Granite Kiss

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Granite Kiss Page 9

by Jennifer Cole

  Unfortunately, cursed to live his life as a gargoyle, he realized there could be no future between Elena and him. Physically, he could never love her as a man should love a woman. In his cursed form, his cock was so enormous it would surely split her in two if he entered her.

  Zander needed to find a way to break the curse.

  The woman of his heart, his true love, stood before him, confusion and hurt marring her beautiful features. His inability to confess his emotions was destroying Elena.

  “Elena.” He reached for her as she opened the bedroom door.

  “I said I need some air,” she said, and walked down the short hall. “I’m leaving, Zander.”

  “If you leave, I cannot protect you when the sun rises,” he pleaded as he followed her.

  “I don’t need your protection.” She turned to meet his gaze. “I need you. I want you. Don’t you understand? Your stone form through the day, and your human-gargoyle form at night. Your wings, talons, the tail, I want the whole of you. And I will not play second best to a dead woman’s memory. She isn’t even worthy of your thoughts. I deserve more. Good night, Zander.”

  Before he could respond, she left the penthouse, closing the door behind her.

  For several moments Zander stood, staring blankly at the closed door before finally uttering, “Yes, my love, you deserve more than I can give you.”

  “So, you’re just going to let her walk away?” Adan said from the open terrace door.

  Zander spun around and spewed a mighty roar.

  Unconcerned and undeterred, Adan crossed his arms over his broad chest and leaned against the frame of the sliding door. “Feel better now, beast?”

  “No,” Zander admitted.

  “Then for the love of the gods, go after her.”

  “To what end, Adan? I am a beast, a monster of the night,” Zander snapped. “What can I give her? What kind of life do you think we can have together?”

  “True love conquers all, old friend,” Adan said.

  “You know not what you speak.”

  “You are correct. I was fourteen years when the king’s men captured me. I’d never known love. But hear this, beast, I would give anything–anything at all–to have a woman look at me the way Elena does you.”

  Several silent moments ticked away between them.

  “Why don’t you allow Elena the opportunity to tell you what she thinks? What she wants out of a relationship. She already made her feelings abundantly clear where you are concerned. Her heart knows its love for you–although I don’t know why. You are an obstinate pain in the ass.”

  “She is too young to know what she wants, Adan.”

  “Right. Like at eighteen years you were grown up enough to know you wanted a princess you could never have.”

  Zander cast him a glance, warning Adan to choose his words carefully.

  “She is a twenty-eight year old woman, with a good head on her shoulders,” Adan said.

  “Precisely. Twenty-eight is just a babe.”

  “You got that right, she is a babe.” Adan ducked his head as Zander drilled a clay vase at him from the other side of the room. The sound of pottery shattering on the roof of the building echoed loudly. “Things are different in this day, old man,” he continued calmly. “Life for mortals is too short. We have an eternity. Go after her. Allow yourself to be happy. Permit Elena to enjoy the happiness you bring her.”

  Several more moments passed before Zander nodded in agreement.

  “I sense her discontent. I will allow Elena some time for her anger to cool, and then I will go to her,” Zander said. “So, uh, you want to come along for the flight? You know, get out and stretch your wings?”

  “Chicken shit,” Adan teased.

  “I am not!”

  “You’re such a big baby.”

  * * * *

  Elena ran down several flights of stairs, and stood alone on the thirty-eighth floor, waiting for the elevator. A broad spectrum of emotions plagued her. The love of her life remained upstairs, and he had allowed her to simply walk away from him. She didn’t care that Zander was different from her. Elena loved him. She loved everything about him. He was open, and honest, and she believed with all her heart that when he was mortal he had been an exceptional man.

  With every fiber of her being, Elena wanted to break the fucking curse. She needed to. Not for herself, but for Zander. If nothing were to be between them, at least she could give him his life back.

  The elevator arrived, and the oversized door slid open. She stepped inside and pressed the button for the lobby. Watching the numbers flash on the display screen as the elevator descended, Elena’s body screamed at her to press the emergency stop button and go back up to the penthouse. She just couldn’t bring herself to do it. If Zander wanted her to stay, he wouldn’t have allowed her to leave the suite in the first place.

  Elena needed some time alone. She’d been cooped up in the penthouse for a couple of days and needed some space. Maybe she should head to her apartment and get on with her life.

  On autopilot, she stepped off the elevator in the lobby and made her way out the front door. The doorman offered to flag down a taxi, but as steamed as she was, Elena decided a walk would help clear her head.

  Twenty minutes later Elena looked around, realizing she’d taken a wrong turn somewhere. She found herself disoriented as she turned in a circle in an attempt to pinpoint a familiar landmark. The deserted street seemed darker than it had only moments before. A shuffling sound from behind had her spinning on her heel. A few feet away an elderly man walking with the aid of a cane approached.

  Odd. Why on earth would an elderly man be wandering the streets alone in the middle of the night? What the hell was she doing out at this hour by herself, when she could be snuggled up against the comforting, protective body of her beloved gargoyle? Well, she was out here because she’d been unreasonable, saying hurtful things to Zander due to her own insecurities.

  “You look lost, deary.” The old man’s voice crackled as he spoke. “Can I offer you some directions?”

  Although the voice of her deceased grandmother echoed in the back of Elena’s mind reminding her ‘not to speak to strangers’, Elena felt sorry for the old man. How harmless could a little old man be? she told the nagging voice in her head. He appeared to be having great difficulty, even with the assistance of the cane, and she felt the need to offer him some help.

  “I’m just a little unfamiliar with this area,” she replied, closing the distance between her and the man. “Here,” she said, taking his free palm in hers. “Let me give you a hand. Do you live nearby?”

  “Oh, that is really very sweet, deary,” he said, and his voice began to change. No longer was it the crackling, aged voice of an old man, but the timbre had grown deep, sinister, and the man’s hand had turned cold.

  Elena tried to wrench her hand free, but the man held tight. The strength in his frail looking fingers took her by surprise. A cold breeze began to swirl around them, seeming to concentrate around the man. It circled from the ground up, and within seconds, before her eyes stood a man who appeared not much older than Elena herself. She attempted to draw breath and found herself unable to.

  Standing well over six feet and clad in black leather, his long ebony hair blew behind him in the wind.

  Elena hadn’t even realized his free hand cupped her face until his chilling voice filled her ears.

  “How foolish of the pathetic farm boy to let down his guard where you are concerned. Yet quite fortunate for me, you have walked right into my clutches.” The pad of his thumb brushed against her cheek. “You truly are a beauty. You remind me of my daughter, Aceline.”

  Elena gasped, and her knees threatened to buckle.

  “No,” she whimpered.

  “Yes, milady. I am certain by now, the beasts have told you a great deal about me. It is me. In the flesh.”


  “You have her blue eyes. And my sturdy chin.” Pride filled
his voice as he studied her face. “I am certain it is hard for you to believe, but you are a descendant of myself, the great–and rumored ruthless–King Xavier.” A smug grin lifted his lips. “And you, my child, are the key to destroying the curse which will free the worthless farm boy and his criminal cohorts.”

  Elena stared openmouthed at the man standing in front of her. If she were to believe what she’d just been told, Elena looked into the face of her great-great–Christ, she didn’t know how many greats–grandfather. This was impossible. Absolutely impossible.


  “How what, my child?” He grinned menacingly, continuing to brush his thumb along her cheek. “How is it that you find yourself looking at your ancient ancestor, who doesn’t look much older than yourself? Or how you are the key to destroying a centuries’ old curse?”

  From the depths of her soul, Elena summoned every ounce of her courage and felt her confidence renew. “Both,” she demanded. Pulling away from his touch, she nearly jumped out of her skin as anger flared in the king’s eyes.

  “Back in the day, my wizard bestowed powers upon me, which I have–how do you say–‘tweaked’ to suit my evil needs. It is a shame you will never bear witness to the wonderful carnage I will one day soon release upon mankind.” His throaty chuckle made Elena’s skin crawl. “You have seen with your own eyes, mere men can be transformed into grotesques by chanting the spell of humility, however, my child, throughout the centuries I have learned to create far more dangerous creatures.”

  “Zander,” Elena called out in her mind. “Oh, Zander, please hear me.”

  “In answer to your second question–”

  “You really haven’t answered the first to my satisfaction,” she snapped.

  A nonchalant shrug was his reply. “After today, milady, it will mean nothing. I am certain you have figured out you are Zander’s true love.” He stopped as if waiting for her to answer. “Your kiss will break the curse placed upon him back in seventeen-ninety-two.”

  The revelation startled Elena. “But, I have kissed Zander. Deeply, and with all my heart. Yet he still holds the form of a gargoyle.”

  Xavier’s laughter turned her stomach.

  “You must kiss one another on All Hollow’s Eve, my child.”

  “That’s today!”

  “Yes. A kiss on this day will allow Zander to take his mortal form once again. Then, the two of you must consummate your love for one another.” With a disgusted look on his face, Xavier continued. “If he spills his vile seed within your womb, the final incantation of the spell will be unwoven and the farm boy will be freed.”

  Elena gasped.

  “That is correct, my child.” The king grinned. “It is within your power. Always has been.” Leaning down, he placed a light kiss on the tip of her nose. “The secret ingredient to the curse and its demise is your love of Halloween.”

  The guys were right. I am the key. I can break Zander’s curse!

  Xavier began pulling Elena along the sidewalk at a rapid pace.

  “The farm boy thought he could outsmart me by keeping you hidden in his lair. But how fortunate for me you finally realized how worthless he is and walked away from him. Unfortunately, your sudden awakening has come too late and has not earned you any points with me. I have already decided you are a liability in my plan, not an asset. You became tainted the moment you allowed that worthless miscreant to put his hands on you. You are a descendant of royalty, child, what were you thinking?”

  “Where are you taking me?” Elena demanded, and began hitting Xavier with her free hand.

  “To your death.”

  “The hell you are,” she hollered and attempted to add a kick or two along with her punches.

  “Such a hellcat, you are. Your spirit would have served you well in my day. Ah, how you remind me of my sweet Aceline.”

  “Let me go, you son-of-a-bitch,” Elena snarled as she struggled.

  “I will warn you only once, child, to stop fighting me. You are no match for my magic or my strength, and although I am going to kill you, I do not want to hurt you before it is time.”

  With her life on the line, Elena fought back with everything she had. She continued to punch and claw at Xavier, cursing obscenities, praying for Zander to come for her. She would fight this evil king to her dying breath.

  Without warning, Xavier spun around, raising his free hand to his face, palm up, and blew. An iridescent powder clouded around her face, stinging her eyes. Elena gasped, drawing the sweet smelling dust into her lungs. With a cough and a sputter as she tried to catch her breath, her knees buckled and she collapsed against the king as the world darkened around her. Just before she fell into complete unconsciousness, Elena heard his voice grow fainter, and fainter.

  “It is such a shame for me to have to destroy you, my child, considering you are of my flesh and blood,” Xavier said. “But I cannot take the chance that you and the farm boy will consummate your love and break the curse.”

  Chapter 7

  “All right,” Zander said as he walked out onto the terrace. “I believe my Elena has had sufficient time to cool down.”

  “Then you’ve finally come to your senses, old man?” Kenyon asked, eyeing a piece of broken pottery between two of his fingers.

  Mabon circled and landed in the middle of the terrace. “Ah, it’s about time.”

  “I second that,” Magnus agreed.

  “Fine, fine.” Zander chuckled. “Go ahead, have your laughs at my expense. I do not know if she will even have me, knowing I can never love her physically the way she deserves.”

  “There are many, many ways to make physical love, old man. I have little doubt the Lady Elena will have no trouble showing you several of them.”

  “Zander! Zander!”

  The six gargoyles exchanged glances.

  “Elena?” Zander projected.

  “Zander! Please hear me! Please...”

  “Elena!” Zander roared aloud.

  “Sense her, Zander,” Henrik ordered.

  “Launch!” Magnus hollered, and all six beasts became airborne.

  “What are you picking up?” Kenyon asked.

  “On foot, she is twenty minutes away. I think. She is projecting confusion, and I cannot pick up an exact location. Damn it!” Zander growled. “Wait! I am sensing East– Oh the gods! She is not alone. Xavier is with her, he has his hand on her.” I am coming, my love. We are coming for you! “She is fighting. East, fly East! Hurry!” A moment later Zander roared. “Elena has stopped projecting! Hurry!”

  “We’ll find her.” Adan’s voice sounded reassuring, but Zander would not be content until Elena was safe, again in his arms.

  Their physical differences no longer mattered to Zander. All that mattered was finding Elena and telling her, showing her how much he loved her. He would love her for the rest of their days, if she would allow him. Together they would find a way to make their love work.

  Within moments, they had covered the ground Elena would have on foot. The closer they got, the more Zander could smell her scent carried in the air. Mixed with her natural, alluring fragrance, he also scented anger, nervousness, and a touch of terror. The latter three were a combination of Elena and King Xavier. It would appear his little woman was giving the vicious king a run for his money. A sense of pride filled Zander as he pictured her fighting with the king, as she had the first night they met.

  The spitfire could hold her own, Zander was confident of that. However, when Elena suddenly stopped projecting to him, Zander was beside himself with regret and worry. He never should have allowed her to walk out the door of the suite. What was I thinking? He chastised himself. Zander held himself completely responsible for the position Elena was now in. It was his fault she had stormed off into the night alone.

  Zander was pleased she’d forced him to face his feelings. It had been a long time in the making. Elena was correct when she’d stated Aceline had not loved him as she had claimed. It had taken Zander many yea
rs to come to that realization. Now that he had, he put the past where it belonged. It was dead and buried, and he would never dredge it up again.

  The life he’d lost in seventeen-ninety-two was no more.

  Elena was his future. No matter what the gods had in store for him, he would live out his days with his Elena by his side. Though immortal, Zander decided at that moment, when her life ended, so would his. He didn’t yet know how, but he would not live for eternity without his Elena.

  “There!” Adan said. “I’d recognize the devil himself, even from this height.”

  With a forceful flap of his powerful wings, Zander dove for the earth.

  Over his left shoulder, the king carried an unconscious Elena. Across a field of tall waving grass, Xavier ran toward a large barn standing alone. Despite the speed of the gargoyles’ flight, the king entered the barn, slamming the heavy door closed behind him, before they reached the ground.

  A mighty roar split though the night air as Zander made his decent. The flap of five more pairs of wings cutting through the air had Zander grinning. The king had no idea what he was in for now that he had taken their Elena. She was loved in a different way by each of them. Zander knew each beast would lay down his life to save her.

  The sky began to brighten as dawn approached. Why had they not realized the time? They were coming too late. Damn the gods! Zander shouted in his mind.

  “We will save her, Zander,” Magnus projected.

  “I pray we are in time,” Zander snarled. “I will not live without her.”

  “You will not have to,” Henrik offered in assurance.

  As they neared the barn door, another roar filled the air.

  “I will go through first,” Zander growled. “Be prepared, we do not know what is behind that door.”

  “The king must die,” Kenyon said.

  Zander flipped himself over at the last second and burst through the closed wooden door feet first. Shards of wood splintered around the barn. Landing in a crouched position, Zander scanned the open area as the rest of his clan settled on either side of him.


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