The Club Sin Series 4-Book Bundle

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The Club Sin Series 4-Book Bundle Page 50

by Stacey Kennedy

  She was beautiful, all wet, with her long hair hanging over her breasts, and he was captivated. Pure masculine need overtook him. He held on to her hip, and moved faster…harder.

  Under her rosy cheeks and dilated pupils, he grunted as hot pleasure sped through his veins. “Damn, you’re beautiful.”

  “You feel so good,” she drawled.


  Fighting against his need to order the address, he sealed his mouth over hers and fiercely kissed her. His tongue moved roughly against hers in a messy, dirty kiss. When her legs began to tremble, likely from both her orgasm and the awkward angle he kept her in, he broke the kiss. Dark hooded eyes watched him, as her mouth was parted, emanating constant sounds of feminine satisfaction.

  Experiencing an equal sense of sheer possession, he penetrated her deeply, staking his claim. Skin smacked against skin, echoing in the shower. And soon her eyes slowly widened, her breath hitching on screams drifting across him and pulling at his release.

  Then her eyes went huge. “Oh, shit.”

  Fuck, he loved how she showed her pleasure. Every time before she came, she gave him a look of shock, as if she couldn’t believe he’d brought her to orgasm, so amazed did she seem by the sensation. He gripped her firmly and pumped his hips in rapid speed. “Give in to me.”

  With her gaze transfixed on his, so lost in arousal, she lowered her hand to her clit. The effect of her swirling the bundle of nerves was immediate. Her legs shook in hard trembles and those pretty, wide eyes pinched shut. “Oh, God.”

  He tightened his fingers around her hip and moved faster, his muscles burning with each ruthless smack against her. “Come for me.”

  And two thrusts later, she did.

  Her orgasm sent her into a crazed state of screaming and shuddering, and he lost all control over his body. Her tight heat convulsed in contractions that brought his orgasm with little warning. Bucking and jerking against the sheer force of his pleasure, he roared with each pulse of cum that emptied into the condom.

  When his body eased from the tension, his muscles strained as Ella placed all of her weight against him. He didn’t doubt if he let go, she’d tumble to the shower’s marble floor.

  Quickly dropping her leg, he withdrew from her sex. In search of support for his trembling muscles, he leaned his back against the shower wall, wrapping her in his arms. He pressed his lips against her damp head and slowed his breathing to catch the racing of his heart.

  Water slid down her back, and he traced his hands over her soft curves. Once she gave off low hums of awareness, he cupped her cheek, drawing her focus to him. Soft, sated eyes held his.

  He chuckled, understanding her exhausted state, and pressed his lips ever so gently against hers. The kiss didn’t bring heat, but it brought something more—a sweet connection that he wanted so desperately to explore. She might want to fight this connection he found glaringly obvious from experience, but that wasn’t to say he’d allow it.

  When he leaned away from her soft mouth, she gave him a cute smile. He brushed his fingers across her bottom lip. “How about that breakfast?”

  “After that, I need breakfast.” She laughed, watching him with those pretty eyes that looked green this morning. “You sure know how to make a woman hungry.”

  He laughed with her. “In all possible meanings of the word hungry, yes I do.”

  Chapter Seven

  Blocks away from the famous Fremont Street, Ella sat in her cubicle located right outside Aidan’s large office. The office building housed many lawyers representing all sides of the law, as well as a few software companies. The entire wall of glass behind Aidan’s desk showed off the pretty desert view.

  Her workspace was efficient, with a nice, sleek glass desk and a comfortable chair. To the left of the receptionist were the majority of the meeting rooms. But her corner was perfect and quiet.

  Pursing her lips at her computer screen, she scanned through the e-mails sent to Aidan. In the five days that had passed since her blazing night and morning with Kyler, her mood became edgy as each hour ticked by.

  Kyler had texted and called every day; their phone conversations had been long and easy, but he hadn’t asked her out again. Wouldn’t even friends-with-benefits hang out? The day after the wedding, things between them had been wonderful. But if it had been as great as she thought, why hadn’t he asked her out?

  By the time she woke up this morning, disappointment had etched the truth. She tried telling herself she had an amazing experience with him, and that her first one-night stand shook her world apart, but she couldn’t ignore the pang in her heart.

  She liked Kyler. She wanted friends in Vegas. A slow slide of disappointment settled in that he hadn’t made more of an effort to see her again. Phone calls were great, but it wasn’t the same as actually hanging out with someone.

  Shaking her head to clear the annoyance, she banged her fingers against the keyboard, responding to an e-mail from another lawyer who seemed to be unable to understand that her boss was on his two-week honeymoon, as well as informing him she wouldn’t dare contact Aidan to sort out the matter with his client.

  Lawyers and clients, at times, had no patience.

  Ella knew how to quiet them down, a lesson she’d learned from her grandfather, who had been a litigation lawyer. Regardless that some lawyers grated on her last nerve, she loved her job.

  She was good at it.

  After she sent off the e-mail, the telephone rang next to her. She grabbed it and pressed it to her ear. “Knight Law, Ella speaking.”

  “Don’t hang up.”

  A cold sweat coated her flesh. She rose, glancing to the main waiting area. The receptionist was talking on the telephone, and Ella also noticed four people in the waiting room. No one paid her any attention, and she was only too glad Aidan wasn’t in his office, listening to her talk to Rory. “You shouldn’t be calling me,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “Just hear me out,” Rory said in his rich southern accent. “You’re not responding to any of my texts.”

  “That’s because I don’t want to talk to you.” She lowered her voice, keeping the conversation private. “I’m at work, Rory.” The second the words left her mouth, she frowned, struck by a realization. “Speaking of which, how did you find out where I work?”

  “I have my ways” was Rory’s dry reply.

  She could almost see his innocent shrug, and she also figured it wouldn’t be so difficult for Rory to find her. He knew she had moved to Vegas, and Rory had friends on the Savannah police force that could locate her if he asked. Maybe finding out her new employment wasn’t so hard at all. Perhaps he even knew where she lived.

  Her hand trembled around the phone. “I don’t want to talk to you. Please just move on with your life. I have.”

  “I know you have.” His sigh sounded like static over the phone line. “You’ve done what you’ve always done, been strong. You know I love that about you.” His voice softened. “I miss you, Ella. Please, let’s talk about this.”

  She shut her eyes, as that once meant so much to her. She had loved Rory, but his drinking and violence had changed everything. “I can’t do this.”

  Whatever he heard in her voice lifted his with urgency. “Listen, I’ve gotten into a rehab program. I’m sorry for what happened. I regret it. But I’m better now, and I don’t want to lose you.”

  Tears rimmed her eyes as her heart did reach out to him. They had history. “You’ve already lost me. Don’t call me again.” Then she slammed the phone down.

  Blowing out the deep breath that had been stuck in her throat, she forced the moisture in her eyes away. While she might have moved on, she still had a heart. And a little piece of her felt so damn sad that their relationship had ended on such a bad note.

  Keep it together, Ella.

  You’re not that person anymore.

  He’s changed.

  So have you.

  She didn’t want to get Rory into more trouble than he was
already in, but she also believed that rehab wasn’t his choice. It was likely advice from his lawyer to show that he was getting his life together and had been the reason the divorce hadn’t been finalized.

  There was no going back; the damage had already been done.

  She wouldn’t be that woman who stayed with an abusive man. How could she forgive and forget that he had pushed her out of anger? How many more times could that happen? And that wasn’t the only time he’d lashed out at her—verbal insults were abuse, too. She couldn’t go back to him, not if she wanted to look in the mirror every day and maintain her self-esteem.

  Once, she’d been loved deeply by her parents and her grandparents; they had shown her what a healthy relationship looked like. They had taught her how to love. For months, she had handled Rory’s drunken stupors, because she understood what grief did to a person.

  Rory had been close to his father after his mother died of cancer when he was eight years old. When his father died, Rory’s life fell apart. But when those rages turned against her, she had stopped understanding.

  Trying to control the strong emotions raging through her, she turned to her desk, grabbing the folder containing Aidan’s notes about the affidavit she needed to draft. Ella promptly lost herself in work, almost forgetting completely about Rory’s call.


  When she finished typing out the affidavit, she scanned the document, proofreading her work, when her phone rang once again. Hesitating to answer, she realized she was at work and had no choice, then immediately reached for the receiver. But if it were Rory, she’d be a second away from calling the Savannah police and telling them he was breaking the no-contact rule outlined in the protection order.

  With shaky hands, she placed the phone on her ear. “Knight Law, Ella speaking.”

  “You sound in a great mood.” That smooth, low voice brought memories of a wicked night leading to an even more amazing morning, as Kyler added, “Is Aidan working you too hard while he’s away?”

  She hesitated. “Kyler?”

  “Hello, Ella.” She imagined him giving her his charming smile. “Bad day?”

  Blinking in surprise, she said, “Just zoned in.”

  “Sounds like more than that.”

  She shifted against her seat as tingles stirred between her thighs. This man had some serious gifts, which included one helluva sexy voice. “It’s been a bit busy with Aidan being out of the office, but it’s nothing I can’t manage.”

  Kyler paused, as if he didn’t believe her. She really had to work on not being such an open book. She liked Kyler, and doubted he’d be all that interested to hear that being with her came with a whole trunk full of emotional baggage.

  Some things were better left unsaid.

  “I’m sorry to hear your day has been tough, but today is Friday, which means weekend fun.” His voice sounded oddly tight as he continued, “I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me tonight. Do you have any plans?”

  Yeah, right.

  Her plans included getting some chocolate ice cream and eating the whole damn tub while watching a movie. The idea of going out, especially after the phone call with Rory, made her day. She had wanted to see Kyler again. “Nope, got no plans tonight.”

  “Great. What time do you get off work?”

  While it made her blissfully happy that he finally asked her out on a date, she thought it was odd that he’d waited until the weekend to ask. He seemed totally invested in taking her out tonight. She wondered if maybe he was a man who played games. Did he not want to show too much interest right away to keep her chasing after him?

  She immediately dismissed the idea.

  Kyler seemed too honest. “Since Aidan is away, I get to leave at four o’clock.”

  “Well, that’s nice of Aidan.” The respect he had for Aidan shone through his warm voice. “Do you mind if I pick you up at home, or would you rather meet at the restaurant?”

  She couldn’t help but notice how he always seemed to need her consent for everything. It was unusual, of that she was sure. “You can come get me at home if you like. I live at 4575 Dean Martin Drive—it’s one of the condominiums.”

  Damn, she liked giving that address. She would’ve been mortified if Kyler had seen where she first lived in Vegas. A run-down apartment wasn’t her ideal living accommodations. But with the recent salary increase from Aidan and the money her grandparents had left her in their estate, she’d purchased a luxurious one-bedroom condo.

  “That’s a good, safe area of the city,” he said. “Does six o’clock work?”

  Always a cop, she mused. “Yep, that works.”

  “Great. I’ll see you then.” His voice lowered as he added, “Oh, and Ella, wear something sexy for me tonight.”

  Her cheeks warmed as her gaze swept through the office. God, if Aidan knew she was having this type of conversation at work he’d fire her, no matter that she did her job. “A short dress is surely sexy enough,” she whispered.

  “Yes, I see you have the right idea.” He groaned. “Goodbye, Ella.”

  When the phone line went dead, Ella stared at her computer screen, anticipation lighting her up. Yet a sense of guilt rose along with it. She didn’t fool herself, she knew telling Kyler she wasn’t yet divorced was the right thing to do. But she also didn’t think she owed him anything, not in a friends-with-benefits arrangement.

  Her future looked bright. She didn’t want to muck it up with a dark past.

  With the divorce hanging over her mind and wanting more than ever to have it finalized after Rory’s call, she reached for her personal cell phone in the drawer of her desk. Once she found her lawyer’s telephone number, she clicked the call button.

  The receptionist answered on the third ring, and Ella said, “Hello, this is Ella Snow. Could I speak with Derek Nelson?”

  “I’m sorry, but Mr. Nelson is in court all week and won’t be in the office,” the receptionist replied. “He is checking his e-mail. If you have anything important that needs to be discussed you can e-mail him, or I can put you through to his assistant.”

  Great. Ella knew better than anyone that his assistant would only be able to take her message. If Derek was in court, he was likely overwhelmed at the moment. “Can you just leave him a message and ask him to call me when he’s back in the office?”

  “Of course,” the receptionist replied.

  “Thank you.” Ella ended the call, glancing down to her cell phone. She knew her lawyer would’ve called if any new developments had happened, and she hadn’t heard from Derek since she signed the mediation agreement that allowed Rory time to make sober decisions before leaving Savannah.

  She often wondered about the legal system, but she also trusted in it. She pondered if Rory’s phone call was enough for a violation to force the judge’s hand to grant the divorce, but she doubted it. Rory had hired a helluva lawyer, and she knew a simple phone call would be something he could work around.

  Placing her phone back in the drawer, she made a mental note to call Derek next week to learn more about the loopholes to the agreement. One big screwup on Rory’s part was all she needed to ensure the divorce would happen.

  Be patient, Ella. Soon this will be all over.

  Chapter Eight

  Surrounded by stone walls in the police station’s change room, Kyler tucked his cell phone into his pocket and then placed his uniform and duty belt into his duffel bag on the bench behind him.

  Relaxed now that his day shift had ended, he zipped up his bag. His job started before sunrise, and all week Ella had stayed on his mind. Every passing moment had intensified his desire for another night with her.

  He’d been counting down the days all week, as he’d planned to get another taste of her beauty. While he enjoyed their late-night telephone conversations lasting for hours, he’d relished putting the workweek behind him.

  Those moans, her expressive eyes, haunted him.

  Placing his foot on the wooden bench, he began lacin
g up his boot, hearing a locker slam shut. He spotted another Club Sin Master and longtime friend, Sawyer Quinn. As Sawyer approached, he rolled the sleeve of his black cotton shirt down over his dragon tattoo.

  To their fellow cops and friends, the tattoo was a symbol of brotherhood that linked Sawyer and Kyler together from their six-year friendship. While they were razzed over sharing the same tattoo, the symbol meant too much for that to bother either of them.

  As Sawyer reached Kyler, he fastened his bulletproof vest. His sandy-colored buzz-cut hair fit the uniform. Sawyer was also a veteran, having served four tours in Afghanistan. Kyler figured that’s where the stony edge of his hazel eyes developed.

  Sawyer never talked about his time in Afghanistan.

  Kyler didn’t dig deeper.

  “Are you on the afternoon shift?” Kyler asked.

  Sawyer nodded. “Got a drug bust going down at seven tonight. I suspect I’ll be here until nine or so. Then it’s back to the ten-hour grind.”

  Kyler was a sergeant, and was content in his position. Sawyer worked in the Drug Unit, and the police officers in that department worked grueling hours.

  Sawyer smiled, leaning against the lockers. “Did I hear you making a date tonight?”

  “You heard right,” Kyler replied.

  Sawyer’s hard gaze regarded Kyler with keen interest. “That little vanilla thing from the wedding?” He smirked. “The one you couldn’t stop talking about on Wednesday?”

  Kyler glanced over Sawyer’s shoulder, not seeing anyone else in the locker room. He had briefly mentioned Ella when he had his guys’ night with all the Club Sin Masters at Mickey’s sports bar. He also hadn’t gone into much detail about her. Simply that he had enjoyed her company at the wedding.

  If one thing was true about Club Sin Masters, they kept private matters private, and no one had tried to coax anything further from him. They were governed by trust. What happened with a submissive, and what was said to her Dom, stayed between them.

  He scoffed. “I didn’t talk nonstop about her. She’s vanilla, but there are hints of submission, too.”


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