Spin My Love

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Spin My Love Page 11

by Chantal Fernando

  “I’m sorry,” he says. “I don’t want you to spend the whole night alone.”

  “It’s okay. I’m happy to be here, seeing you in your element.”

  His green eyes turn soft. “I’m glad you’re here too, and I hope you like it. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to impress someone more in my life.”

  I laugh at that, my eyes crinkling. “I’m already impressed, so you don’t have to worry about a thing.”

  “Have any requests for me?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.

  “None that you would enjoy,” I reply with a giggle. “What will you be playing tonight?”

  “Tonight I’ll be playing a mash up of mainly mainstream music that everyone will know and have fun dancing to.”

  “Probably a good idea,” I reply, taking another sip. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure,” he says, leaning closer to me.

  “I know that you don’t drink, but does it bother you that I do? You’ve never said anything about it.”

  “I don’t mind if you drink. My issues are my own; I don’t expect you to change. Also, I’m always around people who drink. It kinda comes with the job. I can’t expect every single person around me to stop,” he replies, pulling on a lock of my hair.

  “Okay, but if it did bother you, or tempt you in any way, it’s not a big deal for me to stop,” I tell him.

  His smile hits his eyes. “I know and thank you for that, but it’s not necessary.”

  The hall starts to fill with people, and dinner is soon served. We take our seats at our assigned tables, marked by tiny little placards inscribed with our names daintily placed. There are various forks, which always makes me nervous, but I push that aside.

  Moments later, our food is served. The meals are extremely fancy and well presented. There were two set options, I chose one and Tane chose the other.

  “How is it?” Tane asks as I take the first bite.

  I close my eyes. “Delicious.”

  He laughs. “Good.”

  “How’s yours? For some reason you always end up ordering something tastier than me.”

  Every damn time.

  His lip quirks up. “We can swap if you want.”

  “No, I’m good,” I tell him.

  He takes a few bites and looks at me with amusement. “Mine is definitely better.”


  “How would you know? You never even tasted mine,” I ask, narrowing my eyes on him.

  “Because nothing could be better than this,” he replies after he chews and swallows another mouthful.

  When his fork lifts to my lips, I look around to see if anyone is watching us. This is a posh place, and I feel a little weird about sharing food in front of everyone. When I see everyone concentrating on his or her own meal, I open my mouth and have a taste of his chicken.

  Oh, God.

  “It’s not that great,” I lie, looking down at my own, now unappetizing plate. His laugh carries throughout the room.

  “Shhh,” I reply, trying to stop my own laughter.

  He lifts his plate and trades it with my own. “There you go.”

  “No,” I say, trying to stop him. “You don’t need to do that.”

  “I know, but I want to,” he says dismissively. “So shush, and eat.”

  “Thanks,” I tell him with a small smile.

  We finish eating and then Tane gets up to play his set. I sit on a stool next to him and watch as people start to dance and enjoy the music. A few women come up and try to get his attention.


  “Are you okay?” he leans down and says into my ear.

  “Yes, I’m good,” I assure him.

  Throughout his whole set, Tane samples songs that remind me of fond memories from our childhood together. I couldn’t believe it when he dropped Sheryl Crow’s “All I Wanna Do Is Have Some Fun”. I used to sing that song twenty-four-seven. Tane used to hate it but I like that he remembered that I had loved it.

  When his set is over, another DJ takes over, so Tane walks me to the dance floor. He pulls me up against his chest, one hand sliding down to my hip. He dances seductively, heavy-lidded eyes staring down at me as we move in sync. When he leans down and kisses me, I squeeze my eyes shut and kiss him back with everything I have. The kiss ends far too quickly, but we’re in public, at a charity function. Now is not the time to explore this.

  When I open my eyes the expression on his face is one of pure lust. I raise my hand onto his chest and push him back a little, so we aren’t touching. His lip twitches as he takes my hand and leads me to a table.

  We listen to the music until it’s time to go. We’re both quiet as he packs up and we drive home.

  “You still have one question left, you know,” he says.

  “I know,” I reply. “I’ve had it planned for a while now.”

  “Let’s hear it then,” he replies, sounding relaxed.

  “I was wondering how you still have so much money. A drug habit is expensive, isn’t it?”

  Tane looks at me out of the corner of his eyes. “It is expensive, and I’d have a hell of a lot more money right now if I hadn’t wasted so much of it. Luckily, I have people who work for me that suggested a few extremely profitable investments. And on top of DJing, I also produce, so that brings in extra money.”

  “People who work for you?” I ask.

  “Yeah, a financial advisor and an accountant and what-not.”

  “Did they advise you not to spend your money on drugs?” I ask dryly.

  He chuckles. “I’m sure they wanted to quit more than once, but they did make some good suggestions that I luckily listened to before I was too deep in shit.”

  “The money doesn’t matter to me, you know. I was just curious, since you have a gorgeous house and car etcetera.”

  “I know,” he replies. “The thought never once crossed my mind, Giselle. You wouldn’t even take the money I tried to give you for child support throughout the years.”

  I’m really not that kind of person. I’ve worked for everything I have and will continue to do so.

  “You know,” he says, “this is our fourth date.”

  I smile. “I know.”

  “And do you think this could work?” His voice cracks a little. “Or are you going to tell me to leave you the hell alone?”

  I puff out a breath. “I think we have a long way to go, but I’m willing to try and see where it takes us.”

  He exhales deeply. “I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

  “It’s not going to be easy …”

  “Nothing worth it ever is.”

  Isn’t that the truth?

  When we get to my house, Tane walks me to my door. After I open it, he goes to say good night.

  “Do you want to stay over?” I ask. He looks surprised. “Not like that … just to sleep again.”

  He gives me a soft smile. “I’d love to.”

  He locks his car and enters the house behind me. I set the alarm system and walk to the kitchen, then pull a jug of water from the fridge and pour two glasses, sliding one towards him. I down mine in several gulps and put the glass in the sink, while he sips on his. The silence is comfortable. I could get used to this.

  When he’s done I take the glass from him and leave it next to mine.

  “Come on,” I say, leading him to my bedroom. I feel a little nervous, even though I have no reason to. I’m not ready to have sex with him; I know that and he knows it too. But the idea of waking up next to him again … it’s exciting.

  I give him a smile before I go into the bathroom. I have a quick shower, washing the night off me, before drying and wrapping myself in a towel.

  I walk out of the bathroom and hand him a fresh towel.

  “Go ahead,” I say. I don’t miss the way his eyes run over my body, lingering on the droplets of water running down into my cleavage. It sends shivers of arousal through my body.

  I hear the shower turn on so I drop my towel and get dressed. I pu
ll on some silky pyjama pants and a plain camisole and jump into bed. I hear the shower turn off, and while I’m putting my hair into a braid, Tane walks out. My mouth goes dry. In nothing but boxers, he looks good enough to eat.

  “Sorry,” he says sheepishly. “I only have the button up.” Heck, I’m tempted to tell him to ditch the boxers altogether.

  Instead I say, “Don’t be silly. Hop in.”

  He walks over to the bed and gently slides beside me. As I tie off my braid, I feel as though electricity is pulsing beneath my skin. The chemistry between us is insane, and we aren’t even touching.

  Tane lays down on his back before putting his arm out in invitation. He doesn’t have to ask me twice. I cuddle into his chest, reaching my arm around him. I breathe out a long sigh. This feels amazing.

  This feels right.

  He leans down and gently kisses my forehead. I angle my head upwards and gently kiss his lips. We both let out a sigh.

  “Good night, Giselle,” he says.

  “Good night, Tane,” I whisper.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Hello,” I say, answering my phone as I flop down on my bed.

  “Hi Giselle,” my mum says.

  “Hey Ma, how’s things?” She and Dad are enjoying their retirement in Boston. We try and talk to each other every month.

  “Fantastic,” she says enthusiastically. “Your dad and I have joined a country club and met a heap of people. It’s a lot of fun. How are you?”

  “I’m good, same old.” I know she’s just being polite, but this small-talk seems unnecessary.

  “How’s Parker?” I can tell she’s trying, but I can’t help but notice the way her voice tightens whenever she mentions him. She loves Parker, she does. She just wishes I’d waited another ten years to have him.

  “Really good,” I say. “He’s happy and healthy.”

  “Have you met anyone?” she asks. “Parker needs a father.”

  I sigh. Here we go again.

  “Tane is back in town, so we’ve been seeing each other.” I won’t lie, but I don’t want to explain the whole situation to her. She pestered me enough when I was pregnant trying to find out who the father was. She lets out an excited gasp and I cringe.

  “I always knew you two would end up together. How is he? Does Parker like him?” she asks. I am definitely not telling her that Tane is Parker’s father. That’s for another conversation.

  “He’s great and yep, Parker loves him,” I say.

  “Oh, that’s great, honey,” she says approvingly. “I’m happy for you. I have to go because your father is calling me, but I’ll call later and you can tell me everything, okay?”

  “Sure Mum,” I say, happy to end the call.

  “Love you,” she says.

  “Love you too.” I hang up the phone. I’m not that close with my mum and dad. It’s not that they weren’t great parents, but we kind of lost our close relationship when Parker was born. I think they are enjoying their time to themselves, and that’s okay with me.

  I get up and walk into the living area where Tane is reading a book, his bare feet sticking out over the edge of the couch. My gaze moves upwards, taking in his strong thighs and his…

  I lick my lips.

  Get a grip Giselle.

  It’s been a week since we decided to see how things go as a couple. We’re taking things slow, and I think we both need that. We need to build the foundation of our relationship before we go diving in head-first, but that doesn’t mean I’m not feeling extremely sexually frustrated right now. Sleeping in his arms last night was a mixture of heaven and hell. Waking up with him curled around me was pure bliss, though the hardness that had been pressing against my thigh had been hard to walk away from. Pun intended.

  “How’s your book?” I ask him.

  He lowers the worn paperback and stares at me, lip quirking.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing, and it’s good,” he replies.

  “What was that look for then?” I ask in confusion.

  He grins wolfishly. “Nothing.”

  I look at the cover of his book. “What are you reading?”

  He grins. “Do you want me to read some of it aloud?”

  “Why? Is it porn?”

  “No.” He laughs. “It’s a dystopian. I was just thinking that you look beautiful.”

  “Hmmm.” It’s all I say to that.

  “Do you need me to do anything?” he asks.


  “Just asking if there’s anything I can do to help, is all.”

  “You look like you’re enjoying your book. I have it covered. You can make dinner tonight, though,” I tell him.

  “Deal,” he replies, smiling. He lifts the book back up.

  “I do know the joy of a good book, you know,” I say.

  “So then you won’t mind if I get back into it then?” he ask, hope in his voice.

  I pick up a pillow from the couch and throw it at his head.

  I shake my head and go check on Parker. I tiptoe into his room and see he’s still fast asleep, with his mouth open and body sprawled across his entire bed.

  Looks like it’s a lazy Sunday for everyone.

  I get a text message from Levi, which says him and Gage are going on a double-date tonight. I grin and put my phone on charge. I hope he finds someone who makes him happy.

  Parker wakes up, and we take him to the park. Tane and he play football together while I take photos of the two of them.

  Too much time has been missed, so I want to capture these moments as much as I can.


  I enter the house, tired as hell from my day of work, only to notice that the place is spotless. The scent of dinner cooking wafts towards me, and I take a deep breath. It smells delicious. I walk into the kitchen and see Tane and Parker playing with a new Lego set on the kitchen countertop as something simmers on the stove.

  “I could get used to this,” I call out as I enter, getting both of their attentions.

  “Mum!” Parker yells, putting his arms out for a hug. I give him a warm cuddle and kiss him on the nose, then turn to Tane and give him a quick peck on the lips.

  “What are you cooking?” I ask, peeping around him to see what’s on the stove.

  “Pasta, nothing fancy,” he replies, lifting his hand up to gently cup my face. “How was work?”

  “It was good. Same old,” I tell him, lip twitching as I take in the domesticated scene in front of me. It’s cute to think Tane is pretty much a stay-at-home dad—until he goes back to work, that is. I nibble on my bottom lip as I wonder what will happen when he does have to go back. More traveling for him, and Parker and I will have to manage without him again. The thought sucks, but I guess that’s life.

  “Sit down, babe, relax a little,” Tane says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  “Let me have a quick shower first,” I reply, rushing to the bathroom. I take a two-minute shower, not bothering to wash my hair, and then get dressed in my leopard-print pyjama set. When I return to the kitchen, the table is set and my plate served. I sit down and smile at the two of them.

  “Thank you,” I say, laughing at a grinning Parker who has pasta sauce all over this face.

  “He was too hungry to wait for you,” Tane says, sounding a little apologetic.

  “That’s okay,” I reply. “You didn’t have to wait either, you know.” This wasn’t some fancy dinner.

  “I wanted to,” he says, only now picking up his own fork.

  “What did the two of you get up to today?” I ask after I swallow my first bite.

  “Picked him up from kindy and then we went bowling,” Tane replies.

  I look to Parker. “Did you have fun?”

  He nods his head enthusiastically. “Yes! I beat Daddy.”

  I look up into Tane’s amused green eyes. “How did that happen?”

  Tane grins wolfishly. “The better man won.”

  I squeeze Tane’
s thigh under the table, knowing he let Parker win—which I can’t help but find endearing.

  Tane flashes me a heated look, so I retract my hand because now isn’t the time or place.

  “Mum will you come with us next time? I want to beat you too,” Parker says, shovelling another mouth of food.

  Tane laughs at his comment while I bite the inside of my cheek. “Sure, I’ll come next time.”

  Tane cleans up as I put Parker to bed, grateful to be able to spend this little bit of time with him. I read him a book, and he’s asleep before I’m able to finish.

  Tane is sitting on the couch when I leave Parker’s room, humming a song, but stands up when I enter.

  “What song were you humming?” I ask him. I swear it sounded like “Let it go” from Frozen.

  “Nothing,” he replies a little too quickly, a blush creeping on his cheeks.

  I hide my smile. I guess Parker roped him into watching it. The kid is obsessed.

  “Are you staying the night?” I ask him, fiddling with the hem of my top.

  His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. “Do you want me to?”

  Do I want him to? I know if he stays tonight, we will be doing more than sleeping. The sexual energy is all but crackling between us.

  I clear my throat. “I would like it. If you wanted to, of course—”

  “Of course I want to,” he cuts in. He closes the distance between us. “Just to be clear …”

  “Yeah?” I ask breathlessly as his finger gently traces down my cheek.

  “Are we just sleeping tonight?” he asks in a husky tone.

  I want more tonight.

  I’m ready.

  As soon as I shake my head no, his lips come down on mine. His hand finds the nape of my neck, holding me in place as his tongue begs entrance to my mouth. He moans as I push my body against his, his other hand finding my hip. Walking me backwards until we hit my bedroom door, he lifts me up so my legs are wrapped around him.

  “Are you sure?” he asks as he lays me back on my bed.

  “Yes, I’m sure,” I reply, distracted as I try to unbutton his pants. He catches my hand in his and waits until he has my full attention.

  “I want you to be sure, Giselle. If you will regret this …”


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