Harlequin Blaze 51: Take Me

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Harlequin Blaze 51: Take Me Page 11

by Cherry Adair

  He smiled.

  The door clinged, then slid open.

  Everyone poured out, leaving Joshua and Jessie behind.

  Joshua had his handkerchief in one hand. He offered her his other hand. Jessie took it and stepped forward. Oh, my God.

  The benwa balls shifted and slid inside her. She stumbled, holding on to Joshua's hand for dear life. Her vaginal muscles clamped down hard. She shot him a narrow-eyed look.

  "I'm operating these things without a license, and without instructions," she said between her teeth. "I'm going to get you for this, Falcon."

  They followed the noise to the open doors of the penthouse. He smiled, tucking his damp hankie back in his pocket. "All you need to know is muscle control. You can do it."

  "Easy for you to say," Jessie groused. "You're not the one walking like a duck."

  "I am walking with a limp, however. I haven't seen you in seventy-two hours. God, I missed you."

  The unexpected flash of a camera captured Jessie and she started to laugh. "Oh, no, the paparazzi are here." She got the giggles. "Oh, Lord. What if these damn things fall out and roll across the floor?"

  "They won't." Joshua squeezed her hand against his body. "Everyone's going to see that picture and want to have you."

  "I'll have to tell them I'm taken 'til December." Jessie looked around for a familiar face, trying to concentrate on anything but what was happening to her body. Those benwa balls certainly produced an odd sensation. The more she walked, the more they slid around and the hornier she became.

  "Rat," she grumbled under her breath as a nice little aftershock traveled up her spine and she pressed their clasped hands against her aching breast.

  He smiled. "Thank me later."

  The balls did a slow shimmy. Jessie tightened her pc muscles. Oh, brother. Wasn't this going to be an interesting evening?

  There were several of her clients and a few other people she recognized. She turned back to him. He had the strangest look on his face. His playful mood of moments ago evaporated. Once again he was The Glacier. Now what?

  Raising her voice above the noise, she stepped closer to Joshua as people surged around them. The balls danced around a bit, then settled when she stood still. Good. Stay that way. "Which is the engaged couple?"

  "The joyous couple over by the ice sculpture." Joshua indicated with a nod. He slid his arm around her waist, anchoring her to his side.

  "The blonde in the blue dress and the tall guy?" Jessie observed the newly engaged pair as they gestured angrily, oblivious to their guests. In the din, it was impossible to hear what they were saying, just observe how they were saying it.

  "That's a photograph I'd put in the dictionary under divorce."

  "They're not married yet," Jessie reminded him. He was in a strange mood.

  "Yeah, well, it won't last if they already argue in public like that."

  "Not all marriages end in divorce."

  "Just more than fifty percent."

  "That means almost fifty percent are happy."

  Joshua touched her cheek. "The half-full glass theory?"

  "Works for me."

  "Let's agree to disagree." Joshua's hand lingered on her cheek. Jessie searched his face for a clue to his mood. "We'll drink some of their, no doubt, excellent champagne then go home. How does that sound?"

  Every opportunity sounded promising to Jessie. "I'd rather have you in me than these million-year-old balls."

  Joshua chuckled. "Me, too."

  She looked wistfully at the elegantly draped tables groaning under elaborate canapé's and soaring ice sculptures. "The food looks good." She shot him a mischievous grin. "How about this, we grab something to eat before we push our way over there, say congratulations… or offer condolences, whichever is more appropriate, and then go home?"

  "Smart as well as beautiful. How unusual—damn."

  Jessie followed his gaze and recognized the busty blonde making a beeline toward them. Her photograph had accompanied Joshua's in the press for twelve months the previous year. "Stick by me. I'll protect you," she said dryly.

  Joshua looked as suave and debonair as a man could, caught between this year's and last year's models. "Perhaps we should save time. You go and congratulate Guy and Ginny, and I'll tackle Megan."

  Jessie shot him a reproving glance just as the other woman stepped closer. "Megan, hi." Jessie gave her a cheerful smile, stepping a little in front of Joshua, which was a mistake because moving made her little friends dance happily inside her. "I'm Jessie Adams."

  Joshua placed a hand firmly on her waist and eased her back to his side again. Out of clawing range, Jessie presumed. He kept a proprietorial arm around her.

  Megan Howell narrowed her baby blues as she glared up at Jessie. "Do I know you?"

  "No," Jessie said gently, seeing the high emotion under the other woman's flush. "I recognized you from that great photo of you in the Inquirer last December." Jessie carefully removed her hand from Joshua's. "I'm sure you want to talk privately with Joshua, so I'll go over and—"

  "You might as well hear this." Megan's tone was pure hostility. Jessie moved closer to Joshua, her eyes narrowed on the blonde.

  The Glacier was back in full force as Joshua bit out icily, "Say what you have to say and leave Megan."

  "I'm pregnant," Megan said defiantly in a too loud voice as she crossed her arms over her plastic bosom. A very elegant tent dress effectively hid any hint of a baby.

  Jessie felt an immediate surge of anger. How dare this woman be carrying Joshua's child! Jessie wanted to rip her lips off.

  She felt sick with jealousy and heartsore with disappointment Megan was pregnant Damn it it wasn't fair. A heavy lump in her throat made swallowing impossible. She looked up at Joshua. He had a very nasty smile on his face.

  "Congratulations. Who's the father?"

  "You are, you bastard!" Flashlights popped. "What are you going to do about it?" the blonde demanded, not missing a beat.

  "Ask you to lower your voice, for a start," Jessie cut in, for a moment hating them both, "unless you enjoy having your private life speculated about over breakfast. Guy and Ginny have invited every tabloid in the universe to their party. So smile nicely and behave like a lady."

  Joshua looked at her as if she had sprouted another head. He turned back to his ex-mistress, his pale eyes frosty. "It's taken you an inordinate amount of time to come up with this, Megan." Joshua tsked. "You used to be much faster than this at cooking up money-making schemes."

  "I've talked to your lawyers," Megan snarled, her cheeks scarlet eyes flashing him a grim warning.

  "Wise idea." Joshua rested his hand on the small of Jessie's back. "They no doubt told you about the mandatory DNA test?"

  "I refuse to harm my baby just because you don't believe me," she said caustically, glaring up at him.

  "DNA testing can be done at twenty weeks, Megan, without doing any harm to the fetus. I'm sure Felix gave you the facts." Joshua rubbed his thumb on Jessie's bare back.

  "This is obviously a private discussion," Jessie inserted. "I'll wait for you over by the bar," she added to Joshua over her shoulder. She turned on her heel and walked away.

  As if the world hadn't come crashing down around her.

  * * * * *

  Her lightly tanned back was very straight when Joshua found her on the other side of the room minutes later. She was by herself, ostensibly looking at one of Guy's nightmarish paintings. She made a spectacular picture herself in the barely there little number that showcased her gorgeous long legs and the sweet curve of her spine.

  "Let's go." Joshua came up behind her, resting his hand on her naked back. Her skin was silky smooth, shimmering with vitality.

  "Let's say our goodbyes to our hosts first. I think they're done with round nine."

  He glanced down at her set expression. "Can you walk okay?"

  She shot him a look. "I took them out," she said under her breath. "I had ninety-nine orgasms without you. I didn't like it.

  He didn't talk all the way down in the elevator. The paparazzi had gotten off several dozen shots of the three of them, he knew, in just about every configuration. Jessie was going to have a million questions. Hell, if she wanted to know what he and Megan had discussed she only had to buy one of the tabloids in the morning.

  She rested her head on his stiff shoulder as he drove. Of course, she wouldn't pull away, Joshua thought bitterly, leaning back against pliant burgundy leather. She was his mistress. Another woman was threatening her cash cow. What the hell, she only had to put up with him another few months and she'd be free as a bird.

  Joshua exited the parking garage, staring straight ahead before he said grimly, "She was lying—"

  He felt her exhale before she said calmly, "I know."

  Joshua looked down at her. The passing streetlights dappled her face, making her expression hard to read. "Did you hear what I said?"

  Jessie yawned. "Mmm. The baby isn't yours."

  There was a heavy weight in his chest "How do you know?" His voice almost cracked in the middle of the question. Far from being concerned, Jessie was almost asleep.

  She squeezed his waist, snuggling closer. "You just told me."

  "You believe me?"

  "Of course," she mumbled matter-of-factly, although her voice sounded thick. "You're a man of your word. If you say the child isn't yours, it isn't."

  He stared at her. There was no doubt in her voice, or on her even features. She believed him. No ifs, ands or buts. She just… believed him. Unequivocally. A wave of emotion swept through him. Disbelief. Acceptance. And something else too powerful, too impossible, to believe.

  Jessie rubbed her cheek on his upper arm, sweetly drowsy as she settled her arm across his waist eyes closed. "As a matter of curiosity, what would you do if she was pregnant?" she asked in a soft, casual voice.

  "Thank God that can be proven one way or another in this day and age—"

  "But what if—"

  "She just got greedy."

  "She's trying to blackmail you?" Jessie asked indignantly, sitting up straighten "That little b—"

  "Felix will take care of her." Joshua tucked her back against his side.

  "If he doesn't, I will," she said firmly, then snuggled against him again. Her hand stroked lazily up and down his side under his jacket.

  Jessie tucked her thumb under his belt as Barlow made a hard right at the corner. When Joshua looked down, her long lashes were casting shadows on her cheeks. He tightened his arm around her slender shoulders and held her close.

  "I wish—"

  "What do you wish, Jessie?"

  He felt her small shrug as she whispered dreamily, half asleep, "A little girl. I'd dress her in clean, pretty clothes and keep her safe. She'd never ever be hungry or afraid." Jessie covered a yawn. "But most of all, I'd just love her."

  Joshua felt the ache in his chest tighten a notch. Jessie seemed unaware of what she'd just revealed. He knew firsthand a mother's neglect, but at least he'd had someone to care for his most basic needs. Housekeepers and nannies may not have provided anything more than necessities, but he had been clothed and fed and had never known cold, fear or hunger.

  As a child Jessie had known real hunger and very real fear. She seldom spoke about those years. She'd never known if or when her mother would come home. According to Felix, Jessie's mother had been picked up for solicitation a dozen times or more. Where had Jessie gone when her mother was in jail? How had Jessie, who had never known security or trust as a child, grown into a woman who trusted so easily?

  He was basically a solitary man. He had a few men he called friends, but they were really just business associates he trusted. He had never had a woman trust him as much as Jessie did, understand him as Jessie did. It was a novel experience. Joshua savored it as Jessie's body relaxed against his. He brushed a strand of hair off her cheek.

  She was asleep in moments, her fragrant hair tickling his face as it blew about in the warm breeze through the open window. Well, hell, Joshua thought, wanting to laugh out loud. She believed him. No fuss. No muss. He leaned his head against the plush leather upholstery, closing his burning eyes. How the hell could such an uncomplicated woman be so damned difficult to understand?

  When she'd said earlier, oh, so casually, that she was taken until December, he'd checked a surge of anger. She didn't have to be so damn complacent about the temporariness of their arrangement. Joshua scrubbed his face with his hand. She turned him inside out, then left him swinging. And somehow she made him think he liked it!

  As the gates to the estate skimmed open, Joshua recalled a conversation he'd had with his lawyer just before he'd left for New York last week. Apparently his wife wanted more money. The only time Joshua ever heard from her was when she contacted Felix to up the ante. A small price to pay for a trouble-free invisible wife.

  "Jesus, Felix," Joshua had griped. "What's she trying to do, squeeze me dry?"

  Felix had looked serious as he'd handed the paper-work over for Joshua to sign. "Hardly. You'd give an employee an annual raise. Why not your wife?"

  "I'm giving her enough to support a small country now, for God's sake!"

  He might not remember anything about the girl, but she had served her purpose. He'd made her a promise. "All right, Felix. Give her what the hell she wants."

  He was a man of his word, as many people had learned to their regret.

  Joshua carried Jessie into the house and upstairs without disturbing her sleep. She would be awake soon enough.

  * * * * *

  Joshua hadn't mentioned Megan Howell all week. He'd been more intense than usual, more serious. Jessie thought he watched her as if he were trying to read her mind.

  He called her in the middle of the day several days after the party and told her to pack a bag. They were going to Tahoe for a long weekend.

  Jessie nibbled the cap of her pen, wrapping the telephone cord around her hand. "How many bedrooms does your cabin have?" she asked innocently.

  "One." Joshua sounded amused. "How many do we need?"

  "That depends on if I have to haul my butt out of bed at 3:00 a.m.," she said carefully. The cord left red marks on her fingers and she unwound herself, listening carefully to his tone.

  There was a slight pause, so slight that if she hadn't been listening for something, she wouldn't have heard it. "I'll throw away the alarm for the weekend."

  Jessie laughed. "How soon can you pick me up?"

  They flew to Tahoe in Joshua's Lear. He didn't want to waste time driving. A shiny black Range Rover waited for them at the airfield when they arrived.

  The cabin was far from a log shack in the hills. It was built of cedar with a wall of glass facing the north shore of Lake Tahoe. It was luxurious, with an enormous bedroom cantilevered over a naturally terraced lawn. The living room and kitchen overlooked towering pine trees and the shimmering blue lake.

  Despite the corporate colors, the cabin was less decorated than his other residences, more casual and conducive to relaxing. And there was only one phone. Jessie was thrilled.

  Joshua carried their suitcases into the bedroom and came into the kitchen for a snack. "You know what the best thing about you is?" He nuzzled her neck.

  "What?" Jessie ran short nails through his silky, dark hair as he pressed her lower body against the stainless steel sink behind her. She nibbled at his chin.

  "You never ask me for anything."

  The one thing I want, you haven't been able to give me, Jessie thought, turning her face up for his kiss while her heart squeezed hard. There was no use dwelling on it. When it happened it happened.

  His open-neck blue shirt was the exact color of his eyes and she had ogled him the whole time she fixed the cheese-and-tomato sandwiches. "Actually, there is something I want," she teased, her finger trailing to the top button of his shirt.

  "Lord, woman, you're insatiable."

  "I can't help myself." Jessie pretended to pout. "I just love it." She flutter
ed her lashes, trying not to giggle. "I think… yep, I think it might be one of my most favorite things in the world."

  "Take me, I'm your… " He started dramatically then narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Just what is it you love, you little tease?"

  Jessie laughed. "Gambling." She stood on her tiptoes and twined her arms around his neck. He smelled of pine and clean air, the stiffness had eased from his shoulders while they were in flight, and the lines of strain had left his face by the time they landed. He smiled down at her indulgently, obviously amused and perfectly relaxed. Her eyes sparkled as she lured him closer, still laughing as she avoided his tickling fingers. She danced backward. "Can we go gambling? Can we, huh, huh?"

  Joshua laughingly agreed. It was only after they were in the car and halfway around the lake that Jessie said mildly, "I think it's time you bought a pair of jeans. You look as if you're ready to play polo."

  "One does not wear summer-weight wool slacks to play polo, Jess. One wears breeches to play polo," he pointed out drolly as he pulled into a frighteningly large shopping mall at Jessie's urging. He couldn't remember when last he'd shopped for clothing for himself. Years. Normally his secretary called a clothier in London or Milan, and they'd send him what he needed.

  Clothes shopping with Jessie was a surprisingly pleasant experience. She didn't dawdle about making selections. She knew exactly what she was looking for and didn't linger if the shop they were in didn't have it. Two hours later, Joshua was the recipient of three pairs of jeans and several shirts he wouldn't have looked at twice if he'd been on his own. He'd tried to tell her he only wore blue or white.

  Jessie had coerced several mall-walking senior citizens to come into the store to give him their opinions. How could he win against Jessie Adams at her best, and several blue-haired little old ladies?

  After depositing his new purchases in the hands of the owner of the local laundromat they went to lunch.

  "I hate to ask—" Joshua toyed with her fingers on the bare oak table as they waited for their spaghetti to arrive "—but why did we just purchase clothing that needs to be laundered before I wear it?"


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