GUNNER: Southside Skulls Motorcycle Club (Southside Skulls MC Romance Book 3)

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GUNNER: Southside Skulls Motorcycle Club (Southside Skulls MC Romance Book 3) Page 5

by Jessie Cooke

“Let me see,” Dax said. Gunner felt intimidated, taking his shirt off in front of Angel and Dax, but it was the only way he could show him the tattoo he had on his left biceps. It was high up on his arm, a colorful tribal band that went all the way around. “You did that yourself? How did you reach it all?”

  “Had to get in some weird positions, but yeah, I did it.” He pulled up his pants leg and showed him the skull on the side of his right calf. He wasn’t sure what Dax would think of that one. He’d copied the skull off Doc’s vest. The outline was black, and he’d shaded it with white and gray.

  “Nice,” Dax said. “Any others?”

  “I have one on my right thigh and this one,” he said turning his left arm over. On his forearm, he had two black Chinese symbols. He’d copied them out of a book of tattoos that he’d traded some kid a tat for in Juvie. Billy had the same one on his arm. It was the symbol for brothers, or so he was told.

  “What’s that mean?” Dax asked him. Gunner hesitated, wondering if this whole brother thing was as weird for Dax as it was for him. He just seemed so cool about everything, like nothing ever got him rifled. Gunner would love to be that way.

  “Brothers,” he said. “My best friend has one just like it.”


  “Okay Gunner, open your mouth,” Angel said. He did as he was told and she held onto his face with one hand while she used the other to swab the inside of his cheek with the Q-tip. She slid it into a glass tube and put a lid on it and then used a Sharpie to write his name and the date on it. “Okay, baby,” she told Dax, “your turn.” Once she’d swabbed Dax’s cheek and done the same to his tube as she’d done to Gunner’s, she kissed Dax, said goodbye to Gunner and rushed off to go to work. When she was gone, the silence between him and Dax was heavy and uncomfortable. Finally, Gunner said:

  “I have a fight Saturday night. You think I’ll be back in time for it?”

  Dax chuckled. “I really didn’t send the guys out there to kidnap you. They panicked when they saw you. You’re not a prisoner here, Gunner. You’re welcome to leave whenever you want, although from what I hear, the bike you rode here on isn’t going to take you far.”

  Gunner felt another flush of heat to his face. He grinned. “In her defense, nobody thought she was going to make it this far.”

  Dax laughed. “Loyalty, I like that. Let’s walk over to the shop and see what old Tool has to say about it.”

  Gunner didn’t know who Tool was, but he was like a little kid in his sudden hero worship of Dax. He felt proud as they walked through the great room together and all eyes were on them. He saw Kay sitting at a table near the front door with a pretty lady who was holding a baby. There were two little dark-haired boys, maybe three or four years old, at Kay’s feet playing with toy motorcycles. She looked up and smiled at him as he passed. He winked at her and felt a tug in the front of his jeans. He hoped he got another go at her before he had to head home.

  Dax led him across the small parking lot in front of the clubhouse to a dirt area that was filled with old cars and motorcycles. The front of a big shop was rolled open and they walked inside, greeted by loud metal music and the sounds of even louder machinery. A couple of guys in coveralls looked up and greeted Dax with a nod of their heads. They gave Gunner a passing look of curiosity and went back to their work. Dax led him toward the back, where a man in a welder’s helmet and green coveralls was working on the frame of an old bike. He stopped what he was doing, turned off the welder, and flipped up his mask when he saw them. The guy was probably in his sixties, with a white beard that looked happy to escape through the bottom of the helmet as soon as he flipped it out of the way.

  “Hey, Dax! What’s shakin’?” The old guy pulled off his glove and shook Dax’s hand. Then he turned his faded brown eyes onto Gunner and did a double take. He looked from Dax back to Gunner and back to Dax with a confused look.

  “How’s it going, Tool? This is Gunner.”

  “I’ll be damned. The boys told me about…shit. How ya doin’, kid?”

  Dax looked amused again as Gunner shook Tool’s hand. Gunner was starting to enjoy the fact that everyone seemed to see the resemblance. It couldn’t hurt his reputation any to be connected to a guy like Dax, that was for sure. “I’m good, thanks.”

  “Tool, did you have a chance to look at that old Sportster Cody and Jimmy dropped off?”

  Tool took the helmet all the way off. His long, white hair was wet with sweat and stuck to his head. It was thinning and his scalp was visible through it in places. He chuckled as he sat the helmet aside and said, “Yeah, I looked at it. That’s about all I did. I was afraid if I touched it, it might crumble and turn into dust.”

  Gunner felt his face go hot as Dax smiled and said, “That bad, huh?”

  “Worse. I have no idea how that thing made it here from Texas. Must be where the old saying ‘On a wing and a prayer’ came from.”

  Dax looked at Gunner and must have seen the disappointment in his face. “You got anything that is in good enough shape to get this kid home?”

  “I got a Fat Boy that came in last week. I went through her with a fine-tooth comb and couldn’t find a thing wrong with her. Whoever had that one babied her like a three-thousand-dollar whore on Christmas.”

  Dax shook his head, and they followed Tool over to the office and through another door. Gunner’s eyes almost fell out when they walked through the door. It was like walking onto a Harley Davidson showroom floor. The place was immaculate and filled with bikes ranging from classics to almost brand new. Some of them had custom paint jobs and others were stock. Gunner got the feeling he was standing on the tail end of a chop shop and he felt a thrill race through his veins at the prospect of being a part of it.

  “Here she is,” Tool said. “All I really did was give her a tune-up and replace the seat.”

  “Wow.” Gunner hadn’t realized he’d said that out loud until he saw Tool and Dax watching him lust over the bike. “She’s…wow.”

  Tool chuckled a deep grumbly laugh and elbowed Dax. “I think the boy might need some privacy.”

  Dax shook his head again, but laughed. “She’s nice.”

  “She makes my bike look like…like…”

  “Junk?” Tool asked.

  Gunner laughed. “I was trying to find a nicer word, but yeah.”

  “Well, this old girl is a few years older than your bike, but she was made for long trips—yours wasn’t. Plus, like I said, whoever had this one gave her a lot of love over the years.”

  Gunner wasn’t sure he wanted to be responsible for such a beautiful machine. He also didn’t have a dime to put gas into her to get back to Texas, but for some reason when Dax said, “You want to borrow her to get home for your fight?” he was nodding and grinning like an idiot before the words were out of Dax’s mouth. When he rode this thing up in front of old Kinley’s barn, people who were still on the fence about the fight would bet on him based on the coolness factor alone.


  Gunner was disappointed when they got back to the great room and Kay wasn’t around any longer, but he was still on cloud nine about the bike. He had to find out what they’d done with his phone and call Billy and Patty to see if either of them had enough cash to wire him for enough gas to get home. He’d happily camp out on the side of the road if he had to.

  Dax answered the question about his phone. He pulled Gunner’s wallet and phone out of his pocket and handed them to him. “I programmed my number in there in case you run into any trouble on your way home. If you can’t make it back with the bike in a week or so, give me a call and I’ll send someone to pick it up.”

  Gunner hoped the disappointment he was suddenly feeling didn’t show on his face. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected, but suddenly this all seemed so anti-climactic. “You’ll let me know when the DNA results come back?”

  “Yeah. It’ll be a month or more, but I’ll give you a call.”

  “Okay, thank you, Dax.”

  He grinned
and slapped Gunner on the shoulder. “I have to admit that’s the first time anyone ever thanked me for having them kidnapped.”

  Gunner laughed. “But not the first time you ever…” Dax raised an eyebrow at him and he shut up. Holding his fist up, Dax smiled and said:

  “Take care of yourself.” Gunner bumped his fist. There was one more thing he wanted to ask, but he forced himself to wait. He wanted to know if he’d ever get his vest back. He doubted it, but he kind of hoped that if it turned out he was Doc Marshall’s son…He’d have to make himself be patient. Asking now would just be too much; besides, he was already formulating a plan for when he did come back. Dax Marshall’s brother or not, Gunner planned on being something, somebody, someday. He was going home to Texas to win the fight, and by the time he came back east he’d be an underground legend. Maybe even Cody and Jimmy would have to give him a little respect.

  Once Dax left him he went upstairs and started getting the few things he had together. He turned on his phone and while it loaded, he opened his wallet just in case he had a few dollars left that he’d forgotten about. As soon as he pulled it open he sat frozen in shock. There were hundred-dollar bills in it…a lot of them. His hand was shaking as he pulled them out and looked at them. Laying them on the bed next to him he started to count them. He was up to eighteen when there was a knock on the door. He was torn between finishing his count and seeing who was at the door.


  “Hey, Adam, it’s Kay. We heard you were leaving and wanted to say goodbye.”

  We? “Oh, yeah…give me a sec.” He counted the rest as he quickly stuffed the bills back into his wallet. There were 25 of them. Dax had loaned him a custom bike and stuffed his wallet with hundreds before he even knew if he was his brother or not. Gunner felt like he’d hit the lottery and that was even before he pulled open the door and found out who “We” was.

  “Hi, Gunner.” Kay was dressed in a tight black leather skirt, and a dark blue tank top that said “Metallica” across the front of it. Her black pixie hair was spiked up all over her head and she had on dark eyeliner. She also had on black thigh-high leather boots with about a six-inch heel. She looked sexy as hell, but that was only the half of it. “This is Becca.” Her friend was a redhead, tall, willowy, and completely the opposite of Kay. Her dark red hair was long and straight and she had a spattering of freckles across her little nose that gave her an innocent look. Her eyes were huge and a golden-brown color with long, thick lashes, and her lips…Jesus, Gunner could almost feel them wrapped around his dick. She was tall and thin, thinner than he would usually like, but if they were in the mood to tag team he could get everything he needed from a combination of the two.

  “Well, hello, Becca. Come on in, ladies. I wish I had something to offer you to drink.”

  Kay smiled and reached her hand into the pocket of the romper her friend was wearing. “No worries,” she said, pulling out a bottle of Jack. “We brought our own.” Becca stuck her hand in the other pocket and pulled out a handful of tightly rolled joints. Forget the lottery, Gunner had died and gone to heaven.

  “Fuck yeah,” was all he could think to say. He closed and locked the door behind them, and by the time he turned around they were both making themselves comfortable on his bed. He had the fastest hard-on he’d had since he was thirteen years old and the sixteen-year-old slut in the homeless camp next to the slums they lived in had grabbed his crotch. He went over and took a seat on the end of the bed. The girls each took a shot of the Jack Daniel’s out of the bottle, and then passed it to him. Kay handed him the joints. He took a long pull off the bottle then got up to sit it on the dresser. In the mirror, he could see the girls behind him. Becca had put her hand on Kay’s ample chest and pressed her thick lips into her friend’s even plumper ones. Gunner almost shook his head to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. He picked up a lighter off the dresser and lit one of the joints and then went back over to the bed and sat down. The girls were kissing hot and heavy now, with tongues going in and out of each other’s mouths and lips being nipped at and sucked on. Becca’s hand was working its way down into the front of Kay’s blouse and Gunner couldn’t see what she had a hold of, but he remembered those heavy breasts and big, dark nipples well.

  He smoked his joint and watched until the girls came up for air and Becca leaned over toward him. He held out the joint and she wrapped her lips around it and took a drag. She held the smoke in her lungs and moved back over to Kay. With her lips hovering just inches from her friends, she let out the smoke. Gunner watched in fascination as Kay closed her eyes and let the smoke swirl up around her and into her nose as she inhaled. Something about it was completely erotic, and it went straight to his already hardening cock. He got up and put out the rest of the joint, taking off his jeans while he was standing up. When he sat back down on the bed, he pulled off his shirt too and ran his hand over his chest while he continued to watch the live porn show playing out only inches away.

  Kay was running her fingers down the side of Becca’s long neck. Suddenly as if she’d gotten hungry, she leaned in and put her mouth over one of the pulsating veins and began to suck. Becca let her head fall back slightly and closed her eyes. Gunner watched as Kay sucked on her neck and let her free hand trail up underneath her friend’s skirt. She pushed the skirt back as she inched her hand up the other girl’s leg, and he wasn’t surprised to see Becca wasn’t wearing any panties. Becca sucked in a breath and stretched out her legs as soon as Kay touched her wet lips. Her feet landed in Gunner’s lap, and she gently stroked along the outline of his hard cock in his shorts while Kay’s fingers worked themselves up into her pussy. Becca had her knees wide open and Gunner had a perfect view of Kay’s two fingers as they disappeared up inside of her and then came back out to give a rub across her hard clit with the thumb that lingered along the top. Becca was thrusting her hips up and down and rubbing harder against Gunner’s cock with her toes and the balls of her feet. Kay had worked her way down inside the front of the loose romper Becca wore and she was now sucking on one of her small titties with its huge brown nipple. Gunner could hear how wet Becca was each time Kay moved her fingers in and out, faster and faster. Becca had ahold of her friend’s wrist now and she was urging her to go even faster and deeper. Gunner wasn’t sure, but he thought Kay must have bitten down on one of Becca’s nipples because the other girl suddenly screamed and used one of her hands to pull Kay’s head back while at the same time her whole body stiffened. She bent down and sucked Kay’s tongue into her mouth and then proceeded to writhe, shake, and convulse as she reached her first orgasm.

  It was almost too stimulating for Gunner. He got up again and took off his shorts. He stood at the edge of the bed as Becca pushed her friend back on the bed, pushed up her skirt, and buried her face between Kay’s thick thighs. Kay reached down and pulled the skirt all the way up around her waist and opened her legs nice and wide so Gunner could watch, as Becca plunged her tongue in and out between Kay’s lips. She would tongue-fuck her for a while and then find Kay’s hard clit and swirl around it before sucking it all the way into her mouth, causing her friend to grip the sheets tightly and pant and scream. Gunner was afraid he wouldn’t last much longer at this rate. The girls were wilder than any he’d ever been with.

  “Take off your clothes,” he said, hoping to slow them down a bit. They stopped what they were doing and stood up. He watched lustfully as they stripped off the rest of their clothes. He reached for a handful of Kay’s ass and while he massaged and groped her from behind Becca stepped up and grabbed Kay’s massive tits and began to do the same from the front. Gunner let his hand slide down along the crack of her ass and find her soaked pussy. He found her clit and began to stroke it as he listened to the sexy sounds of Becca sucking on Kay’s big tits. He glanced around front and saw that Kay’s fingers were up between Becca’s legs pleasuring her while he was pleasuring Kay. It was too much. His dick had to be inside of someone and soon.

  He pulled his fingers ou
t of Kay and stood up, slapping her ass one more time for good measure. Kay whimpered and the girls stopped their own ministrations to see what he was going to do. He lay down on his back on the bed and reached for Becca. She leaned down and he kissed her, relishing that first taste of a foreign tongue on his, especially one that already tasted like sweet pussy. He put his hand up on her neck and as they kissed he let his fingers tangle up in her hair. Using his hold on her, he broke the kiss and pushed her face down toward his hard cock. Becca didn’t need any more instruction or encouragement than that. She got up on the bed, straddling him, and let her wet pussy slide across his hard cock as she slid lower and got into position. When she could reach, she wrapped her big lips around the tip of his dick and sucked it into her mouth. He shuddered and then returned his attention to Kay. He lay all the way back and told her, “Get up here.” While Becca licked, sucked and otherwise tantalized his cock and balls, he pulled Kay up onto his face and within seconds he had fallen into almost the same rhythm with his tongue as Becca was keeping with hers. Kay squirmed and pushed down onto his face, panting and gasping and whimpering with pleasure.

  Gunner reached up and found Kay’s big nipples and he played with those while he used his tongue to tantalize her between her legs. He could feel her getting more excited and her breathing speeding up and just before she tipped over the edge, he pinched down on her nipples and held them pinched between his fingers while she screamed out in ecstasy. He felt the warm, sweet flow of her release and waited a few seconds before moving her off him and disengaging Becca’s mouth from his cock. It felt great, but he was ready to be inside of one, or both. He grinned at the girls, gave each one of them a long, deep kiss and then got up off the bed. “Lie down side by side, girls.”

  While they did that, he picked up his jeans and fished out a condom. When he turned back around the girls were lying side by side kissing. Their hands were all over each other again. Gunner put the condom on as he watched, stroking himself slowly and deciding who he wanted to fuck first. At last he climbed onto the bed and the girls broke their kiss and looked up, waiting for him to make the next move.


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