Honeymoon for the Alpha

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Honeymoon for the Alpha Page 7

by Veronica Scott

  “Started the war there instead of here?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She was positive. “It would have been harder, less likely to succeed, and wouldn’t have helped the Badari left here on this planet, but there’s no way I would have stayed in hiding. And no way you would have participated in the massacre the enemy wanted to carry out at my colony.” She squeezed his hand hard. “Not you, not ever.”

  “I’m honored by your trust in me. But no matter what the dreams showed, we’re here now and fighting the war in the best way we can.”

  “Together.” Going on tiptoe, she kissed his cheek.

  She walked with him for about two hours to reach the great circle of towering trees, which could be seen in the distance for most of the time. Aydarr called a halt outside the outermost ring of the circle. “We can’t take weapons into the goddess’s sacred space. There’s a spot here where we used to hide our spears and other gear when we came during our time as prisoners.” He eyed the rocky terrain and went to a formation, kneeling beside it and lifting a cleverly disguised trapdoor. A hollowed out space lay below, more than adequate for stowing their camping gear.

  As she unbuckled her weapons belt, Jill gave the sky a disgusted glare. “I hate being so exposed, in the open, no backup and no weapons.” She dropped it into the cache next to her backpack. “Goes against all my instincts.”

  Aydarr opened his mouth t0 answer but she tilted her head and held up one hand. “I know the tradition and I honor it. “

  The day had grown warm so they left their jackets in the cache as well and walked hand in hand into the tree line wearing their utility pants and black tee shirts. Jill laughed, disturbing the silence of the grove and sending a few startled birds swirling into the sky. “We don’t look much like people arriving to pay their respects to the goddess, do we?”

  “I think she appreciates the spirit of the moment and won’t take offense.”

  As she walked through the giant trees with her mate, Jill’s jangled nerves calmed down and her heart rate slowed. The beauty of the place was overwhelming. The trees left a great deal of space between their giant trunks, maybe as much as thirty feet she estimated. There were a few smaller trees and a scattering of bushes, but the overall effect was as if she was walking through a place of worship, with the ‘roof’ far above. The stone circle the Badari had built in the valley was impressive but couldn’t begin to compare to this. Jill wanted to ask Aydarr questions but hesitated to break the peaceful silence around them. He seemed to be in a highly self-reflective mood.

  As she stepped out from the trees on the edge of the open circle, Jill took a deep breath. The only other time she’d been here, she was recovering from stasis syndrome and the nearly fatal bite of the vermore, so her memories were a bit hazy but the space seemed much larger than before. Of course this time there wasn’t a pack of Badari soldiers to fill up the glade.

  Aydarr led her steadily forward, through the knee high meadow of lush grass and flowers. Jill inhaled the perfume of the goddess’s sacred purple flowers, which bloomed only here and felt energy spread through her body in a wave. When she reached the center, marked by a perfect circle of velvet green moss, he pulled her in front of him and they stood together.

  There was a slight breeze, carrying with it a sound like silver bells or maybe a flute. Jill couldn’t be sure and either idea was fanciful, yet she was certain she heard the notes. A light mist was curling between the trees now, sending graceful tendrils into the open area.

  Speaking in Badari, Aydarr gave voice to a song, powerful and yearning. Jill caught most of the words, a paean of thanks for the original home he and his people would never see but which ultimately led to their own existence. He sang his gratitude to the Great Mother for watching over her children and bringing the gift of mates to be partners for the Badari.

  I didn’t know he could sing. As goose bumps rose on her arms, Jill leaned into her mate and savored the sound. All official singing was done by Timtur, the healer in Generation Eight. Sure, she’d heard Aydarr hum a few times and he joined in when there was a group chant required but she’d no idea he possessed such an exceptional voice. Although considering he’s an Alpha, I ought not to be surprised. What else don’t I know about him yet? Jill was there was nothing about Aydarr that could ever change her mind when it came to loving him.

  The song ended and there was silence.

  Gently Aydarr turned Jill to him with one hand and then knelt on one knee in front of her. “I brought us here today to thank the goddess for bringing us together and to reaffirm my pledge to you, Jill Garrison, to love, cherish and protect you as my mate and equal in this life and any future afterlife there may be. Thank you for claiming me and agreeing to my claim.”

  Tears came to her eyes and she blinked hard, pulling him to his feet as she did so. “I’m honored to claim you and I reaffirm my pledge to love, cherish and protect you always, till the end of time.”

  Aydarr kissed her, a sweet caress deepening the longer they clung together. Jill wished the moment would never end. When they did separate, she gasped in delight as swirls of bright green sparks danced in the air like fireflies, bright even in the daylight. Holding tight to her mate as the sparks encircled them, she sighed as the column rose into the sky and winked out.

  A trill of the silvery notes came from the woods all around them and then there was silence, broken only by bird songs. The mist retreated into the shade of the trees and vanished.

  “Thank you,” she said out loud, scanning the entire circle.

  “The goddess has been generous in her blessings,” Aydarr said, “And now we must not linger.”

  “It’s so peaceful here, I hate to leave.” Jill walked with him despite her regret. “Thank you for a wonderful honeymoon. I can’t imagine a better experience to celebrate our first year as mates.”

  “Quicksand monster, nightmares and all?” he asked, quirking one eyebrow.

  “And romance and great sex and time to be carefree together,” she said. “Oh and my new lingerie.”

  Chuckling, they strolled out of the ring of trees.

  Aydarr checked his steps as he passed the last tree, making a vain attempt to place Jill behind him.

  Instantly on the alert, she wished for her weapons. Her adrenaline flowed. “What is it?”

  “MARL and the flyer are here.”

  “It’s time to leave,” the alien AI said in his chirpy voice. Swirls of red and purple fought for dominance on his surface. “Khagrish patrols are blanketing the hemisphere.”

  “Looking for us?” Jill asked as she walked toward him, Aydarr on her heels.

  “I believe it’s a new protocol, dictated by the recently arrived Security Chief who replaces the man Camron killed but still we should not linger.” MARL’s surface now was a mix of orange, blue and yellow. “You said three days, Alpha.”

  “So I did.” As he approached the red striped flyer, Aydarr added, “I wasn’t aware you could pilot these.”

  “You have skilled pilots so there’s been no need till now. I flew the spaceship for Njindak, my original Authority so I can certainly handle this tiny planet-bound craft. We really do need to go. I don’t wish to project my disruption barrier in a place where it’s never been before. Such an action might arouse suspicion.”

  “Relax, we’re leaving,” Jill said as she ascended the ramp, MARL right behind her. She slung her pack onto a seat and followed Aydarr into the cockpit. “And we had a lovely time, thanks for asking.”

  Seating herself in the co-pilot’s chair, Jill gave a gasp as Aydarr took off in a steep climb and banked west to head for the circuitous and deceptive route the rebel forces used to return to the valley. Squeezing his shoulder, she said, “I do like the way you fly, no nonsense and full speed.”

  Giving her a grin, he asked, “Is there any other way?”

  The vids showed another flyer dropping into formation with them at the same instant Gabe’s cheerful voice came over the com. “Welcome back, bos
s. I hope your trip went well.”

  “How big was our security cordon?” Jill asked, settling into her seat.

  Aydarr gave her a glance, as if unsure whether she was upset or not. “No one in the actual area with us. Two flyers doing perimeter patrols and on standby if the enemy made an unexpected appearance. Ten Badari under Mateer and Camron, camped in close proximity to the area in case reinforcements were needed or if we required cover for extraction.”

  “Sounds about right.” She laughed at his expression. “Oh come on, I knew you wouldn’t have us out there on a limb with no backup. Not as cautious as you are when I leave the valley. I appreciate the restraint you showed in not having troops underfoot with us. I enjoyed our honeymoon expedition and no one intruded. Although when I was in the damn quicksand I might have appreciated help.”

  “I gave strict instructions not to monitor us. Deployment on my direct command only or if the Khagrish showed up.” Seeming relieved at her acceptance of his precautions, he adjusted the controls slightly and added, “Mateer and Daegan insisted we not be completely alone in the quadrant. Take our own chances with the environment, fine, but not risk pack leadership in a foolhardy manner if the enemy arrived.”

  “I approve. If anyone else in command, like Daegan and Flo for instance, wants to take a honeymoon, I’d want the same sort of set up for them. Maybe once we win the war we can relax and be carefree and wander in the wilderness for our own pleasure, but not now.” She kissed his cheek. “Thank you for taking such good care of me, in all ways. The break from routine was just what I needed and I didn’t even know it. It was a good R&R, as we used to say in the military.”


  “Rest and relaxation or recuperation. Take your pick. The war never goes away but you remove yourself from the moment by moment awareness of it. Works like a charm.”

  “I did shut off the mind link to the pack,” he said. “There was no pack business conducted – my concentration was only on you.”

  “I could tell,” she said, rubbing his arm. “I’d purr if I was a Badari, believe me. You were highly successful in all your goals for our trip, mate.”

  “I’m perfectly content that you don’t purr. In all other ways you’re a completely satisfactory mate.” He winked and she gave him a shove in the shoulder.

  “Thank you for the vote of confidence. I’m going to get my sister to do our blood transfusion tomorrow. Having the mind to mind link between us is the only thing we’re lacking.”

  “I truly appreciate your agreeing to do the procedure. I’ve wanted it for a long time, ever since we knew it was possible.”

  “My gift to you,” she said. “Do we have an agenda for the rest of today, when we get back to the valley? Or can it all wait until tomorrow?”

  “I said I’d be taking three full days off with you,” Aydarr said. “Just let anyone try to get past Nicolle to bother either one of us with business today. Barring an attack.”

  “All right then. I’m thinking I’ll change into something more comfortable once we get home. A certain pink nightgown comes to mind. Can you get any more speed out of this bucket? The hours of our honeymoon are counting down here.”

  “Anything for you, mate.” With a grin, Aydarr shoved the controls into full speed and the flyer shot through the sky.

  THANK you for reading HONEYMOON FOR THE ALPHA! I hope you enjoyed the adventure (and, of course, I’d love a review if you have time and the inclination to write one. Even a few sentences would be wonderful. Authors relish reader feedback). I was so happy to spend a little more time focusing on just Aydarr and Jill and their relationship.

  If you’d like to stay up to date on all my new releases, please sign up for my newsletter HERE.

  Author Bio and Links:

  USA Today Best Selling Author

  Veronica Scott grew up in a house with a library as its heart. Dad loved science fiction, Mom loved ancient history and Veronica thought there needed to be more romance in everything. When she ran out of books to read, she started writing her own stories.

  Seven time winner of the SFR Galaxy Award, as well as a National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award, Veronica is also the proud recipient of a NASA Exceptional Service Medal relating to her former day job, not her romances!

  She read the part of Star Trek Crew Member in the audiobook production of Harlan Ellison’s “The City On the Edge of Forever.”


  Science Fiction Romance

  * * *

  Sectors New Allies Series

  * * *

  Aydarr: A Badari Warriors SciFi Romance Novel

  Mateer: A Badari Warriors SciFi Romance Novel

  Timtur: The Teacher’s Alien Healer (Badari Warriors): In the Stars Romance

  Note: Timtur is book 2.5 in the series timeline

  Jadrian: A Badari Warriors SciFi Romance Novel

  Darik: A Badari Warriors SciFi Romance Novel

  Gabe: A Badari Warriors SciFi Romance Novel

  Kierce: A Badari Warriors SciFi Romance Novel

  Camron: A Badari Warriors SciFi Romance Novel

  Badari Warrior’s Baby: A Megan and Mateer Novella

  Reede: A Badari Warriors SciFi Romance Novel

  Daegan: A Badari Warriors SciFi Romance Novel

  Landon: A Badari Warriors SciFi Romance Novel

  Badari Warriors: Sectors New Allies Books 1-3 Box Set

  * * *

  The Sectors SF Romance Series

  Wreck of the Nebula Dream

  Escape From Zulaire

  Mission to Mahjundar

  Hostage to the Stars

  Trapped on Talonque

  Star Survivor

  Danger in the Stars

  Two Against the Stars

  The Fated Stars

  Lady of the Star Wind

  * * *

  Star Cruise Series

  Star Cruise: Marooned

  Star Cruise: Outbreak

  Star Cruise A Novella: Stowaway Plus Rescue and Golden Token Short Stories

  Star Cruise: Song Bird

  Star Cruise: Mystery Dancer

  * * *

  Historical Paranormal Romance

  The Gods of Egypt Series

  Priestess of the Nile

  Warrior of the Nile

  Dancer of the Nile

  Magic of the Nile

  Ghost of the Nile

  Healer of the Nile

  Lady of the Nile

  Song of the Nile

  Return of Dancer of the Nile

  * * *

  Fantasy Romance

  The Captive Shifter

  Winter Solstice Dream


  USA Today Best Selling Author

  Veronica Scott grew up in a house with a library as its heart. Dad loved science fiction, Mom loved ancient history and Veronica thought there needed to be more romance in everything. When she ran out of books to read, she started writing her own stories.

  Seven time winner of the SFR Galaxy Award, as well as a National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award, Veronica is also the proud recipient of a NASA Exceptional Service Medal relating to her former day job, not her romances!

  She read the part of Star Trek Crew Member in the audiobook production of Harlan Ellison’s “The City On the Edge of Forever.”




  Table of Contents


  Title Page





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Also by Veronica Scott

  About the Author




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