Dragon Hunt (Water Dragons Book 1)

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Dragon Hunt (Water Dragons Book 1) Page 9

by Charlene Hartnady

  Storm felt worse. He’d never been wracked with feelings of guilt before. He was the prince. He deserved to win Jolene. “I do not wish to punish you. Go and see a healer before your nose starts to knit.” It was completely bent to one side after that last punch. His bones would be pulverized. Flood would most likely need the bones to be re-broken and reset several times over to get it straight. Punishment enough. “Don’t try that again.” He tried to inject venom into the words and failed. Truth was, the male was fully justified. It was his —cringe—own fault.

  Flood flicked his eyes to him before bowing his head once more. "I wish you all the success with your female, my lord."

  “Thank you.” Storm watched as the male retreated.

  “Are you okay, my lord?” Bay asked. “Shall I call for a healer?”

  “No.” Storm’s lip throbbed and his eye was definitely swollen. It impeded his vision somewhat. “It’s more of an aggravation than anything. Will be healed up in a couple of hours tops.”

  “Good.” Bay sighed and then frowned. “You sure? Your lip is split.”

  Storm touched a finger to his mouth and it stung. “Yes, very sure.” He nodded once, striding away. Bay was treating him like a wilting flower because he was the prince. Any other male would have been sent on his way with a slap on the back. Besides, he was eager to get back to Jolene. Storm needed to apologize and explain things to her. His behavior had been less than stellar.

  Maybe she would open up more and tell him more about herself. Maybe they could be friends. If that led to something more, then great, and if not, at least the rest of their time would be bearable. He needed to try harder to make this ‒ at the very least ‒ tolerable for her. Storm hoped he could make it pleasurable, but tolerable would be the next best thing.

  Jolene hadn't read anything more than a magazine in years. She wasn't sure why, since she had enjoyed the pastime once. She turned the page, engrossed. Apparently, the dragons liked to read. They didn't watch television, but they did have a stocked library. According to Beck, it was large with very high shelves. There was one of those moving ladders a person could use to climb, in order to fetch books on the top shelf. Beck had told her that dragons weren't allowed to shift indoors. It caused too much damage. Hence the need for the ladder. He'd said he would take her to see it while she was here…maybe.

  The great library was apparently stocked with tons of books. Fiction and non-fiction with every genre available. When he'd asked her what she wanted to read, her first instinct had been to request a romance. She'd always loved a good historical bodice-ripper, but right then, that type of book was not advisable. Her plan still stood. No letting her guard down. No sex with Storm.

  Nope, it was a murder mystery for her. A good old ‘who done it’ to keep her mind occupied. She had only started reading it yesterday and she was already halfway through it. She had a good idea who the killer might be. Then again, she was probably wrong. The twists were what made this type of book exciting.

  Beck was sitting on the wingback chair. He was also reading. She wasn’t sure what though, since he held a Kindle in his hand.

  She focused back on the words and hadn’t been reading for more than a few minutes when the door opened. Her whole body seemed to heat a few degrees and her skin actually felt like it tightened. Her muscles tingled, willing her to move.

  Not looking!

  It had to be him, but she was reading and still mad at him for walking out. Head down! Concentrate! She forced herself to keep at it, one word at a time.

  “Evening, my lord— My lord?” Beck’s voice turned…concerned. Yes, there was concern there. By the way it went up at the last word, she was sure it was being posed as a question as well.

  Still not looking!

  Storm had walked out. To let off some steam he had said. Steam? What did that even mean? She didn’t want to know.

  “I’m fine,” Storm said, using his deep baritone. Goosebumps rose up on her arms. Reading, she was reading. Jolene turned the page, not sure of what she had just read. Focus!

  “Are you sure? Your face doesn’t look too hot.” There was humor in Beck’s voice. Why was he smiling? What was wrong with Storm’s face?

  Dang it!

  Jolene lifted her eyes for a quick peek. OM-double-G! What the heck? “What happened to you?” Her words came out in a rush and she realized she was standing. “Are you okay?” She took a couple of steps towards him. She couldn’t help it. His lip was split. There was blood on his chin and more splatters on his chest. His eye was puffed up, the skin a nasty red. A really good shiner if she ever saw one. There was a bruise forming on his jaw as well.

  Storm nodded and smiled. He immediately winced, touching the tip of a finger to his lip. “I’m fine. Turns out you’re not the only one who thinks I’m an asshole.”

  “Who did this?” Beck frowned.

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s taken care of.”

  “You sure? I could hold your hand and tuck you in bed, my lord.” Beck was grinning.

  Storm flipped him the bird, his eyes glinting with humor. What was so funny? This wasn’t a joke.

  Beck chuckled. “If you don’t need anything I’m…” He was already on his feet and moving towards the door.

  “I’m good.” Storm turned his eyes on her. “What about you?”

  “I’m fine,” she said.

  “Okay then.” Beck nodded. “Let me get out of your hair. Nice hanging with you, Jolene.”

  Storm growled, the good side of his mouth turning up. His hands curled into fists and his muscles bulged. The blood made him look mean.

  Beck chuckled as he walked out the door, which clicked softly behind him.

  “Um…do you have a first aid kit or something?” They weren’t on good terms right then, but he needed help and she was it. “Your lip looks sore.” Raw and bloody. He must have taken some punch.

  His lips turned up at the edges in the start of a smile, but he thought better of it. “I’ll take a shower, clean up and I’ll be fine in no time.”

  “You need an ice pack to bring down the swelling and you might need a stitch or two.” She kept her eyes on his lip.

  “Nah!” He shook his head. “I have advanced healing on my side. I’ll be fine soon enough.”

  “Where did you go?” she blurted, folding her arms. “What happened?” She sounded accusatory even though she didn’t mean it like that. “I—” she began, wanting to set the record straight.

  “I—” Storm said at the same time. There was a knock at the door.

  “Maybe Beck forgot something.” She glanced to where they had been sitting and saw the Kindle lying there. “Yup, he forgot his…” She opened the door, stopping what she’d been saying when she saw who was there.

  “Hello, human.”

  Jolene had to crane her neck, that’s how tall the woman was. Her eyes were large and a very bright, brilliant blue. Her hair was dark, darker than Storm’s. She had a smattering of freckles over her nose. “Hi,” Jolene said, not sure what else to say.

  “My name is Crystal.” Wow! She was beautiful. High cheekbones, full lips.

  “Um…good to meet you.”

  “You too. Is the prince…?” Her eyes moved over Jolene’s shoulder. “There you are, my lord. I heard what happened. That Flood!” Her voice deepened, which was strange for a woman. Scales appeared on her cheek and her teeth seemed to sharpen for a second. Then she was walking forward, forcing Jolene to step aside and to let her in.

  Sheesh! The dragon lady’s dress was short. Just-below-the-ass short. It was a light shade of blue and not very flattering otherwise. It didn’t need to be though. Not with legs like that. They went on for miles and miles. Shapely too, in an athletic way. Toned was the right word. Long and toned.

  “By claw!” Crystal huffed the words out.

  “Wait a minute.” Jolene registered what the dragon woman had just said. “You were caught in a flood?” She directed the question at Storm.

  Crystal la
ughed. “Heavens no. Flood is a person. Our strongest warrior.”

  “Why are you here?” Storm growled.

  “To make sure you’re okay and taken care of.” Crystal glanced at her. For a second, there was accusation in her eyes, and then it was gone. “I was worried, my prince.” Crystal turned back to Storm and bowed her head.


  Shit a brick. Make that a house. No wonder Storm acted the way he did. She knew he was spoiled, but this was crazy. It was like he got everything he wanted, whenever he wanted it. If Crystal was anything to go by.

  She pushed those thoughts aside. “Someone named Flood did this to you?” Jolene asked.

  “He should be put in the cage.” Crystal sounded pissed. Her words short and hard. They were very much directed at Storm. “Sit, my lord.” The dragon lady pushed at him, her eyes on the couch. “Let me take care of your wounds. Let me take care of you,” she purred.


  What did she mean by that? Crystal was making it sound like she had more than just Band-Aids and antibacterial cream planned. Maybe Jolene should leave. She felt like she was intruding. Storm didn’t react except to allow himself to be pushed. He sat down and the dragon lady planted herself down next to him.

  It pissed her off. Jolene was living there for the time being. This was her temporary home. Storm was her temporary…she wasn’t sure what he was, but this didn’t feel right.

  “I-I was just about to…” Take care of it. Jolene didn’t get to finish her sentence though.

  “You don’t know our ways, human,” the dragon lady said, sniffing the air. “You are useless to him right now.” This time she definitely saw accusation mingled with animosity.

  “I think we’ll be okay, Crystal,” Storm said. “Thank you for your offer of help, but—”

  “Nonsense,” the dragon woman said, moving in so that her and Storm’s thighs were touching. “You need help and so here I am. I would never leave you in the lurch. You know that.”

  It was weird, Storm looked uncomfortable. “Um, yes, I know.” Why would he be uncomfortable? Only one answer came to mind. He’d slept with her in the past. That was why. Maybe in the not too distant past and maybe even multiple times. Why did that bug her so much? Maybe because right then, she was…his. He kept calling her his.

  You are mine.



  If she was his, then what was this woman doing there? Storm flew off the handle if she so much as talked about another guy. He didn’t even fully trust his best friend around her and here he was…Hell no! Crystal was leaning over Storm, her one hand splayed on his chest while the other touched his face. The bruise on his jaw, his puffy eye. Not a chance! His lip. “Um….” Storm pulled himself upright. “I’m okay. I don’t need…I mean, thanks but I…” He shook his head, looking even more uncomfortable. Why wasn’t he pushing her away? Standing up?

  “I am going to help you, my lord.”

  “I’m pretty sure we’re okay on our own.” If she was sure, then why did she sound so unsure?

  Crystal snorted. “I don’t think so, human.”

  “My name is Jolene.” Good, there was a hard edge to her voice.

  The woman ignored her flat. “He did a good job of it.” She leaned in and kissed Storm. A soft peck to his busted lip.

  What the hell!

  Storm gripped her hip. Jolene wasn’t sure whether it was to push her away or to pull her closer. “Thank you for your concern, Crystal. It is appreciated, I assure you.”

  Appreciated? Sure it was! Jolene realized that her breathing had turned labored. She was clenching her teeth. She wanted to grip Crystal’s hair and yank her off Storm’s lap. Then she wanted to give Storm another shiner. That way he could have matching eyes. Why wasn’t he telling this dragon chick to ‘F’ right off?

  “You heard Jolene. We are fine. It is superficial.” Why was he being so nice all of a sudden? She knew that Storm wasn’t really a bad guy, but neither was he the nice type. This wasn’t him at all.

  “Nonsense!” Crystal looked like she was leaning in for another kiss. Storm plastered himself against the back of the couch and turned his head. “Your healing time would be halved.” More purring. More touching of his face.

  Storm glanced forward and then turned his head back to the side. “Crystal.” He used a harsher tone.

  “Leave us, human,” the shifter growled, whipping her head back and giving Jolene a hard look. Then she straddled Storm and Jolene was sure she caught a flash of butt cheeks. Very naked butt cheeks. Crystal was naked underneath that dress. “I’ll make it better. You need to rut, my lord.”

  Rut. The word knocked around in her brain. Rut!

  Storm lifted his hands. Holding them palms forward. Not touching the dragon but also not pushing her away. “No, I’m doing fine. Please listen to me.” There was a panicked edge to his voice. He sounded like he needed saving.

  It was the first time she had heard him be so damned polite. Why now? He usually growled commands and did as he pleased.

  “Don’t argue.” More purring from the she-dragon.

  “No, I…” Storm shook his head, at this point he was frowning heavily. Her own heart was pounding.

  “This human is useless,” she spat. “I will help you heal.” She thrust her hips.

  Thrust. Them. As in, against Storm. Against his…

  Naked ass and thrusting. On Storm’s lap.

  Oh hell freaking no!

  When Crystal whipped her head around, Jolene realized she’d said it out loud. “Get off of him and right now!” she yelled. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Jolene took a couple of steps towards them.

  Crystal looked at her like she had gone mad. “I’m doing my duty. Someone has to, since that someone isn’t you!” she yelled back.

  “Get off him or I swear to god, I’ll—”

  “You’ll what?” the stupid cow interrupted, staying right where she was. On top of Storm, whose hands were still in the air. “Touch me, human, and you will regret it.” The she-dragon narrowed her eyes at Jolene.

  The tone of her voice made Jolene want to take a step back, but she refrained, holding her ground. “You had…” She stopped talking when Storm finally reacted.

  He lifted Crystal off his lap, dumping her on the couch next to him. “You won’t so much as touch a hair on the human’s head.” His voice was deadly calm as he stood up.

  “You can leave now.” Jolene folded her arms, eyes on the she-dragon.

  “No.” Crystal shook her head, looking confused. “This female isn’t going to give you what you need,” she pleaded with Storm. “You know I can. We are compatible.”

  Proof! They had definitely slept together. Maybe even recently. Jealousy felt like poison in her veins.

  “What I need is for you to leave…please.” He tacked the word on at the end of the sentence, which made her blood boil. Why was he still being so damned nice?

  “Get out!” Jolene yelled. She walked over to the door and yanked it open.

  “This human is not doing her duty.”

  The nerve! “Are you hard of hearing?” Jolene asked. “Get the hell out!”

  “My senses are far superior, no, I am not hard of hearing. Quite the opposite,” Crystal shrugged. “We are superior in all ways. Well, in everything barring having young. That’s why you are here.” It was flung at Jolene. Like she was the sum total of her ovaries and her womb.

  Jolene sucked in a deep breath. There were so many things she could say back. Things that she knew would hurt the she-dragon, but she opted not to say them.

  “Go!” Storm growled, finally issuing a command and doing so in a warning tone.

  Crystal didn’t flinch. “If you change your mind, my lord…” Another quick bow and she left.

  Jolene shook with anger as she turned to face Storm. “You shouldn’t have turned her away on account of me.” She shook her head. “Beck has babysat me for almost an entire day. What was a few hours more? Eve
n a whole night more. Hell, may as well make it the next few weeks even.” She didn’t wait for a response. “Then again, you were probably getting your rocks off earlier, so you didn’t need her.” The words kept coming. “You’re probably all sexed out, hence the need for a shower and a nap. Come to think of it, you more than likely went after someone else’s woman. Less chance of commitment that way. That’s why you got beaten up, isn’t it?”

  Chapter 12

  “That’s not why I got beaten up.” He narrowed his eyes. “Besides, it’s a few scratches, I’m hardly beaten up. You should see the other male.”

  “You sure as heck look beaten to me.”

  “Well, I’m not. I don’t have a single broken bone. I’m not missing an organ. I’m certainly not bleeding profusely, so I am not beaten up.”

  “Fine!” Her chest heaved. She had a ton more to say, but right then she was too busy grinding her teeth together and breathing like mad through her nose to get a word out. Her anger was still blazing as she recalled those hip thrusts against his groin area.

  “Are you done?” Storm’s eyes blazed.

  “No!” she yelled. “Furthermore, you’re an asshole!”

  “Tell me something I don’t already know!” he yelled back.

  “If you know it, why don’t you do something about it?” Jolene put her hands on her hips.

  “I’m trying!” he snapped. “For the record, I didn’t fuck anyone earlier today. Nor did I get beaten because of another female. Mated or otherwise.”

  “Oh, so you admit you got beaten up.”

  He groaned. Truth was, she felt something ease when he told her he hadn’t been with anyone else. “I’m trying here.”

  “Trying my ass. You growl if I talk to your best friend. You growl if he even looks at me innocently. You keep telling me I’m yours, and yet you let that…that…her…” Jolene pointed at the door. “Sit all over you with her naked ass. She kissed you and you did nothing about it.”

  “I was trying to be nice.” Storm ran a hand through his hair.


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