Home > Other > ADDICT > Page 9

by Piper Frost

  "Don't get stupid, I just want to talk," he says close to my ear. "I need your help with something."

  "Dude, you really need to fuck off." I try to dart left but he grabs my hair and slices the knife over my shirt, but it doesn’t cut me.

  "First a warning, then the real thing," he warns and walks me behind the barn. He pushes me flush to it with my cheek smashed against the wood. "I need your help. You know your step brother's my blood brother?"

  "Fuck you," I grit out as he pushes my face harder against the barn.

  "Wrong answer, bitch." He lifts my shirt and I feel the cool blade press to my flesh. By my hair, he pulls my head back then slams my cheek against the barn again and I feel his dick stir against my ass.

  "I'm going to fuck you up so bad." I chuckle in frustration.

  "I don't know where you think you're livin' anymore, little girl, but this ain't the suburbs you came from."

  I laugh with annoyance and roll my eyes.

  "What're you doin' stayin' under the Kenshaw's roof?" His nose drags down my jaw to my lips. "You belong with me, babe."

  "I'd sooner be gutted like a pig," I snarl, losing my patience, but I'm not stronger than him.

  "I can help you with that." He slides the knife over my side and my eyes go wide when I feel it slice me; the burn doesn't come until a few seconds later.

  His hard-on presses firmer against my ass and he licks over my jaw. When his hand holding the knife pushes against the barn to pin me in place so he can use his other hand to undo his pants, I kick back into his shin and nudge him enough that I can spin and bring my knee into his groin. He blocked it at the last second so I didn't do much damage, but enough he backed off and cupped himself, giving me time to run. My legs pump as hard as they can and I head for Brandt's truck that's a few blocks down. A car slams to a halt as I cross the parking lot, but I don't stop running. When my eyes land on Brandt who's looking around the parking lot, I slow down and take a deep breath, pushing my hand to my side.

  I can't believe that fucker cut me. And was going to try and rape me behind a fucking barn!

  After I get the final load of chicks in and try to cool my disappointment that Jo left without so much as telling me, I start wandering the lot by the truck until I see her headed toward me. She’s got a funny step to her walk that’s not like her. Like she’s suddenly walking with a lot of cares she usually abandons.

  "Hey, I picked your chick up it’s own little palace.” I thumb toward the bed of the truck, but she ignores me. “Where'd you head off to?" I ask, watching her yank open her door and climb in without giving me anything to go off of.

  "Can you just get us out of this hick-ville?" she quietly snarls and keeps looking at her side that's closest to the door.

  I watch her carefully but start the truck and head back toward the house. I need to get a few more things done around there before we can chill tonight. I told her I'd let her rest. I didn't mean I was gonna let her sleep the rest of the day away.

  "You okay over there? All that peanut butter you've been eatin' lately give ya the stomach cramps?"

  She keeps holding her stomach but she hasn't said a word to me since we left and we're almost home.

  "Fuck," she huffs quietly and shifts so her back turns to me. "Brandt, drive faster." It's a soft request and when I look over 'cause that tone of voice wasn’t hers, I see her lifting her hand to wipe away what might be a tear. The swipe to her cheek leaves a streak of what I think is blood.

  "Jo, what happened to you? Is that fuckin' blood?" I blurt, slowing down.

  “Please just drive!” The distress in her tone has me stepping on the gas harder when we hit the back road.

  "Jo! Are you bleeding? What the fuck happened?" I can see the house in the distance and I floor it. The minute we get home, she better talk to me.

  When I swing into the driveway, my heart is pounding because I can see drops of sweat on Jo's brow but she's still, clutching her side.

  Donna's in the driveway watering some flowers and Jo groans and shakes her head. “No. Don’t let Donna see.”

  I grip the steering wheel tight and nod at Donna when I keep driving by. "Fuck, Jo. What the hell's going on? I'm panicked over here." I make the quick decision to take her down to the creek, at least to have a little privacy. I think I have a first aid kit in the back of the truck we can use till we get home to fix her up right. What the hell kind of trouble did she get herself into?

  Once I stop the truck I reach over and try to shift her to at least face me to figure out what happened. I don't know if she fell, if she's sick, or if she's just tryin’ to get back at me for the snipe incident last night. It's really hard to figure out which is which if she ain’t even talking to me.

  "God," she groans in frustration and wipes her face again. "Don't look at me." She jumps out of the truck, I think she’s pissed I'm seeing her cry. She walks to the creek before pulling her tank top off and squatting by the water. The blood on her side makes me rush over.

  "This ain’t a joke, Jo," I blurt. "What the hell happened? Why are you bleeding?" She splashes her side with water and I yank her to face me. "That fuckin' creek ain’t the place to wash this out!"

  “It’s like a fresh bath,” she mocks my words from last night, but I'm strung way too tight to even smile. Someone or something hurt her and she's not letting me help her.

  "We can't go back to the house," she says with worry. "If Donna sees this shit, she'll flip. God damn! Fucking pussy ass dick!” Snarling, she grips her side again and bounces from pain. "It's not bad, but the blood." She looks at her hands.

  I let out a groan and move her hands away, dropping to my knees to check out what the fuck happened to her. A goddamned stab wound, that's what she's attempting to hide from me.

  "Shit, city girl. Who the fuck did you piss off?" I pull my shirt off and push it against the wound, trying to hide my shaking hands. "Come on. I got stuff in the truck to fix you up." Thankfully it doesn't look deep so I'm hoping some butterfly bandages will do. She's right, if Donna finds out about this she'll never let Jo leave the house with me again.

  "Cash," she hisses his name as we head for the bed of the truck.

  My stomach drops at her insinuating that my fucking brother did this to her. He's insane! I’ve always known this, but this time he’s gone too far.

  "You're sure it was him?" I clip out, pissed enough I could literally beat the shit out of someone or something.

  She dully looks over at me then rolls her eyes. "He's hell-bent on me helping him with something, but I never let him get far enough to ask because I think he just wants help feeding his sadistic side. You're brother's a douche."

  I nod, clenching my jaw tight while I clean her side. I hate that this is hurting her and when she winces I pause and lock my eyes on hers, waiting until she can breathe through the pain so I can finish.

  "He's not right in the head, Jo. I told you to stay away from him. Maybe if you didn’t walk away from me we wouldn't be doing this right now." I’m probably putting too many bandages on this, but I'd rather overdo it than have her bleeding all over.

  "Shut up, Brandt," she says through grit teeth while I finish up. "I couldn't take fucking Suzy Homemaker anymore." She hops off the tailgate and starts walking in a circle, trying to walk off the pain and I grab her tank top.

  "Suzy Homemaker, huh?" I wring her top in my hands after rinsing it out in the water. "You mean Kinlee?" I let out a chuckle. "She's harmless, Jo." With a glance at her shirt, I grin. She's jealous. She'll never admit to being jealous, but she is or Kinlee's personality wouldn't have bothered her so much.

  Her eyes roll and she holds out her hand for her shirt while she claims, "I need a nap."

  "You can't wear this thing back to the house." I hold out the bloodstained tank and shake my head. "Donna's nosey. She'll see us coming back and be on you like a hawk the minute she sees the blood." I toss her my shirt. "Put it on."

  The second she catches it, she lifts it to her n
ose and when she inhales deeply, she freezes, her eyes darting to mine. As a smirk starts to lift my lips, she turns away and pulls it on. She smelled my shirt, and not to check if it was dirty, but because she likes my smell.

  "Thanks," she mutters and gets in. "I can just ask Donna to take me to town. I didn't get peanut butter."

  "No can do, city girl. You're goin' home to take a nap, whether you like it or not. I gotta go grab my dad's shit anyway so make me a list and I can get whatever your tiny black heart desires." I grin over at her, trying to cheer her up, all while trying to not flip out in front of her over how much I want my brother dead over this.

  I fuckin' mean it. He's got another thing comin' if he thinks he can rough up my gi—… my step sister.

  She chuckles and shakes her head. "I should probably get a job. I don't care if Donna pays for my shit, but you're not."

  "Oh, that reminds me!" Shit, I can't believe I almost forgot. I reach into my back pocket and take out the cash from the chicks and try to hand her half the pile. "Your cut." I beam at her confused expression.

  "My cut? From what?"

  "Helpin' out with the delivery. We're not volunteers." I toss the cash in her lap when she doesn't take it from me. "See. I told you today would be fun. Well. Kinda fun at least."

  With a chuckle she reaches over and shoves the cash into the waist of my jeans, her knuckles brushing my bare skin. "Not my money, Brandt. If anything, I made your job harder."

  I glance down where her knuckles just burned through my skin then slowly move my gaze back to her. "This is your cash. You worked for it. Take the fuckin' money, Jo." I pull it out and shove it at her. "I'm dead serious. I didn't wake you up and make you start your day to make you work for free. Don't insult me."

  "You're so pushy." She slowly takes the money. "Thanks." Her hand gently holds her side while she turns her gaze out the window.

  "Yeah," I grunt, throwing the truck into park behind the house. "And you're stubborn as a mule. I think we're gonna work well together, city girl." I wink at her and hop out of the truck, rushing over to her side to help her down and try to lessen the pain. "Let's get you some pain meds and a soft, warm bed." I wrap my arm around her to help, but I know she doesn't need it. I just need my hands on her right now. She's all tough, tattoos, and attitude. But today was a side of her she'd have never shown me. If anything it made this whole situation even more confusing because hell, I actually hurt for her.

  When we get inside, Jo heads to the bathroom and I shoot a quick text to Bo, filling him in on what happened today and asking for reinforcements tonight. I need to stop this shit with Cash before it gets completely out of hand. Today was already enough to show me he's become more insane, like everyone's been saying lately. I can't have Jo in danger over some stupid family rivalry shit.

  She walks back into the room and she's still wearing my shirt but she's changed into these tiny shorts and I have to pry my eyes away from those legs. Hell, she's taunting me and she doesn't even fuckin' know it.

  "You hurtin'? Did you take anything yet?" I ask, clearing my throat and walking to the kitchen to grab her pills because I know she's gonna try and tough it through this.

  "I'm fine. Thanks. Just need something to eat." She walks over to the refrigerator and opens it, staring for a few minutes.

  "You want me to make you anything?" I lean against the counter and watch her stare blankly at the half-empty fridge.

  "No." She chuckles and turns to face me, taking the pills from my hand. "God no. Thanks." Walking to the sink, she drinks them down and just stands there a minute.

  "You shouldn't take that without food in your stomach." I grin when she glares at me. "Just sayin’. Don't want you getting sick."

  "I was really looking forward to moving here and being left alone." Her eyes look into her glass before back to my face. "I mean all of the bullshit. Having to fight to survive every day. I don't know why I expected people in the south to be any less human than people in New York."

  I feel for the girl, and probably for all the wrong reasons but it's there and I’m not stamping it down. Letting out a sigh, I reach around and open the cupboard above the fridge and slide out the jar of peanut butter I stole from my dad's pantry late last night. Grinning, I spin and hold it out to her with a quirked eyebrow.

  "Will this help?"

  She grabs it. "More than you know." Grabbing two spoons, she hands me one before opening the lid.

  "How about we chill for a bit before I head out and grab those things you needed? Watch a show or somethin'. Just turn your brain off from my shithead brother and all that shit." I'm trying to get her to not completely hate being here, but no surprise, he's fucking it up.

  Waking up, knowing she's here, is becoming a habit. It's only been a few weeks, but having company is nice. And having company that looks like her is even nicer.

  "Brandt, you don't have to baby me," she drones, taking the peanut butter with her while she walks away. "Go do whatever it is you farm boys do. I'm not your responsibility. And thanks for getting me cleaned up." She plops onto the bed then scoops another glob of peanut butter.

  I chuckle and kick off my boots before joining her. She gives me a look like I've lost my mind, but I ignore her.

  "Chores are done. I don't have anymore work to do today," I lie. "Plus, you're currently hoarding my snack." I scoot closer to her so our legs are touching and again, I have to pry my eyes from her bare skin.

  I keep my eyes on the peanut butter, but I know she's staring at me. When I shove the spoon into my mouth, her chin lands on my shoulder and she's close enough I can't turn my head without smacking faces with her.

  "Why are you being nice to me?"

  "I like you, city girl." I shove my spoon back into the jar and leave it there. "You're...different. Exciting."

  She laughs and pulls away, dipping her spoon again. "We're extremely different. And yet." She shifts, sitting back against her pillows and flips on the TV. "My mom married your dad, so I'm the only odd man out."

  "Sometimes it's good to be the odd man out, Jo," I say, moving back against her headboard to get closer to her.

  "Yeah." She sets the peanut butter on the nightstand then instantly shifts and is straddling my lap. "Sometimes it is." Her lips press to mine before she bites down on my bottom lip then sucks.

  I didn’t expect that move and it takes me a minute to grab her hips. Her body pressed to mine like this is a fucking dream. Something this great doesn't just happen like that, does it? Her hips start to rock and she’s grinding against me, waking my dick up. Hell, now I know I'm definitely not dreaming. I let my lips trail down to her neck and pull her against me, as close as possible, being careful not to push against her side.

  "I don't wanna hurt you, city girl," I whisper, nibbling on her earlobe. "But I think you just started something I'm not about to stop."

  "You're not going to hurt me," she whispers, her pussy still grinding while she swipes my hat off my head and slides her fingers through my hair. "We probably shouldn't be doing this." With the last of her words, she moans and pushes harder against my dick.

  "Stop thinking about it." I grunt then flip us over and lay her on the bed under me. My fingers dance just below the hem of her shorts. "You should probably stop talking about it too." I push my lips to hers again and she lifts her hips slightly, the silent plea to get us skin on skin.

  My fingers move slow but steady as I open her shorts. My eyes catch her gaze for a few seconds, making sure this is what she wants. When there’s no protest, I slide her shorts off and discard them on the floor.

  The minute I realize she's not got any underwear on, I groan and bite my knuckle. "Shit, Jo."

  She grins and wiggles her body as I climb back up to kiss her. Her hands push between us and I lift enough so she can get to my belt buckle. This city girl will never get it undone, but I wait patiently. To my surprise, she flicks it open like she's done it a thousand times before and I start to wonder if she has. My beggin
g dick makes the thoughts leave my head and I push off my jeans, kicking them to the floor. There’s no hesitation in her slim fingers as they snake down my boxer briefs.

  "You eager?"

  Her full palm presses against my dick and her eyes float closed as she bites her bottom lip. A quiet moan escapes her as she starts stroking me and I drop my head then make quick work of pushing up my shirt she’s wearing, finding her tits and hard nipples with my tongue.

  "You'll tell me if I'm hurting you, right?" I whisper, my eyes falling to the bandage on her side.

  "You're not going to hurt me," she promises with panting breaths.

  I crawl down her body, pushing her legs apart and trail my tongue down her thigh. She squirms under me when I do the same to her other leg and I grin, enjoying the tease. I press my mouth to every inch of her flesh I can. Her legs, her knees, her stomach. The one place she wants my mouth is the last place I visit, and I thank God I was raised with patience because hell if I didn't want to go straight there.

  When my tongue licks one long stroke up her folds she gasps and bucks up to meet my face. Goddamn she tastes good. Her fingers weave through my hair and she grips hard, shoving my head down and I go willingly, with a low chuckle.

  "You're kinda pushy." My tongue darts out again and lands on her clit.

  "You're too good at this." She moves her hips to start fucking my face as she curses.

  As soon as her noises grow to levels that tell me she's about to come, I back off and kiss my way up her body, landing on her lips. The way she kisses me with her juices all over my mouth is hot as hell. I rub my dick against her and squeeze my eyes shut, trying not to come already. She just feels too damn good.

  "Condom," I whisper, unable to stop rubbing myself against her. "If we were in my room I'd know where they were." I look at her through hooded, lust-filled eyes and she pushes up to tease me.

  "I don't have condoms." She quietly chuckles. "I didn’t plan on fucking anyone here." Her finger streaks down my cheek to my chin. "This is such a bad idea." The grin on her face tells me she loves every minute of this bad idea.


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