netherlands campaign; execution of Mary; Spanish Armada; Tilbury speech ; plan to make RD Lieutenant Governor; response to RD’s death; RD’s will ; fictional treatments of

  FINANCES: debts; household; land holdings; progresses

  HEALTH: energy -health; illness in cold weather; illness over execution of Norfolk; mentioned in letters; nerve storms; pregnancy question; pregnancy risks ; smallpox; swelling of face and body; toothache

  LETTERS: to Alençon ; to Ambrose Dudley ; to father; to Mary Queen of Scots; to Queen Katherine ; to RD ; to Shrewsbury; to Simier; to Somerset; to Walsingham

  PERSON: appearance ; beds; character ; diet ; dress ; equestrian skill; falcon badge; motto; phoenix emblem; poems; portraits ; progresses; rumours of secret pregnancies ; virginity

  RELATIONSHIP WITH DUDLEY, see under Dudley (relationship with Elizabeth)

  RELATIONSHIPS: with father ; with favourites ; with Mary, Queen of Scots ; with mother; with sister

  RELIGION: conversion possibility; different from RD’s; instruction in Catholicism; Netherlands policy; ‘new religion’; prayers ; religious views; response to St Bartholomew’s Day massacre

  Elizabeth , Queen of Great Britain

  Elizabeth R (BBC TV drama)

  Ely Place, Holborn

  Elyot, Thomas

  Empson, Sir Richard

  Englefield, Sir Francis

  Eric , king of Sweden

  Erisa, Mrs


  Essex, Robert Devereux, second Earl of: parentage; character; relationship with QE ; mother’s letters; mother’s relationship with QE; relationship with RD; at Tilbury; Armada victory celebrations; Cadiz expedition; execution ; tomb; fictional treatments of

  Essex, Walter Devereux, first Earl of

  Etheldreda, St


  Family of Henry , The (painting)

  Fénelon, Bertrand Salignac de la Mothe

  Ferdinand , Emperor

  Ferdinand de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany

  Feria, Gomez Suarez de Figueroa, Duke of

  Fiennes, Joseph

  Fitzwilliam, George

  Flynn, Errol

  Forster, Anthony

  Foxe, John

  Francis , King of France

  Fraser’s Magazine

  Frobisher, Martin

  Froude, James Anthony

  Garter, Bernard

  Garter knights

  Gascoigne, George

  Gaveston, Piers

  Gentili, Alberico

  Gentleman Pensioners

  George, Prince (husband of Queen Anne)

  Gheeraerts, Marcus

  Gillions, Roger

  Golden Hind

  Goldingham, Harry

  Gomez de Silva, Ruy




  Gregory, Philippa

  Greville, Fulke

  Grey, Lady Frances, Marchioness of Dorset, Duchess of Suffolk (Lady Jane’s mother)

  Grey, Henry, Marquess of Dorset, Duke of Suffolk (Lady Jane’s father)

  Grey, Lady Jane, Queen of England: at Sudeley; marriage; pregnancy; proclaimed Queen ; in Tower; execution ; grave

  Grey, Lady Katherine, see Hertford

  Grindal, William

  Guildford, Sir Edward

  Guise family

  Hakluyt, Richard

  Hamlet, see Shakespeare

  Hampton Court

  Hardy, Thomas

  Harington, Sir John

  Harvey, Gabriel

  Hastings, see Huntingdon

  Hatfield House: Elizabeth’s childhood ; Mary at; Elizabeth’s residence during Mary’s reign ; Elizabeth’s accession

  Hatton, Christopher: family background ; appearance; arrival at court; relationship with QE ; at Ely Place; relationship with RD ; on QE’s progresses; view of Alençon suit ; Mary’s view of; attitude to RD as Lieutenant Governor ; death

  Hawkins, John

  Haynes, William

  Hayward, Sir John

  Heneage, Thomas

  Henri , King of France

  Henri , King of France (earlier Duke of Anjou)

  Henri , King of France

  Henrietta Maria, Queen

  Henry , King of England

  Henry , King of England

  Henry , King of England

  Henry , King of England

  Henry , King of England

  Henry , King of England: character ; accession; court; Kenilworth lodgings; sports; divorce; marriage to Anne Boleyn; birth of Elizabeth ; Katherine’s death; relationship with daughters ; courtship of Jane Seymour; execution of Anne Boleyn; marriages; birth of son ; French wars; portraits; will; health; death; succession

  Henry, Prince of Wales

  Hertford, Sir Edward Seymour, Earl of

  Hertford, Lady Katherine (Grey), Countess of

  Hertford Castle

  Hever Castle

  Holles, Gervase

  Holy Maid of Kent


  Horsey, Sir Edward

  Horsey, Jerome

  Howard, Charles, second Baron Howard of Effingham

  Howard, Frances

  Howard, Katherine, Queen

  Howard, Lord William, first Baron Howard of Effingham

  Huicke, Robert

  Hume, Martin

  Hunnis, William

  Hunsdon, Henry Carey, first Lord

  Hunsdon House

  Huntingdon, Francis Hastings, second Earl of

  Huntingdon, Henry Hastings, third Earl of: family background; marriage; Lord President of the Council in the north; claim to throne; on Amy’s death; father’s death; Mary’s imprisonment; guardianship of Devereux children; RD’s funeral


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