Dragon Hunt (Water Dragons Book 1)

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Dragon Hunt (Water Dragons Book 1) Page 15

by Charlene Hartnady

  “What the fuck!” Storm snarled. His voice crackled over the headset.

  “What? What is it?” Just as she had just started to relax. “Is there something wrong with the helicopter?”

  “No, I can see something in the distance that looks very much like another chopper.” He sounded deep in thought.

  “Oh!” She clutched at her chest before realizing she’d let her harness go with that hand. She grabbed it again. “I thought it was something bad. Don’t scare me like that.”

  “Yep, it’s definitely another bird.” Storm was frowning. “I’m going to get us out of here. Hold on.” He pushed the stick slightly to the right and the chopper started to bank.

  “It’s just that—” Before he could continue, a voice came in over the radio and into their headsets.

  “Foreign craft. Come in foreign craft. Over.”

  “Fuck!” Storm muttered. “They must have radar. There’s no way they could have spotted us with the naked eye.”

  “Is everything okay?” Jolene frowned. She got the distinct impression everything was not fine.

  “Yes.” Storm nodded. “Just fine.” He glanced her way, a smile plastered on his face.

  Why didn’t she believe him? “Who was that talking? Is there a problem?”

  Instead of answering her, Storm pushed a switch, holding it down while he spoke. “This is the foreign craft. Over.”


  More nothing.

  “Should I be worried?” she asked.

  “I’ve got this,” Storm reassured her.

  “This is Alpha nine, one, zero, two. Who am I speaking to? Over.”

  “Shit!” Storm snapped before sucking in a deep breath. He pressed the button. “Whiskey, four, six, one, four. Over.”

  The radio crackled immediately. “Whiskey, four, six, one, four did you know this was restricted airspace? You are currently flying in restricted airspace. Over.”

  "Yes, I knew that," he said out loud but to himself. "Don't say a word, Jolene."

  She nodded. “Okay.” She quickly added when she realized he wasn’t looking at her.

  “Negative, I didn’t know,” he sounded panicked. Not like Storm at all. “I’m taking my girlfriend for a spin. I must have drifted off course.”

  She was quite sure they were in a dangerous situation. Everything about this screamed ‘wrong’! Yet, when he called her his girlfriend, something warmed in her. It wasn’t true of course and yet…

  “What should I do? Over.” Storm released the button.

  There was a long piece of radio silence. “What’s going on?” Jolene asked, starting to feel scared. She could make out the other helicopter now. It looked like it was gaining on them.

  “They’re right, this is restricted airspace. I know that because it was we, the dragon shifters, who implemented the restriction in the first place. It’s a long story as to how we got it right. No craft, civilian or otherwise is permitted to enter our airspace. They are the ones trespassing. Not me!”

  “Come in Whiskey, four, six, one, four. Over.” The radio crackled in her ears.

  “Go ahead. Over,” Storm said.

  “I can’t pick up your registration in the database. Over.”

  "Fuck!" Storm snarled. "They can't pick my reg. up because this helicopter isn't registered. I made that up on the spot. They're in an old military chopper. That bad boy is bigger and quicker than ours, and by the looks of things, they're coming in hot."

  “Hot. What does that mean?”

  "I think they're armed. We've had some trouble with unidentified choppers flying over our territories over the last year or so. Thus far we've avoided them and remained hidden." He looked her way, his violet eyes solemn. "I think the time for hiding just came to an end."

  “You think these guys mean us harm?” Panic welled in her. She sucked in a deep breath, quelling the emotion. It wasn’t going to help them get out of this.

  “I think so.” Storm pressed the button. “Are you sure? That doesn’t sound right. Over.”

  “Yes. Whiskey four, six, one, four is not in the database. Over.”

  “Did you say Whiskey four, six, one, four? Over,” Storm asked. “They’re definitely armed. Normally I would call this in and handle it myself, but I need to keep you safe. I think these are hunters. We’re sure word of our existence leaked after the first human Bride Hunt. We’ve changed things since then. We’re stricter about background checks and paperwork.”

  “You’re telling me.” The endless interviews. All the documentation giving them permission to check all aspects of her life. The agreements and contracts. She’d almost backed out a couple of times.

  “Affirmative, that’s Whiskey four, six, one, four. Over.”

  “Sorry, I’m not sure how it happened but it should be Whiskey four, seven, one, four. I repeat Whiskey four, seven, one, four. Over.” Storm turned a dial and pressed the button again. “Whiskey four, seven, one, four to base, come in base. Over,” he said, releasing the button and glancing at her. “I’m letting home know there’s a problem and then we’re getting out of here. You need to hold on tight and close your eyes if you have to.”

  She nodded, her eyes felt huge in her head and her mouth felt really dry.

  Storm pushed a breath out through his nose. “I’m going to get you out of this in one piece. I promise.”

  She nodded again.

  “This is base. Go ahead Whiskey four, seven, one, four. Over.”

  “I’ve just been informed by an Alpha nine, one, zero, two, that I’m flying in restricted airspace. Over,” Storm said releasing the button.

  “Clever, you’re letting home know we have company, right?” she asked.

  “Exactly. I’m sure the other chopper has all the equipment to listen in to whatever channel I select. I’m buying us time. I don’t want to tip them off that we’re onto them just yet. They’re gaining on us but they’re not flying top speed yet. Not even close.”

  “Whiskey four, seven, one, four, come in. Over.”

  “Shit,” she said. “That’s the bad guys.”

  Storm nodded once. “This is Whiskey four, seven, one, four. Over.”

  “This is base. What are your coordinates? Over.” It was the dragons.

  Storm turned the dial. "I don't know. We should have been flying over the Fire Mountains heading East, but we're lost. I plan to follow the shoreline in that direction. Over." He turned to her. "Our species call this part of the dragon lands the Fire Mountains. It's just within the Fire Dragons' territory." He shrugged. "The range is vast. It might take them a few minutes to find us."

  “So, when you told them where we should be flying, you were actually telling them where we are now?”

  He nodded.

  “Quick thinking.” She smiled.

  The radio crackled. “That registration isn’t in the database either. Who are you really? Over.”

  “Playtime is over,” Storm said. “Hold on.” They banked sharply, dropping altitude and Jolene grit her teeth. What she really wanted to do was scream but that would be counterproductive.

  “Whiskey four, seven, one, four you had better tell us who you are, or we will be forced to shoot you down. You are in restricted airspace. Over.” The person talking had raised his voice.

  “You first. Over,” Storm said, releasing the button. “You sure as fuck aren’t Alpha nine, one, zero, two. Over and out.”


  More silence.

  “I thought so,” Storm muttered. “They’re gaining on us.”

  Jolene squeezed her eyes shut as the chopper banked again. They were moving at what felt like an alarming speed. Every time the chopper dipped or banked, her stomach gave a lurch. She held onto her harness for dear life.

  “Good thing I know these mountains better than the back of my hand,” Storm said, as the helicopter banked the other way. “I sure as hell know them better than those human hunters.”

  There was a loud noise followed by a loud bang.
Jolene squealed as they banked sharply again.

  “Fuckers are shooting at us,” Storm growled.

  “Oh god!” she shrieked, opening her eyes and then wishing she hadn’t. They were flying in a narrow gully that twisted and turned, left and right and left again. Storm was flying like a pro. Any wrong move, though, and they’d hit sheer cliff on either side.

  She glanced back and then wished she hadn’t. The much larger helicopter had gained on them. “They’re shooting!” she yelled when she caught sight of orange flames coming out of what looked like large machine guns on either side of the chopper.

  “Bastards!” They veered sharply to the right, following the gully. The spray of bullets just missed them, tearing huge chunks of rock face from the cliff.

  “That was too close.” Storm shook his head. “When we get out of this, I’m ditching this chopper and buying something faster.”

  “If we get out of this.”

  “We will, Sweet Lips,” Storm growled. “Hopefully the cavalry will get to us first, but if not, I have a plan.” Storm sounded confident. He looked confident. “Hold on!” he yelled, pulling to the right again.

  This time he was too late. There was a pinging, tearing noise as bullets ripped through the side of the chopper, which shook, almost colliding with sheer rock.

  Jolene screamed.

  “You injured?” Storm barked, trying to look her way and steer.

  “No!” she called back.

  He huffed out a breath. “Forget waiting. It’s time for plan B.” Storm steered them into the middle of an S-bend. When he reached the center, he pulled up, hovering.

  “Um…what are you doing?” She could hear the panic in her voice.

  “I have lightning fast reflexes. Make sure your straps are tight and face ahead, chin on your chest,” Storm said, voice calm.

  Her heart galloped in her chest as she did as he said.

  “Come on cocksuckers. Come on,” he coaxed. Two seconds later, the engine whined as he yanked the helicopter up. Jolene’s stomach dropped as they flew up.

  Something caught them on their undercarriage ‒ Jolene screamed as the chopper spun out of control. Storm cursed through clenched teeth, fighting for control. There was a bright orange ball of flames and excessive heat that rolled out just as quickly as it had rolled in.

  “Got them!” Storm yelled, the chopper steadying.

  Jolene looked out the window at the gully below. There were pieces of chopper strewn everywhere, some of them still on fire. She looked at Storm, who was grinning.

  “I thought we were goners.” She must have been holding her breath because she was panting.

  “Such little faith. I’m disappointed.” He winked at her.

  Jolene laughed, feeling hyped. It must have been the adrenaline coursing through her system. Her hands shook. “How long did you say you’ve been flying? It can’t be weeks.”

  “You’d better believe it baby.” He rose up above the mountain range. “It did take four crashed choppers to get here though.”

  “Four?” she chuckled, shaking her head. “I’m glad you didn’t tell me that before we took off. I would never have gone with you.”

  “Finally.” Storm waved as four dragons appeared around them. He pointed down, to where smoke billowed and then gave the thumbs up. “We’re fine!” he yelled. One of the dragons gave a nod of his great head. It dropped out of the sky, almost freefalling to the crash site. The other three followed suit. “Time to get you back on solid ground.”

  “That would be nice.” Jolene licked her lips.

  Storm flew them quickly. Fields, streams and gullies passed beneath them. Neither of them spoke. It couldn't have been more than ten or fifteen minutes, and he was setting the chopper down on the same grassy bank from earlier.

  Her heart still raced. Her whole body vibrated.

  Storm flicked a few switches and the helicopter was powering down. He pulled off the headset, placing it on the dash. She did the same.

  “We nearly died,” she blurted.

  “Hardly—” he began, but Jolene didn’t let him finish. Careful to avoid joysticks and various equipment, she pulled up her skirt and straddled Storm, covering his lips with her own and clasping his jaw with her hands.

  He grew hard against her core in seconds. Their tongues dueled, their lips smacked. Her breathing turned into hard panting. Storm pulled back, he grinned. “I think I might try and kill us more often.” His eyes dropped to her mouth.

  “Don’t you dare,” she said as she pulled his cotton pants down, watching as his cock sprang free.

  There was a tearing noise and a pulling sensation as Storm ripped off her panties. He tried to undo his harness. “Leave it.” She looked him in the eyes.

  “You giving the orders now?”

  “Yes,” she growled the word.

  “Okay then.” He half-smiled, looking sexy. “You want the harness to stay, it stays.”

  Jolene gripped his wide girth and sank herself onto his hard length in one thrust. No need for foreplay. She was soaking wet. Storm closed his eyes and groaned.

  Using hard, quick strokes, she repeatedly impaled herself on his cock. Storm grunted. She watched his Adam’s apple work. His eyes turn stormy. His jaw tightened. Within minutes, she was yelling his name.

  Storm groaned hers. His grip on her hips tightened. His eyes widened. “Fuck,” he finally whispered, letting his head fall against her chest, his arms circled her. “You need to know that almost dying and letting you fuck me have become my new favorite things.” He was breathing heavily.

  Jolene was still breathing hard herself. She giggled. “That’s the last time.”

  “That you fuck me?” It was comical how panicked he sounded.

  “No, crazy guy, that we almost die. I didn’t enjoy that at all.”

  “Liar. You haven’t had so much fun…ever.”

  “Fun!” she snorted, sounding shocked. “Dying is not my idea of fun.”

  “Almost dying is not the same as dying.” He reached up and kissed her softly. “And I agree, we won’t try that again. I would hate for something to happen to you.” He hugged her close.

  Even though this felt like a moment, she reminded herself that it was just afterglow after good, adrenaline-fueled sex. Nothing more!

  Chapter 18

  The next day…

  Crystal bellowed, clutching her sides.

  Forget laughing. Laughing was too tame. The female bent over her middle and let it rip.

  “It’s not that funny.” Storm shook his head.

  “I think it is.” Crystal finally said, coming up for air, a huge smile still plastered to her face. Her eyes were wet. Her lashes glinted.

  “It really isn’t,” Storm said. “You were the one who offered and I’m taking you up on it.”

  “Why has this human got you so rattled?”

  Storm shrugged. “I guess I don’t want her to forget me when she goes.”

  Crystal looked at him pointedly. “You really think she’s going to forget you? You? Storm, Prince of Water?”

  Just nine short days ago, he would’ve said the same. But now, he wasn’t so sure.

  “Come on,” she rasped. “Not happening. How often does a human get whisked away and seduced by a dragon prince? Never…okay? It doesn’t happen.”

  “I know she won’t forget me…this.” He gestured around them. “Thing is, I’m competitive.”

  “I know,” she said when he didn’t elaborate.

  “I don’t like that I’m not her best. I want to be her best. Moreover, I want to always be her best. I don’t want another guy ever beating me.”

  “That’s crazy!” Crystal looked at him like he’d gone mad. “Why do you want to be her best for all time? What you’re saying is you want her to leave here and pine for you. That’s what you’re saying, right? Not just in the immediate future but always.”

  “Hearing you put it like that…it sounds like a dick move.” He rubbed the back of his neck. �
��But,” he shrugged, “that’s what I want.”

  Crystal narrowed her eyes. “It is a dick move. One I don’t understand, but hey,” she shrugged, “I made a deal with you, so, I’ll teach you everything I know. Did you bring a pen and paper?”

  “I don’t need a pen and paper, Crystal.”

  “Yes, you do. You really, really do.”

  Fuck! He was so bad, he needed a notepad and a pen to write this shit down. Why had no-one ever told him? Crystal burst out laughing. "You should see your face. She really has you in a flat spin."

  Storm heaved a sigh. “Don’t do that. I might have to put you in the cage. Or ban any of the males from sharing your bed.”

  “You wouldn’t! Tell me you’re not that cruel.”

  “Chill! I wouldn’t do that. Now, spill.”

  "There are one or two fundamental things and then quite a number of tips." She winked. "Let's start with the most important."

  Storm nodded, focusing on her every word.

  “Glad you could finally make it.” Torrent’s face was red. He had that I’m-going-to-fuck-you-up look that Storm knew well. Thankfully he wouldn’t be able to follow through on the threat his eyes were making.

  “Apologies, sire.” He bowed his head and lowered his eyes before turning to the Fire King. “Good to see you, my lord. How are your lovely mate and your sweet whelps?”

  Blaze didn’t quite smile but his eyes twinkled in amusement.

  “First, you are late and then you waste our time with small-talk,” his brother growled.

  Blaze finally cracked a smile. “My mate is well, and my young are…busy…” He widened his eyes before smiling again. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Storm nodded in Flood’s direction and the male nodded back. He still managed to keep that serious disposition he wore so well.

  “Apologies for being late,” he spoke to Blaze.

  “It was only by three minutes,” the Fire King shrugged. The four kings were so competitive. He knew Blaze would take an opposite stance to Torrent, if he played them right, and he clearly had.

  “What was so important?” Torrent couldn’t let it go.

  “My female was quite traumatized after yesterday’s event, she didn’t sleep at all last night.” All true but it had nothing to do with their traumatic event. “Jolene didn’t want me to leave her.” Again, true, but for different reasons than he was hinting at.


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