Olivia's Guardian

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Olivia's Guardian Page 7

by St. Andrews,Rose

  He chuckled. “Ah-ah-ahhh, you don’t get off that easy, my sweet. No, you must service Daddy while he distracts you.”

  She shuddered, unsure what that meant, but sure she’d find out. Her tongue swirled about, his member started to stiffen, and his fingers explored her body. The drawer slid open, but she couldn’t see what he was doing there.

  A low hum came on, her eyebrows went up, and then she truly squealed as two vibrators entered her. Caleb worked them in and out of her pussy and ass. Her body stiffened, she sucked harder, he grew larger, and he worked the vibrators in and out of her harder and faster. Olivia shivered and tingled from head to toe. The sensations were too much for her, she was being driven wild, and her mind was slipping away.

  Caleb rocked his hips, thrusting harder and deeper into her mouth, his long rigid cock practically plunging down her throat. He shuddered and shook, and came. His seed exploded in her mouth and she took it, drinking and slurping every drop down until he was clean.

  Then she also exploded. The vibrators made her body go into overdrive. Her muscles convulsed, her pussy became drenched, and the stimulation to her clit and g-spot and her ass was too much for her to control.

  She came hard and her mind crumbled.

  Sleep came easily to her and she never stirred, even when Caleb carried her back to her own bed. She knew he’d done it at some point in the night as she woke up there, and in her little nightie.

  * * *

  The next day was pretty much a repeat of the day before, except that she didn’t get an enema and anal. Instead, Daddy gave her a very intimate exam to ensure she was healthy down there and reacting properly, and it was followed by a wild bout of sex. As dinnertime neared, Caleb insisted she dress properly. He laid out her clothes on her bed, and her jaw dropped at the sight of them. Cute little black shoes, white socks, and a bright yellow dress like she’d seen in a lot of the ancient movies on TV.

  It was very short!

  It barely came to mid-thigh, and the accompanying panties were frilly little white ones. Her embarrassment factor went through the roof at the thought of Cynthia seeing her like this, but she knew better than to defy him. Emerging from the bedroom, he informed her that there was one last detail before their guests arrived: a quick brisk spanking to give her an incentive to be a good girl all evening.

  When the doorbell rang, Caleb went to open the door, and she followed slowly, rubbing her tender cheeks the whole way. The door opened, and there they were, a nice couple in their early thirties. It was amazing; Olivia recognized Cynthia, even after all this time. She was very tall, almost seven feet, and her husband (she introduced him as Stanley) was even taller, which was rare. They shook hands with Caleb and then he turned and gestured to her. Cynthia actually squealed in childlike delight at the sight of her and got down on one knee to hug her. When she patted her on the bottom, Olivia stifled a squeak.

  Cynthia looked her in the eye and grinned. “Well, well, do my eyes and ears deceive me, or have you found the right sort of man for you?”

  She blushed. “Uh-huh. I’m happy, Cyn, for the first time in my life, I’m truly happy.”

  “I’m happy for you, Liv,” she replied, and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

  Stanley moved forward to hug her too and then they went to the living room to sit for hors d’oeuvres and drinks. Olivia squirmed on her tender bottom and only got juice.

  They spent the time waiting for the roast getting caught up, and there was a lot of ground to cover. Cynthia and Stanley had a domestic discipline relationship, but they found the age-play lifestyle fascinating, and wanted details. Caleb obliged them, in great detail, which left Olivia beet red by the time they sat down to eat. She got her usual food, but she got to feed herself, and Daddy gave her some of the roast.

  “So, what’s with the special food, Liv?” Cynthia said.

  “Well, what with doing age-play, we realized that if I grew to normal size, it’d kind of put a crimp in it. So, we spoke to my regen doctor, and he was okay with putting me on a diet that would slow my growth a bit.”

  Caleb nodded. “Yeah, and he said she’d only need to be on it for a month or so, and then could eat regularly. If it works, she’ll be about five-foot. Besides, he agreed that she’s a bit of a brat, and needs to be taken down a few notches, both literally and figuratively.”

  “Hey,” Olivia whined.

  Caleb snickered. Cynthia and Stanley looked at each other.

  “That sounds like a great idea. Honey, maybe on our next regen, we could try that,” Cynthia said.

  “Yeah,” Stanley replied. “Heck, maybe I’ll even try it a little. Being over seven feet has its drawbacks, I have a lot of joint pains, and I wouldn’t mind being only six.”

  They continued eating, chatting, and enjoying each other’s company. Stanley was quite the extrovert; he was active in the local community theater, which was yet another way that people filled up their lives. After dinner, they relaxed and played cards, and made plans for the future. The first item on the agenda was Olivia’s upcoming meeting at the station, and the other was to get together again, this time at their house.

  * * *

  Over the course of the next week, Olivia’s life fell into something of a pattern. Each day was similar. She never knew what sort of special treatment she’d get after lunch, but she quickly learned that an enema was a prelude to anal sex.

  Then, on Saturday, she got a severe paddling. As her daddy told her, it was to punish her for all the naughty things she’d done the past week that he hadn’t caught her at. That was Rule #27.

  Afterwards, she was then sent to her room to cool down, which gave her the opportunity for mind-shattering masturbation, and then he came to her for sex.

  The entire episode was definitely her favorite part of the week, even if she couldn’t sit for two days following it.

  Sunday was when their neighbors finally insisted on more information about the age-play lifestyle. So, Olivia came up with an idea: meeting with the ladies for afternoon tea out on the patio by the dock. It was less embarrassing than having the men around, and so they were able to casually chat and discuss some of the more intimate aspects of her new life.

  “So, Olivia, you’re saying that, when you two are alone, you act like a… child?” Amy asked.

  She nodded. “Yes, that’s the main part of age-play, taking on the persona of a little girl. I find it quite liberating. After decades of taking care of myself, it’s kind of nice to let someone else do it for a while, and that’s another key element. There’s nothing that says we have to do it forever. Because, actually, we’ve been talking about having a… baby.”

  The ladies all gasped.

  “Birth?” Heidi squeaked. “Actual pregnancy, birth, and child-rearing? Wow, we’ve never even thought of such a thing.”

  “I like the idea,” Gwen said with a smile. “I like—love all these things, and you know why? They’re different, they’re… exciting, and they shake our boring little world to its very foundation! I’m going to talk to Roger about trying some of them.”

  Amy looked around the table and slowly nodded. “Olivia, I have to say, it seems you two are the start of a rebirth, a revolution for our world.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that. After all, how much change have we really caused? It’s just you folks.”

  “True, but I got a visit from a couple of our neighbors farther around the lake. It seems they’ve been watching some of our outdoor activities, and they’re curious. I mentioned this meeting today and promised to give them a full report. It’s a start.”

  “And don’t forget your meeting at the station tomorrow,” Heidi said. “If they green light your show, you could get your message out to a lot more people, and maybe rouse them from this… this hibernation we’ve all been experiencing for so long.”

  Olivia smiled. “Well, we shall see.”

  * * *

  The next day, after a brief brisk spanking to help her calm down, Caleb drove
her into town, and over to the TV station. Cynthia was right there at the front door waiting to greet them, and then they were ushered into the main conference room. The programming board was there, three of them: a grizzled old man at the center (he looked about ready for a regen), a very young woman (clearly newly regened), and a middle-aged woman who was quite intimidating. She was tall, all legs, and she made Olivia feel like a little girl standing before her principal. Each of them had a little brass nameplate in front of them.

  “So, all right, Mrs. Hargee,” Mr. Nielsen said. “The floor is yours. What’s your idea?”

  She licked her lips, swallowed hard, and looked over her shoulder at Caleb. He smiled and gave her a thumbs-up.

  Clearing her throat, she turned to face them, and launched into a description of her show. As the minutes ticked by, her heart and confidence sank lower and lower. The three of them sat there, stone-faced, and never said a word. Finally, after what seemed like hours (her voice was literally getting sore), she finished.

  “That’s it. I thank you for your time. Are there any questions?”

  “Well, time is something we have plenty of, am I right?” Shino (the youngster) said.

  “How many scripts have you completed?” Zelda (Miss Schoolmarm) said.

  Olivia shivered. “Eight, ma’am,” she squeaked, then paused to clear her throat. “Um, eight are done, and I have ten more outlined.”

  Their heads moved together so they could whisper for a minute. Their faces told her nothing, their expressions betraying not a hint of their emotions. The whispering went on and on. Shino picked up a comm-pad and tapped away on it. Olivia was surprised, since their slide back to a simpler slower life, most places didn’t bother with high-tech equipment. It gave her cause for hope. Perhaps they were forward-thinking.

  “We don’t like it, Mrs. Hargee,” Mr. Nielsen said. “We just don’t like the name.”

  “I did a search,” Shino explained. “Lucy is the name of a character from one of the most ancient of sitcoms. It’s so old, it was made on Old Earth.”

  “Wow,” Olivia said slowly.

  Zelda nodded. “Yes, we used to televise the show, almost two centuries ago, but we got tired of it.”

  “Hmmm, maybe that’s where I got it from.”

  “We would suggest changing the title to My Little Olivia,” Shino said.

  “Wait, so, does that mean you want to make it?”

  Nielsen smiled and nodded. “Yes, we’re green lighting the show. I’ll be honest with you, Mrs. Hargee, the board is bored!”

  “We’ve been doing the same shows for so long,” Shino said, “we literally can’t remember the last time we did something original, and this sounds like a hoot.”

  “We would like you to meet with Cynthia,” Zelda said. “Create a production schedule, set up auditions, etc. She can guide you through that, she’s done it before.”

  “Granted, she’s only done it for a stage play,” Mr. Nielsen added. “But, between that and the old instruction books lying around here, she should be able to figure it out.”

  Cynthia stepped up next to Olivia, all smiles. “I’m sure I will, sir, and if not, it’ll be a challenge figuring it out.”

  Shino smiled at them. “That’s the spirit. My honorable father used to tell me an ancient proverb: ‘Challenges are what make life interesting, overcoming them is what makes it meaningful.’ I must make a point of visiting him to tell him that I have finally seen the truth of it.”

  “How long did it take?” Olivia said with a grin.

  “Only a hundred and twenty years.”

  They all laughed, and Olivia practically floated out of the room. She hadn’t been this excited about actually doing something in more than a hundred and fifty years. Both Cynthia and Caleb patted her on the back and hugged her (lifting her off her feet each time) as they congratulated her.

  “How do you feel, sweetie?” Caleb asked.

  “Scared out of my mind! As much as I want to do this, I don’t know if I can.”

  “I’m right there with you,” Cynthia said. “The only thing I’ve done remotely like this is stage manage a play.”

  “Well, that puts you one up on me. But, hey, let’s give it a shot. What have we got to lose?”

  They immediately drove to the community theater where Stanley worked and laid out the idea to him and the others (actors, set builders, and production people). They all thought it was a great idea. Inside of an hour they had their entire production team in place. A number of them chided themselves for not coming up with an original idea for a play or musical. They’d just been doing the same forty to fifty shows over and over again over the course of the years. Here was something fresh and new, and it reinvigorated them.

  One member of the company did some research into the ancient archives and found a reference to something called Kiss Me, Kate and found that the premise was not far off from Olivia’s show. They used it and some old copies of the ancient sitcoms to help them define characters, and then had a casting call. Olivia was positively beside herself with excitement. As writer/producer, she got to sit in the audience and shout, “Next!” as the people auditioned. Although, truth be told, she did sit daintily. Caleb had given her a particularly severe paddling right before they came to the theater. As he’d explained, he hadn’t wanted her getting a swollen head and start talking down to everyone. So, instead, she winced and squirmed with a swollen bottom.

  Later, driving home, she could barely sit still in her booster seat. “Those lead actors are perfect, don’t you think?”

  Caleb nodded. “Absolutely, and isn’t it nice that they’re married? It’ll make their interactions so much more sincere.”

  “Speaking of ‘interaction,’ could we please have one when we get home?” she groaned, rubbing her thighs together.

  “Oh, does my little girl have an… itch?” he said with a grin.

  She squirmed more, her hands rubbing between her legs. “Yes, Daddy. Please!”

  “I suppose I can… scratch it for you. When we get home, go to my room, undress, and wait in the corner.”

  “Yes, Daddy, thank you, Daddy,” she squealed in delight.

  The rest of the drive seemed especially long. She tried to dive out of her seat the moment the door opened, but the five-point harness stopped her. Likewise, Daddy seemed to take his dear sweet time releasing her.

  Finally, she raced for the house, not bothering to look back to see where he was, and bolted for his room. Her clothes were almost literally torn apart as she undressed faster than she’d ever known, and then the minutes dragged. Standing there, the cool air swirling about her sweaty body, the fire and dampness between her legs only grew stronger.

  It was driving her mad!

  She couldn’t help it; her hands began exploring her body. At this point, she was so close to a climax, it would only take a very small effort to push her over the edge. As Daddy was tormenting her by delaying, why not get a brief bang in before the main event? Her legs spread slightly; her hands slid down her tummy, past her belly button, and lightly brushed across her bush.

  “Young lady, just what do you think you’re doing?” Daddy snapped.

  She jumped, her hands practically shooting away from her body. “Oh! Nothing, Daddy, just… waiting.”

  “Uh-huh. Well, you just be sure that’s all you do here. It’s one thing for Daddy to let you go to your room to please yourself, but when you’re in his room it’s for him to do it. I catch you doing that again and it’ll call for a special punishment. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, sir,” she squeaked, happy to see that he was already naked.

  “All right then, come over here and get on the bed.”

  She just about sprinted over. Yet, she was confused by their positioning. She was on her back, her usual position to heighten her fire by keeping her ass warm, but he was standing at the edge of the bed. Lifting her head, she opened her mouth, but instead of questioning him, she squealed in surprised delight. Caleb had
seized her about the waist, slid her to him (the friction effect on her tender bottom was quite delicious), and thrust his hard cock deep inside her.

  Her back arched, her breasts were instantly firm as she grabbed them, and her legs spread wide to accommodate him. His hips rocked and thrust, pounding her over and over, his lovely shaft driving deep inside her moist palace. There were times when she relished and enjoyed foreplay. This was not one of those times. This was a time for pure raw animal sex. Caleb understood that and was most forthcoming. He thrust and drove and slammed into her body over and over, flames tore through her cheeks igniting a passion that sent her brain into orbit. She came. He came. She came again, and became lost in a sea of delight.

  Chapter Nine

  Life was good for Olivia. She had a wonderful man in her life who loved and spanked her daily, she had an active social life with her neighbors, and she had something creative to focus her energies on.

  In the coming weeks, Olivia walked around with practically a permanent smile affixed to her face. She’d never known such happiness and all she could do was pray it wasn’t a dream. Or, if it was, that she never woke up. Her life had gone from dead stop to full throttle almost overnight, and she loved it. They worked on the show, got together with Cynthia and Stanley regularly, and had parties with their neighbors, whose numbers continued to rise. That final item resulted in yet another new wrinkle to her life.


  Amy, Brad, and all the rest were so curious about the age-play lifestyle and spanking that Caleb suggested holding classes to teach them. Well, that was all it took for the ladies to take it to the max! Heidi did some research, met with the costumer at the theater, and had him produce a line of uniforms. They were cute little blue plaid skirts with matching suspenders, white puffy blouses, and bow ties that matched the skirts. The ladies all looked adorable in them, even Amy, who insisted on attending. As she explained, she was going to regen within the year, and she wanted to be ready to embrace all of it. So, a couple of days a week, they got together and Caleb and Olivia would alternate as the teacher, and guide them in different aspects of the lifestyle. Eventually, Cynthia and Stanley helped out too, and then yet another change took place.


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