Loving Heart (The Broken Heart Series Book 3)

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Loving Heart (The Broken Heart Series Book 3) Page 8

by Rose, Angel

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re delusional.” he said softly.

  “Delusional my ass. I want you to stay away from my wife. She doesn’t deserve to get stuck with a sick bastard like you.” he said sternly.

  “Look who’s talking. Mr. Accomplice himself.” He laughed in Michael’s face. Then turned to me. “That’s up to her. She knows I’m incapable of hurting anyone, let alone, let Dave hurt her like you did.”

  “You’re a liar Nick and that’s exactly why you and Dave had the perfect relationship. You were able to close your eyes to the real him and pretend you didn’t see what you saw. You complimented each other and now you think you’re going to try to convince my wife that you’re a saint. You really believe you’re going to capture her heart? Over my dead body.” he started puffing his chest in anger.

  “That’s not a problem, cowboy. Watch your back, Michael. Steven Marquis is not the only maniac on the loose. There’s a new sheriff in town and that sheriff…is me. I’m untouchable, just like Dave. What are you going to do now…bitch?” He laughed in Michael’s face and Michael held his breath. Michael clenched his car keys in his hand, his knuckles tight and white. I knew if he could, he would slice Nick’s throat with his car keys. “I’m done here. Jenesis, see you…soon.” He said as he smiled at me and walked away. Michael and I were left standing in the middle of the sidewalk. Michael’s blood was dried up above his lips and he had dried blood on his hands.

  “Come on, let’s go home.” he reached out for my hand. I glanced up at him. My heart was pounding. I knew going back home with him would be a mistake, but where could I go? I had no family, no job, no nothing. I grabbed his hand and I held on tight. He opened the passenger side and a bouquet of yellow roses were on the seat. “Yellow for joy and happiness, but especially friendship. I want to start over Jenesis. I want us to be friends. We’ll split the apartment and I promise, I’ll let you live your life.” he inhaled deeply and placed his arms around me. I shrugged him off.

  “Thank you. I’d feel safer if you were there anyway. But, we’re not together. I still want a divorce.” His eyes widened. “Will you see Dr. Logan with me?” I whispered.

  “A divorce? Can we hold off on that? Please.” He pleaded with his eyes. “Yes. Yes, I will see Dr. Logan with you.” he answered.

  The drive to the apartment was silent but filled with promise. There was something different about Michael and I was hoping it was the beginning of what I was looking for…peace.

  We walked into the apartment building, staring at each other like two strangers. The baby was moving…a lot. I smiled just thinking about him fluttering inside of me. As we walked through the front door of our apartment, bouquets of yellow roses filled the foyer. I glanced over at Michael who was turning on the lamp in the living room.


  “Yeah?” he answered as he plopped himself on the couch.

  “This is wrong.” I leaned my head against the wall.

  “One step at a time.” he said softly.

  “I don’t know how to take that first step.” I shook my head. He stood up and walked towards me placing his hands around me leaning them against the wall. He hovered over me, his face so close to mine, I could feel his breath on my lips.

  “This is the first step, Jenesis.” He placed his lips on mine tenderly. I closed my eyes and lifted my hands to cup his face. He parted his lips and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I could feel the warm moisture between my legs on my lace panties. His touch alone made me wet. I kissed him back and our tongues whirled in each other’s mouths. It felt so good to kiss him, to feel him, to swallow him. So much happened in one day; my life was spiraling out of control and I didn’t know how to get it back. He pulled away from me suddenly.

  “Jenesis, we need to take a break.” he whispered. My heart sank into my stomach. I released his face from my hands.

  “Okay, whatever you feel is necessary to make this work.” I lied through my teeth. I wanted to cry but I held it in.

  “I’m leaving tomorrow for California.” He pushed himself off of the wall.

  “California? What’s in California?”.

  “I have a case. We need the money. Things have been slow since the Marquis case.”

  “What about me and the baby?” I walked over to the couch in the living.

  “I spoke to Dr. Logan. You’re staying with her until I come back.” he said confidently.

  “Oh, well, I guess you have everything planned out.” I shrugged my shoulders and sat like an Indian on the couch.

  “It’s just for two weeks. We need the money.” His voice was low and saddened.

  “What if I told you I didn’t want you to go?” I stood up and approached him. He stared at me; his eyes locked with mine. I didn’t want him to leave, but he looked like he already made up his mind.


  “Jenesis, it’s time for me to grow up and take responsibility for what I’ve done. If I don’t keep my promise to you, then I’m the same person I was before. I love you, Jenesis, I love you so much.” My voice was trembling and I could feel the lump in my throat growing thicker. I wasn’t a sucker. I didn’t want to cry, but something deep down inside of my soul needed to be released, and that’s exactly what happened. I stared into her beautiful hazel eyes and gently placed my forehead against hers. I held her gently in my arms and I began to cry. What man cries? I thought to myself. I tried to hold it in, but I couldn’t. It just took over. I sobbed into her hair and she began to cry on my shoulder. I cried so hard that my body jolted up and down; I was crying from my gut.

  “Jenesis, help me, please help me.” I whispered.

  “Michael? What is it? What’s wrong?” She said as she wiped her own tears.

  “I don’t want to be like…him.” She wiped my tears with her hands.

  “You’re nothing like him.” She whispered. She was lying to me. I knew what I was and I…was a monster. I placed my head on her lap, leaning my big body on the couch sobbing uncontrollably. My body was shaking. My hands were clenched on her inner thighs. My pain was so real; I didn’t think it could feel worse than the day Dave killed my mother in front of me; or the day I watched him rape my wife. No one understood the extent of my pain. All she sees is a man who helped his father kill women. If she really only knew…

  She grabbed my hair gently and lifted my head off of her lap. She cupped my face into her hands.

  “Promise me something?” She kissed my forehead.

  “Anything.” I whimpered as I lowered my eyes to the floor.

  “Love me, love us, unconditionally, the way that I love you. Don’t question my love for you and don’t question the love between us and this baby. This baby is not Dave’s. It’s not. I can feel it” She stared at me hard trying to convince me that all I needed to do was believe her. I raised my eyes to her.

  “What about Nick?” my voice trembled with anger.

  “What about him?” she answered.

  “Do you love him? Did you ever love him?” I shook my head to get rid of the thought.

  “Of course not.” She released my face from her hands. “I can never love anyone but you.” She whispered.

  “I don’t deserve you.” I slid my fingers through my hair knowing damn well I didn’t. I ruined her life. It’s just unforgivable.

  “You do. You do because I love you.” She kissed my lips then held me in her arms. Her cell phone vibrated, the sound of a text message coming through echoed in the hallway. “Let me see who that is.” She let me go then walked over into the hallway.

  “Who is it?” I asked walking over to her.

  She scooped up the cell phone from the table, typed in her code and read text message.

  “Who is it?”

  She almost dropped the phone when I asked.

  “No one.” She replied. But, it was too late it was written all over her face and I knew something on that phone had shocked her.

  “Give it to me…please.” I
said as I slid the phone gently out of her hands. “put the code in,” I asked softly.

  “Michael, this isn’t necessary.” She said as she tried to grab the phone out of my hand.

  “Jenesis, no more lies. You promised.” I said sternly. She typed in the code without removing the phone from my hand. The message popped up and my lips parted in awe as I read it.

  Today, 7:49 PM

  Jenesis, Michael is lying. He’s lying to you. He knew everything Dave was doing. He’s in on it. Trust me. You don’t know what you’re dealing with. He’s a murderer. A killer. Like his father.

  “What the fuck is this?” I said through gritted teeth. “You gave this piece of shit your number?” I said angrily.

  “He always had my number.” She said as her voice quivered.

  “Do you believe what he wrote?” I asked. I was livid as I walked over to the kitchen. I wanted to punch something. But I had to stay calm. She would be frightened and I didn’t want to frighten her. She walked behind me in the hopes that I would calm down, so I did my best to do that. The phone’s text message sound went off again in my hand. I looked down at the phone that was in my grasp. My heart stopped for a moment, I felt my face flush. I stood staring at the phone, then I looked up at her. I handed her the phone and as she reached out to grab it from me I grabbed her hand.

  “What is it Michael?” I whispered.

  “Read it.” I said softly. She grabbed the phone and read the message.

  Today, 7:54PM

  Jenesis, the results are in. I am your father.


  She placed the phone slowly on the kitchen table. She looked up at me and walked out towards the hallway. At that moment I didn’t know what to do. I just stared at her thinking, this is either the best or the worse day of her life.

  Jenesis Chapter 9

  “Jenesis?” Michael called out to me.

  I stood against the wall with a ball of my childhood memories choking me at the back of my throat. The tears were brimming to the surface of my eyes but I refused to let them spill over. I’ve cried so much; I didn’t want to cry anymore. Maybe this could be a positive experience. Maybe I could find the love that I had with Dave with Joe. Michael approached me and I put my hand up in the air to stop him.

  “I’m okay. I’m okay.” I whispered.

  “Jenesis, I’m sorry.” he placed his hand on my shoulder.

  “I want to see him.” I said as I glanced up into his eyes.

  “Let’s do it.” he said without hesitation.

  “Alone, I want to see him alone.” he nodded his head as I sent Joe a text message.

  I’d like to meet. Can we meet tonight? I can’t wait until the morning.


  As I finished typing the text I heard a faint knock on the door. Michael’s head turned suspiciously towards the door.

  “I’ll get it.” he walked towards the door and turned the knob slowly while looking over at me. He opened the door and to my surprise Joe was standing there with white orchids in his hands. My face froze. My heart hammered against my chest when I saw the flowers. I felt a stab in my heart and Michael knew why. Michael stood staring at him with pure hate in his eyes.

  “Michael?” He extended his hand out.

  “Can you leave the orchids outside?” he motioned with his hands.


  “She’s allergic.” Michael said quickly. “Please, come in.” He stepped out of the way to let Joe in.

  “Jenesis, my sweet, Jenesis. I’m so happy.” He held out his arms to hug me.

  “Joe?” I whispered. Michael knew exactly what I was thinking. He knew I was scared, terrified at the idea that the man standing in front me was my father. How was I supposed to greet him? How was I supposed to call him dad? I was shaking internally and I could feel the baby twisting and turning with excitement. He had a grandfather. His real grandfather. I walked over to Joe and slipped my arms around his waist. He kissed the top of my head and inhaled deeply over my hair.

  “I’ve waited so long for this. I’ve waited twenty-three years to hold you like this; To tell you that I love you. You’ve always been my little girl. I’m so sorry we didn’t tell you before. I’m so sorry.” I could feel his chest heaving in and out and I could see the storm of emotions ready to explode from his face. And he did, he busted into tears and lost control. “I loved your mother, I loved her so much…I just can’t believe she’s gone.” He sobbed as he covered his face with his hands. Michael escorted him to the living room to sit on the couch. I held my stomach as he mentioned my mother. I was angry at her, yet, I had no reason to be. She always wanted to protect me. My baby fluttered within me and I rubbed my belly gently. I caught Michael staring at me and he smiled bringing me the warmness in my heart I needed to feel right at that very moment. I looked over at Joe. I wanted to hold on to Joe forever and never let him go. Now that I knew he was my real father, I felt relieved.

  I walked over to the couch and sat by Joe. He finally removed his hands from his face, looked at me then cried on my shoulder. Michael walked over to the kitchen and came back with three beers and handed one to Joe. Joe grabbed the beer and whimpered as he sucked down the beer leaving little air between his clogged nose and giant gulps.

  “Well, congratulations you guys!” Michael shouted as he saluted us with his beer in his hand. We both looked up at him, our swollen and tearful eyes meeting his. Michael shrugged his shoulders quickly and sat down on the opposite couch chugging down a beer quickly while we stared at him in shock. I shook my head at Michael.

  “Joe, please, try and calm down.” I said softly hoping he would calm down and take a breath.

  “I’m sorry. I just feel so…hurt.” he answered. He slurped down the rest of his beer and wiped his nose with his sleeve. “May I use your bathroom?”

  “Sure, down the hall to your left” Michael replied. “Jenesis, this is great news, right?”

  “I’m not sure. I’m still in shock. So many questions that need to be answered; How did Dave know about all of this, surely, he needed to know someone?” I leaned my head against the couch trying to gather my thoughts. It didn’t make sense. How could Dave know something so personal like this about my family?

  Joe returned from the bathroom and stood by the living room entrance. We heard a knock at the door and Joe walked over to answer it.

  “It’s probably Kate. I invited her over. I hope you don’t mind.” he shouted as he opened the door. The shots that rang out sounded like firecrackers and Michael and I automatically hit the floor and crawled to each other. Michael made me hide behind the couch.

  “Stay here.” he whispered as he placed his hand over my mouth. My body was trembling and my hands were sweating.

  “Michael, no, please don’t go.” I whispered. I grabbed his hand and he pulled it away. I could hear Joe moaning in agony. Michael crawled near the entrance of the living room and stuck his head out cautiously.

  “Jenesis, hurry, call an ambulance!” he shouted. I crawled quickly near Michael then I stood up and screamed running to Joe and holding his hand.

  “Joe! Joe! Can you hear me?” I held his hand tightly kissing his knuckles as the tears flooded my eyes. “Don’t leave me! please, don’t leave me!” I shouted.

  “Jenesis, their coming; Joe hold on! Hold on!” Michael pressed his hand hard against the hole near Joe’s shoulder that was oozing blood rapidly. Joe was breathing fast and I knew he was losing his will to fight. The hole near his shoulder continued to gush out blood as I heard someone running up the stairs.

  “Hey, my name is Jackson. I live on the first floor. I heard the gunshots. I’m an EMS worker. Can I check him out?” A tall, attractive man in a black suit said as he leaned over Joe.

  “Sure.” I gazed at him up and down.

  “I was at funeral. I just came back.” He glanced over at Michael.

  “Remove his shirt please.” He helped me remove his shirt and applied pressure on the wound with gauze, placing
one hand over the other. He looked at Joe. His eyes widening as he saw Joe's eyes roll into his sockets. He looked over at Michael.

  “Dammit, where the fuck is that ambulance?” Michael barked.

  We heard the ambulance sirens. I glanced towards the door and looked over at Joe.

  “They’re here Joe, they’re here.” I whispered. “Hold on.” I was choking on the ball in my throat. I couldn’t contain myself. “You’re going to be a grandfather. Don’t let go. Don’t let go.” Joe opened his eyes and smiled. “Yes, you can do it. Please don’t leave me, don’t leave me.” The EMS workers quickly got an IV into Joe’s arm. They thanked Jackson who rode with EMS to the hospital. They placed him on the stretcher and started to wheel him out. He reached out for me and I grabbed his hand. “I love you, Joe.” I whispered.

  “Jenesis, I love you, too.” he muttered. He tried his best to push the words through his lips. I knew what he said and I knew that he loved me. I held his hand into the ambulance and sat beside him on the stretcher as Michael followed behind us in his car. The police also followed. They needed to ask us questions about what happened at the apartment.


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