Unforeseen Heartbeat

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Unforeseen Heartbeat Page 20

by Maureen Mayer

  “Not so fast, sweetheart. I’m not finished with you yet. That was just a preview of what’s to come… pun intended.” He whispered the last part in my ear, chuckling softly under his breath, and my body trembled as one of his hands glided down my belly and cupped my mound. I heard the unmistakable sound of his zipper being tugged down behind me and looked up to find our reflections in the mirror; there was no denying how badly we both needed this. Our faces were flushed, chests rising and falling in tandem, and my insides were screaming to have him inside me.

  Hunter drove into me without warning, and I cried out in both pain and pleasure. He grew harder with every thrust, stretching me and pushing deeper than he had ever gone before. From this angle, he could fill me completely, and that was exactly what I needed from him; for him to fill me, pervade me, penetrate me beyond my limits. He pressed his chest into my back, closing the last gap between our sweat-ridden bodies, and his eyes never left mine in the mirror. Not once. Even as I cried out from the sheer intensity of the orgasm rippling through my body, our gazes were locked on one another, unwavering until the very end. We were connected, not only by our bodies, but by our love.

  Tears stung the back of my eyes as he poured himself into me, hot milky spurts filling my slick channel, and I took it all greedily. I took all of him. I never wanted to lose this connection that we shared; this bond that had brought two complete strangers together to share in this beautiful moment… in the men’s restroom. A small laugh slipped past my lips at the thought of Hunter having his way with me in here, and he must have had the same thought cross his mind as he chuckled against my shoulder. But the location of our love-making made no difference to me as long as we were together.

  We remained wrapped up in one another until he began to soften within me and reluctantly pulled out, breaking our connection. I turned in his arms, his chest still pressed against me, and leaned up to kiss the man who had quickly captured my heart. He held my face in his hands, brushing his thumbs over my cheeks gingerly as he smiled down at me. Just a subtle curve of his lips, but that simple gesture said so much without him ever uttering a single word. He loved me. This beautiful, selfless, angel of mine loved me and saved me in more ways than he will ever know. And to think that I had ever doubted him…

  Hunter cleaned us both up and grabbed our discarded clothes off the floor, before helping me slip my bra on and hooking it in the back. “Well, that was a first.”

  I peeked over my shoulder. “What, never had sex in the men’s room before?”

  Hunter laughed and kissed the back of my neck. “No, I can’t say that I have, babe.”

  “Good. It was a first for me, too.” I grinned up at him, pleased that I could share another first with him.

  We continued to dress ourselves, sharing flirtatious glances, and when we unlocked the door and stepped out of the restroom, the janitor was standing there with his keys ready to slide into the door. He gave us a perturbed look, but his expression softened as he shook his head and mumbled something about “crazy kids” under his breath.

  “Think he knows what we just did in there?” Hunter winked at me.

  I threaded my fingers through his slightly disheveled hair and giggled. “Oh, I think he knows exactly what just went down in there.”

  Hunter took my hand, lacing his fingers through mine, and brought them up to his lips. “How about I take you home and finish what we started.”

  My brow furrowed. “Finish?”

  “Mhmm.” He dropped his face closer to mine and purred in my ear. “You didn’t think that was all I had in me, did you, baby?”

  I drew in a sharp breath, the tingling sensation returning between my legs, and a huge ass grin replaced the awestruck expression on my face. We couldn’t get home fast enough, and the second he pulled his bike into the parking lot, he lifted me in his arms, and my legs instinctively wrapped around his waist as we made a beeline straight for the bedroom. He was right. He definitely had more in him. And we finished what we had started… three more times.

  Hunter and I hadn’t discussed our plans for the holidays yet, so when we finally succumbed to exhaustion after making a mess of the bed sheets all afternoon, I thought it was a good time to bring it up. I threw together a pot of chili for dinner, a secret family recipe Hunter had shared with me, while he sat in the living room studying for his Organic Chemistry exam. I gave the pot one more stir before letting it simmer and brought a cold glass of sweet tea out for Hunter. He kissed my cheek appreciatively and dove back into his book.

  “Hey, hon, have you thought about what you want to do for Thanksgiving? I know we haven’t really talked about it, but you’re more than welcome to come to my parents’ house if you don’t have any plans. They always make enough food to feed an entire third world country.”

  He set his book down on the coffee table, marking the last page he read. With his elbows resting on his knees, he rubbed the back of his neck timidly and released a deep breath. “Actually, I was thinking about heading home to take care of a few things and visit with my family. My younger brother, Michael, is supposed to be staying the weekend, too. He’s a freshman at Texas A&M, and I haven’t had a chance to see him since school started.”

  “Oh.” I smiled, trying to hide my disappointment. “Well, that’s nice. I’m sure they all really miss you.”

  “Yeah, my mom was over the moon when she heard I was coming home. Said she was going to prepare all of my favorite dishes despite it being Thanksgiving.”

  “Including her famous chili?” I smirked, knowing that was at the top of his list of favorites.

  He gave me a warm smile. “Including her chili.”

  “Well, if for whatever reason your plans fall through, I’ll save a seat for you at the table.”

  “Thanks, babe, but I’m pretty sure my mom will send me to an early grave if I don’t show up on their doorstep Thanksgiving morning. She’s been planning my visit down to the very second, and if anything goes wrong… Let’s just say momma bear will have my balls on a silver platter.”

  My eyes widened and he let out a full-bodied laugh, finding my reaction amusing. “Remind me never to get on your mom’s bad side.”

  “Nah, my mom’s awesome. She’d love you just for putting up with me, so you have nothing to worry about. I’d be more afraid if I knocked you up. She already told me if I make her a grandma before she turns fifty, she’s cutting me out of her will.”

  You know those cartoons you watched as a kid where the character’s eyes are bugging out so far that you think they’ll slingshot right out of their head? Yeah, that described me to a T in response to hearing him refer to knocking me up. My jaw just about hit the floor, and my throat suddenly felt drier than the Mojave Desert as I shot up to my feet.

  A rich, deep chuckle rumbled through Hunter’s chest as he stood and took me in his arms. “I’m kidding, babe. I’m pretty sure my mom wasn’t serious about cutting me out of her will.”

  “You think that’s why I have this look on my face?!” I smacked his chest, but he caught my hand and brushed his lips over my knuckles.

  “Why are you freaking out? It was only a joke.” He dropped his mouth down to mine, and his instantly settled my nerves. “We have nothing to worry about. You’re on birth control. There are no kidlets on the way for us.”

  “No, you’re right. I’m sorry. I’m not so much upset about the knocking me up remark. It’s just… I haven’t met your parents yet, and I don’t want them to have any ammunition to use against me before they get to know me.”

  “Ammunition? What could they possibly not love about you? I love everything about you, right down to your incessant need to overreact about everything.”

  “I do not overreact about everything!”

  Hunter’s eyebrow slowly rose up to his hairline. “Remember the morning after the frat party, when you flipped out over finding me in your bed? Case in point.”

  “Hey, that was totally justified.” I jabbed my finger in his chest. �
��I had no idea who you were or how the fuck you ended up there!”

  “But I bet you’re glad I did end up there though, huh?”

  I rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulder, feigning indifference. “Maybe a little.”

  “Only a little?” He slowly ran his hands up my sides, ghosting over my ribs. I knew where he was going with this, but I refused to cave in. “Hmm, baby, I think you can do better than that.”

  “Nope.” The word popped out of my mouth. “I mean, who knows… I could be madly in love with some other G.I. Joe-McDreamy wannabe right now, had it not been you.”

  Hunter smirked, licking his lips. “Care to change your answer, sweet cheeks?” His fingers skimmed over the sensitive skin beneath my arms, and his tongue traced along the shell of my ear as he whispered, “I think it would be wise of you to do so.”

  I leaned in, brushing my lips against his, and breathed out seductively, “Never.”

  Now I had gone and done it. Hunter shot me a roguish grin, chewing his bottom lip in a teasing manner and tempting me with his sultry, hooded gaze. Something wild flashed in his eyes, and the intoxicating blend of his signature earthy scent and the heat radiating from his rough hands had my body humming with need.

  Hunter whisked me off my feet, throwing me over his shoulder, as he marched off to the bedroom. “Again?! Hunter, at least let me eat before we go at it again. I’m running on fumes here.”

  He spanked my ass as if I had spoken out of turn and threw me down on the mattress with a little bounce. Straddling my tiny frame, he placed a hand on either side of me, further caging me in. “Admit it. You were glad I was the one who ended up in bed with you that morning.” I shook my head, clamping my lips shut. His fingers burrowed into my sides, causing my body to shudder beneath him. “C’mon, babe, say it just once to appease me, and I’ll never bring it up again. I promise.” He stroked his thumb across my bottom lip, coaxing me to answer him, but my stubborn ass wasn’t budging.

  “All right, if that’s how you’re going to play it.” He assaulted my ribs, tickling me until I was screaming and laughing so hard that there were tears streaming down my face.

  “Okay, okay! Geez, you play dirty.” I sat up on my elbows, trying to catch my breath.

  Hunter bent down, trailing his warm, velvety tongue up my neck. “You know I like it dirty.”

  “Yes, I’m beginning to realize that now.” I giggled.

  “Out with it, my little minx. Tell me how ecstatic you were to find me sprawled out in bed next to that morning.”

  I whispered, just barely audible, “Yes.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that, love.” His fingers fluttered over my ribs again, and my hips bucked beneath him.

  “YES! Yes, I’m happy you were the one I woke up next to that morning. There’s no one I’d rather be waking up next to. You know that.” And I meant it. I couldn’t imagine ever waking up next to another man for as long as I lived.

  Hunter smiled down at me with sweet adoration in his eyes and bent down to capture my lips in a punishing kiss. “Geez, babe, I don’t know why you felt so adamant about having to tell me that.”

  Oh, that man was so infuriating! I grabbed the first thing my hands came in contact with, and luckily it was soft because I was aiming straight for Hunter. “You know you drive me crazy, right?”

  “Well, I’d hope so, because you drive me just as crazy, sweet cheeks.” He smacked my ass and rolled us so that we were lying on our sides, facing each other. “But you love my crazy ass.”

  “Mmm, can’t argue with you there.”

  “Holy shit!” He reached for his cell phone on the nightstand and pointed it in my face. “I feel like I need to record this moment as proof that you finally agreed with me on something. Can you repeat that one more time, just a little louder?”

  I took the phone out of his hand and tossed it on the far end of the bed. “Oh, shut up and kiss me, you dork.”

  Hunter chuckled and wrapped his hand around my neck, drawing me closer so that I was only a breath away from him. “With pleasure.”

  His full lips moved over mine, his tongue exploring my mouth purposefully. These were the kisses that made me fall in love with him all over again. No matter how many times we had kissed before, it always felt like the very first time… heartbreakingly perfect. Just like him. I’m pretty sure my lips never left his, even right up until the night before he left for Texas to visit his family. I was left swollen and thoroughly kissed, a beautiful reminder that this handsome stranger, who unexpectedly wound up in bed with me one morning almost three months earlier, had quickly become the man that would forever change my life.

  Little did I know just how much our lives were about to change.

  I was going to kill Liberty! Somehow, the bitch had coerced me into going to that sushi restaurant her and Shayne had been raving about. Never. Again.

  I spent the entire morning heaving the contents of my stomach and praying to the porcelain gods for it to end. This wasn’t exactly how I wanted to spend my Thanksgiving. I was supposed to be lying in bed with Hunter, giving him a delicious sendoff before he had to leave for the airport. Shayne ended up giving him a ride there, while Robbie came over to keep an eye on me and make sure I didn’t pass out from puking my brains out. I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye, but there was no way I was going to let him see me like this.

  Just as another wave of nausea hit, Robbie tapped lightly on the bathroom door. “Baby girl, are you all right?”

  I leaned against the cool toilet seat, struggling to keep my head up. “Ughh, I’ll be fine after a few more rounds. I just need to get this out of—” I wasn’t able to finish my sentence before my stomach churned, and the last of my tainted dinner made an unsightly reappearance. To my relief, I felt surprisingly better after that.

  I flushed the toilet and watched the doorknob turn slowly. Robbie stood there grimacing with his hand plugging his nose. “Dear Lord, woman, it smells like Shamu exploded in here! What the hell did you eat?”

  “Sushi.” He handed me a damp washcloth, and I cleaned my face before standing to brush my teeth.

  “Damn. Are you sure that’s all it was? You were puking something fierce in here!”

  “Positive. I could taste that shit coming back up.” I rubbed my hand over my stomach. “I’m feeling a lot better now, though.”

  Robbie arched a brow in disbelief. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah, I should be okay in time for dinner at my parents’ tonight.”

  “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, baby girl. I don’t want you tossing your cookies all over the dinner table. You know how much I love your mom’s cooking.”

  I patted him on the arm and smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to aim away from your precious feast if I get sick again. But really, I’m fine.” I walked into the kitchen and decided to prepare a late breakfast, since neither of us had eaten yet. After pulling a loaf of French bread and a carton of eggs out of the fridge, I looked up to find Robbie staring at me wide-eyed. “What?”

  “You just spent the last two hours hurling and now you’re hungry?”

  I shrugged and cracked a few eggs in a bowl, whisking in a splash of milk and a pinch of cinnamon. “Yeah.”

  “O-kay, well, I think I’m going to pass on the French toast. I seem to have lost my appetite after the scene that just took place in your bathroom. I’ll see you over at Casa de Harrington around five?”

  “Sounds good. Thanks again, Robbie. I really appreciate you coming over to take care of me, even though it seems now that it was unnecessary.”

  “Any time, baby girl. You know I’m always here for you.”

  I leaned up to kiss his cheek, and he cringed noticeably. “So help me God, if you tell me I have fish breath…”

  Robbie laughed, holding his hands up in front of him, and slowly backed away from me. “Hey, you know what they say about girls with fish breath.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Ha ha, very funny,
but there’s only one homo in the room. You know I prefer the cock.”

  “Mmm, mmm, mmm, I couldn’t agree with you more, girlfriend.”

  I giggled, slapping his ass with a dishtowel. “Now get out of here and go show Lance just how much you love his big, fat cock, before I hurl again from thinking about just how cute you guys are together.”

  “Don’t have to ask me twice.” He winked and gave me a quick hug before letting himself out of the apartment.

  After my stomach had settled, I managed to scarf down four thick slices of French toast slathered with butter and real maple syrup. I had no idea where my sudden appetite came from, but I grudgingly cut myself off, wanting to make sure I saved room for turkey and all of the fixings later on at my parents’.

  I cleaned up the kitchen and hopped in the shower, feeling a million times better after rinsing all of the sweat and grime off of my body. There was nothing worse than feeling like complete garbage when you’re sick, and I was happy it hadn’t stuck around for too long. I didn’t want to miss out on seeing everyone tonight.

  As disappointed as I was that Hunter wouldn’t be there, I was glad that we would still have a table full of guests. My mom practically adopted Robbie the day he moved in with me and refused to take no for an answer when she invited him and Lance over for Thanksgiving. Neither of their parents were very accepting of their relationship, but my mother, being the saint that she was, welcomed him into our family with open and loving arms. But my mother’s love hadn’t stopped there. Once she caught wind that Liberty and Shayne were going to be spending the holiday at his father house, just the three of them, she insisted that they join us as well. I wasn’t kidding when I told Hunter my mom made enough food to feed an entire third world country, and her motto was always “the more the merrier”!

  We usually kept things pretty casual around the holidays, so while rummaging through the clothes I had hanging in Hunter’s closet, I decided on a sleeveless, cream-colored blouse and a pair of dark-wash skinny jeans. I threw my hair up in a messy bun, gave myself an approving nod in the mirror, and slipped into a pair of sandals before grabbing Hunter’s keys on the way out. The fact that he allowed me to drive his precious muscle car while he was away showed me just how much he truly loved and trusted me. Hunter didn’t let anyone drive his baby, let alone without him being there in the car.


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