Dire Consequences: The Alexander Matthews Chronicles Book 1

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Dire Consequences: The Alexander Matthews Chronicles Book 1 Page 4

by Leji Albano

  “Can I help you?” She sniffed down her nose loftily. “I’m fairly certain that Planned Parenthood is on the second floor.”

  The waif in front of her stopped chewing for a moment, sneered, and said, “Aren’t you just the cutest thing? Where’s Maria?”


  “Oh?” and a raised eyebrow was the only response. “Is Alex here? He and I need to chat.” The trollop batted her long and perfect lashes at Tina.

  “I’m sorry, but do you have an appointment with Mr. Matthews? What was your name?” Tina pretended to search for a calendar entry, knowing full well there was nothing scheduled for today.

  The woman across from her leaned over the desk, resting on her forearms, grinned, and said, “My name’s Melinda, sweetness, and Alex will definitely want to see me once he knows I’m here.” A pop of her gum punctuated her statement.

  Grinding her teeth and wearing a smile that was more of a grimace, Tina dialed Alexander’s desk phone to let him know he had a visitor. Seconds later, he stalked out of his office door and with a huge smile, waved Melinda in. With a snarky glance at Tina, she flounced over to him and jumped up and into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and resting her head on his chest so she could wink a blue eye back at Tina. With a laugh, he swiveled in place and closed the door behind him as he reentered his office.

  Tina could hear giggling and laughter through the door, and she silently fumed as she imagined just what was going on in there. As it turned out, she was utterly wrong.

  Alexander peeled Melinda off and dropped her ass onto the dark-leather couch in the sitting area of his office, then turned down the volume on the sound system. Y&T’s Breaking Away faded into the background and finally disappeared altogether. He was bemused by her actions. While she was always a bit of a wildcard, she usually didn’t throw herself at him that way. “OK, Mel, what gives?”

  She giggled and kicked her feet as she responded, “That was absolutely delicious. Did you see the look on her face?” and burst into laughter.

  “Why are you tormenting my staff, Mel? Just what has she ever done to you?”

  Pulling her legs up under her, she grinned devilishly. “Because I can, dear. Do I really need any other reason? Besides, she was snotty, and you know how that gets under my skin.”

  Shaking his head and chuckling at Melinda’s antics, he asked, “Would you like something to drink?”

  “Do you still have any of that 37-year-old Lagavulin?”

  “Yup. So, talk to me. To what exactly do I owe the pleasure of your company on this fine July day?” he asked over his shoulder as he poured their drinks at the wet bar that resided along the wall near his private elevator.

  Batting her eyes at him provocatively, she said, “Can’t a girl just drop in on an old friend? Does there have to be an ulterior motive?”

  He snorted in amusement as he handed her the crystal tumbler of scotch whisky. “Uh-huh. Come on, spill.”

  “Fine,” she sighed theatrically. “Be that way.” Taking a small sip of the water of life, she closed her eyes in appreciation and leaned back on the couch, crossing her legs. “We may have a problem. I’m hearing rumors of a possible rogue moving into town, and thought you should know. It’s been a while, and I had really thought the retards on the West side would have gotten the memo by now that Spokane is off-limits. Or at least seriously unhealthy for them.”

  “Anything specific? Or just rumors?” he rumbled contemplatively. “If the Seattle or Portland organizations are making a move, it’s really, really going to piss me off.”

  “Oh, I know, dear, I know. That’s why I came to see you as soon as I had any indications there might be validity to it, and truthfully, I’ve got nothing solid for you. I was asked if I had met the new guy in town, and of course, I haven’t.” Leaning forward and gesturing with her glass, she asked, “When was the last time you went on patrol?”

  He shrugged indifferently. “A couple of months, I guess. Sounds like maybe it’s been too long. You’d think after all this time, they would understand that this is my town.”

  Melinda smiled at him. “No rest for the wicked, dear, no rest for the wicked.” With that, she slammed back the remaining whisky and stood up. Alexander winced at the desecration of such an excellent vintage, and escorted her to the door.

  “Thanks, Mel, I appreciate the heads-up.”

  Giggling again, she flicked her fingers at him and said, “My work here is done. Ta Ta, Love.”

  Through the open door, Alexander could see Tina scowling at both of them. What the hell is wrong with her? he thought, as he turned away and went back to his desk.

  Tina poked her head into Alexander’s office, but he wasn’t there. She wanted to let him know she had an appointment at her salon and was leaving early. Grumbling under her breath, she headed to his private elevator after determining he must be upstairs. She had never actually been to his apartment, and admitted to a deep curiosity as to what she would find.

  The lift itself was understated and more functional than elaborately decorated. Obviously, it was well-maintained, however; she barely felt the device begin to move, and unlike many elevators, it was almost silent. Tina noticed that other than the button for the office, there was only one other destination that was serviced. She assumed the “B” meant the basement.

  When the elevator doors opened, she stepped into his private domain and glanced around. Music, at a moderate volume for a change, drifted over the speakers that were scattered around the space, mounted near the ceiling. Tina smiled at the song that was currently playing…I Will Follow by U2.

  It was an open floorplan that stretched over the entire interior space. Windows dominated all four outer walls, bright spots breaking up the brick façade, and sunlight speared in from the west as the sun began its descent for the evening. The ceiling towered high over the room and was covered in Art Deco tin tiles. There was an open space on the north side that could only be termed as a dojo and included racks for various weapons, most of which she couldn’t even name. His gigantic bed, and what she assumed was a walk-in closet, commanded part of the south side of the room, and what must be the master bath enclosed some of the remainder. There was a home theater set up along the east wall, as well as a sitting area with room for several people. Surprisingly, there was an actual kitchen, including a large island topped by a stainless-steel grill. A small dining table and chairs sat not far from the kitchen. Paintings were scattered in between windows, and Tina was reasonably sure she recognized some of them. She assumed they would not be copies, but originals. Mostly full bookshelves ruled the remaining wall. Light-colored bamboo flooring off-set by dark tile covered most of the space, but large Persian rugs also had their place. The apartment felt homey despite being somewhat spartan overall. She smiled as she took it all in; clutter was apparently not allowed.

  Just as her appraisal finished, she heard a door open, and Alexander walked out toweling his hair dry. Unfortunately, he wasn’t wearing any clothes, and it was apparent he had just finished showering. The involuntary squeak she emitted alerted him to the fact that he wasn’t alone, and he pulled the towel around his neck as he glanced up. Tina was sure her face couldn’t possibly get any redder, and she thought she was going to die from embarrassment. However, that didn’t stop her from getting an eyeful of his body. Oh. My. God, yum, she thought as he grinned at her. The smug bastard didn’t even try to cover up. He pushed his long dark hair back, and it framed his face nicely, revealing the mismatched eyes. She had been curious about them ever since she had taken the job, but couldn’t bring herself to ask about them. The right eye was a watery turquoise blue, but the left had a golden tint, almost amber-colored. Tina had never met anyone else with this condition. Additionally, it would seem that he manscaped regularly, as his body was completely hairless from the neck down. A realistic black tattoo of a wolf covered his right pectoral muscle and ran down his arm to where a short-sleeved shirt would just cover it.

e smirked at her and asked, “Are you done? Or do I need to spin around so you can see the back-side too?”

  If possible, her face flushed even more crimson, and she was having trouble breathing. She quickly turned away from his nakedness and managed to mumble, “I just wanted to let you know I was leaving for the day. I have a hair appointment.”

  She could hear him chuckle behind her, “No problem. Have fun.”

  “Oh my God, oh my God,” she whispered to herself. Tina almost fell in her mad scramble for the elevator, and escape, as his laughter chased her departing figure.


  “…Earth, and the Solar System, were accidentally discovered by the Anunna, whose civilization originated on planets located in the direction of what is known by humanity as the constellation of Orion. A jump drive malfunction nearly destroyed a research ship before dumping the badly damaged vessel into our solar system at a point near Mars. The ship’s crew managed to get it into a stable orbit around the red planet and decided to determine what, if any, repairs could be made. It was quickly determined that any sort of fix for the jump drive was impossible. The technology to do so simply didn’t exist on the ship, nor could it be built from scratch. They were stranded in this planetary system and would have to make do….”

  Excerpt from the diary of Alexander Matthews

  June 1993, Kettle River, near the Canadian border, Washington State

  Alexander was dozing in the late afternoon sun. His clothes and personal items were stashed in the backpack that leaned against the back wall of the rock shelf that his wolf form was stretched out on. The Kettle River burbled below, and he was enjoying the natural beauty that surrounded his perch. A contented sigh escaped him as he stretched out and flopped over onto his side.

  His ear twitched as he heard a twig snap and the sound of small rocks tumbling down the slope. Not long afterward, he scented a female grizzly, and she was headed his way. Reluctantly, he sat up and waited for her to make an appearance, and she did not disappoint.

  The bear rushed at him, rearing up at the last moment, roaring and slashing her claws at him. Alexander yawned and licked one of his paws delicately, holding it up to his face. The bear dropped to her feet and looked confused. She shook her head quickly from side to side, huffed at him, and sat as well. A low growl rumbled from her throat, but it seemed less like any real threat, and more because she hadn’t gotten the reaction she expected.

  The wolf grinned happily at her and wagged his tail, then shifted to human form. “Hello there, I’m Alexander,” he said amiably. “Sorry if I intruded on your private territory, but when I found this spot, I just couldn’t help myself.”

  Seconds later, a naked woman sat across from him. She had strawberry blonde hair that cascaded down her back, appeared to be in her mid-20s, and had a tanned, athletic body that had obviously spent a lot of time outdoors.

  “Jennifer,” she replied in a gravelly voice. “You’re a long way from the city, friend.”

  Alexander chuckled, “Is it that obvious?”

  Jennifer shrugged. “Can smell its stink on you. Don’t get many like you up here.” A chuckle escaped her. “Don’t get many folks at all up here.”

  “I suppose you don’t. That’s a shame, though. This part of the country speaks to me.”

  She looked at him sharply. “That so? Where you from?”

  “Spokane. I’ve lived there for a long time. You?”

  “Was born not far from here. Ma lives just across the border.” She leaned forward conspiratorially. “If you’re from Spokane, then you must have run into the Master at some point. How is it that you’re still alive?”

  Alexander leaned in, too, and whispered into her ear, “I am the Master.”

  Jennifer gasped and leaned back, silently appraising him. “That so? I thought you’d be…bigger,” she said doubtfully.

  His laughter echoed off the surrounding area. “Not the first time I’ve heard that,” he told the frowning woman. “So, what happens now, Jennifer?”

  “Haven’t had company in a long time. You hungry?”

  “I could eat.”

  She stood up and stretched her arms over her head, smiling invitingly down at him. “Got a place not too far from here. Might take a while to make dinner.”

  Alexander stood as well and grabbed his pack. “I’m in no particular hurry.”

  For a long time after that, he treasured the three nights he spent in her cabin….

  Wearing a grin caused by Tina’s reaction to ambushing him in his own home, Alexander went to his closet and started pulling out the clothes he intended to wear while following up on Melinda’s vague lead. He chose based on utility rather than any formal sense of fashion: Stretchy moisture-wicking t-shirt (slightly too big), tactical cargo pants (loose in the waist), black tube socks, boxer briefs (also stretchy), and finally, low-cut square-toed leather boots. Additionally, he ensured the desired contents of the small daypack he grabbed were all there. Freedom of movement was an essential component of his wardrobe selections, as was its ability to survive intact should he need to shift. He had replaced a lot of shredded clothes over the years, and it always sucked to have to do so.

  Snagging a set of keys from the table next to the bed, he made his way to the private elevator that Tina had fled through not so long ago. As the doors rumbled closed and he punched the button for the basement, Alexander inhaled deeply. The scent of Tina’s bodywash and shampoo were strong within the confined space, as was her arousal. With a wistful smile, he exited the lift when the doors opened, and he made his way over to a matte-black Ducati motorcycle. This was only one of a half-dozen vehicles he parked in the private sub-basement garage. Bright fluorescent lighting ensured that there were no shadows where someone with evil intent could lie in wait, and reflected off the many shiny surfaces of the machines parked within. It’s good to be king, he decided. Once the helmet that had dangled off the handlebars was in place on his head, he fired up the Ducati and sped up the ramp to street level.

  The sun was setting as Alexander rode down Riverside Avenue, the early evening traffic sparse. He raised the visor on the helmet and began to let his senses range out, seeking any anomaly. Scents that one would typically associate with city life assaulted him with each breath: exhaust fumes from all the vehicles and buses, vibrant odors from each restaurant he passed, the smell of hot concrete and asphalt, and the much-less-pleasant aromas from the alleys that ran behind each block of buildings. He cruised in a grid search pattern that took him from east to west and covered the entirety of the city center.

  Moving on to Browne’s Addition, and its stately Victorian homes, he performed a similar search pattern that also yielded negative results. Alexander finally decided to call it a night after running east out on Sprague Avenue as far as the Walmart, and turned the bike back toward the downtown area. Just as he made the turn onto Washington Avenue, he caught a faint trace of the scent he had been looking for. Slowing slightly, he used his nose to track his quarry to a club on Main Street. Once the Ducati was parked out of sight in the back, Alexander made his way to the front door, entered, and stepped to the right of the entrance, where he stood for a moment. Allowing his vision to adjust to the light level, he used his nose to pinpoint his target location.

  His glittering eyes carefully scanned the man sitting at a table near the back. They automatically discounted the two human women seated on either side of him. His quarry was obviously making headway with the charm offensive he was employing on the young ladies. All signs indicated that at least one of them would be leaving with the Millennial douchebag, and fairly soon if Alexander was any judge. Too bad for him, Alexander had other, slightly less-pleasant plans.

  He strode over and casually grabbed the last chair at the table, spinning it around, the back facing the surprised-looking object of his attention. Alexander straddled the seat as he eased his weight down.

  “Evening, ladies. I hope you don’t mind if I borrow my friend here for a few minutes? I<
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  haven’t seen him in a very long time, and I just want to get caught up. You understand, right?”

  He raised his eyebrows at them, then reached into his back pocket, snagged his wallet, and pulled out forty dollars that he tossed onto the table. “I’d hate for you to get thirsty on my account, so please, drinks are on me.” The money disappeared, and with matching smiles, the girls were headed to the bar.

  “Hey asshole, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” the scowling face across from Alexander asked.

  “Shut. Up. I ask the questions, and you get to answer. If I like your answers, you might even walk away from this in one piece,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “Bullshit!” An attempt to stand was interrupted as Alexander reached across the table and slammed him back into his chair. A startled, uneasy look crossed the man’s face. “Who are you, dude? I’m just here to have a good time, I don’t want any trouble.”

  A low growl rumbled from Alexander’s chest. “Again, I ask the questions. Now, you and I are going to walk out the door together, just like besties. Once outside, you will take a left, then go around the side of the building and stop in the alley. We’re going to have a short chat. Got it?”

  “Fuck you, man. I ain’t going anywhere with you!”

  “We can do it my way,” Alexander cracked his neck as he stood up, “or I can carry your unconscious ass out over my shoulder. Your choice. And frankly, it doesn’t really make a difference to me.”


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