Once Perfect

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Once Perfect Page 13

by Cecy Robson

  Mateo’s hands slid to my lower back. He narrowed his stare. “I may have to kill you.”

  She laughed. “But then how will you make out with your pretty little gringa behind bars, tough guy?” She shut the door when he lunged at her. “Nice to meet you, Evelyn!” she shouted.

  I inched away when Mateo tried to grab me again. “Go be with your sisters while they’re still here. I’ll see you tonight.” I dug into my purse and handed him an envelope.

  He glanced at it. “What’s this?”

  I smiled. “A present.” I gave him a quick kiss and walked down the steps, leaving him to read the results of my blood test.


  Mateo and I barely spoke at the club. An epic number of co-eds lost their shit, and Teo and his crew spent the night tossing asses out the door like Frisbees. I couldn’t help noticing his aggression. Considering what his father had done to him and Sofia, I understood it and hoped some time alone with me after work would help settle him.

  I fidgeted nervously as I followed him back to his place after the club closed. I’d taken the blood test and proven I was healthy. So that meant we’d do more, right? I wanted more. So then why was I so scared? Mateo hadn’t forced me to do anything. Not like―

  That strange cold bristled my skin and I almost lost control of the car. I worked to center it back onto the road. Not like who? Where had that come from? “Not like anyone,” I insisted aloud when I felt myself begin to panic.

  My phone rang, startling me. I fumbled through my purse to snag it. “What happened?” Mateo asked on the other line. “I thought you were going to hit the sidewalk.”

  “I, ah, zoned out for a second.”

  “Zoned out? Like you blacked out?” Worry thickened his deep voice.

  “No, not like that.” Shit. Of all words, why had I used the same word that corresponded with my time alone with Donovan? “I’m just tired, sweetie. That’s all.”

  Mateo disconnected and put on his turn signal. I followed behind him onto a quiet side street and parked just ahead of him after he pulled over. I rolled down the window when he stalked to the door, his brows tight with concern as he leaned into the frame. “What’s up?”

  I forced a smile. “Nothing. It was just a crazy night. I think I finally wore out these stupid boots.”

  For a moment Mateo didn’t say anything. Probably because he knew I was lying. “Do you want me to drive us back?”

  “No, I’m okay,” I insisted.

  “Ev, you don’t have to come back with me tonight. Hell, you don’t ever have to do anything. Just say the word.”

  He waited for my reply. I just stared, and struggled with how to convince him that I wanted and needed him then. He stroked my cheek. When I didn’t respond to his touch, he dropped his hand. “Just let me follow you back to your place so I know you’re safe. Then I’m out. I swear.”

  Damn it. I was messing everything up. “That’s not what I want.”

  “Babe. It’s okay.”

  I worked to gather my resolve. “Teo, I don’t want to be without you tonight. Let me go home with you. Please.”

  He splayed his arm along the top of my Cherokee and rested his head against it, taking his time to speak. “All right, but if you change your mind…”

  “I won’t.” I cupped his face and kissed him.

  He didn’t kiss me with the heat I’d come to expect. Instead, worry wrinkled his brow. “You sure you’re okay to drive?”

  “I’m positive,” I told him. “Come on. Let’s go.”

  He drummed on the door. “Okay. But you go ahead of me. Otherwise, I’ll keep checking my mirror to make sure you don’t take out a streetlight.”

  I tried to laugh, but then realized he wasn’t joking and was genuinely worried something was wrong. The moment he climbed back in his SUV, I angled my monster back onto the road and took off, determined to prove to him and myself that I was okay―that nothing was wrong with me…and just how bad I wanted him.


  When we arrived at his place, Mateo walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. “Do you want some water?”


  His back straightened when he heard me drop my sweater. And my white dress shirt. And my tank, and bra, and shorts. When he glanced over his shoulder, all I had on were a tiny pair of nude panties. I’d ditched my boots and socks as well, but there was one thing more I needed to do.

  As he watched, I unsnapped my ponytail holder and let my thick blond hair cascade around my shoulders. It was getting long. I needed a trim. But I had a feeling Mateo liked the way it draped around my small breasts.

  I backed into his bedroom as he crossed the small distance separating us. I was already reaching for the box of condoms when he stepped into his room. He dropped his head, his breathing already labored. “Tell me when to stop,” he said.

  “I will,” I promised. I swallowed hard when he peeled off his shirt, exposing that body I couldn’t wait to touch. The fear that had seemed so real such a short time ago was gone. If any nervousness remained, it was only because I wanted to make him feel good. “Come here.”

  He prowled around the bed. This time when he kissed me, he meant it, but he wouldn’t touch me until I lifted his hands and placed them over my breasts. My nipples stiffened on his first pass, keeping his attention until I unzipped his pants and took hold of him.

  He was already hard, and he staggered when my hands began to stroke. But then he surprised me by lifting my hands and moving them off him. He kissed me, keeping me from rubbing him. I pulled away. “Did I do something wrong?”

  Mateo passed his lips against mine, breathing hard. “No. I just want to touch you. Will you let me?”

  Mateo pulled me onto the bed when I nodded, kneeling us so my back rested against his strong chest and our bodies faced the large mirror over his bureau. The image momentarily suspended time. I’d never seen us this way, how his massive form overtook my petite frame and how his deep olive skin contrasted with mine.

  “I don’t want you to be afraid of me,” he said softly against my ear. “Watch what I do to you, and let me know if it’s okay.”

  He tilted my chin and kissed me, this time deeper, while his hands reached around to play with the tips of my breasts. I whimpered against his mouth until he lowered it to nibble on my neck and a hand traveled down, slipping over the base of my panties as I watched.

  I jerked when his fingers passed over the sensitive skin. “Too much?” he whispered against my ear.

  My head fell back against his shoulder. “No. Please don’t stop yet.”

  He hooked a finger at the edge of my panties and played with the lace while his mouth returned to mine and his other hand teased my nipples. I moaned. Mateo knew just how to rile me.

  The hand at my panties pushed the fabric aside, exposing me. When I didn’t protest, he brushed his knuckles over my throbbing flesh from side to side. There was something incredibly erotic about watching his movements in the mirror, and feeling and anticipating his touch.

  To see it, and feel it…Oh, God.

  I broke our kiss, breathing hard. Mateo’s hand traveled up my belly before slinking straight down again and beneath the sheer fabric of my panties. I gasped when his fingertips glided over me and circled. He was slow at first and then a little faster. I grunted and cried out when he slipped his fingers inside me.

  I buckled from his thrusts driving into me and from the way his palm passed over my sensitive folds. Without trying, I tightened my thighs around him, making it hard for him to continue.

  He withdrew his hand. “Do you want me to stop?”

  I clasped my hand over his. “No.” I whimpered from how sweet his touch felt.

  Mateo could barely speak. His hot breath stirred over my shoulder. “Then open your legs for me, so I know it’s okay to play.”

  I spread my thighs, though I continued to thrash. He worked me until I fell back with an orgasm that rocked every part of me. Mateo climbed on top of me, pas
sing his tongue from the tips of my breasts, down―way down. His head plunged between my knees and…

  My nails dug into the sheets and mattress as I lost control―totally and completely lost it. In making me watch, Mateo had proved that it was him with me, and that I was safe, and beautiful, and sexy. Damn. I felt so much, so hard.

  This couldn’t be real.

  I wrenched myself across the bed, separating us―my breath mere pants, my entire body trembling from the effects of his touch.

  He eased his way to me, breathing hard. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  My chest rose and fell. “No. It’s just not supposed to feel this way.”

  Concern had him reaching for me. “What way, Evie?”

  I bit my lower lip. “Good.”

  Teo fell back on his heels, lust and something else flaring in his hazel eyes. His deep voice lowered to a rumble. “It is, Evie…When it’s right.” He licked his lips as if he could still taste me. “If you let me, I’ll show you just how good it can feel.” He extended his hand, waiting for my answer.

  I stared at his open palm briefly before clasping it tight. Mateo hauled me to him, throwing my legs over his shoulders.

  And once more, I watched his face disappear between my thighs….

  Chapter Twelve

  I sat up in my old bed, in my old room, inside the sprawling estate where I grew up, my hands gripping my heavy comforter against my breasts. “Dad?”

  He didn’t answer. But he was close. I’d heard a noise.


  My voice quivered and so did my tightening hands. I knew I had to leave my bed. But I didn’t want to. Something terrible waited for me outside my bedroom.


  My legs moved slowly, forcing me out of bed and into an awkward stumble as I fought to cross the large suite.


  Tears moistened my cheeks as they fell. I walked to the still-open door. He had just been in my room talking to me. What did he say before he left?


  I clutched the doorframe, using it to try to steady myself and beat back my growing hysteria. His room waited at the end of the wing. “There was a noise, Daddy.” My voice cracked, allowing the first of my sobs to break through. “Did you hear it?”

  My bare feet pressed against the smooth wood floors. Why won’t you answer me?

  But I knew why.

  I continued forward, my palm pressing against the wall to help me keep on my feet as I neared the end of the hall.

  My shaking hands pushed open the door.

  And I found my father.

  He lay in a lake of blood. He didn’t have a face. He’d blown it off, along with most his skull.

  I woke up, hyperventilating, and not knowing where I was. It took me a moment to realize I was in Mateo’s bed, alone. I didn’t want to call out to him. Not like I had called out to my father. Mateo couldn’t be dead, too.

  My vision spun in a nauseating blur as I staggered into his bathroom. I didn’t want to pass out and worked to slow my frantic breaths. Somehow I managed to make it to the sink and pressed open the knob of the cold water to full blast.

  I splashed myself, not caring about the mess I was making, smacking my hands hard against my face. Mateo couldn’t find me like this. Not again. So I splashed harder, forcing the picture of my dead father from my mind. Of all things I could have dreamed, why him, and Jesus, why now?

  I slumped onto the toilet, panting and gasping. Shit. Stop it. I gripped the edges of the sink, fighting to reel in my panic. “It was just a dream,” I insisted out loud.

  The thing was, it really hadn’t been. That was how I’d found him.

  It took a long while for my breaths to slow. When they did, I felt like I’d been thrown from a moving car. My muscles ached. I groaned when I finally realized I’d left the water running. I stood and shut it off, then snagged a towel from the hook and cleaned the evidence of my freak-out from Mateo’s bathroom.

  I heard a key sliding into the front door of the apartment. I slammed the bathroom door shut, scared. I knew it was Mateo, but I didn’t want him to see me yet―not while my soaked strands of hair hung in all directions and the drenched T-shirt clung to my chest.

  The front door opened and I heard Mateo enter. He fumbled in the kitchen before his heavy steps crossed into the bedroom. “Evie? You okay, baby?”

  My pale reflection stared back at me as I hurried to finger-comb my crazy hair. No, I was far from okay, but I was getting there. Still, he didn’t have to know. Any of it. “I’m fine, Teo. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  My quivering voice gave me away. “You don’t sound good.”

  “Seriously, I’m okay, sweetie. I just woke up.” I grimaced when I tore out a clump of my hair. “Ah, do you have a toothbrush I can use?”

  His pause told me he didn’t believe me, but he answered me anyway. “Check the medicine cabinet. If not, there should be one beneath the sink.”

  I opened the cabinet, where I found a brand-new toothbrush still in its package. It was also where Mateo kept his toothpaste. “Thank you, I’ll be right out.” I dried my face after brushing my teeth. I looked beneath the sink, hoping for a brush or a comb. Considering how short Mateo kept his hair buzzed, it didn’t surprise me he didn’t own one. For some reason, this made me smile. “Where were you?” I asked, just to hear his voice.

  Something pressed against the door. I smiled again, knowing he was leaning against it. Having him close reassured me and helped lessen my remaining anxiety.

  “We slept a long time. I went to grab us some steaks. Are you hungry?”

  “Cheesesteaks?” My stomach growled at the thought.

  He laughed. He must have heard me. “Damn straight. I’m a Philly boy.”

  “From Geno’s?” I mused.

  “Not this time.” His deep voice dropped even lower. “I couldn’t go far knowing you were in my bed, naked.”

  I played with the edges of his borrowed T-shirt. “I wasn’t. Well, when we slept, anyway.” The shirt was soaked. “Teo, can I borrow another shirt? This one’s all wet from, ah, washing my face.”

  “Sure, but feel free to walk around naked if you want. I promise not to look.”

  “You promise, huh?”

  “Cross my heart.”

  My giggles and his sexy voice helped return the color to my cheeks. I leaned against the door. “That was something last night, wasn’t it?”

  Mateo shifted against the other side. “Yeah. It was. Any regrets?”

  My fingers skimmed along the door. I smiled softly. “No. None.”


  I opened the door slowly as Mateo stepped back. He smiled, looking damn fine in gray basketball shorts and T-shirt. “Hey, babe.”

  I smiled back. “Hey.”

  He offered me a stretchy white muscle shirt. “This okay?”

  I nodded and pulled off my wet T. Mateo’s eyes lowered as he took in every part of me. “You’re really beautiful, you know that?”

  For some reason, the sincerity behind his deep voice made me shy. My cheeks warmed and I covered my breasts with my arms. Mateo closed the small distance between us and slipped the muscle shirt over my head. I allowed him to help me dress and smiled when his hands stopped at my hips. He seemed to sense my timidity and gave me space. Most men would have sought more. But Mateo wasn’t like most men. “Thank you,” I said, meaning it.

  He kissed my forehead and clasped my hand. “Let’s eat.”

  He led me into his living room and flipped on the Phillies game. I helped him unpack the food and set it on his coffee table, then sat next to him on his couch. He glanced up and yelled as the Phils hit another homer, putting them three runs ahead. “The Phils are heading for the play-offs. If I can hook us up with tickets, do you want to go?”

  I paused in the middle of unwrapping my sandwich. The reality of the amount of schoolwork awaiting me kicked me in the shins. “It depends on when it is.”

  He opened up a can of Coke and took a sip. “Are Sundays better for you?”

  “Usually. Unless I have an exam. And Fridays during the day when I don’t work on Thursdays.” I took a bite of my sandwich.

  “I’ll shoot for a Sunday game, if I can swing it, since I bounce Wednesday through Saturday.” He shrugged. “Maybe it’ll work.” He tore into his cheesesteak. Between bites, he offered me fries. Our meal wasn’t glamorous by any standards, but it was generous. Aside from my time with Mateo, I rarely ate out.

  I took a fry and glanced up to see a Phil steal third. “I’ll make it work.”

  He smirked. “Even if you have a quiz?”

  I dabbed another fry with ketchup and then tapped him in the nose with it. He laughed and swiped at his face with the back of his hand. “Yes, smartass.” My smile faded. “Believe it or not, I like spending time with you.”

  “I’m starting to believe it. Especially after this week.”

  I finished the fry, swallowing hard. “What’s it going to be like at work? Now that we’re, you know, together.”

  “The same. I’ll walk you out when I can―unless shit’s happened that I need to deal with.” He grinned. “Just don’t expect me to kiss you while we’re there.”

  I straightened, not sure if he was messing with me. “You’re seriously not going to kiss me?”

  “Nope.” He dug into the fries.

  Well, that sucked. “Why? You did when you walked me to my car.”

  “That’s different. We were outside and business was taken care of.” He leaned in and offered me a small kiss. “You’re too distracting, Evie. I have to keep an eye on everything and everyone at the club. I can’t do that if I’m constantly thinking about being alone with you.”

  “Oh. So we have to pretend like we’re not together?”

  He stopped eating. “No. I want people to know you’re my girl.” He frowned. “Do you think I want one of those punks always checking you out to put the moves on you?”

  I rolled my eyes. “No one’s checking me out, Teo.”

  He huffed. “Trust me. They are.”


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