Dire Consequences: The Alexander Matthews Chronicles Book 1

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Dire Consequences: The Alexander Matthews Chronicles Book 1 Page 25

by Leji Albano

  “Caterina welcomes Alexander, Alpha of both the Pack and Coven of Napoli.” She spoke formally.

  His eyes surveyed the tense bodies behind their Coven master, coolly appraising each.

  “Obey your mistress in all things, and you and I will have no further difficulties. It is only through her will that any of you yet live today,” he said evenly. “As for myself, I have already put the past behind me, and am only concerned with moving forward. Hopefully, as we work together, any remaining animosities can be dispelled.”

  It was difficult to tell by their guarded expressions whether his words had any effect. Mentally shrugging, he looked back at Caterina expectantly. She gestured him to follow and walked to a small side room that held a table and enough chairs for six people.

  Alexander seated himself at the head of the table and waited for Caterina and two of her people to sit down. “I’m hoping this meeting will be fairly short, but I will want to speak to all Coven members afterward.”

  Caterina looked pointedly at a young woman, who immediately used her phone to begin sending texts.

  “Cat, are there any immediate needs that are a priority for you right now?” he asked.

  “Caterina cannot think of anything other than personnel shortages. The Coven is stretched thin trying to cover all staffing needs.”

  “Understood. I wanted your thoughts on attempting to bring in unaffiliated vampires and offering them a home. Might that help alleviate your shortages?”

  She turned to the man sitting stiffly to her right. “Caterina would ask her head of security. Stefano?”

  He nodded, then said, “I have some concerns regarding such an action. They are unaffiliated for a reason, after all.”

  “Perhaps. And yet, not all of them, I am thinking,” Alexander said. “Cat herself was unaffiliated prior to assuming leadership of this Coven. A thorough vetting should eliminate most of the bad apples, and those who don’t make the cut will be told to leave this city.”


  “I have already put a similar edict in place for the Pack. Now is not the time to have rogue elements in play within Naples. We need to stabilize the situation before considering loosening the restrictions.” He paused. “It’s something to think about at any rate.

  “Let me ask you this. How many Normals who are in the know would be willing to be infected?”

  Caterina and Stefano exchanged a glance, then the head of security said, “Somewhere between seven and ten. However, that would cut into our donor pool, so I’m not sure that is viable.”

  “OK, let’s shelve that idea for now. But something needs to be done fairly quickly.” Alexander looked at Stefano. “Do you have sufficient staff for normal security duties?”

  “Barely, and that’s only because we are all working long shifts,” he responded, leaving the thanks to you unspoken.

  “Cat, I can make some Pack security available if you would like. They would be supplementary forces only and would report to Stefano while they were here. Would that work?”

  She raised an eyebrow at her head of security, and after the barest hesitation, he nodded. “Caterina accepts your offer.”

  “Excellent. I’ll have Enzo contact Stefano directly to coordinate efforts.”

  Alexander cleared his throat. “There is something you all need to be aware of. I have Pack resources looking into a couple of different options that would allow all of us, both Coven and Pack, to live at a single property, rather than separate as is now the case. I have several reasons that I would like to see this happen, but chief among them is the ability to consolidate and share our resources. From a security standpoint alone, this is advantageous. We could merge both teams and share the load. I envision Enzo and Stefano sharing leadership. Would this be a problem for you, Stefano?”

  “Would I only lead the vampires?”

  “No. We’ll mix the members up. Enzo is my Beta and will have less and less time to run the department as I shift responsibilities to him. At some point, you will be the head of security for our combined houses. I should warn you, my expectations are high.”

  Caterina coughed loudly into her hand, mumbling, “That is an understatement.”

  Alexander grinned at her. “I am hoping we can find a property with several buildings that will house everyone, provide a training facility, and whatever else I can think of. If either of you knows of such a property, please let either Enzo or Julia know. My long-term goal is to merge the two houses into a stronger cohesive whole. As I am sure you are aware, this has never been done before, and I expect a certain amount of opposition.” His gaze hardened, and he met the eyes of each. “This will happen. No dissent will be tolerated. Please make sure everyone knows that.”

  “Finally, some last housekeeping items. I want an audit of all Coven finances, as well as the current state of your armory.” Nodding at Stefano, he continued, “If we need to modernize, or beef up what you have, it will be addressed when you give me the formal report.

  “Cat, I am having daily meetings with Pack senior staff. Please attend these with whoever you feel needs to be there. I’d rather have just one meeting than have to come over here only to repeat myself.” He smiled at her as he said this. “Not that I don’t appreciate spending time with you, but….”

  She lifted her nose and sniffed dismissively. “Caterina is well aware of the effect she has on males such as Alexander. It is but one of the many heavy burdens she has to bear each and every day.”

  Laughter filled the room as everyone heard her words. Alexander then adjourned the meeting, and once he was assured that the Coven was assembled, he gave them a slightly modified version of the speech he had given the Pack the day before.

  Tina was feeling lost. She had awoken to the sounds of people moving about the halls, and then she’d showered. It was a little awkward since she hadn’t shared a bathroom like that since high school, but she managed. The aromas of breakfast drew her to the dining room, where she ate far more than she normally would, but she was starving. Her eyes scanned the crowd, taking in the smiling faces and loud companionable chatter that filled the room. Staff were busy refilling platters and drink containers almost as fast as they were being emptied. There were several children present, and their harried mothers tried to keep them focused long enough to actually eat.

  Enzo nodded to her from a table near the front of the room, but she didn’t see Alexander. She felt guilty about being happy about that fact, but just couldn’t help it. Tina still had mixed emotions where he was concerned, and she needed some time to work it all out. Intellectually she knew he had done what he felt was required, but the resentment she harbored would not go away any time soon. Still, seeing the Pack interact with each other, and him, made her doubt herself. If he truly was the monster she thought, then why didn’t anyone else seem to see it that way?

  Additionally, she had worked and trained with him for months. Could he have hidden that from her so successfully, and for so long? She didn’t think so, not really. The genuine attraction she had felt for him during that time also suggested he was exactly what he had appeared to be. Was it merely the fact that he was a werewolf that was clouding her emotions right now? Or was she just being vindictive because he made a choice without consulting her? Granted, it was a choice that had a significant impact on her life, but would she truly have preferred him to let her die? She was so confused.

  Tina drank the last of her coffee and made her way back to her room. She threw herself onto the bed and took out her phone, staring at it unsurely for a moment. Her fingers dialed her Aunt Maria.

  “Tina, I thought you were in Italy,” her aunt's voice said.

  “I am. Not sure when I’ll be back either,” she said morosely.

  “Oh? Is everything all right?” Maria asked in a concerned tone.

  Tina hesitated, not sure how to broach the subject. “How well do you know Alexander?”

  Her aunt replied, “In what way, dear?”

  “Like, does he
have any secrets?” she probed.

  Maria sighed into the phone. “Why don’t you just ask the question you are hinting at, Tina.”

  Her niece ran her hand through her hair exasperatedly. “Fine. You’ll probably think I’m crazy anyway. Did you know he is a werewolf?”

  The silence on the other end was deafening. “I did. I want you to tell me exactly what has happened.”

  Tina spent the next few minutes bringing her aunt up to date. Not once did Maria interrupt or ask for clarification. When Tina had finished, her aunt was still silent.

  “Aunt Maria? Are you still there?”

  “Give me a second, please,” was the terse response.

  Maria started speaking in a measured, even tone. “So, let me see if I have this straight. You were attacked by a vampire and his wolf partner. As a result, you were dying, and Alexander did the only thing that would save your life…and you are shutting him out?” The last words were hissed into the phone. “Are you fucking insane?”

  Tina was shocked by the venom-laced words. This was not what she had expected to hear.

  “I would have given anything to be in the position you find yourself in. Stop being a selfish brat!” Maria snarled. “My jealousy is killing me at this moment, and while I really want to be happy for you, I just don’t have it in me.”

  Sudden realization struck Tina, and she said, “You never worked for his ‘father’, did you? It was Alexander the whole time, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes. We were attacked in Egypt and he had to fight off a Pack of Werejackals. I witnessed the whole fight, so it wasn’t like he could pretend it didn’t happen. Not long after we returned to the States, and I had thought long and hard about it, I begged him to infect me.” Maria’s voice broke on the final words. “He wouldn’t do it. Alexander thinks he’s a monster and refused to curse anyone else. Do you know how many others he has turned?”

  “No. How many?”

  “None. Not a single one. Remember when I told you he was the loneliest man on the planet?” Maria asked.


  “Alexander is one-hundred forty-six years old. He has watched his entire family grow old and die. He admitted to me that he deliberately lost contact with them because it was too hard, not to mention the difficulty of explaining why he still looked so young. Can you even imagine what that must have been like?” Maria continued relentlessly. “He swore he would never curse another soul the way he felt he had been cursed. And he kept that promise until you were attacked.”

  “You love him, don’t you?” Tina whispered.

  “Yes. God help me, I think I always have,” Maria hiccupped. “He never let it be anything other than a friendship though. I understand why, but it wasn’t easy. Not for either of us. He was attracted to me as well, but he knew the day would come when I’d grow old, and he wouldn’t. Now you know the real reason I never married or had children. It wouldn’t have been fair to love one man and marry another. So, I stayed a spinster and enjoyed my time with him.”

  She blew her nose and sniffled a time or two. “But you don’t have to follow that path, Tina. If you want a relationship with him, Alexander no longer has an excuse to deny you. Is that something you want?”

  Tina sighed. “If you would have asked me even a week ago, I would have said yes. But now…? I’m just not sure.”

  “Why? Because you think he took the choice away from you? Grow up. You were dying, and he did the only thing he could to save your life.” The anger was back in her aunt’s voice. “You would be dead right now if it weren’t for him.”

  “It’s not just that. He killed so many people. How do I let that go?”

  “Yes, he killed a lot of people. Alexander has killed before, and he will no doubt kill again,” Maria said matter-of-factly. “I can assure you he never does so lightly. You grew up in a town never knowing that other types of humans even existed. Why do you think that is?”

  “I don’t know,” her niece responded.

  “Because Alexander controls the city. The formal term is that he is the Master of the city. He kept everyone in line. For almost a hundred years, he has kept the peace and ensured that Normal people were safe. You can’t do that without breaking some heads.”

  Maria paused, then continued relentlessly. “He didn’t go to war with the Coven and Pack just because they nearly took you from him. That was part of it, clearly, and probably even a big part. But what really pissed him off was that something like that could occur at all. Regular people are to be protected, not fed upon. So, he did the only thing he felt he could—he rectified the situation in his own special way. Wolves and Vampires may seem human, Tina, but their very natures dictate certain behaviors. Dominance has to be clearly established and firmly maintained. Might makes right isn’t just a saying to them…it’s fact.”

  A moment later, Maria spoke again. “He took control of both houses because the previous leadership was defective. There was no way he could ignore the lack of control they had over their people, nor could he just walk away and let the same thing happen to another innocent person. People talk about honor like it’s a dead thing. I can tell you it is not. Alexander just doesn’t have it in him to not fix a situation when he knows he can. So, he did. Do you understand?”

  “Not really. It’s so weird watching him interact with the Pack. They should hate him for what he did, and yet they don’t. He is making major changes to the way things work, and rather than chafe at it, they seem to be embracing them. Don’t get me wrong, the old elite aren’t happy, but everyone else seems to be taking it in stride.”

  Maria snorted. “That’s because he established his dominance quickly and ruthlessly. They respect that. Unlike Normal humans, the Pack has enough wolf in them that a clear hierarchy and a strong leader are comforting, even necessary. Those poor bastards have no idea what they are in for. Alexander won’t leave until he stabilizes both the Pack and Coven, but make no mistake, he has zero intention of sticking around to run things forever.”

  “I think that he has already chosen Enzo and Caterina to lead in his absence,” Tina said.

  Laughter belted from the phone. “Caterina? Oh, that’s too funny. I suspect she isn’t entirely pleased with her new position.”

  “Probably not, but he named her his Beta over the Coven.”

  “She can handle it. That is one tough lady, my dear.”

  “Enzo said that had Cat not intervened, at great risk to herself, Alexander would have killed every vampire in the Coven, including children,” Tina said.

  “I doubt that Caterina was really in danger, but it sounds like Alexander was furious. My guess is that a lot of that rage was because they had forced his hand. He will kill when it’s necessary, and he obviously felt it was, but that doesn’t mean it was easy for him to do so. At heart, Alexander is a gentle man who just wants to be left alone.” She sighed. “I can’t imagine what releasing the monster he truly believes he is must have done to his psyche. I’m sure it was devastating. And just so you know, those children were never in danger. Alexander would sooner die than see a child harmed.”

  “I’ve seen the videos, Aunt Maria. He was fucking scary. An emotionless killing machine, like some sort of wolf Terminator.”

  “I’m sure it seemed that way, Tina. Alexander can be very focused when he is on task. I would venture to guess that during sparring sessions you may have let your emotions get the better of you?”

  “Yes, and he always tells me that I need to control them. So annoying.”

  Another laugh. “Well, what you saw was him practicing what he preaches.”

  An uncomfortable silence reigned for a time.

  “What am I going to do, Aunt Maria?” Tina asked.

  “You need to let go of whatever resentments you have. He didn’t steal your choice from you. There was no other option. Period. Embrace the gift he has given you, because it is a gift. You have the opportunity I always longed for.” A deep breath. “If not, then when he feels you are ready,
he will let you go. And you will have to figure out what to do with yourself after that.”

  The sound of gunshots suddenly rang out from the front of the building. Tina sat up and said, “I have to go, Aunt Maria, something is happening.” Voices were shouting, and footsteps thundered down the hall. Tina ended the call and ran down the stairs, only to find utter chaos.

  Alexander’s foot had barely touched the first step leading to the entrance of the Pack villa when the large caliber bullet struck him in the left shoulder blade. Blood, meat, and bone sprayed the doors in front of him, and the deformed bullet buried itself in the wood. The impact spun him 180 degrees, and the second round took him in the solar plexus. His body collapsed to the ground, face to the sky. The sentry on duty immediately pulled his weapon and scanned for the shooter.

  Enzo and two more security burst through the doors. Enzo rushed to where Alexander lay, the Beta yelling for medical assistance while the remaining guards sprinted to where the sentry was pointing. The shooter managed to get off another shot before being taken down and disarmed, but no one else was hit.

  When Tina reached the top of the steps, the Pack doctor was already trying to stanch the flow of blood from Alexander’s wounds. Blood was everywhere, so much blood, and time slowed down for her as she tried to take it all in. There was a ringing noise that dampened all other sounds, and she could feel her pulse pounding furiously. At the same time, everything took on a clarity she had never experienced before.

  Enzo was shouting commands and attempting to get control over the situation. The medical team struggled to hold Alexander’s body down as he went into some sort of convulsive spasm; blood gurgled and foamed from his mouth and his hands clenched against the hard driveway, fingers digging deep. His back arched, then relaxed. Somehow his eyes found hers, and a sad smile remained on his face even as his body slowly deflated. She knew the exact moment when he died.


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