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Jessie Page 11

by D. A. Stafford

  “Okay, let me mull all of that information over because it’s a lot to take in. I would like to talk to you about Zara. I know you have super human smelling abilities or something like that, so what kind of scents did you pick up from Zara?”

  Leigh looked surprised at Jessie’s question. “What do you mean?”

  “I obviously don’t have a lot of experience with Arenian women, but don’t you think she looked a little odd? What I mean to say is she was crying, but her body language was all over the place. She almost looked like she was in pain than concern for the loss of her father. She was on the edge of her seat and was glistening with sweat while looking back to her father every five seconds. Also, I can’t seem to get the stark contrast of her highly ornate black necklace against her simple gown out of my head. Don’t get me wrong the necklace is beautiful but it just didn’t seem to fit.”

  Leigh tried to understand what she was explaining but found himself at a loss. “We rely on our scent than anything else. What is body language?”

  “It’s non-verbal communication. For example, if you took a fighting stance without saying a word I would know you were ready to fight based on your body language. If I tilted my head to one side,” she mimicked the movement, “you would know I had a question or was confused by something.”

  “Although I understand your meaning, you supersede everything else. My focus was for you. From what I remember, Zara’s scent was one of distraught and sadness over her father’s death. The necklace you speak of was her mother’s. Zara’s mother, Ora was murdered several years ago with that necklace on. Zara was, unfortunately, the one to find Ora brutally beaten to death. Zara took the necklace off Ora, then placed it on herself and has never removed it.”

  Looking sad Jessie said in a whisper, “How horrible. I can empathize with her.”

  Leigh could not believe his ears. Zara’s father was trying to take Looch away from her, and she felt sorry for Zara. Jessie had not spoken about her mother to him. He didn’t want to cause her more pain by asking about her mother, so he directed his attention to escorting Jessie to her friends. Giving her a small hug, he directed her to her friend’s dwelling.


  Leigh dropped Jessie off with her friends in a grand sitting room. Gade and Aryn were the only guards allowed inside the room. They stuck to Marie like glue but also gave her ample space.

  Jessie was embarrassed about her mini-meltdown on the Solace but was so glad to see her friends finally. Teagan was still dressed in the ship’s uniform coveralls of sorts, but her hair was upswept and she looked rested and better than she had ever seen her. Marie and Riley were dressed in Arenian gowns, adorned with a few jewels like her own. Jessie could tell Riley was extremely uncomfortable in the revealing gown, but Marie looked like a glowing pixie. Her bright smile was infectious. “Jessie! I’m so glad you’re better. You’re all right, right?” Marie said with concern etched on her face.

  “Yes, I’m ok now. I’m sure sorry about my meltdown.”

  With tears in her eyes, Riley came up to her and hugged her in a full embrace. Whispering, Riley said, “Even the strongest person has a breaking point. I’m just glad you’re back. I couldn’t do this without you.”

  Changing the subject immediately, Jessie asked, “How are you all doing?” She gave Teagan a wink and a nod acknowledging her presence. Giving nothing away, Teagan simply nodded back. “Any word on Sloane?”

  Riley responded for the group. “We’re doing well. The only thing we’ve been told about Sloane is it’s taking longer than expected to get rid of the cancer. Lyon and Lian said it would be several more weeks before she will be completely healed. She was worse off than they had anticipated. Where’s Looch?”

  With great sadness, Jessie sighed, “He’s with Zara.”

  “Who is Zara?”

  “She is the daughter of the man who attacked me on the ship and Leigh killed.”

  Audible gasps came from Riley and Marie. Gade and Aryn broke their stoic military stance by turning their heads to look at her.

  “I don’t understand. Why? Why would he be with her?” Marie said in an unsure voice.

  “We all have to understand the way things are done on this planet is different than the good ol’ US of A. Zara is not to blame. She didn’t say a word during the whole trial.”

  “Trial? What do you mean trial? They…they couldn’t possibly think you brought this on yourself. That man attacked you!”

  “I know Riley; I’m not in trouble of any kind, it’s just…on this planet, it seems an eye for an eye is how they do things. Leigh killed one of Zara’s fathers, therefore Zara’s other father, Councilman Cerin, demanded justice. Since Zara obviously won’t bond with Leigh, Looch felt it necessary to volunteer, I guess.” Jessie finished the sentence with an eye roll and sighed.

  Before anything else could be said, the vast doors in the sitting room opened and in walked several guards, Queen Maya, and Zara meekly in tow. “Ladies, I am Queen Maya, and this is Zara Draggar. I would like to welcome you all to our home. I hope you find your accommodations suitable?”

  Jessie saw Riley’s ire peaked and cut Riley off before she could say something which would get them all in hot water. Not taking her eyes off Riley she said, “Everything is great your majesty. You’ve been most generous. Thank you.”

  “Dear child you do not have to be so formal you will be my daughter soon enough. Please call me Maya.”

  “What?” Shocked Riley blurted out.

  “Did Jessie not tell you? She will be bonding with my son Leigh.” Moving to the side, Queen Maya waved an elegant hand towards the person behind her. “Zara here is in a bonding ritual with my oldest son, Looch.”

  Marie started jumping up and down, “This means you’re a princess!”

  Jessie started to chuckle. If Riley’s eyes opened any wider, they were going to fall out of her head. “Is it true? Looch and Leigh are royalty?”

  Queen Maya interjected, “Of course it’s true. The reason I came, was to introduce Zara to you formally. Leigh explained to me females of Earth gather and talk. There are exceptions of course, but on Arenia unless you’re family, females do not usually seek out another to converse with. There is little time due to the females being too busy with their males.” Grabbing a chair to sit, Queen Maya continued, “I must admit I come with an alternative reason as well. I would like to talk to you about the female population who came to our planet.”

  Riley piped up with censure in her voice, “What about us?”

  “My sons have explained to myself and the kings of the horrible sickness which plagued your males and drove them mad. Although my heart aches for all of you, we must find a solution for your females to bond with our males.” Marie and Riley gasped at the same time, but Queen Maya quickly continued, “I know this is difficult, but our planet is roughly one and a half times bigger than your Earth. Our female population has dwindled to one female for every two thousand males. Our planet will die out soon just as yours would have if we do not start producing adequate number of males and females. I know what I am asking is difficult, but since I am the queen of this planet I need to provide for my people.”

  “Wait…what? What are you asking me to do exactly?” Jessie seethed.

  “I would like to hold a tournament so the Earth females can see the prowess of our warriors. If we can get a large number of women to come to the tournament there is a better chance our males might find their ayah.”

  “Let me get this straight…you want me to convince these women who have just been traumatized by every man on planet Earth, left their homes, found out aliens exist, and they need to breed with multiple men? All while watching them beat each other to prove their prowess? What the hell?”

  “When you say it like that, it does seem rather awful but what I am proposing is not breeding…but a chance. A chance at finding their one true mate.”

  The room fell silent. Finally, after several moments Jessie quietly spoke up, but snuck a
glance at Zara, “I’m sorry Queen Maya but it’s a little hard to preach to Earth females about true mates when one was ripped away from me.”

  Queen Maya saw the look Jessie had given Zara, “Do not blame Zara for her father’s crimes. She is innocent in this. Councilman Cerin was due restitution. If you remember, Zara said nothing to indicate this was her wishes. Councilman Cerin was the one wronged with the untimely death of his brother.” Queen Maya continued, “Jessie, I have had to sacrifice for the greater good of this planet. I am trying to appeal to your senses for the survival of this planet. All I am asking is for you to speak to the females who are ready to try. If they are not ready, then we will not press. Just a chance, Jessie.”

  Jessie took in the pleading eyes of Queen Maya. How could Jessie stand in the way of true love? How many people could say they helped save a planet? Jessie chuckled and thought “Not many.” “Okay, I’ll help, but can we speak a little later about it? I would like to get to know Zara.”

  Zara’s stoic expression changed in a nanosecond as her wide eyes shot to Jessie, “Me?”

  “Of course you. You’ve been silent the whole time I’ve known you. What do you do Zara?”

  “Do? I don’t understand the question.”

  “Do you work?”

  Queen Maya interrupted. “Arenian females do not work. They are provided for from their families or their bonded.”

  Riley finally found her voice and interjected, “Not all, but most Earth women work. I am a scientist of sorts, Jessie is a massage therapist, Marie is a dancer, Sloane is a teacher,” Riley continued in a hushed tone. “We’re still not sure if Teagan worked or not. We only know her name because she had her driver’s license on her when Jessie found her.”

  “I know what a scientist, dancer, and educator is, but not a massage therapist. Please enlighten me.”

  “I rub people’s bodies to make them feel more relaxed or to help them with sore muscles.”

  It was Queen Maya and Zara’s turn to gasp, but it was Zara who spoke, “When you say people, do you mean both male and female?”

  “Of course, why?”

  “Your males do not mind?”

  “I don’t have a male, Zara and even if I did, he wouldn’t control me. I am my own woman and make my own decisions.”

  Zara was just about to speak when Queen Maya stopped her with a dismissive hand. “Please understand, you’re now an Arenian citizen, and things are different here. If it means that much to you, Leigh may allow you to continue your work with females, but I am afraid you will not massage Arenian males. Our heightened sense of smell would be torture for Leigh to have another male’s scent on you.”

  With a doe in headlights look Jessie said, “I never thought of that. I don’t want to quit what I do, but I don’t want to hurt Leigh either.” After several moments Jessie continued, “Let’s not think of it right now. I know there are bigger issues to talk about.” Looking at Zara, Jessie lightly touched her hand. “I want to be your friend Zara. Maybe we could get to know each other better since we might be related.”

  Zara’s eye’s shot to Jessie, and all at once Zara shot to her feet, almost knocking over her chair. With tears in her eyes, she turned and ran out of the room mumbling, “Forgive me, my father needs me.”


  The women continued to talk sometime after Zara’s hasty departure. Finally, Leigh came to collect Jessie. Leigh was excited to spend more time with Jessie. His talks with Looch did not go well. Although he understood his brother’s position on the matter he had no clue how Looch was going to stay sane being so close to Jessie and yet be bonded Zara if she developed his mark. It was a teasing unobtainable goal which would never be ending for as long as Zara or Looch was alive.

  Leigh led Jessie to his room. Jessie was in awe of Leigh’s room let alone the whole palace. But one thing wriggled in Jessie’s mind, “Leigh, forgive my ignorance, but don’t you and Looch sleep in the same place? How is this going to work? I can’t imagine seeing Looch with Zara. I’m still pretty hurt over Looch’s defection to Zara.”

  “Ayah, Looch and I are brothers. We only come together when we have found our mate. Since Zara is still pure, she will not be with Looch unless she develops Looch’s mark. On the Solace we stayed with you out of necessity and because we knew you were our ayah. I hope you believe we were gentlemen and never touched you inappropriately. We just wanted to make sure you did not pull away from us.”

  “Of course you were gentlemen. Both of you held me and comforted me when I needed it. I’m sorry for my ignorance. I hope you will bear with me while I learn things about your planet and customs.”

  “I would love to show you my world, Jessie. For now, I have arranged for us to dine in the gardens. Come.” Holding his hand out, Jessie graciously accepted it and folded it into her own.

  When they arrived in the gardens, there were what Jessie thought to be servants dressed in bunny suits complete with tall ears. “Wait…those aren’t bunny suits.” There stood two, obviously female bunnies standing tall, with simple dresses covering their private areas. They had the bodies of humans covered in fine fur. Their faces looked just like a bunny, a real live Peter Cottontail rabbit. The surprise must have shown on Jessie’s face because the two women who were once smiling now dropped their heads in embarrassment. “Please forgive me, I mean no disrespect. I come from a planet that has never seen any other species.” Smiling at the two women, Jessie whispered, “You are…beautiful.”

  One of the servants lifted her head and winked at her. Jessie relaxed a little. Both servants discreetly left them to their lavish meal. “I hope I didn’t offend them.”

  “My ayah, do not despair. They are from a neighboring planet. Arenians are not able to procreate with their species. We accept their females as companions or servants. Their planet is overpopulated due to their high sex drive and lack of restraint.”

  Jessie chuckled.

  “What is amusing?”

  “Nothing. What is their species called?”

  “They are called the RaBatt.”

  The laughter started to bubble from her until she was laughing so hard she was crying. Leigh loved to hear Jessie laugh. It was such a pleasing sing-song sound. “I don’t understand. What’s so amusing?” Asked Leigh.

  After several long moments, Jessie finally calmed down enough to speak. While wiping the tears away from her eyes, she said, “I’m sorry…it’s just that on Earth we have these animals which look like tiny versions of the RaBatt.”


  “Truly. They run through the forest on four legs and are very fast. On Earth, if you have very high sex drive some might say you hump like bunnies. Bunnies are another name for their more formal name rabbit. Even the name is close. I guess I will need to get used to all the different species you have around your planet.”

  It was Leigh’s turn to start laughing. His laugh was infectious, and Jessie started to laugh at the absurdity of the whole situation.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The entire time Leigh was with Jessie, he constantly kept some part of his body touching hers. He was constantly fingering the small trundles of her hair, commenting about her dress while touching the strips of fabric on her thighs, brushing his fingers delicately across her exposed back, even as they ate, he pulled his chair close to her, so their legs touched. He also hand fed several things to her to try, keeping his fingers to her mouth a little longer than necessary. After their late lunch, Jessie was in a full state of arousal. Leigh led her through the halls of the palace, pointing out various works of art all the while having his hand possessively at the small of her back.

  Later that night, Leigh showed Jessie around their suite. Everything someone could imagine needing was in the suite. It was decorated in muted, red, gray and cream colors. Everything was overly ornate. Hand painted murals on the walls depicting scenery which Jessie thought was either this planet or other neighboring planets. “They’re beautiful and so realistic.” waving
her hands towards the paintings.

  When she didn’t hear anything from Leigh, she turned to find him staring at her with lust filled eyes. “I could not agree more.”

  Jessie returned his stare. “Leigh…I like you. It’s just…I…I was just with Looch for my first time. I was caught up in the moment. This whole situation is foreign to me. I’m a little lost.”

  “You are never lost to me.” Leigh slowly stalked towards her and gently fiddled with her necklace, caressing the column of her neck and lower to the swell of her breasts. Leigh could hear Jessie’s intake of breath and see the flush which crept up her body. “Do not agonize over loving two men, especially when one of those men is my brother. I know it’s not your way, but please do not despair or put labels on what you think of yourself. This is a great union, and I intend to show you how pleasurable it will be between us.”

  Being a little shy, Jessie dropped her head in embarrassment. She had been in this situation before with Looch and look how that turned out.

  “Ayah, don’t forget you can never hide your emotions from me. They are all discernible against my palate.” Leigh took a deep inhalation of air through his nose. “I scent your fear, shame, heartbreak, reluctance, but most of all your underlying arousal.”

  The way Leigh said arousal in a seductive purr sent pangs of lust straight to Jessie’s core. All other emotions seemed to fade away, except for her sexual desire for Leigh.

  Leigh came around to face Jessie’s back. “I will always bring you much pleasure. Although I am somewhat of a commanding lover, I will allow you to control the pace this time.” As Leigh whispered into her ear, he lightly nipped her lobe for emphasis. She shivered with pleasure. Leigh then strode towards the massive bed stripping clothes off as he progressed. When he reached the bed, he was gloriously naked and highly aroused. He lay down in the middle of the expanse and slowly purred his command, “Come to me.”

  Jessie could do nothing but comply with Leigh’s wishes. She was drawn to this man in a way that scared her. The same way she was drawn to Looch. Looch had been firm but gentle with her. She relished giving her innocence to Looch. She had heard horror stories from friends who had given their virginity to their boyfriend in high school or to some random guy in a bar. The problem with both of those kinds of guys was most of them were virgins themselves or even worse, womanizers. They were more interested in quantity than quality she guessed, and from what Jessie had heard, most couldn’t find a clit even if they had a map.


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